The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 05, 1942, Image 1

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VOL. 39—No. 49
Army-Navy Board
Blocks Air Corps
Enlistments Here
Because of a jurisdictional con
flict with the joint Army-Navy
Reserve Board in Washington
over the recruiting of college stu-
dents, Lieut. H. S. Engart, head
of, the Harrisburg Aviation. Cadet scrap metal, the College Board of All-College Convocation for both
Examining Board, will" be unable Trustees in their weekend meet- students and faculty members at
to- visit Penn State today and Fri- ing voted to 'junk the German 210 which the importance of scholas
day, it was announced last night millimeter cannon which has stood tic improvement before the end
by Prof. Robert E. Galbraith, Fa- in front of the Armory for the past of Penn State's first summer se
culty Advisor on War Service. 17 years. mester would be stressed was the
In a telephone conversation President Ralph D. Hetzel has feature proposal at last night's
with Galbraith last night, Lieu- - been authorized to contribute the All-College Cabinet meeting.
tenant Engart stated that his plan- cannon but as yet no plani have The plan, introduced by Donald
ned visit to the campus was post- ELECTIONS BOSS—Donald W. been made for its disposal. TheW. Davis '43, arose from student
poned kindefinitely, pending fur- Davis '43, chairman of the All- Trustees' action came as a result comment concerning the increas
ther orders from Washington. College Elections committee,. last of the campaign waged by The ed number 'of below grades and
The dispute, which' has arisen night announced that group's plan Daily Collegian to have the can- the effect they 'have on the suc
between the 'board in- Washington concerning . eligibility rules for non donated. cess of the College's accelerated
and local recruiting units over -candidates and voters in the NO-. A 'relic of World War I, the program.
the authority to recruit students vernber All-College elections. cannon was brought here at the Davis, and Jerome H. Blakeslee
in the nation's colleges,. has tern- 4 , 4, , request of President Edwin' E. will serve as a committee to con
porarily halted enlistments by - s Sparks, made in 1921. It was not tact President Ralph D. Hetzel as
traveling units in all colleges in ommittee Sets until 1925 that the cannon arrived to the possibility of arranging such
this corps area. at which time John M. Thomasan All-College meeting within the
Students who applied to take • -, iii Emily so , ■NE is-. was President. It is made of 15 KEY POSITION—B ernard A. next week. If the plan is approved
mental examinations from Lieu- Election tfigibiiity tons of steel. -- Plesser '43, president of the Ath- by President Hetzel, the date will
letic Association, announced la- probably be announced tomorrow.
tenant Engart today, and who face President Sparks first wrote to
the imminent possibility of in- With cla s s designations and the War Department requesting crosse • election results last night. The group approved a plan to
duction by their draft boards inclassifications muddled under the some war momento •tor the Col- Plesser, as AA prexy, has a voice establish a scholarship fund to
the near future, are advised to three semester plan the All-Col- lege, which at that time had . 1,800 in all managerial elections. / benefit students after the war who
consult Galbraith today or as soon .loge Elections Committee last night students under arms in the ROTC
4' 4 , * have been in the armed services.
thereafter as possible. ' formed a definite pOlicy concern-. department. He was referred to This plan also depends on Presi-
Suclv students, can still take ing the eligibility of students to be the Governor who in turn turned Kessler Elected New dent Hetzel's approval. .
their. mental examinations by re- candidates for offices and to vote the matter over to the State Ad- The fund, called the Service
porting to AltoOna either today in the All-College elections sched- jutant General. Lacrosse Manager I Scholarship fund, will be derived
or tomorrow, and, contacting Lieu- uled in November. The plan will' ' -At that time a bill was pending Plesser Announces from voluntary contributions from
tenant Engart who will be located be presented at the next All-Col- in the U. S. Senate in regard to student organizations or individ
.there during the two-day -Period, lege-Cabinet-meeting for , APProval;' , 4l - tipedal .. .iSf-- ,the'iVar - prizes," - and, sa .LObe'A...Kessler!44, is the new- uals. • . .
