The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 06, 1942, Image 4
PAGE FOUR CA Rural Service Committee Calls For Students' Help "Do you really want to work for the home front? Here's your chance," says Catherine L. Miller '45. chairman of PSCA Rural Service Committee. Because of the tremendous shortage of labor, this committee has volunteered its services, free of charge. in aiding farmers with »umerous tasks vital to farm (business. The committee is sup plying transportation to and from farms. Men and women students who have free Saturday afternoons are urged by Miss Miller to partici pate in the program (which is really l more fun than work, she claims). This Saturday, the Rural Serv ice Committee will help a farm er in Pine Grove Mills pitch hay. Interested students should sign up at the CA office or simply meet there at 1:30 p. m. The group will return at 5 p. m. PSCA Announces 3 Fireside Sessions Three PSCA "Fireside Sessions" have been scheduled for next week, Nancy J. Zartman '43, fire side committee chairman, announ ced. Miss A. Pauline Locklin, assist ant professor of English litera ture, will. discuss "Learning the ;First R" at' Sigma Pi fraternity tonight. Clarence R. Carpenter, associ ate professor of psychology, will speak in Atherton East Court. on Tuesday. "The Future of South America" is the subject of a talk to be giv en by William H. Gray, instructor in Latin-American history, in the Gamma Phi Beta suite next Wed- Ilesday. CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST—Girl's anklet. Initials J. K. RW—Lewistown or Philadelphia Call Coy, Collegian office. to J. D. Liberal ReWard. Call vicinity. Leave Friday, 4:30-5 2tcomp 6,7 C. J.K. 2586. 3tch 5,6,7GC p. m. Return Sunday evening. Call Reimer, 4935, or Collegian office. RW—Philadelphia or vicinity. 3tcomp 4,5, 6, R. Leave Friday afternoon. Call Jack Ehmer, 2872, noon or 6 p. m. ltpd 6 Z. WANTED—Candid shots •of cam pus life. Bring to 315 Old Main. 4 o'clock any afternoon. PW—Washington, D. C., or points en route. Leave Saturday, 2 p. PW (3)—Allentown. Leave Friday RW—Reading, Harrisburg, or vi- m. Call Chuck, 3216. 2tpd 5,6 M. noon. No return. Call 4850, J. cinity. Leave late. Friday or Saturday. Call Ruth Freyberger, PW—Columbus, Springfield, St. 417 Atherton Hall. 2tpd 5, 6. Louis, Kansas City, and Topeka. LOST—Pi Lambda Phi fraternity Leave AugUst 28. Return Septem pin. Dial 2878, ask for Irve ber 12. Call 4423. 2tpd 5,6 M. Kline. ltcomp 6 J. pw (3)—Sharon or vicinity. Leave LOST—Black wallet containing Friday, 1:30 p. m. Return Sun day evening'. Call 4125. sum of money and identification 2tpd 5, 6 M. near State theatre Tuesday eve ning. Reward. Call Peter Rutan, RW—Uniontown or vicinity. Lv. 2171. 2tch 6,7 H. Fri. evening. Return Sun. Call • LVBERAY .Reward for return of Nicalo 4255 slide rule with name Dick Rath well engraved on it. Call 851 Ail I Mi. 46 at on sheie k t. d i 0: t .t4' l iltOry ‘ Vatitei Ott , ' ! " '^ Take advantage of these bargains Thursday, Fri : , ...-.:- day and Saturday . . • Cotton dresses, now only $2.00 and $3.00 • .20% off on all slack suits • Large selection of hats for only $l.OO • and other similar smash. values You'll find it wise to patronize the SMART SHOP S. ALLEN ST. WRA Swimming Club Plans `Wheel of Fortune' Fun Night Colver Asks Coeds To Enter Teams As the main attraction of WRA Swimming Club's Fun Night will be a large colorful wheel of for tune, the club has decided to call the affair "Wheel of Fortune" Fun Night, announced Dora E. 'Colver '44, club president. Spinning .of the wheel will de termine the order in which 16 swimming events, including life saving, water safety, novelty, and diving skills, are to be competed for. 'Competition will be in the form .of teams, a member of every team entering each event. Time allotted to prepare for each event will be one minute. This is an excellent opportun ity for sororities, campus organi zations, independent women, or a combination of all three, to enter a team in what is expected to be one of the most exciting and out standing water : contests held in White Hall pool, stated Adele J. Levin '44, WRA activities chair man. Teams may consist of from four to six coeds, no one person par ticipating in more than four events, Miss Colver said. Those who wish to enter teams should sign up at the locker room bulle tin board in White Hall this week. It will not be necessary to list the names of individual team members until next week., If individual coeds not affiliat ed with a team wish to partici pate in the affair, they should also leave their names at the bulletin board and will be assigned to a team later. It is not necessary to be a good swimmer to enter the contest as events will range according to