The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 31, 1942, Image 4

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    ).'.4.GE FOUR
• ~. . i ,
' - olmmillilee . Names (o,eds, ..wili, Ma nage . . Women In Sports. -I. Coed : :Milkmaid ..>
3 Campus Houses .
To Be Chosen
Airmy-Hawy beams Second group of women home
. economics students will begin each position are selected from By JOAN E. PIOLLET quite a battle. Best players for
Played annually for years be- . .
their residence at the three cam- class hockey teams, and placed (Continued on page four)
fore present WRA's organization, '. .
brioclkey flame plis, home. 'management .houses .
Monday. Coeds who will be at . - ~. on Army or ,Navy list in an at
the' 'Army•Navy all-star hockey tempt to balance the 'sides.
• .- • • ment. of dairy husbandry; and
Dean R. L. Watts, dean emeritus
• - Hillcrest House are Seniors Mig- game dates back to when Army Army-Navy captains will be
of School of Agriculture, who
Erv,/enty-seven coeds were nam
nonette E. Frederick, M. Chris- team played in ROTC uniforms elected on the field prior to the will' give an illustrated talk on
'd to Army and Navy all-star tine Haines, Patricia Mac Kinney, and the Navy team appeared first game. With Miss Mildred "Wildlife Conservation."
trockey. teams, F. Doris Stevenson and" Jeanne Turner, 'and Juniors
'44, WRA publicity chairman, an- Cora Barmont, Gladys C. Beck, Blue wearing Band outfits. A. Lucey, instructor in physical Judges for the Fitting and,
• Judging contest are R.G.Blanes
itounced last night. Games, for and M. Jane Head. , Freshmen were required to .at- education, as 'referee, the two Bellefonte --- .' -
County Agent; Mt
which dates have not yet been Benedict will house Seniors tend years ago, and it seems to us teams will play for two out of -••
Juzi, • Harrisburg; ' Clarence 1.' , .
WA ; witt be played. starting next Helen L. Craig, Helen M. Fiske that present frosh should be in-
.three games. r
peters, Warrior's Mark; , J:;.• 13)
week:. . Dorothy J. Frank, Evelyn M. WRA is presenting its first Fall
terested in the games' outcome McCool, Lock .Haven CoU . 44,
Selected by a committee com- Fritz, La Rue Herwick, Jane E. All-College Co-Rec event from 8
for this year's Army team in- Agent; Prof. Roscoe R. Wekli,
poaed of. Miss Mildred -A. Lucey, Neal, and Dorothy E. Seitz. Home tc 11 o'clock tonight. Similar Co- Prof. Robert .H. 'Olmstead,. and
instructor• in. physical education, Economics Seniors Marjorie R. eludes. almost the entire frosh Rec Nights were sponsored' dur- Prof. Joseph C. Nake'ofte'•:: .7.'.' ~ '
troekey team captains, and Grace Chambers, Mary A. Fox, Pauline team. . ' ing Summer semester, and proved . Student managers 'of . the .Fit-
).4. Judge '44, WRA intramural M. Kline, Margaret M. Rizza, Navy team has a slight edge in very successful. ' Planned for tang and Judging contest ai.e : ,td-I
trianage.r, . the Army and Navy and Dorothy A. Young and Jun- games, boasting a string 'of 5 students' entertainment, roller. ward C.. Barben.,43,
.manager' - ;cif
4.earns will play for the best of iors Lucille Barton and Patricia consecutive victories until Army's skating in the Coliseum is sched- the Ayrshire ,
class '..assisted::: 3Y
three games. A. Middleton will live at Beech- win last year. With Army com- tiled for interested , persons to- Howard C. MasOn '43. - -Brown
Members of the Navy team er House. posed of champions, it should be night. •
Swiss Class manager is Glenn R.
include Sal Hostetter and Ann Kean '43; Thomas F. Crawford'
. .
