The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 31, 1942, Image 3

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ATtrft'DAY;''.OOTOBE'R 31; : 19'42
Many Lion football TeaTseeks 4th Season Win
gains! Bill Kern's Twiceleaten Mountaineers Today
Higginsmen Rated
Pre-Game Favorites
Special To The Collegian
, UNIONTOWN, PA., Oct. 30—
Unbeaten in their last 10 gridiron
encounters, and in quest of their
114urth win of the current season,
211 Nittany Lion football players
. 4 1stopped here today enroute to ,Mor-
eintown, West Virginia . .. Early to
norrow morning the gridders will
pUsh on the •Mountaineer den
"where they will battle • the twice
*ten football squad of Coach Bill
It will be the Homecoming Day,
an estimated 15,000 West Vir
,inia alumni, and the Mountain
eers bOast thtt they are going to
make 'tip for the losses that they
suffered at the hands of Boston
College and Fordham earlier in the
Experts are rating the Lions 8
5 favorites. But a Blue and
hitetearn has never been able
to defeat a Mountaineer squad on
p• West Virginia gridiron.
With the return of Quentin 'Bar
the Mountaineers' great
lartei . back to the lineup, Coach;
;ill Kerr will be able to start
;even men that started against the,
ions last year. . • •
the•entire backfield of 'Barnette,
Ike. Martin ; , Dick McElwee and
Shiadei were - starters last year,
).n . the. Lions. squeezed throUgh . .
close 7 to 0 victory. ' .
. Benjatnin, Mountaineer center;
who ls•rated• the best •iine-baCker-
Up in the. district,. Beeish,-Veteran,
guard; and • Spelock,: rangy:. end,';
---. .74180. in :the lineup .'at•NeW:-
:airer. Field last Fa 11:.., .;.. :,•, • •:::.',:•:,:
' -•: • ... 1 . ' Lions 'lip" 1 . • , i.':'s;' ; . '..
Lacking the offenSiVe punch that
is: characterized . Higgins' -teams .;
.the last • wee seasons,: the .
!urient crop I . Of .Lions are,
~ h0w 7 , ...-•
;yer;. : .'opportunists" - when , -:. it.
Jams to scoring.. . .- , .: • • .
'Realizing that .in West - -Virginia; , -
*Or , have a very formidable - cb.: . -
ietient,:.the Lions have . been dril 7 '
ig, ,intensively . all . weetc..for .the
10; 1 "We're . ready," was the On
isus among the squad•membera '
they left State , College, this
°thing.' • .
Coach Higgins 'lndicated this ai
,..noOn, . that .Bobby Williams,
Whose "ekcellent pass to Cliff 'st.
Clair • spored the ;winning . 'touch
d.oo)n 'againat . Colgate- laSt week,
"'ill see plentynf actionitomorrow
',and_ 'when, the' Lions' -ground .
. .
:ack 'fails. *to click• through 'the Fish b urn 'fisls4lusic.
intairieers Veterart-line. . ' *
.. -
. :. :Moore, Walters Start. Grads' In Service Bands
Higgins- - will field the 'same team
,morrow that opened 'the - game • (Continued .from Page One)
igainst Colgaie.•Red Moore, sopho- Majors in Aririy hands are Corp.
lore' tackle, will remain in the F. A. • McCormack, Windsor Locks,
nip- -•in favor 'of - "Big Mike" Conn., and
. - Pfc'. --- Carl Sassman,
A:11s:' ' ..- ' • Station HoSpital, - - . Camp Living
, .
'Sticky Walters; • who started at stop, La. . .- , .
• left end 'positionin the place - Pfc: John BriShine '3B is drum
*Wilbur Van Lenten last week,.• major - and . assietant . director -of
. Again- get . the nod; although the *.o.9th : A. A'.. '1 1 " - g Band, Atlantic
m .Lenten has fully recovered City, N. J.
.. , : .1, , - - •
..eOrn-hie-hijureci leg. ', . Another Penn' Stater at Camp
p.OS;'-;"-' 4 Lisiths" • -•- Mountaineers Lee, Va., is' PVt... jAck Platt,. '43 in
- " , 1.' ... Walters Clark : charge of canw music. • Other
. .,:'..Schoonoiier .. Kulakowski members of :his 'di - ass 'who -major
ti:".'f4;:••• Ja:ffurs • •'• , Peelis4 ed in music' are' playing With,
;Palazzi Benjamin Army' bands.;, , ,,'-,-They are Pvt.
:d..; : Ferugini - Corum 'Fred Houseman,. t., A. R. C. Band,
RI: . .,.., , Moore Dattola Fort Bragg, 'N. C.; Pfc. Dick
RIB. ~:. Davis . Spelock O'Connor', first' - band, Camp
Q.B. ~. Cenci :. Barnette Wheeler, Ga., and' Corp. Richard
''.i.H. ,-..Brown , • marun Shoemaker headquarters battery,.
~ . . . .
H.'.. St Clair ' McElwee
.in - care of Postmtister, New York
18... Banbury • - Schrader City.
Also in the Fort Bragg band,
The obscure author of Mein but from the class of '36 is Pvt.
1g:to be deprived of allhis
.aMpf—now who is he?=is go... Ernie Dolfi; Pvt.: Olin Butt '36,
--- 'Fort McClellan, 2r44„. .is a mem
ierican royalties according to
.ber of that camp.
Allen:•• Property Custodian. -
t'S . $30,000 that will never see
th* . light of German day.
