The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 03, 1942, Image 4

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    c Ph GIL' -POI -
Women Choose Campus Leaders
\Y SSA Finals, WRA Preliminaries
Sets libuirsday
Secanil Elletlion
'While Democrats and Republi
can:: are fighting it out on a nation
wide scale today, Penn State coeds
will engage in localized balloting
4.0 determine student WSGA and
WItA leaders for the coming year.
Voting will begin in first floor
Jounge, Old Main. at 8 a. m. and
continue until 8 p. m.
According to a recent revision
of WSGA elections code which
eliminated preliminaries, today's
WSGA. balloting will be final for
a)) candidates except freshman
fen ator.
. Since no change was made in
the original WRA set-up, prelim
inary balloting will be held for
o;ports group heads today with
finals scheduled for Thursday.
). - 4'inal election for WSGA fresh-
Anan. senator will be held with
VV RA finals.
Decision of WSGA Senate to
drop preliminaries was brought
about by the fact that no addition
al nominees, with the exception of
one for freshman senator, were
presented from. the floor at the
joint nominations mass meeting
Wednesday night.
Dorothy K. Brunner '44, who
);served as acting WSGA head while
O?rq9ident Margaret. K. Sherman
'43 was attending. Merrill-Palmer
6ch901, last night reminded all
.coeds to participate in elections.
`Women students are urged to
;come and vote for the candidates
they consider most capable," Miss
lArunner said. "Democracy is sup
posed,,to be government by the
*naojrity, but when only a few
(enter into balloting, we have mi-
Inority control."
Stressing importance of prelim
inaries in the popular vote sys
tem, Ann Drivas • '43, WRA presi-.
dent, added 'Physical fitness is the
top theme in the country at the
present- time. WRA is the campus
organization which stands for
physical fitness." •
Newly-elected- W S G A officers,
except freshman senator, will be
• installed in Atherton northeast
lounge -tomorrow, Miss Brunner
revealed recently. - WRA installa
tion date has not been set, accord
ing to Miss Drivas.
WSGA candidates include presi:
dent, Dorothy L. Jones '44, Ruth
N 4. Storer '44; vice-president, Pat
ricia Diener '45, Kathleen M. Os
cood '45; senior senator, Frances
DA - . Angle, H. Anne Carruthers;
treasurer, Patricia Hallberg '46,
'ochelle Meisel '46; junior sena
tor, Jeanne B. Ogden; Alice R. Fox.
Sophomore senator, Nancy Fer
ris, Helen L. Martin; independent
uonator, Miss Brunner, Grace E.
Sammons '44; town senator, Eliza
tieth Furst '45, Dorothy Shigley
'46; freshman senator, Phyllis De
auriac, Jane Dye, Virginia Sykes.
WRA nominees are president,
Grace L. Judge '44, Adele J. Levin
'44, Margaret K. Ramaley '44;
Vice-president, Priscilla T. Cobb
'46, Elizabeth L. McGee '45, Joan
7C. Miller '45; treasurer, Anne
FTheilield '44, Mary Grace Longe
mcker '45, Vivian I. Martin '45;
taiiihomore representative, Julia
Gilbert, and Betty Pike.
faculty!! Fraternities!!
Are you tired of rooms made dull and drab by worn floor
coverings? Mere is your chance to give those rooms new
pep and beauty inexpensively with beautifully designed
Sears Super-Duralin rugs priced at ss.9B—a $7.98 value.
,:~ ; w:;;s T ~>:
ti ;;
:~~; ....
Dorothy K. Brunner '44, left, and Ann Drivas '43, right, will be
replaced by winners in today's joint elections as acting WSGA
president and WRA head, respectively. Miss Brunner has been
taking over for Margaret K. Sherman '43, who is at Merrill-Palmer
School, Detroit, Mich.
Army-Navy Hockey Brings 4-4 Tie
in First Game CY "\nntual Series
Frosh Betty Pike's Army goal
in the last ten seconds of the first
Army-Navy hockey game on
Holmes Field last night, tied the
score at 4-4 to leave both teams
with an even chance in the 3-of
-5 game series. Second game is
scheduled for Holmes Field at 4
o'clock today.
