The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, July 28, 1942, Image 4
' PAGE FOUR Rothman' Carswell Capture Archery Title Bridge, Archery Contests Planned Holding the lead gained in the semi-final contest Thursday, al though reversed in positions, Jun iors Florence Rothman and Mary Alice Carswell came through for Ath East when they captured first and second places in yesterday's final intramural Columbia Round archery tournament. Miss Rothman led the scoring with 358 points, followed by Miss Carswell with 343 points, thus adding 8 extra points, 5 for first place and 3 for second, to their team's intramural score. This is the first time in three years that the archery title has been taken from the Kappa Alpha Thetas, represented last year by 'Seniors Ada Lord and Marjorie L. Sykes, stated Grace L. Judge WRA intramural chairman. All participants improved their scores over semi-final results, with the exception of Miss Cars well's semi-final score of 383 points which remains highest ~core of the entire contest. Final scores of other partici pants include Kathryn H. Thomas '43, Zeta Tau Alpha, 358; Diana Novich '44, Ath West, 232; and Florence I. Jaffy '44, Ath West, 205. CO-REC NEWS . Results of Saturday's co-rec Columbia RoUnd archery tourna ment reveal Melvin H. Wainer '44 as winner with a score of 396. Second place was won by Miss Carswell with 354 points and Hel mut Kuehn& took third position with a score of 331. After the tournament, students attempted Clout shooting which consists of shooting up into the air at a target flat the ground. Students are reminded by Adele J. Levin '44, WRA. activities chair man, of the co-rec bridge tourna ment to be held outside White Hall at 1 6:30 p. m. Wednesday. The program is sponsored by VVRA Bridge Club, headed by Elizabeth J. McKinley '45. Assisting with the progressive tournament will be Mrs. Edna C. Nichols, stenographer of the cor respondence instruction division of the College and instructor for the Bridge Club. In the progres sive system, the winning couple at each table Moves on, exchanging partners with a losing couple, Miss McKinley explained. "You do not need a date to en ter the tournament, but will be as signed a partner at the contest," emphasized Miss McKinley. Prizes will be awarded to the high man and woman scorer. SLIMMER SESSION NEWS Another outstanding archery contest will be the Columbia Round tournament for Summer session men and women students on White Hall field at 2 p. m. Sat urday, announced Miss Marie Haidt, associate professor of phy sical education. Anyone who knows how to shoot is eligible, 'Miss 1-Taidt stated. Miss , Haidt reminds Summer session students of Talent Night tryouts scheduled for White Hall lobby at 7:30 tonight and urges everyone who can sing, act, do tricks, etc., to he present. Dames To Participate In Exhibits, Meeting Demonstration and exhibit on conservation of clothing will be held in 117 Home Economics at 2:45 p. m. Wednesday. Summer Dames, wives of Summer gradu ate students, are invited by the home economics department to at tend. Following a sugarless cooker demonstration and tea in the Home Economics auditorium at 2 p. m. Friday, Summer Dames will hold a meeting. The nursery play ground is open to children of Sum- For Ath East Women In Sports "Hats off" to WRA for provid ing able leadership and students for increasing enthusiasm as they were directed o'er hill and dale on successful weekend bike and hike ,trips. With the co-rec idea gaining in popularity, just show WRA that you are interested and they will take care of the rest. We would like to see more or ganizations become as quickly ac climated to the "accelerated" pro gram. E1:11 It seems a shame that the free professional instruction being of fered by WRA Golf Club is not being taken advantage of. Supplementing supervised prac tice and instruction at Golf Club meetings on :Holmes Field at 6:30 p. , m. Wednesdays, is the profes sional advise of Robert B. Ruther ford Jr., instructor in physical ed ucation, when the group meets on - B etty Coed' the golf course at 10 a. m. Satur days.f I you own or can borrow a golf Assists `Joe' club why not try ydur hand at "teeing off?" Less than a week away, Victory Weekend may seem thus far to have been a man's idea and a man's project, but contributions of College women show that Betty Coed will be a big aid to Joe Col lege in this unique attempt to sup; port the Army. , ;Mortar Board, national senior women's 'honor society, has taken the job of inviting patrons and guests who will attend both - nights of the huge event.. By ushering at both perform ances of the Thespian-Glee Club program, Cwens, sophomore wo men's honorary, will offer its ser- Fili With six outdoor courts and free instruction available to all co eds, we would like to see women students cooperate with the WRA Badminton Club membership drive. Headed by All-College badmin ton champion, Martha G. Duff mann '43, the club meets in White Hall gymnasium at 7 p. m. Wed nesdays and is planning to spon sor a round robin tournament in several weeks. If you are , a nov ice at the game, let WRA teach you a new "racket." If you are an old timer, why not improve your game? We dare you to try to beat "Duffy!" Benedict House Honor Baby At • Benedict house coeds gave a party in honor of the home man agement house baby, Raymond Hyde, Saturday. A white lamb shaped birthday cake sprinkled with cocoanut was the table cen terpiece. Cupcakes, cookies, and gingerale were also served. Guests included Dr. Laura J. Drummond, head of Home Econ omics School; 'Dean and Mrs. Mar ion R. T,rabue; Mrs. Marion S. McDowell, Miss Della J. Avery, and Miss Ruth L. Bonde, associ ate professors of home economics; and Mrs. Mazie Hyde, the baby's mother. 