TLMSDA,Y, NOV)MBEll 17;-. •3942 Nlttany .:-.Hattiers-lapture Second Place In, I (4-A Contest Lion Cagers December 5 18 Players Report for Daily Practice Fitted - against the • best teams-of tlie,..past -in • a 3 l r game schedule, tionxx state'§• baske;tqers , open. their winter campaign at Rec Hall De cember 5 , with the. .Ww.-aYS•sfOrmid , able Washington and - -Jefferson cazers. • T..,,a,unching. his seventh, seas.on, as head mentor of .Perin State's bas ketball. Saes, Coach lohix.l 4 awither wilt have almost, the. same team: .that won 17 - and lost two last sea son. Three of 'last year's District Two championship cagers have. been lost—co-captains Dick Grimes arid Elmer Gross—by graduation arid Bob Ramin to Uncle Sam's Navy.. 'These three men will not be so easy to replace, however. Elmer Gross was a ranking forward and high scorer for the Lions-on 'sev eral occasions Dick Grimes guard ed like a demon. and, was strong on, the defense. 13ob.Rannin!*. arnaZing long, shots will long be. r.emernber ecirhy Rec Hall fans. Letterman 'Dave 'H o rn,s. t e i n,. rapgy guard .and, center, NvUl; fo'r 0f..: the . departed.: guards white rnen like Whitey Von Nleda, Jim• La..:Ayther, anot.sid:Cdnen„h