Sheffield, goalies; Miss Judge, N ''‘• - - 7 • 1 •
50 • - • • . • • '43, assistant manager; Guernsey
right fullback; Mildred Cookerly, (-bed Candidates Activities iste • class manager is Glen -W: Stevens
)eft • fullback; Mary Elizabeth . Listed , '43; William. V. Wagner • '43, 'a§".
Weldy, right half; Velma Elder, • sistant manager;--Holstein :'class;
o et .
center half; Adele . Levin and John R. Dauberman' '433is , .rian.
Marge Lyons, left half. brat Elections Set For Tuesday ager; Hugo C. Montebell '44; ij.3is'-
,argt.. ..,yi.
Pat Aloe, right wing; Peg Rob- Primary bouts for WRA and
inson, right inner; Mottie Haver- final election for WSGA officers
.tick, center forward; Betsy Mc- with exception of freshman sen-
Gee, left inner; and Anna Radle
ator, will be held in first floor
al'ld. Helen Hooper, left wing.
lounge Old Main from 8 a. m. to
The Army team was chosen al- 8 p. m. continuously Tuesday,
most entirely from the champion- Louise W. Henry '44, Elections
Olin frosh team. Players include Committee chairman, announced
ship Scrivanich, goalie; Annette last night.
Keefer and Mary Ann Jennings, Elections on Thursday will de
ight fullback; Olive Whyatt, left termine the winners for all posts.
fullback; Arda Ostermayer, right Following is the slate of nomi-
Yialf; Eleanor Wills, center half; flees and their outstanding Col
3\Targe Raines, left half. lege activities.
' . Peggy Quick, right wing; Bet- WSGA CANDIDATES
`ty Pike, right inner; Joan Finn, • PreSident—Dorothy L. Jones '44,
center forward; Dorcas Newcom- acting WSGA vice - p re si den t,
ier, left inner; and Lou Schlichter WSGA • junior senator, WSGA
'and Lem Martin, left wing. sophomore senator, president of
' ' White Hall will open for its Cwens, Ellen H. Richards Club...
Weekly Playnight - from 7 to 10 Ruth IVI. Storer '44, WSGA junior
Iticlock tonight. senator, vice-president of CWeris,
Roller skating in
,the Coliseum Ellen H. Richards Club, Home
Cod event. •
from 8 to 11' o'clock tonight has Economics Advisory Council act
. .
baen. planned by WRA Club Ac-
mg president.
tiv.i l-College - ties Board as the- first Fall Vice-president—Patricia Diener
45, WSGA sophomore s e n a t o r,
• -
Cwent, Alpha Lambda Delta, El
• Roller skating.: ;admission - will len
~..... .
. . •Club,,Freshman
H.. .Richards
Aie , -39 cents for Men and' 28 , cents
Council....Hathleen M._. Osgood
for , coeds. Students may . leave '45, WSGA treasurer, Cwens, El
for-the Coliseum, a mile out of len H. Richards .Club, Home Edo 7 .
town. on the Bellefonte road - with noinias Club, Student Handbook
the organized group leaving White editorial ,staff.
Hall: 'at 7:30, or come later.' -
. Senior Senator—F ranc e s M.
• - •• - Angle '44, Cwens, Co-Edition busi-
CLASSIFIED - SECTION • Hess staff,•Lakonides, , WßA, clubs,
intramural sports , .H. 'Anne Car-
YJOST—Black arid-gold 'Schaeffer rutherl
. 7 44 c WSGA town • senator,
pen, in Home. Ec. Building. Re- Cwens, Education School Council.
ward. Call Rubie 4224. 2tcompAF Treasurer --; Patricia Hallberg
.., '46,. College choir... Rochelle Mei-
sistant manager! jersey class,
sel '46, PSCA, Freshman Debate. Grace E .Sammons '44, Ellen. H. • • - •
Junior Senator—Jeanne B. Og- Richards Club, Omicron Nu, senior - • •
William B. Hastings. '43 man
den '45, Cwens, Student Handbook home economics honorary, WSGA •
alter, Wilbur H. Guynn '43, as
editorial staff, Freshman Council, Victoty Award winner. sistant.
