:!'AGE TWO THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Et,Lablished 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance. established 1887, Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the rotular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-class mattr July 5,' 1934 n 1 the Post.offiee at State College. Pa.. under the act of 'March 8. 1879. Editor Bus. and Adv. Mi4r. Gordon Coy '4 3 1 41P > !INREIT . 4 E. 1,1Ecl? oElitorial and Business Office Downtown Office Carnegie Hall 119.121 South Frazier St 11hOlie 711 - P.Tione 4+172 Managing Editor Editor This Issue _ Awlistant - Managing* _ Assistilnt ewl' Editor _--__ Advertising Manager itanistant, A4y,txtising Niantler . . , graduate Counselor ---- Lnuis M. Bet Tuesday, October 13, 1942 A Drop In The Bucket 'Yesterday Interfraternity Council's Faculty Judiciary Committee released the statement that two fraternities had been placed on probation for violation of the mixed drinking partof the coun oil's dating code. Two ;houses are being punish ed, being made a horrible example by merely be jog placed on probation where they will be watched. That 'makes four houses :which have • b.aea penalized in the two-year history of the Code. Two houses from among 47 were picked to be *mid up as models of what the good fraternity rhoUldn't be. Many of the fraternities here are ~certainly not good as far as conduct is concerned. • Now many more than the three houses reported •• had parties where men and coeds drank together over IF weekend? A little observation would ~ ..bave assured anyone that the number of them comes within ten of the total number of houses, if not nearer. 11 - qw could Interfraternity Council or its Ju diciary Committee tell that two houses out of 47 bad mixed drinking parties over that weekend? Row does it know that one which was reported, •but against which no one would testify, was not a bad an offender as the two which had to suf fer. the penalty? And, after all, what does a period .of probation tunount to? It includes Senior Ball weekend, of course. Two houses wil ithen be the scene of no rn ixed drinking. Two houses, but they show that Council is still cutting down the mixed drinking ractice. The best of luck to them, but at the rate they have set now, it will take approximately 23 big weekends to complete the job. —R. E. K. Men Without Vote `'lt's never been done before," the Election's Committee chairman said, and then told the foot ball players they couldn't vote a half hour early, even though they were leaving at 8:30 a:m. Fri day to represent the College at Lehigh. •That decision was important because it was the first time on record a Penn State team made such a request to elections authorities; it set a preced ent that will automatically disfranchise any Penn Rate group—athletic, forensic, or otherwise—that happens to be away representing the College dur ir•ig •an election period. It was a well-timed decision, however, because it Came in an election when the votes lost could )iot have• meant the difference between victory add defeat for any candidate. It came in time to 1)e changed before an out-of-town engagement of :;nine Penn State organization is the deciding fac t.ir in a close election. • There is a double-barreled case for . "early vot ;lig." It would provide a normal voice in the Col :l(ge.'s government to students who are in the pro- C a:3S of doing something special in the interests of College. ft would also be helping our student system con fsirm even more closely to its model in the state aid national government, for the idea is the same that permits draftees to mail their ballots from Army camps and okays the long-distance voting of. our diplomatic agents abroad. The specific action we suggest is merely an•ad dition..to Article II of the official Elections Code, stiting, in effect: "Any student otherwise eligible, who is repre ting the College away from campus for the duration of the election, shall be permitted to register his vote with the Elections Committee be foie leaving." Let's Give Penn State's representatives abroad d voice in student government at home, Staff This Issue . Larry T. Chervanak Jane Nunths _________ Seymour Rosepbyyg _." Lee Learner Roenlind 136 e. er 118111M111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111110 '<l ,•[ Old 0 cup - • Mania... . nummimmimmummillimuminQuimmillaimitammilitiou We have decided to inaugurate a campaign to "Take The Slacks Off Slats." Despite past efforts to discourage the practice (they resemble the view one gets from riding a• horse backwards), more gals are appearing in bulging slacks. • To them, therefore, we dedicate this song to be sung while walking behind coeds in slacks: Botmcity Bounce Boyncity . r. Blimp I like coeds But not in a lump. Trivia PiKa 'Ben. Slocum trekked up from Fort Bragg over the wekend just to see Thespian Midge John son, . . . Anne Lambreeht, forfner Ferlfelio co editor who left college to obtain employment with the Office of War Information, is now undergoing officers' training in the WAVES . . . Walt Freunsch, , ex-Collegian sports ed, was seen on campus last week with his bride . Judy McFar land, AChiO, pinned fisigmakappa little Dickie Smyser at the Collegian Dance . . . And Gloria Knepper (with Mr. X) was also at the Dance . . Hmmm! Milt Calig is using his debating tactics on Frosh Adelaide Gluck, and now they are a familiar campus two-some . Francis Devlin wants it to be known that phys edder Effie Yohn is THE one and only . . . And we are informed that Irvin and Jordan lassies prefer the s-m-o-o-t-h (like a baby's cheek—both of them) fraternity men to the "dirty. independents." They haven't seen Bob Kimmel, yet. With Police Gazette and Flint Fun barred from the mails, Postmaster General Walker will have a field day when he reads. Cooper's latest Froth . . . A few more orch leaders in 1-A are: Teddy Powell, Charlie . Barnet, Kay Kyser, arid Blue Bar ron. Clyde McCoy's whole band joined the Navy. Since Glenn Miller's band broke .up three weeks ago, we see that 'Charlie Spivak got the whole trombone section and trumpet-man Johnny Best. Tex Benecke is joining the army as a private, and 'also, altoist Willie Schwartz. 