" • Students! for Yew Parties
For the third:lime in as many sec. , sons, Lion football coach Bob
Higgins (Inver left) will pit. his cohorts against the- mountaineers of
Bill Kern (uoper7 4 right). Twice Higgins' forces have vanquished
Kerr 7 tutored squads. Captaining the Licns on the field will be Lou
Palazzi (lower left), senior center. Mountaineer Captain Quentin
Barnette (lower 7 i4gbt), is rated one of the best blocking backs in
West. Virginia history..
-Coach And Captain Foes
' ...,,-.....,1111 . 5" .
elf.!t- , ..,..... .. 44. '"
-- 4 ..
. . m.,...,..... 4 , 1 .
hooters Spend
hi idle Weekend
Since the . originally scheduled
game with the University of
Maryland was canceled recently
when the Terrapins gave up the
soccer sport, Coach Bill Jeffrey's
undefeated booter 'squad will en
joy. an idle weekend. today and
tomorrow, their first since the
season opened October 3.- '
To take the place of the called
off game the team will engage in
an intra-squad -tussle on the gOlf
course fields this afternoon. All
of. this. is in preparation of next
week's game with the Midship
men of the Naval 'Academy at
Boasting victories over Gettys
burg, Bucknell, Colgate, Syra
cuse, and Army, the Lions now
have only two more gameS to, go,
both away from home. If the
Blue and White can get past Navy
next week. and Temple on No
vember 21st they will hang up
their tenth undefeated seascn in
the last eleven years.
Allen Heck, injured veteran
fullback, should surely return to
action „against the Middies. He
made the mid-week trip to West
Point but did not enter the game.
Although he has been kept on the
sicelines by a bad leg for the firsts
Top Football Saturday
Features Army-Penn,
The 1942 football season hits the
crest of the wave today as several
hundred college football teams
turn into the second and toughest
half of their war-time schedules.
The eyes of the football world
are turned toward Atlanta today
as Alabama's Crimson Tide rolls
in to do battle with the University
of Georgia. Both elevens are un
defeated and will be battling for
national as well as sectional hon
Alabama has turned out anoth
er great football machine, remin
iscent of . the Rose Bowl squad of
Dixie Howell and Don Hutson.
Frank Thomas has fashioned a
defensive line that has given up
cnly one touchdown this season,
that in a 21-6 defeat of Mississippi
State. Leading the assault of the
Georgia "Bulldogs: against the
Crimson Tide will be All-Ameri
can Frankie Sinkwich, spark of
Wally Butts' high scoring eleven
that has racked up at least 35
points in each of its last four
- In the East the power-packed
Army-Penn clash tops everything
in sight with little to choose be
tween the two well-coached, well
manned squads. Syracuse -N. C.
Pre-Flight, Pitt - Carnegie T ec h,
and of course Penn State-W. Vir
ginia will be closely followed by
local fans.
In the scrambled Big Ten, un
defeated Ohio State will tangle
with Wisconsin, frustrated Michi
gan meets sensational Illinois, and
the twice beaten Golden Gophers
battle Northwestern.
Louisiana State-Tennessee, Notre
Dame-Navy, Stanford- U.C. L. A.,
and the attempt of Tulsa to keep
the nation's only undefeatecl,
tied, and unscored - upori record
unsullied, will partially round out
a . top-notch football Saturday.
Slate Ranted No. 11
4n Nalional Grid Rating
Probably the most favorable
rating given the 1942 Penn State
football squad appears in the Foot
ball News,.weekly gridiron paper,
in its Azzi-Ratem column credited
to William F. Boand.
The Nittany Lions are ranked
twelfth in the nation with a per-
centage rating . of 75.2 directly he
hind •the University of Tennessee,
ahead of such •as Illinois, Michi
gan, Louisiana, and• Texas.
The mount for a 5-inch anti-air
craft gun weighs about 24 tons,
contains 2,700 different parts.
When You Use . .
Our classified columns to your advantage and
results. The services it gives are many—the use
of space costs so little.
Something last or found. Something to buy or
sell. Use the .classifieds. IT PAYS.
Harriers Arrive
At East Lansing;
Try 5-Mile Course
(Special to The Collegian)
EAST LANSING, Mich., Oct°.
ber 30—Coach Chick Werner has
declared his cross-country team
"ready" for tomorrow's big race
with the Spartan harriers of
Michigan State here.
According to Werner, the team
is in the best of shape and no ex
cuses will be offered if they lose
to a veteran home team. The
Lion thinelads walked over the
course this afternoon, but will
do no running until just before
the meet which has been set for
11:30 tomorrow morning
As the lineups stand now, it
looks like a race to see which of
two "Big Four's" are superior.
The Nittanymen have Captain
Norm Gordon, Curt Stone, Mac
Smith and Jerry Karver-all ex
cellent runners with good records
this year.
The Spartans have four equal
ly great distance runners in Ralph
Monroe, Bill Scott'', Jerry Page,
and Horskie. All of these men
have had two years of varsity
cross-country • experience under
their belts and should be hard to
This meeting will be the first
intersectional meet for the . Lion
harriers since 1940 when this
same Michigan State team jour;-
neyed to State College and
trounced the Wernermen 20-35
despite a first place by Lion Cap
tain Billy Smith. . •
• Only meet of the season for the
Spartans ended in disaster when
Indiana swamped them 20-37.
On the other hand the invaders
have an impressive . record of two
wins and no defeats in competi
tion with Eastern teams. The
Pennsylvanians drubbed Man
hattan, 19 1 / 2 -35 1 / 2 , and last week
romped over Syracuse, 15-40.
• The lineups follow: •
Penn •State Michigan State
Gordon Monroe
Stone Scott
Smith Horskie
Drop-Add Checks Ready
Students who are entitled to
checks for subjects dtopped that
required fees can get these checks
at the Bursar's office on first
floor, Old Main, Bursar Russell
E. Clark reminded students.