WRA clubs, Outing Club' president Town Senator—Elizabeth Furst '* . •
.Alice M. Fox '45, Daily Col- '45, Lakonides, Co-Edition busi- GE'To interviewCoe& .. `'
legian junior edito r i a 1 board, ness staff candidate, PSCA, WRA • • - '• ~ ', ,
WSGA Victory Award winner. clubs.. Dorothy Shigley .'45, PSCA..foriechnical Posihong ' •
Sophomore Senator Nancy Fer- • Freshman Senator—Phyllis De- ~ • . , ' -',./
ris '46, PSCA...HeIen L. Martin Mauriac '46...Jane Dye '46... Require Basic 'Courses
'46, Freshman Council, WSGA Virginia Sykes •'46.
Freshman Senator, College Choir, WRA CANDIDATES' To intervieyv coeds for. PersOik.
Student Faculty Relations Corn- President—Grace L. Judge '4.4, nel positions in the General EleC
mittee. WRA treasurer Lakonides vice trio Company, a representatiVe
Independent Senator —Dorothy president, secretary of
,Cwen.s, .will : meet studentsThUrsdaY atico ,
Frii:lay, ii was announced _last 1
K. Brunner '44, WSGA vice-presi- WRA publicity2 , inanager...Adele.
dent (a ctin g president), • PSCA J. Levin '44, WRA ExeCutive
Cabinet, Forensic Council, Student Board, treasurer of *Lakimides,' Women who have 'background , .
Handbook editorial staff, Alpha 'WRA clubs, Cwens, Intramural' courses - in accounting,,•Vink, A
•ambda Delta, Cwens, Debate... Manager.. a\ffargaret X.. Ramaley Shorthand, or related busiii,ess:suli;--
... '44, WRA vice, president (acting iects, and who are hxiereited .I.ii'.
president), Junior Service, Board, Placing ,applications; may contact
vice:president of Ellen H. Richards Henry B. Young,.4Sistant - profes'- ., I
Club, - Home - Econoinics • AdvisorY -sor•of--EnglisfecoiritiOn; - * - Cati. 1 .
Council, - • Varsity ,Debate, • Delta W. Hasek,. econo ics
, departniCilt
AlPha - Delta, ' Outing Club' presi- head. - . -.: ‘H: , 4 .-"; ._ . ,i '. 1 .
dent, Players Associate. - * • ' - Similar interviews were ' Cori-
Vice• president—P ill sci 11 a T. ducted last week by a - represefita- •
By LOUISE M. FUOSS 'Cobb '45, -WRA . clubs, symphony tive of the Arnistroni * Cork: Coin- i
WOMEN'S EDITOR orche,stra, Ellen H. Richards Club, Pany. Of the 19 students contacted, /
* Home Econornics Club ' PSCA... nine were offered positionk:withi
Every preceding women's edi- Elizabeth. ... . •
•- , ,
tor his sent a special ghost to tell h, 1.4.• McGee '45, mtrmur- t h e cencern• - * '• . --:
al sports, WRA clubs.... Joan K: Miss -Julia - .G. Brill; assistant
us that we must 'write a final
Miller '45, WRA clubs, PSCA, professor of English. borilPOsitiiiii,
column. For the first time, in Cwens. ' reminded coeds 1 that `any ':'senior
three and one-half years of Col-
Treasurei—Anne • Sheffield '44 *Omen interested lit: apPlying' ,for
legian, -we are deliberately evad-- . - - - - - • - - ' - • •- • - •', - '
, inttamural, sports, Alpha Lambda positions at the - FrankfOtd - Arsenal , ,
ing an assignment. - Delta, Cirepi, .College .0 hoir, • in Philadelphia, shotild :See •heiras , 1
Traditionally, we would talk PSCA. : :Mark orice'Longenecker.` aoon as possible. Any. haSiCl-041.- ,
about Printer's ink, linotypes, and
'45, president of Ciiens, LEikon.-neering,traillizig. is.".the,ohly '.1'61' 4 ,
the joy of knowing the reasons