'Thoughts Trhile. Shaving Working in the crrm seems to be a pre-requisite to making out in politics. Now that Arnie Laich (ex-All-College Prexy), Jackie .Grey, and Bob Faloon have made good, will Mickey Blatz be next? Well, so long folks. Remember that some men chase fish, and some men chase blondes. There is something to be said for both.• You can't k a fish, but neither dan.you hang a big blonde o your mantel. —Man' THE DAILY COLtEGIAN Women Picking Up Pieces After The Rush • Perhaps the October . IA/bather has affected our sense of humor, but we can't help being amused over the shots still being fired after the rushing battle is over. If the stories of dirty rushing tac tics were only half true, we'd sug gest that women replace men in battle. Beneath our amusement is a serious thought. *by 4.4141 .the houseS who persist in griping re port the supposed offenders to Panhellenic ' Council last week when something Might have. been done? 1:1•=21 Although some, mix-ups in fill ing out and tabulating preferential' ballots are inevitable, the nninber of rushees and houses who .failed ;to 'follow directions was -over whelmingly high. Members of the dean of women's staff spent hours contacting coeds whose ballots were incorrectly- marked; and pledge lists were received later than ever before. Partial explanation for the con fusion. is the 'large number of rushees. An additional reason might be that student leaders fail ed 10' give fresiMien and transfers the correct inforMatiOn—if it was given at all. • If the number of rushees is this large next season we suggest that Parihel Council'send its' delegates to dormitory hatfmeetings during final rush week With . samplebal- War Study (Cc!OrulT,sl from pie once) • subjects taken for credit. General chairmanship of the committee has been vested in Arthur R. W.rnopk, dean of "men. Sub-committee (a) Bruce V. Moore, professor of psychology, chairman; Professors, Theodore J. Gates, arid James H—Olewine, Commander "Nerrnap. R. Sparks, and Jerome H. Blakeslee '43. Subcommittee (b), -Russell .E. Clark,. College Bursar, chairman; Ernest W. Callenbach, professor of poultry husbandry; Dr. Charles D. Dietterich Dr. Laura W. Drummond, head of , C.riPart meat of home economics; Lieut. Stephen B. Gilliard; Robert A. Higgins, professor of physical education; at - id Bernard A. Ples ser '43. • Subcommittee (c),. B, Kenneth Johnstone, head of - the depart- „ . PENN STATE CLASS RINGS' L. G. Balfour Co; 109 S. Allen St. in Charles Fellow Shop . . • •• . . . . 2nd SEMESTER JUNIOR Ist SEMESTER SENIOR. WOMEN WANTED! CLASSES RP AIRPLANE DRAFTINC SHIP DRAFTIN 44, NOW ORGANIZING If you are interested leave your name in Room 3.01 Main Engineering . . . Orpnitntion meeting will be held Tlitircl n y, Oct. 15, is Room 107 Main ... Meeting-classes begin 00. 19. ” NO TUITION-40. _!Eros See or Phone. Prat, Ili K 1 John tone for 'Figther Information Sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education. TUESDAY," OCTOBER 13, 1942 Campus Calendar TODAY WRA tennis club meets, , Col lege court; 4 p. m. WRA archery. club meets, Holmes field targets, 6:30 p. m. WRA bowling club meets, White Hall bewling, alleys, 639 p. m: WRA intramural managers meet, WSGA room, 6:30 Service Board meeting for transfer woznen:, 177 C4rnggie '44 11 , 6.!30"13. m. • TO•IYfq4RP I 4. 7 1, 94 13 1 714gc Ali!?.meets, !AV rooni,`i3:3o m. V.ft4 ‘ lnActts, Whit Hall rifle orto, 0:3; p. ln. . plpb WV.iO Hall Eyirin.4qiumi„6:3o. p. in: lots* and explicit instructions. After each rushing season, we like to ,point out that. more than 50 'per cent of the Coeds remain unaffiliated. Among the inde pendents are women who heye proved outstanding scholasticiM socially, and in activities. If you are a .freshman br trans fer who chose not to join a sor ority (or if you wanted to pledge but were overlooked), we hóPe that you .can keep your 'perspec tive. • Only during rushing is so much stiess placed on Greek :sYrn bois. and gold After that, only unintelligent and Uninforrn ed`perions jiidge. a coed' by 'her sorority. Donova4 tteleas.es Another CD List "(Continued fr01T,1..Pkt559 pet_ . o Clara t.'HoAct, oporge P`: •Hiln 7 man, Elizabeth Hancock, Muriel. R. Heckler,Shirley M. Hint, Ciar-• enee W. Hgnpt, Marvin A. Her rola, William E. Henry, Jara.o 0. Hertwig, Arthur J. Hepier, Nor man Howman Martha J. Hay-- erstick. Robert M. Horst, C. - P.' Henrie, Reginald L. Handwerk, James M.. Hall,- Ricbard L. Hoff, James K. Hu B. .gg,' Irving Jontow, Frank B Jacobson qavid K, Jenkins. . went of architecture, ',chairman; Miss Nina M. Bentley, aS§istant. to - dean., of 'women; Millard T. Bunnell, supervisor in extension; Charles L. Kinslop, protesor of - electrical engineering; .Major Guy G. ,Mills, and . Ilaymand E. Murphy, associate professor of geology.
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