'WHA Golf Club will meet on Holmes Field at 6:30 p. m. tomor row. CLASSIFIED SECTION WANTEAD—Freshman or sopho more boy to learn ticket busi ness - in preparation for full-time evening job. Call 4181. 3tch 24, 25, 28 B 4 4* . ** x ATE *AI * . . * 4 " **4 ** *4 * * * 41k, AR , A 1 ATTEND VICTORY WEEKEND PROCEEDS FOR ARMY RELIEF Stan FOR FREEDOM This space donated by Alpha Phi Omega National Boy Scout Fraternity THE DAILY COLLEGIAN HEc Will Sponsor Tea, Demonstration "Cakes and Frostings—The Su garless Way" will be the topic of a demonstration given by Mrs. Helen Zoller, field representative and home economist from the Proctor and Gamble Company, Ivorydale, Ohio, at a tea given in Home Economics Auditorium from 2 to 4 p. in. Friday. ' The program is sponsored by the social usage and demonstration foods classes, members 'of which will assist Mrs. Zoller in demon trations, under the direction of Edith V. Harding, assistant pro fessor of home economics. Summer Session Dames, the Home Maker's Club, faculty wives, students, and . townspeople -are in vited to attend. Children may be brought and left in the Home Ec onomics Nursery School where they will be cared for by students under the direction of Miss Mar ion L. Carr, assistant professor in home economics. Punch .and tea cookies, prepar ed by the foods demonstration classes, will be served. Members of the social usage class will act as hostesses. Posters, signs, and special pub licity features are in the hands of Panhellenic Council, sorority ex ecutive group. With an unanimous vote last week, WSGA voted to present a $75 "victory award" 'to one de serving coed from each class. The awards will be made on the basis of need, scholastic average, and contribution to the College. Pre sentations will be made by an ap pointed committee during the V- Weekend schedule. Coeds Party The . coed governmental body al so appropriated $25 to be spent for Victory Weekend where it will be most needed. Individuals will prove valuable in musical numbers and ' other parts of the program which ap pears to be one of the largest stu dent projects ever undertaken here. Leon .Rabinowitz '43, Weekend chairman, stated last night when asked about coed cooperation, "The coeds are doing a great job to help spell Victory with capital letters." Rides Wanted RW—Bradford, Kane, or vicinity. Leave Friday: noon. Call 2324. 2tpd 28, 29 We, ...7he Wom e n You Can Take It With You— Coeds should receive an indulg ent pat on their suntanned cheeks for being so good about buying Mortar Board's defense stamps. Before we do any pa ttin g, though, we'd like to mention something that has been bothering us a bit. A good portion of the money spent on these stamps has come from noble Summer session women, and not from the coeds themselves. Maybe this is because Summer session women carry their purses with them everywhere they go, even to the dining rooms. Less cautious coeds leave pocketbooks in their rooms while they eat. Maybe the Mortar Bo i ards should make a weekly canvass of dormitory rooms to catch coeds with money bags.• We think it would be more convenient for the women themselves to remember to carry cash with them to dinner every Thursday night. Troublesome idea, i s n't it? (Maybe you're tired of hearing about defense stamps, too.) But let's not forget that there are sol diers and sailors who are putting themselves to a lot more trouble than that, and who are even more tired than you are. K. M. P. Trainer To Speak On Campus Plants ""Our Campus—lts Trees, 'Shrubs and Flowers" will be the subject for the 'fifth in the series of *gen •eral. meetings of the home econ omics department at 4 p. m. to morrow. Walter W. Trainer, assistant professor of landscaping, will lec ture as he leads a tour of the cam pus. All graduate and undergrad uate home economics students, who are interested, should meet in 110 Home Economics Building. Coeds To Broadcast Mr. Clayton H. Schug, assis tant of public speaking and wo men's debate coach, will lead the discussion, "Women in the Army," on a radio program at 2:30 p. m. Thursday over station WMRF, Lewistown. Members of the women's debate squad partici pating are Evelyn R. Wilner 2 43, C. Betty Friedman '44, Florence I. Daffy '44, and C. Grace Goodlin '45. 0f a1 0.6 1() State. • 911 e reran • • 41 P eSe lli • • • "f rbe . iES LET O o v i TEDN f rU ESDA:II 313 13 29 JULY 28 's o P. 9 P• 14 * friacets 55c tax included • Tickets Now On Sale at Student Union TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1942 Women Donate $45 For Charity Clubs In answer to a request sent to all sorority and independent wo men, $45 has been turned into the dean of women's office for char ity prganizations, Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, announced. Contributions which came from sororities, dormitory units, and Philotes, independent organiza tion, will be divided equally be tween the American Friends Serv ice Organization and the United China Relief Fund, it was decided. Commenting on the surprisingly succeSsful results, Miss Ray stated, "I am very much pleased with this contribution which has come not as a' result of a specified drive, but as a voluntary sacrifice." WSGA Junior Service Board will diScuss Victory Weekend con tribution at their meeting in the Alpha Chi Omega suite at 5 o'clook today, announced Mary Jo Powell '44, president. Buy War Stamps, Bonds Here (CATHIAUM • NOW PLAYING • In NICE WORK ~,,, :;,:t.IOU - c le at/WNW , ' 4 1 , • , • a .1,11 :,.:,,...,.., .., . ~..,,, • \.._. macponald Carey ) • ' U. l Robert 4en chleY r k Nciti 4, 1 imme»lww,:vio.'?.? r 1.44 I: 3:4 s'‘ ,„ ~Z.4\ Shows at .k•':- 1:30 - 3:00 4, + • "'' ----• 7:00 - 9:00