at the Aviation Recruiting Board: Donald W. Davis, chairinan of it 'was not Until four years, later ly. elected manager of the lacrosse . Their donations will be - tiled to
Galbraith stated that• an' ex- purchase war bonds redeemable
the committee, stated that Changes that the cannon was delivered to team, according to. Bernard A.
planatory order_ may come through at the end of the war. The money
in the election rules were, made the College. - ' Plesser '43, president of the Ath
from Washington at any moment will then be given to students who
' necessary because of_the fact that , (Continued on Page Three) .
and,that he expects to receive de- letic Association. Plesser is a re- have been forced to leave College
many upperclassmen did not re
finite information on what action presentative on the athletic elec- or who have left. voluntarily to
turn for the Summer semester, .Co ll eg ian . Pr e sent
to follow sometime this morning,_ W i ll tions committee which made the enter the armed forces and who
thus in most casesplacingthem
Since the Harrisburg .Examin- do not have funds with which to
behind their former • '
.classmates ,. in ' i choice yesterday.
ing Board will_be prevented from - . . Fifth War Film Tonight • continue their educations. Presen
nolastic requirementh and class Wilson Oberdorfer '44 and Her
coming to Penn , State until the sc tation of the scholarships will be
dispute is definitely settled, stu- .
rating. The fifth in the series of World
old L. Pickel, Jr. '44 -were named made by the Committee on Aca-
• .
dents who have their enlistment According to the plan all stu- War 11-movies, sponsored by the associate managers, and' Francis demic Standards.
papers in order are advised to, see dents will be allowed to vote forCollegianconjunction Daily in _
McDaniels, Norman W. Barrett, The plan includes consideration
Galbraith for further directions. All-College officers but only sec- with the College Book Store and
. for failure to raise enough money
Further information on \ enlist- and semester juniors will be elig- 7 Hillel Foundation, will be ' pre- and James M. Hogue, all sopno
for carrying it out. In this case the
ment -can be obtained from *the ible for candidacy. • sented in the Hillel rooms at 8 moreS, were chosen - first mana- money collected will be placed in
Office of Facility Advisor on War In_ regard to the senior class . p.m., today. gers. At the same time, varsity 'a student loan fund.
Service in 243 Sparks. election the candidate will be re- - The first of three films to, be letters were awarded to Richard (Continued on Page Three)
quired to be from the second se- shown tonight,_ all centering about
S• Ross '44,and Harry F. Kern,
-- -- -mester junior group but all stu- 'the "Dark Continent", is . South S.
. dents classified as jnniors, whether Africa Marches, an official produc- Jr. , 44. S ummer Session
in their first or second semester, tion from South Africa showing Herbert Kay. '45, will manage
will' 'be privileged to vote. the man power and material re- the freshman team next season, .
The same plan will be exercised sources of the Union.
while Richard Berkes '45 and Art Show Opens
1 with the sophomore class. Only Fighters of the Veldt, the second Solomon
Lubin will be alter
second semester sophomores may film, is an extensive review of
MOSCOW—The Germans have run for junior class offices but all South Africa's Army, Navy, and nates to first managers. .. The annual exhibit of work
advanced 50 more miles 'on the sophomores may' vote . ,in the elec- Air Force with emphasis on train- done in Summer session art
Caucasian front, and are now 100 tion. ing. Men of Africa, the third of r . . . • classes opens today for the first
miles' beyond Rostov. It is re- Exeeption was made in • the the three films, depicts the de- Ensign Jacobs Visits time in the Mineral Industries
ported that 50 and 60 year old freshman •• • class where both the velopment of Britain's colonies in Art Gallery. The gallery will be
Cossacks are riding against the (Continued on Page Three) . Africa. - ' Here For V-1 r V-7
open today and tomorrow from 9
German tanks with their swords
_ • - „ Ensign David I. Jacobs of the m. -
• .
