The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 11, 1942, Image 4
PAGE, FOUR fligi) Continues Wiinnting Streak Chip Betty Robinson's basket as the final whistle blew proved the ilidrgin of victory for her team in WRA IM basketball semifinals in White Hall gymnasium last night. Chi() defeated Jordan 33-31 to en ter the finals against Grange. Championship game will be played tonight at 7 o'clock in the White Hall gymnasium. Miss Mil dred A. Lucey, instructor in phys ical. education, will referee, and Jvliss Barbara Bradshaw, graduate a;:sistant in physical education, will umpire. • Playing for Grange in the finals will be forwards Nancy Shrum '44, ;711) Hostetter '45, and. Peggy Northup '46; and guards Neva gleterson. '44. Doris Porter '44, and (r\il ary Weldy '44. ChiO team will be forwards .Alice Burwell '44, (Mary Laubach '44, and Betty Robinson '45; and guards Fran .Angle -'44, Gladys "Yohn '45 and Eleanor Wills '46. Last night's game was nip and 111(:k all the way. Ralf_time score 17-15 for ChiO. Time and ;Igain Jordan managed to tie the pN)re, only to have one of ChiO's .busy forwards sink a needed bas het to null ahead. In the last few minutes of play, ChiO was 'four points ahead until Jordan's Becky Walker rang up two baskets in quick succession to tie the score. li. was then that Betty Robinson (...une through with the winning 4).-isket. Game high scorer was Beck 3, 'Walker with 17 Jordan points. )3D - sr WAR. BONDS A. Na .13Tio.D4ps Head Daily Collegian Classifieds WANTED Used phono-radio corn- RW (2)—To Franklin, Meadville, bination set. Call 4679, ask , for or vicinity. Leaire December 19, Cliarley. 3t pd 11,12,15 KRV afternoon. Call Wayne, 4859. 2t 10, 11 comp S COW WANTS JOB for room arid board. Leave message in care of RW—!To Harrisburg and vicinity. Fletty at Collegian office. ltpdc Leave Friday or Saturday, Dec. 18 or 19. Call Bailey, Collegian of- LOST--them brown spiral lab flee ' or-4186., 3t comp BB notebook. $3 reward if found. Ca)). Norm Howells at 3216. 3t pd RBM RW—Baltimore or vicinity. Leave 18th or 19th. Call Jim, 2474 ave message. it pd )s'OR SALE—Pink taffeta evening dress, size 16, and a pair of sil- RW—Lewistown, Friday or Satur ver evening slippers, size 6 1 / 2 A. day next week. Call Ben, 4304 Call Helen at Student Union. leave message. 2t comp 11, 12 - St comp 9, 10, Ii LEB PW (3)—To Greensburg or vicinity. YOR SALE—One billiard table, Leave Friday, Dec. 11, 4:00; re_ knocked down. Needs new cover, turn Sunday. Call Frank 4842. llut otherwise in good condition. )quire of Purchasing Agent of the RW—To Chambersburg or Harris- College: It ch 9 REM burg Dec. 12. Call Jack Taylor, 3251. 2t pd. 11, 12 KRV ) 0 0a. RENT—Large front room _ Twin beds, steam heat. One-half RW--To Meadville or vicinity Dec. block: from campus. $2.50. Call 19. Leave noon. Call Don at 2900. 2788. 3t pd 11, 12, 16 BF 2t pd 11,12,15,16 EAM YOB. RENT—Single and double B.WL-Brookville or Clarion De rooms. Warm. Close to campus. cember 1.8. Call Knobby, 851. Call 3332. Ask for Kimmel. Ad- 2t pd AF dress, 243 South Pugh. 4t comp 11, 12, 16, 17 RMB RW--,Pittsburgh this Friday, Sat urday or Sunday. Call 4186. APARTMENT—Students' modern Leave message. 2t pd 10, 11 BF apartment, 4 rooms, bath, elec trie stove, refrigerator, innerspring 'AV anattresses, shower and tub. Table , WARNER BROTHERS-"• tennis facilities. Dial 4042. 3t pd 11,12,14 RE ,1111 Rides Wanted— • BUY WAR BONDS /AIUID STAMP*DIERS rtw—To Harrisburg. Leave late Friday or Saturday (Dec. 18 and )9), Call 3420. Ask for Bud. 4 chg 138 9, 10, It, 12 (3).—Greensburg and vicinity Friday after 4 p. in. Return Sun illy. Call Frank 4842. 2t pd 11. 12 LF iitVJ (2)—Philauelphia. this after noon or evening. Call Larry, o,liBl, leave message if necessary. It comp )IW—To New York City or vicin_ ity, Leave Saturday, Dec. 19. .Call Norm or George, 2668. )1W (2)—To Erie or vicinity any time Saturday', Dec. 19. Caii 2,783, ask. for T<lidder or Mc Caney.