The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 18, 1942, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1942
Duquesne Scrimmage
May Be 'Regular' Game
Lions Work To Develop
Potent Passing Attack
"Our original plans of having
a scrimmage without the trim
ming of touchdowns, kick-offs,
extra points and the like, may, be
substituted by a regulation game
With Dhquesne this Saturday,"
stated football coach Bob Higgins
lbst night.
"It just depends on what COach
"Buff" Donelli wants to do," the
Hig continued,: "I didn't know that
the goal posts would be up or the
field ready for regulation play
when we scheduled the practice
last week." -
Latest word from Duquesne is
that the Dukes will arrive 40 ,
strong early Saturday morning.
They will return to. Pittsburgh
immediately after the game.
• In the meantime, Higgins and
Al Michaels, backfield coach
have been busy .trying to develop
a passing attack from the material
available. The Lion's system calls
for passing from both the tail
back and fullback spots. With
the graduation of Smaltz and: the
loss of Dave Alston, both great
passers, the coaches are faced
with a difficult task.
' "
As things stack up now, Bob Cabinet Cuts, chintie
A s
Weitzel, sophomore fullback is (Continhed From Page One)
the best passer on the team ac- will automatically be affeCted,
cording to Higgins. Joe Colone, The dance hour change from three
frosh .fla'sh, and Sparky Brown
,to 2:30 was suggested because of
Can both do some of the tossing. the recent move of downtown res
'The drawback, however, is that to tatirants to. close. at midnight, thus
have Weitzel available for pass- eliminating students going out for
ing, the Lions would have to refershments after dances. Final
sacrifice Jack Banbury's adept- action on these proposals lies with
ness at line plunging, for with all WSGA Senate. -
of Weitzel's passing ability, Ban A sub-point in- the recommen
still ranks as the best 'fullback on dation • concerning Junior Prom
the squad. ' . provides that the present junior
. The tailback position, already class should
.arrange the moved up
weak in reserve power, may be dance although it, would be held
further depleted this week. Bud after they attained senior standing.
Davis, scrappy little sophomore The abolishment of decorations
programs for class dances ap
fleetback, has left school for a and
plies only to contracted arrange
couple of days for conferences ments for these. .Dance commit
with his local draft board. In- tees will be allowed to spend
dications at present are that .Davis money for decorations as long as
will become number 18 of the they obtain them locally and at a
LiOns service contribution. reasonably low price. Since Cab-
In the event that Davis should Met must approve: all class dance
leave, passing from the tailback budgets, it can regulate the amount
• position will fall squarely into the spent.
hands of
. Sparky Brown, who Hig- An, appeal was made to all other
gins rates as "an average passer," College organizations to follow
If the Athletic Advisory Board similar plans when arranging
rescinds the freshman r u 1-,e, dances. • Savings on materials and
Colone will necessarily be called transportation and ultimate lower
upon to do a large amount of the ing of dance admission prices are
passing, not to mention running the aims of these proposals.
and punting.
"Right now there are so many Smaltz-Krouse combination.
'if's' surrounding the passhoig In an effort to bolster the very
situation that it is hard to tell weak-in-reserve quarterback spot,
what 'will happen," Higgins stat- Coach Higgins has been working
ed. "One thing is certain," he ex- Schellheimer, former all-scholas
plained, "we aren't going to have tic tackle -from Johnstown, at the
. to compare to the blocking position.
Decisi6ri Reversed;
Two Football Games
Will. Be Broadcast
Despite a farmer decision, the
Atlantic •Refining Company will
isponsor the broadcast of two
Penn State• home football games
this fall.
A few months ago• the company
decided to discontinue the broad
casting of football games in light
of the fact that such, programs
were designed to stimulate the
use of gasoline in traveling to the
spots the games-. were being play
ed. But on the recommendation
of Washington, the company last
week reversed themselves and
will report a limited number of
games in non-fationed districts.
Last season .. Atlantic Refining
reported all of the major Penn
State games. This year, only the
Syracuse and Pitt—the latter over
an eight station hoOkup—will be
broadcast. As yet the stations
have not been announced, but it
is believed that - the games will
come over a Pittsburgh station.
The Surprise Band of the Year . . .
Bordo Elected To Head
Gymnasts This Year
Louis J. Bordo '43 will captain
the gym team for the 1943 season,
according to the report released
by Gene Wettstone, gymnasts'
coach after elections yesterday af
The elections, which had here
tofore been held during the first
semester of the school year were
postponed until the return of stu
dents not attending the Summer
Bordo has a long string of gym
nastic achievements to his credit
and starred successively in gym
meets held in the past few years.
At the annual championship tour
nament held last year to ascertain
the leading gymnasts of the sea
son, he won the Eastern Intercol
legiate parallel bars championship.
Owner Renames Car
(Continued from Page One)
car' into the pile.
Walking by the salvage pile
to an eight o'clock yesterday
morning, the owner spotted his
vehicle amidst the rest of the
scrap and immediately ran over to
the police station to try -to save
his "wagon." He had to present
his registration certificate and
sign an affadavit before he was
allowed to push the car from the
Which only goes to show that
running out of gas doesn't pay
these days.
"The Traditional Campus Band"
• Vocals by Betty Platt
• • The Owl Octet,
501 S. Allen St.
WRA Calls Coeds Soccer Team Wants
For Army Mule's Hide;
Golf, Tennis
Revenge For Last Year
Women students interested in They're not taking any of their
participating in All-College golf opponents lightly, but the one
prize Coach Bill Jeffrey's 1942
and tennis tournaments should
_soccer team is out to get is the hide
sign up on the White Hall locker of the Army mule, who so rudely
room bulletin board before Sat- interrupted their nine-year uncle•
urday noon, Grace L. Judge feated record with a 1-0 conquest
WRA intramural chairman, an-
last November.
flounced last night.
Opening with Gettysburg, here,
October 3, the booters hop into an
Open to anyone, the matches eight-game schedule closing in
will begin next week and con- Philadelphia,. November 21, where
tinue through the final elimina- they meet the Temple Owls. Four
tions in October. According to home games and a like number of
Miss Judge, schedules for the out-of-town contests are listed on
tourneys will be made and posted the card.
the first of next week. The complete schedule follows:
Hockey practices will continue
on Holmes Field at 4 p. m. today,
Miss Judge announced.
WRA's fourth annual open
house and first of the semester
will be held in White Hall from
7 to 10 p. m. Saturday. Archery
Club will act as hostess to all
women interested.
With WRA's entire building
open to women, the program is Purdy Calls Candidates
designed to attract coeds to a
building built and maintained for For Golf Tournament
them. Refreshments will be
- -
served. All students interested in parti
Upperclass women and second
cipating in the annual All-College
Golf Tournament are to sign up at
semester freshmen may obtain the the caddy house as soon as possible
new edition of the WRA Hand- according to an announcement last
book at the White Hall office night by Douglas W. Purdy '44,
starting today, F. Doris Steven- golf manager.
son '44, publicity chairman, an- Both men and women are elig
nounced last night. First semes- ible for the competition, Purdy
ter freshmen will be given copies stated, and an entry fee of 50 cents
at the WSGA-Cwens pajama must be paid before the contest be
party Saturday night. gins.
Subscription $3.30
3—Gettysburg Home
10—Bucknell Home
17—Colgate Home
24—Syracuse Away
28—Army Home
31—Maryland Home
7—Navy .. Away
21—Temple Away