Army's Joan Finn with 3 goals
led the scoring. Betsy McGee
and Mottie Haverstick each• talli
ed 2 for Navy and other Army
goal was Betty •Pike's last-minute
_Play in the first 25-minute
half was dominated by Army,
composed mostly of the cham
pionship frosh team.. Except for
the initial Navy goal, tallied in
the first feNV minutes of play, the
Army forward line kept Navy's
goalie Ann Sheffield busy. Dis
playing.excellent stickwork, Joan
Finn playing center forward for
Army, tallied 2 goals to make the
half-time count 2-1 for Army.
Navy's bid for victory did not
come until half-way through the
final period. Betsy McGee twice
carried the play into Army terri
tory to score 2 goals, and aid
Mottie Haverstick in tallying a
third. Maneuvering Army goalie
Skip Scrivanich out of position.
Betsy made 1 of her 2 scores with
no assistance.
• Navy players inclueed Ann
Sheffield, goalie; Sal Hostetter,
left full, Mildred Cookerly, right
full; Marge Lyons,, left half;
Velma Elder, center half; Mary
Elizabeth Weldy, right half.
Anna Dale, left wing; Betsy
McGee, inside left; Mottie Haver
stick, center forward; Betty
Robinson, inside right; and Pat
Aloe, right wing.
Army lineup was Skip Scriva
nich, goalie; 'Olive Wyatt, left
full; Mary Ann Jennings, right
full; Marge Raines, left half;
It's Time To Retire
Eleanor Wills, center half; Arda
Ostermayer, right half. Lou
Schlichter, left wing; Dorcas
Newcomer, inside left; Joan Finn,
center forward; Betty Pike, inside
right; and Peggy Quick,., right
L 0 S T Shaeffer Lifetime Vac-
umatic pen in Room 8 L. A.
Wed. Reward. Call Joe 4071.
LOST—Brown silk change purse
containing. lipstick, - key to room
225 Atherton. Finder call 225
Atherton. ltcompp
FOR . SALE Standard Royal
Typewriter. Good condition.
Call 162. Atherton. ltpd
ROOM FOR RENT—Desirable,
light, single room. Innerspring
mattress, stoker heat. Reason
.College, Heights, close to
campus., , call .. 2.464. 3tch3,4,5
WANT' 'TO BUY - Size 39 long,
double breasted tuxedo. , Call
Bill 873 after 6 p. m. ltpd3B
TO RENT—Single room 13a, Mc-
Allister street; Call 4368.
LOST—Black key case with
initials A. B. Reward. Call
Allene, 4th North Mac Hall.
TUTOR—For Mathematical An-
alysis 20, Contact George, 119
N. Barnard Street. 2tpd3,4Sß
FOR SALE 2 suits; double
breasted. One brown, one grey,
42 long. Call Joe 4939
---- .
, .
•• ...
RW—Two to Phila. Lv. Wed. 2, . -. %1 __
' 111111111111 . --
Nov. 11 afternoon.. Rt. Sun. ;_._.______
afternoon. Call Kiely 2361. Fliattericrog , / u-/'./ /
2tpd3,4REM I 0 ,
• jlf i
RW—Elmira or vicinity. Lv. Fri.
Rt. Sun. Cali 4929 Ray Becker.
Five Shades to match your
RW—Kane, Warren, Union City. complexion Neutral, Flesh,
Leave Saturday noon. Return Tan, Bronze, •and Sun-Tan.
Sunday. Call Weed 2007.
2tpd3,4,Sß 'New Popular Size.. Only 49 4
RW—To West Chester or Down
ington. Leave Friday after 3.
Call 4614 ask for Eleanor
Honoraries Hold
War Stamp Dance
Mortar Board, national senior
women's honor society, and
Cwens, national sophomore wora
en's honorary, will sponsor a
Student Union dance in the
Armory from 4 to 5 p. m. tomor
Admission to these dances,
held Mondays and Wednesdays
since October 19, is a 10 or 20' 7
cent war stamp.
Members of the activities com
mittee to plan new projects, ap
pointed by Mary G. Longenecker,
Cwens president, include . Pa
tricia Diener, Florinne E. Olson,
and Miriam L. Zartman
Greeks Present
Varied Program
Parties, picnics, and pledgings
describe sorority actions for the
past week.