swimming ability, Miss Colver added. Final tennis doubles intramur- 3tch 4,5, 6 RW—Philadelphia. Leave Fiiday 4 p. m. Return Sunday night THE DAILY COLLEGIAN SUMMONS SWIMMERS Adele J. Levin '44, WRA activities chair- man, urges sororities, campus or ganizations, and independent women to enter teams of four to six coeds in "Wheel of Fortune" Fun Night. als to decide the championship re sulted in the defeat of Ath East by I<appas Ruth Moore '43 and Doris Ward '43. Scores by sets were 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. Juniors Pat Aloe and Sis Pelly defended Ath East. Chi Omegas were defeated in suonuuTtulla uuct/Cation 4C.tupuoaas last 'night by Thetas, announced Grace L. Judge '44, WRA intra mural chairman. Played in 15 minute halves, the game was nip and-tuck with a score of 38-36. As a result of the match, Thetas will play AOPis and Atli West will play Sigma Delta Tau in semi-finals at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday. Rides Wanted 3tpd 5,6, ' We l slte Women The Brakes Are On; Push Harder, Plea.4e First pressure has been applied to the brakes in an attempt to slow down on extra-curricular ac tivities. With a little more, stu dents may yet survive the accel erated program with few casual ties. WSGA 'Senate held no meet ing last night. Feeling that there was no busi ness which needed discussing, the group dispensed with the regular meeting. By next week there will, no doubt, be enough accu mulated business to make a meet ing worthwhile. Perhaps coeds are at last feel ing the strain of acceleration, or they may be realizing that there is little sense in calling meetings to find, after the last stragglers arrive, that there was no. reason for congregating. A similar step has been taken by one sorority. With little of vital importance to discuss dur ing the Summer, meetings are scheduled every other week. Some groups may feel that, since they have always held meet ings weekly, or bi-weekly, they should continue the custom. For those who are dubious about the advisability of slowing down their pace, at least a trial could be given. If it appears,' af ter dispensing with several meet ings, that too much work has pil led up, or that the group no longer functions effectively, they could again revert to a weekly basis. It would do no harm to try this sys tem as an experiment. School deans have . emphasized the need for diminishing extra curricular activities for more con centration on studies. Some acti vities are vital, of course, and cannot be dispensed with. Stu dents can, with planning, allevi ate the pressure of too much to do in an accelerated time. It's time to slow down gradual ly to avoid unnecessary casualties. Why not follow the -lead Senate has taken? Gamma Phi Beta will honor its pledges with a Vic Dance in their suite in Women's Building, Aug ust 14. Pledge Trainer Marian S. Owen '44 heads the dance com mittee which includes Virginia K. Tross '43, Ruth 'E. Thomas '44, and. Barbara R. Wells '45. TO THE LADIES . . ... . Tomorrow Is Really A New Day ... In Our Lives We are pleased, to present in addition to our Men's Store our new department devoted to r Lathes :Sportswear .i., This department , will be manated by Miss Dorothy ),,:.,'.. Spence of New York who Will be assisted by te, Miss Helen Frost of S :i g,te College ts:-• • . Be sure to see our ... K '.;,,,• Fashion Show at the St4:College Hotel $ , : . Thursday at 2: R. M. 1 -;::.- • 4 ;:.t . cHARLEe iI Ho p • . ali,. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 IWA Dating Bureau To Aid Panhel Ball Aiding in the success of Pdnhel Ball, the IWA dating bureau will help to get dates.for any sorority women who wish them, according to Marjorie A. Magargle '44, dat ing bureau head. Coeds may sign up at the Penn State Club, 315 Old Main, between 3:30 and 5:30 today, .Miss Magargle announced. Committee for the Panhel Ball, which will be held at the Nittany Lion Inn from 9 p. m. to midnight tomorrow, includes Betty Jane Haupt '43, chairman, Natalie A. Siebert '43, Sally L. Hirshberg '44, and A. Jane Alinnich '44. Nittany Lion orchestra will pro vide music for the informal dance, and cigarettes for the Army will be the admission charge. Coeds Collect Clothes Women in Atherton Hall north east unit are sponsoring an All- College clothing salvage cam paign,. Geraldine A. Custer '43, president, announced last .night. Clothing, which will be sent to refugees in the United States and abroad, will be collected in the northeast office later in the month. Miss Custer requests that coeds donate as liberally as pos sible. VICTORY VALUE DAYS!! PLAY SANDALS Reg. $2.95 to $3.95 $l.OO pr. • NURRACHES Reg. $2.95 sl.oo' pr. SPECTATORS Beg. $3.95 $l. OO per foot fromm's Opposite Campus -M. J. W