The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, July 21, 1942, Image 4

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OeMarino, Former
Dean's A id, Gridder,
Commissioned Ensign
'Ensign Danny DeMarino, past
assistant dean uf men and Lion
ioothall star and coach, was grad
uated from the U. S. Naval Aca
demy at Annapolis, Saturday, with
a class of 300 former collegiate
sports stars.
Ensign DeMarino will be sta
tioned at the Naval Reserve base
in Detroit, and will report there
O'or duty shortly. Graduate from
the College in 1938, Danny played
three years of varsity football un
der. Coach Bob Higgins. After
graduation, he assisted Marty Mc
.Andrews in coaching the freshman
grid eleven for three years, and
also served as coach of the Col
]ege junior varsity.
During the past year Danny
twos appointed assistant dean of
»len to aid Dean Arthur B. War
:neck. He also served as counse
]or for the men's dormitories.
;Dyer Stars i , But
Basebaliers Lose
To Cornell, 84
There wasn't enough Whitey
Pyer to go around at Cornell Sat
urday when the Lion nine went
down to an 8-7 defeat after lead
ing the Big Red, 74, at the end
of the seventh inning. Pyer was
taken out for a pinch hitter in the
As a result, the Penn State
haseballers are more determined
to upset the Ithacans when they
return for another match in State
College August 31, Victory Week
end. In the meantime, Coach
Joe Bedenk and his boys have
two battles against Colgate this
Friday and Saturday afternoons
on the home grounds at New Bea
ver field.
Two games scheduled against
Lock Haven State Teachers' Col
lege, here Tuesday and away on
July 27, have been cancelled be-
Cause 'the Teachers are unable to
form a team.
Three times the Blue and White
held lead over Cornell, only to
Dave them tied or passed. In the
first half of the fifth frame, Penn
State held a 1-0 advantage, but
the Big Red tied it up. Again in
the sixth the Bedenkmen jumped
ahead, 2-1, only to have a three
run Cornell rally send the New
York Staters to the front, 4-2.
Unleashing a five-run attack in
the seventh, the Lions batted
around the' list and came out on
the top end of a 7-4 count. It
was in this inning that Jack Bur
ford pinch hit for the blonde
Bight-handed hUrler, making it
necessary for' Sophomore Ray 801-
ger to take over the mound posi
tion in the eighth.
WANTED—Experienced coed to
sell shoes. Must devote 4 hours
daily. Apply in person to M.
Fromm, College avenue. It2o
FOR 'RENT—Very modern apart
ment, opposite Old Main, will
be vacant September 1. Call
Fromm, 2491. 2t 20, 21 S
turn to Alpha Sigma Phi. Re
FOR SALE—Alligator skin rain
coat, size 42. Very good condi
tion. Deveny Tailor Shop, oppo
site Post Office. ltpd 21
Shake Out Those Overalls For . :1-
- Saturday—July 25 HARVEST BALL Dancing-9-12
1: .
Rec Hall Music By Campus Owls $l.lO Per couple
DU Scrambles Section 1
Standings With 9-7 Win
Canal Street, Jordan
Hall Also Score Wins
Delta Upsilon put the skids un
der the league leading Phi Delts
by a 9-7 score yesterday, scramb
ling the Section 1 standings and
putting the Tekes in undisputed
possession of first place.
Among the Independents, . the
Canal St. Firehouse, with Art Bor
sa twirling, continued their dom
ination in the league when they
took full advantage of their five
hits and an equal number of Elec
tric Diner errors to register a 6-1
win. In winning this game the
Firemen got a measure'of revenge
for a previous defeat suffered at
the hands of the Diner. That loss
had been the first one suffered in
league play by Canal St. in four
Also in the Independent league,
Jordan Hall moved into second
place, breaking the previous three
way tie, when they registered two
four-run innings in topping Fair
mount Hall, 12-10. •
Mike Kerns, in his comeback
win for DU, also led his team's
hitting attack with two safeties.
Lead-off man Charlie Philips had
a perfect night at bat for the Phi
Delts with three for three at the
Nelmen Slopped
By Cornell, 1-2
For the second time this year
Penn State's varsity tennis squad
has travelled to Cornell only to be
handed a shellacking by the pow
erful Big Red championship ag
gregation. This time they ab
sorbed 'a 7-2 thumping on the lat
ter's courts last Saturday.