- NA Dance Chairman Asks for Hostesses Coeds who wish to be hos tesses for the informal IWA Christmas dance which will be held in Atherton Hall north east lounge from 9 p. m. to midnight tomorrow should contact Norma R. Stern '44, who will act as co-chairman with June R. White '45. Proceeds will be utilized to buy Christmas presents for needy children whose names were submitted to IWA through the PSCA office. Stags will be admitted, and admission will be 10 . cents per person, Miss Stern stated. Music will be recorded. Froth Denied tale Permission for Games •First semester freshmen have been denied late permission for basketball games for the rernain der of the semester, said Helen J. Martin '46, chairman of the WSGA Freshman Council, at a meeting of the Council yesterday. Council members were urged to cooperate as solicitors in the an.. nual Christmas Drive which has been extended an additional five days in an attempt to reach the $4OO goal. Miss Martin announced that all freshman women interested in be coming "big sisters" to the incom ing freshman class should register with their hall presidents or at the office of the dean of women. Representatives on the Council will not be changed for the next semester. Meetings have been can celled until January 14, Miss Mar tin said. • WARNER ROTHERS• • . $ iim immi ; A NK \rim faTAT•- 71-t - E, DAILY COLLEGIAN Ousted Men Come Bak lo Tri-Dorms For One Evening "The Man Who Came Back" will be multiplied a hundredfold from 7:30 to 10 o'clock tonight when co eds in Watts, Jordan, and Irvin Halls entertain men who occupied the three dorms before the fem.: mine invasion. Approximately 100 men and 35 women from each living unit will attend the party, sponsored by the staff of the dean of women's Office and planned by Watts, Jordan, and Irvin coeds. Dancing will be the chief entertainment and refresh ments will be served. With :Miss Ruth H. Zang, assis, tant to the dean of women, as gen eral chairman, committee members are Virginia L. Carter '44, L. Shir ley Conner '45, Ruth E. Bollinger '46, A. June First '46, Nancy L. Lenker '46, Vera I. Owen '46, and Jean Weaver '46. Trustees Approve New Changes in Faculty (Continued tram Pace One.) . head of the Dußois Undergraduate Center, to serve as head of the, pre-induction facilities unit of the War Department; Everard M. Wil liams, instructor in electrical engi neering, for civilian work: with the Army Signal; Corps Aircraft Ra dion 'Laboratories at Wright Field. Philip K. Roos, assistant admin istrative head of the Dußois Un dergraduate Center, to serve as a lieutenant in the engineering corps, U. S. Army; Thomas B. Keith, assistant professor of ani mal husbandry, to serve as a cap tain in 'the - Food and Nutrition Di vision of the Sanitary Corps, U. S. Army. .Philip S. Fileip, assistant profes sor of American history, to serve as • a lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy, and Joe S. Levine, instructor in petroleum and natural gas .engi neering, to srve as an ensign, U. S. Navy. Home (c Club Plans Christmas Musical Home Economics Club will sponsor a Christmas musical in southeast lounge, • Atherton Hall, from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Sunday, December 13, Margaret L. Camp sey '44, president announced. Priscilla T. Cobb '45, is chair man of the .program, which will include a vocal solo by Mrs. G. 8.. Pope, hostess in Atherton Hall: piano solo by E..Jarie Barnes. '44; vibra-harp solo by Ruth M. Stein er '45; and a carol song led by Jean L: Miller '45. Members of the Club, Omicron NU, senior wo men's home economics honorary, Ellen H. Richards Club, and fac ulty members are invited, Miss Cobb stated. • Alpha Epsilon Phi will formally install officers in the Grange Play room Saturday afternoon. A party for members and pledges will fol low. HERE IS ENTERTAINMENT