The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, July 23, 1942, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942
Lions Determined
To Win Remaining
3 Baseball Games
Determined to put their three
remaining . scheduled games on the
winning side of the ledger, Penn
State's baseballers continue to
work out on the New Beaver field
diamond, scene of baseball games,
tomorrow and Saturday after
After the heartbreaker loss at
Cornell Saturday when the Lions
were three runs ahead with two
innings to' go, then lost 8-7 after
they were unable to meet the Big
Red rally, the Lions will dig in
to revenge Cornell in their next
visit here Victory Weekend, and
to doWn Colgate twice in the bar
With both Lock Haven games
cancelled, only the three men
tioned tilts remain. At the same
time, it lessened Joe Bedenk's
pitching problem, for Whitey Py
er will be able tb start either
game this weekend, and only one
other hurler would be needed.
Most probable would be Sopho
mores Ray Bolger and Mike War
Eddie Tuleya, senior, who pitch
ed a lot in the Spring part of the
season then injured his leg, may
have completed his college hurling
career. Although Tuleya's strain
ed muscle has apparently, healed,
Bedenk didn't want the York lad
to take the•mound in the Cornell
clash . because of a possible re
Drills all week have emphasized
hitting, especially since the cru
cial slump in the pinch at Ithaca,
but it has been Bedenk's practice
throughout the season to give the
Lions plenty of hitting workouts.
The veteran coach reasons . that a
good defensive is useless without
hitting power to bring in the runs.
National League
St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 0
Chicago 2, Boston 1
. American League
Athletics 11, St. Louis 8
New York 5. Cleveland 1
Chicago 2, .Boston 0 '
Detroit 2, Washington 1
Stoirus• Hudsonicus. Logout??
Penn State's. Campus Has 'Em, Too
If you see a Scuirus tHudsonicus The bushy-tailed rodents don't
Loquax running across walks, lOok much' "like hostile animals,.
climbing the trees, scooting but they are. Professor green
through the grass or scolding and recalls the time when a group of
chattering on campus, don't .be students tried to - introduce the
afraid. 'lt's only the Red Squir- Grey Squirrel to - our campus a
rel. few years ago. •
Perhaps you've wondered how Noting the presence of the Grey
the wise ' little members of the Squirrel, Professor. Green stated,
rodent family came to Penn State the Red Squirrels became peeved,
and how long they've been here. got their dander up and with all
George R. Green, head of the de- their furiousness lit out and let
partment of nature education, pro- the Grey Squirrels have it, - chas
v,ided the answers to these ques- ing them from campus and beat
tions in an interview held yester- ing them so badly- that the Grey
day. Squirrel has not had the courage
It seems that the nut-gatherers to show his face around here since.
came here of their own volition. Presence of the. Scuirus Hud-
They are wild and have been here sonicus Loauax on campus has be
for an unestimated length of time, come a natural Penn State tradi
according to Professor, Green. tion.
Don't Miss The Year's Most INFORMAL Dance
REC HALL $l.lO Per Couple
Election Of Harvest Queen A t Su/dent Union Desk Today
Tickets At Student Union
Houck :will IRA his Freshman
baseball team on the diamond of
New Beaver Field on Tuesday
evening;' when - _ they meet the
Presbyterian's, league-leaders of
the State College Church League.
.Froth DianiondMen
Meet League Leading
(hurch Circuit Team
In their first game of the sea
son, the Freshman baseball team
will meet the Presbyterians,
league-leaders of the State Col
lege Church League, on-New :Bea
ver Field at 6 o'clock next Tuei
day evening.
Coach Leo Houck has been
holding drills 'for the yearlings
every afternoon and says that they
should be in good shape on Tues
day evening to play a battling
game with the Presbyterians.
Having won four of five games
played, .the Presbyterians are in
the top position of the Church
League with a.percentage of .800,
and will 'offer heavy competition
for the '46 nine.'
Starting lineup for Penn State
will probably be Jack Berlin or
Fred Shaw;pitcher; Wayne Kreid
ler, first base; Bud Davage, sec
ond base; Tony....Mazzocco, short-;.
stop; Jack .Gracey, . third base;
Jack Landy or Bud Waxman, left
field; Leo Yankosky or Jim Battle,
center field; . Bud Speizer, right
field; and 'Jerry Stern, catcher.
Fairmount Hall
Tops Irvin, 15-3;
Seven Tilts Today
Fairmount Hall, the team that
one week ago was resting at the
bottom of the Independent League,
continued its steady climb toward
the upper division last night when
they defeated Irvin Hall, 15-3. The
Fairmount ten since its entrance
into the league has pushed its
won and lost average up to the
.500 mark.