Delta Gamma actives had. a
Wiener 'roast for pledges in Hort
Woods last night. Picnic guests
were Miss Nina M. Bentley, as
sistant to the dean of women, Miss
Ruth H. -Zang, assistant to the
dean of women, and Miss Mary
V. Brown, secretary to the regis
Alpha Omicron Pi pledges
sought revenge on actives, last
night in their annual goat party
held at the house. At the belated
Hallowe'en party, the pledges
tried their hand at rushing, and
also presented their pledge song.
D. J. Jennings '44 was chairman.
Alpha Xi Delta initiated Mrs.
Francis Reist Bush '43, Helen R.
ICeefauver. '44, Donna B. Minke
'45, Miriam Breneman '46, and
Jean S. Smith '46.
Zeta Tau Alpha pledged Violet
May Neagle '46 Saturday. .
Six BWOC's To Advise
Frosh Forum Tonight
"How to win friends and be
come a BWOC," will be advice
handed down to Freshmen
Forum by six upperclass women
in the Hugh Beaver -Room at
6:45 tonight.
Essentials necessary to produce•
a campus leader will be discuss
ed by Emily L. Funk '43,. Jean E.
Hershberkler '43, Margaret K.
Ramaley '44, Beatrice M. White
'44, Claire L. Weav6r '45, and
Miriam L. Zartman '45. These
activity women have been chosen
as a ,representative group.
Qualities such as dependability,
punctuality, willingness to do
small tasks, and a cooperative
spirit will be core of the discus=
sion. Each upperclass woman
will present her own formula for
a successful and popular , campus
v.oman. •
P ogr am co-chairmen are
Freshmen Jean Butz and' Vera
Owens. Lois Lunn and Betty
Ann Condron are in charge of the
worship service.
Theta Phi Alpha iniated Evelyn
Pompey '46 recently.
Allen St.
2t P 63,43a 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Next to Bank Clock
Chemistry Club
To Initiate 11
lota Sigma • Pi, woman's chem
istry honorary, will initiate - 11
members in 204 Textile Chemistry
building at 6:30 p. in. Thursday,
according. to Mrs. Nancy Bramble,
Initiates are Graduate Students
Mary Bowser, Dorothy Lyle and-
Ruth B. Warner; Seniors G. Naomi
'Billen and M. Jane 'Blackburn; and
Juniors Grace E. Albertman,
Kathleen. I. Baumeister, A. Jean
Campliell,.Ruth L. Popp; Betty W..
Story, and' Phyllis R. Watkins.
After a short, informal cere
mony, ~ dinner be, served for
members and pledges the Home
EcOnomics Maple Room. Dr. Mary
L. Willard, associate professor of
chemistry and a charter
of Iota: Sigma Pi,. will represent
the faculty at the dinner. Dr. Paul
ine B. Mack, professor of textile
chemistry and charter member,
and De: Dorothy Quiggle, associate
professor: of chemical engineering,
will be unable to attend as before.
The honorary's plans include the
arinuarlVlarie Curie lecture in Jan
uary, and Spring elections of next
year's - ' officers. . .
HE Dinner Guests
To Be Dutch, Yet
A Pennsylvania Dutch Dinner
will be served in the Maple
Room, Home Economics building,
from 5:30 to 6:30 tonight.
The attraction of the evening
will be old-fashioned. Schnitz • and
Knepp,. Dutch Schnecken, Shoo
fly Pie, and other "Dutch clelk.
Reservations can be made by
phoning. Miss Mary D. Stockton,
assistant professor of home eco.-
nornics, .4 Home Economics build
Vitamins will be the subject..of
the nutrition exhibit scheduled.
for 209" Home Economics from 8
to 4 o'clock today, Miss Marion
L.. Carr, assistant professor of
home" - economics, announced yes-
terday: •
Cornmon foods will ,be shown
as 'excellent - .•sources of vitamin
A, thiamin, ascorbic add, and
riboflavin. Essential in the war
effort, .right foods • and vitamins
play :--an important role in at
taining- and • keeping -good health,
Miss' Carrpointed out.
Shirley'.. , Pailiin '43 will replaCe
Edith • •G r afien—'43- as -president( Of
Sigma Delta Tau. Miss Callen
is studght:teaching at Johnstown.
With Well -•
Ladmiered Shirts
. 'YOU - CAN
or Satisfactory .
!,:aundry. Service
320 k W.-Boavar Dial 3261