YOU. WANT! TODAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY she Women Understanding All, Why Not Move? We know that sorority coeds un derstand that each is to buy one 25-cent defense stamp per month. We know that they understand that money for the . stamps is to be paid to Greek treasurers who will buy the "bond-builders" at Student Union. We know that they understand that two months' worth of the stamps should be purchased before the start of vacation since a new month will have begun before the new semester opens. We know, too, that they plan to support this plan which fraternity men originated, because their own representatives on : Panhellenic Council voted to accept the de fense measure. Realizing that Penn State's sor ority women understand the above regulations, we wonder why they don't get over to Old Main and buy what they've pledged? • Seven of the College's 14 nation= als have paid their full quota, a few of these with some over. TwO have paid in part. Money - changers at Student Union have heard nothing from the other five. If Greek grOups keep up their lackadaisackal attitude, and they will if they run true to form, why doesn't Panhel set a deadline for the purchases? Such things aren't hard to set and surely the Council can agree on one without top much deliberation. Combining its annual Christmas ,and farewell 'celebrations, the Nit tany Co-op has planned a semi formal dinner and dance at the house at 6 o'clock tonight. . 3he MovieJ STATE— "White Cargo" Chi. Omega • will 'entertain _its NITTANY—"Mrs. Miniver" town alumnae and seniors at a CATHAUM— "The Black Swan" party from 3. to 5 on. Saturday, Important /I, ouncemend - Pennsylvania Greyhound Lines wish to announce , to all students that, in order to arrange accommoda tions for travel on December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1942, it will be necessary :to make reserva- - • tions by •purchasingyonr ticket as early as possible, but not later than eight (8) hours in advance of your intended departure time. All buses will leave on regular schedule from the Greyhound Post House. LEAVE STATE COLLEGE, PA. EAST BOUND WEST BOUND NORTH BOUND 2:55 A. M. • 1:10 A. M. 3:00 A. M. 7:40 A. M. 6:30 A. M. 7:40 A. 2:40 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2:40 P. M. 7:55 P. M. 6:20 P. M. 7:55 P. M. FRIDAY, 'DECEMBER 11, 1942 WSGA Drive Past Half-Way Point On the first day of the extended WSGA Christmas drive, $49.86 was reported, Miss Nina. M. BentleY, assistant to the dean of women, announced last night. This brings the total amount collected so far to $212.94, $187.06 short of the $4OO goal set by the WSGA House of Representatives. • Two freshman dorms, Jordan and Irvin, lead the living units. Jordan coeds have given $19.57 ; and Irvin has - reported•- $lB.lO. Watts Hall, transfer dorm, is in third place with $17.86. Sororities are led by Alpha Epsilon Phi with a contribution of $15.00, and Sigma Delta Tau with $10.50. At a House meeting Wednesday, it was decided to extend the dii-Ve until Monday. All coeds who have not Yet contributed to the drive, and those who • want• to increase their donations, are urged to con tact house presidents or bring their money to the Dean of Wo men's office. WRA to Entertain 51 School Children WRA will entertain 51 Boalsburg grade school children at a Christ.. mas party in White Hall from 2 to 4 o'clock today. After games in White Hall gym nasium, Miss Agnes C. Highsmith; - associate secretary of the PSCA, will tell Christmas stories, includ ing "The Star in the Well" and - "Santa Claus SurpriSe." Gifts will then be distributed. • , Members of WRA ,boards. and. physical .educaticin department, and physical . education majors are invited to the annual party. Sp,a ccal guests will . include Dean 444 Mrs. C. P. Schott,•Deari Charlotte. E. Ray,. . Mrs. Ralph D. Hetiel, and . Mrs. Bruno Stern VENTURE...and ►IKANCE sweeps screen in glorious -1#1 6 14141614411 7 al