behind -next week's news. We ides, WRA' clubs, Co-Edition edi- cipirenient - for'iui•b;', - AiliSliediits."; - ".•
LOST—Black and gold Schaeffer • tonal staff candidate. : . Vivian . l'.• • -- . '
fountain pen in Home Econom'- ~ • could apologize to people Whom ,
• Martin '4s,'•LakonideS, Physical
cur" convictions . have • offended
*es . building. Reward. Call Rubie
2tcompAF Six 'Coeds Practice • • Education Student Council; WRA
41224, and thank our friends. We might clubi, -Cwens. •
LOS - For Milking (ontesil even tell you what Collegian has .sopho m o r e Representative—
done for us, what we've tried to JUlia Gilbert '46, College.' Choir,
umatic pen in „Room 8 L. A. . Great, great grandma will feel do for it, and how much we have. WSGA elections committee... Be
t Reward. Call Joe 4071. right at home on at least one part enjoyed being women's editor. ty Pike '46, Freshman WRA. - rep-.
3tcompo3l,N3,4GC of the Penn State campus this Somehow, we don't like to locik resentative, intramural .spo r t s,
COEDS—Casual Suits in a •new afternoon.
~,' back. Just as the presses stop WRA clubs. Home Economics Club,'
At that time six of her off- rolling after the last paper has PSCA. • - -
assortment of Shetlands, Tweeds
and Flannels , at Paul Mitten's, spring, returning to the tasks of been printed, so we want to aeave
*17.95 to $24.95. ••licha the pioneering days, will again
fi C
n is ollegian now that our job is I
milk cows. hed. f
LOST Brown wallet, initial H. The occasion will be the an- The .presses never retract what
Contains important papers. Re- nual Coed • Milking Contest, a they have printed, never explain,
turn to Harvey Schemer.• Ca 11 hum(orous feature included in never predict. They do their job
4933. Reward offered.. ltpd the Dairy Show which will be and stop, quickly and without
ANYONE FINDING gold key held. in the Stock Judging ceremony. We have written only
chain with 8 keys on it please, Pavilion. what we believed and have done
Already practicing for the what we thought was right. Our
please call Elynore, 202 Mac work is done.
nal). ltch3lG right to be "Penn State's Champ- .
ion Dairymaid," are Verna Roth- Monday, A new women's editor
FOR SAL)✓---Tuxedo, midnight ermel, Margaret Bugainch, Hilda will take over. We know that
blue. Size: 37 regular. Perfect Heydt, Rebecca Way, Joan Som- she will do a good job. It's time
condition. Call 4933, ask for Ben- ers, and Molly Pickering. for us to go now.
,sett., lltpdAF
WANTS—Po buy size 39 long
double .breasted tuxedo. Call
Dill 883 after 6 p. rn. ltpdGC Wanted.—
VW'--To • York; Leave Friday af
ternoon aI; 3:30; Back Sunday.
Call 2930.
li\V—Philadelphia for Penn genie
Leave Friday; return Sunday
(Ilan George or Mickey 2700. •
' The new .
are now on display .
We, she Women
The Jobe Is Done--
Its Time To Go .
Dorothy- Gr
See yoUrself as "you" want to
loOk with lips modeled after
those of . a . fainous. beauty. Six
- distinctive lip shapes on heavy
cellophane.... Let your mirror
demonstrate the best lip make-,
'up for every mood.
Lip .Service s Free with .
New. Dorothy Gray
Lipstick at •
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,F.pqtlon Phi-pledged , ,Rhea