Berkeimer, pitching for Fair
mount Hall, allowed only three
meagre hits while his mates were
collecting 21 safeties. Eby, Fair
mount Hall short fielder, set the
pace at bat with five for five.
Section 5 action saw Alpha Chi
Rho gain' their first victory when
they registered two big innings to
outscore 'Theta Chi, 13-9. Theta
Chi jumped off to a four-run lead
in the opening innings but a big
seven run third and a six count
in the fourth frame sewed up the
ball game for the Alpha Chis.
Scott and iMapers led the Alpha
Chi 13-hit attack.
The final win of the night was
chalked up by the third place Jor
dan Hall ten when they withstood
a closing rush by the last place
Miller Club to come through with
a 10-7 triumph.
5 p. m.
Beaver Hdttse vs. Gamma Sigma
Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Tau Kap
pa Epsilon
Alpha Chi Rho vs. Kappa Delta
Delta Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Sig
ma Phi
7 p. m.
Watts Hall vs. Electric Diner
Mathis vs. Canal St. Firehouse
Sigma Phi Alpha vs. Sigma Al
pha Epsilon
5 D. m.
Delta Sigma Phi vs. Beta Theta
Pi .
Sigma -Nu , vs. Beaver House
Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Alpha Chi
Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Phi
7 p. m.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Theta
Chi .
Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Delta Chi
Phi Kappa Psi vs. PI Lambda
Tribunal Meets Tonight
Tribunal hearing of ail fresh
men custom violators will be held
in 418 Old Main at 7 p. m. to
night, Charles IL Ridenour '43,
Tribunal chairman, announced last
night. The meeting was origin
ally scheduled in the Alumni of
fice. All freshmen who received
cards from Tribunal this week,
are to report at this time as well
as last week's violators, Ridenour
IM Mishkin
Canal St. Firehouse 10 1
Matils 8 3
Jordan Hall 9 4
Electric Diner 7 4
Fairmount Hall .... 3 3
Irvin Hall 5 7
Watts Hall 4 7
Miller Club '1 11
Tau Kappa Epsilon . 1
Delta Upsilon 1
Phi Delta Theta .... 1
Phi Sigma Kappa .. 0
Beta Theta Pi 1
Delta Sigma Phi .... 0
Alpha Sigma •Phi .. 0
Alpha Phi Delta .. 0
Phi Kappa Psi
Delta Chi
Alpha Chi Sigma .. 0
Pi Lambda Phi .... 0
• W.
Sigma Nu 1
Beta Sigma Rho .... 1
Beaver House ' 0
Gamma Sigma Phi . 0
Kappa Delta Rho .. 2
Theta Chi 1
Alpha Chi Rho .... 1
Phi Kappa Sigma .. 1
Sigma Phi Alpha .. 1
Alpha Chi Rho .... 0
Sigma Phi Alpha .. 0
"Girl From Leningrad"
"This Above All"
To grill or boil over your picnic fire, making your mouth water
for their taste
• Fresh ground meat in pattiei
Choice meats ... make them rare, medium, or well-done to suit
your taste
Make Cook's Market your headquarters for returning
waste kitchen fats which are to be used for glycerine and
other war supplies.
115 S. Frazier
Nelmen Face Twin
Bill With Co!gale
Although they have won only
one match out of three so far this
Summer, Coach Ted , Roethke's
varsity tennis team will attempt
to get back into the win column
with a double victory when they
meet Colgate's Red Raiders on
the College courts at 4 p. m. to
morrow and again at 2 p. m. Sat-
The Lions were stopped by Col
gate in their opening match of the
season by a 6-3 count, but were
handicapped by the fact that only
two of their starting lineup had
had varsity experience.
L. Pct.
0 1.000
1 .500
1 .500
1 .000
Since that time several of their
sophomore additions have shown
a great improvement in their
game, and should make a much
closer battle of it both tomorrow
and Saturday.
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 .000
0 .000
1 .000
In addition to the two matches
with Colgate this weekend, the
Lions face another tough one in
'Cornell whom they meet in a re
turn match during Victory Week
end. Another match is being
arranged with the faculty team,
and an attempt is also" being made
to re-schedule the Naval Reserves
tilt which was rained out earlier
in the month.
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 1.000
1 .000
1 .000
L. Pct:
0 1.000
1 .500
0 .000
1' .000
L. Pct.
0 1.000
1 .500
1 .'OO
2 .333
2 .333
1 .000
2 .000
Phone 731