BOMBAY—The All-India Con- ' 2 Naval Reserve Recruiting Service p.
gress Party meets on Friday to 2,834 Attend - Victory Weekend; will be in' 132 Sparks "at 2p. M. Winners of four place awards
consider Ghandi's sit-down strike ~- today to interview students inter- will be announced tomorrow, Prof.
Harold E. Dickson stated last
in his attempt to obtain India's"
freedom. Gandhi has stated that Contr ib u t e - 5,133.33 To Army Reliet programs, it was announced yes- •
terday by 'Charles W. Stoddart, Two talks, one tonight at 7:30
in the event that Great Britain .`• '
dean of the Liberal Arts School. o clock by Hobson Pittman, direc
grants them independence, he Penn State's holiday contribu- $395.82. Total costs, excluding tor of art at the Friends Central
that all
would negotiate with Japan in tion to the Army Relief Festival tax, represent less than seven per Dean Stoddart requests Country Day School, the other
students interested in any of the
arr attempt 'to convince the Japan- totaled $5,133.33, as 2,834 fun- cent- of the gross receipts. Naval training programs contact by Arne Randall, assistant profes
ese to move out of Chinese terri- 'seekers paid to attend Victory Largest single expense not sor of art at the University of
his office at their earliest oppor
tory. . Weekend, the financial statement handled by the executive commit- tunity. Texas, at 4 p. m. tomorrow, are
CHlCAGO—Reports from here released by, the executive corn- tee was the $1,750 donated by a scheduled. Both men are mem-
According to Stoddart, a larger
state that the AFL and CIO labor mittee last night shows. student to pay for Benny Good- A 'bees of the Summer session facul
aroup of students applying for
organizations may merge, uniting V-Weekend receiptS totaled man's orchestra. Advertising, ,enlistment ty.
e Navy is neces
-11,000,000 workers in one of the $6,077.05, according to the report. costing $172.32, was the -V-Week-The exhibition is made up of
before a Naval Examining
largest labor unions in the world. T. p source of receipts was the end executive committee's-largest sar 'y
approximately 75 oil paintings,
Board can be detailed to visit
A merger of this sort will end the sale of four-way tickets, which single expense. Taxes on admis- done under the direction of Pitt
seven- Penn State.
year disputes between the grossed $5,957.60. 'Special Dantz- sions totaled $547.90. man, water colors and drawings
two major unions. a-poppin tickets netted $69.30, Also included on the expense , done under John Roy, and a group
NEW GUINEA—AIIied bomb- while checking added $45.75 to the side of the ledger were $57.50 for PS Club Elects Prexy of, design and craft works prepar
ers blasted the advanced Japanese V-Weekend total. checking, $37.50 for the lawn dis- Charles W. Thompson '43 was ed under the direction of Amy G.
base to halt the Jap drive toward With most V-Weekend costs be- play award, $25 for S - clibbard and unanimously elected president of Gardner, associate professor of
Port Moresby. The Japs are re- .ing taken care of by volunteer Blade traveling 'expenses, $l5 for the Penn 'State Club at a meeting art education. Katherine M. Nor
p rted to, be using the mortars contributions, the expenses incur- doormen, $l5 for Thespians, held last night. The special elec- man, instructor in art education,
which proved so successful in the red by the holiday's executive $53.50 for College, labor, and $5 tion was held to fill the position Randall, and Felix Payant, editor
fall of Singapore. committee - amounted to an' y for a woman's attendant. left vacant by John C. York '43. of Design Magazine.
Late News
Flashes .
Cabinet Proposes Plan For All-College Convocation
To Help Boost Student-Faculty Morale; Trustees
Vote To Junk Sevenfeen-Year-Old Armory Cannon
Approve Scholarship
German Gun Will Go
To Salvage Drive
To help the national drive for
Fund For ServiCemen
The possibility of holding an