- Herb Kraybill, at the - number
two spot, and Bill •Lundelius, at
number four, were 'the only Lions
able to carry their singles matches
as the Roethkemen dropped four
singles and all their doubles
Cy Hull, Lion captain playing
at the number one spot, was turn
ed back 6-3, 9-7, by McNair of
Cornell, who defeated the Lion
star during his freshman year in
their only other meeting.
Kraybill coasted to an easy win
over Engles of Cornell by 6-1, .6-4
scores, and Lundelius came from
behind to trounce Bailey, 6-4, 7-5.
of Cornell lieuMS
In the other singles matches, Dick
Armbrust fell before the slants of
Frick, 6-2, 6-2; Stan Spurgeon
was defeated by Williams, 6-3,
6-3; and Jim Lawther dropped the
final singles to Adolph of Cornell,
6-1, 6-1.
In the doubles McNair and Bail
ey of Cornell teamed to edge 'Hull
and Kraybill after a long see-saw
two set match, by 9-7, 6-4 scores.
Frick and Smith of Cornell
trounced Spurgeon and Lundelius,
6-1, 6-1, and Updegrove and
Adolph combined to'take the mea
sure of Armbrust and Lawther,
9-7, 9-7.
Rides Wanied
RW—Philadelphia or vicinity.
Leave Friday afternoon or Sat
urday. Return Sunday. Call Ernie,
RW—Ahrilkes-Barre. Leave Friday,
4 p. m. Return Sunday night
Call Davidoff, 3218. •
RW—Harrisburg or Philadelphia.
Leave Friday and return Sun
day. Call George Cohen, 2700.
4tcomp 21, 22, 23, 24 C.
W. L. Pct.
Canal St. Firehouse 10 1 .909
Jordan Hall .8 3 .727
Maths 7 3 .700
Electric Diner 7 4 :636
Watts Hall 4 6 .400
Irvin Hall . 4 6 .400
Fairmount Hall 1 3' .250
Miller Club 1 9 .100
Tau Kappa Epsilon . 1
Delta Upsilon 1
Phi Delta Theta .... 1
Phi Sigma Kappa .. 0
Beta Theta Pi
Delta Sigma Phi
Alpha Sigma Phi .. 0
Alpha Phi Delta .. 0
Phi Kappa Psi ..
Pi Lambda Phi
Delta Chi ....
Alpha Chi Sigma .. 0
• W
Sigma Nu
Beaver House
Gamma Sigma Phi
Beta Sigma Rho ..
Kappa- Delta Rho .. 2
Theta Chi 1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1
Sigma Phi Alpha .. 0
Alpha Chi Rho .... 0
Phi Kappa Sigma .. 0
Golfers Win Fourth Straight Match
Taking Over. Cornell Linksmen, 8-1
lion Squad Now Rafes
As Eastern Leader Fisherman's Paradise
Knocking the Big Red for a Nets 21,175 Catch,
loss, the 'Penn State golfers storm
ed the course at Ithaca Saturday Highest In 9 Years
to defeat Cornell, 8-1. This is one Penn State fishermen helped
of the most impressive victories of set a record trout catch this year
the season and definitely puts the at Fisherman's Paradise,. near
Nittany linksmen 'in a class by Bellefonte. According to totals
themselves in the East. released after the close of the
Winning the only victory in the trout season Saturday, 21,172
weekend sports program, the Lion trout were caught.
golfers, led by Co-captains Dick The record, which covers the
Stephens and Bill Swan, swamped period since this year's opening of
the Big Red for the second time the Spring Creek project, May 15,
this Summer
Stephens continued his winning period in which the angler's "hea n
streak, and 'turned in the medal yen" has been •in operation, ac
score of the meet, a 74. Stephens cording to C. Ross Buller, chief
has lost only one match this year, fish culturist.
and that to Burns at 'Colgate, who Although attendance decreased,
is a local boy" there and has play- with 1,225 fishermen visiting the
ed the course for years. Swan stocked waters, more fish were
was • close behind Stephens with a caught per person. Fish killed
76. this season were 1,136 fewer than
Stephens and Swan won their 1941, when 7,563 trout were killed.
matches 7 and 5 and 3 and 1. They Second highest mark was regis
took best ball 4 and 3. Kirchner tered in 1940 when 18,750 trout
from Cornell topped Fairchild in were caught by 1,553 persons. It
was also during 1940 that the re-
Raider'sthe next one, 3 and 2, .for the
cord 27-inch, 4x and one-hzilf
ings, playing number four, down -
only score. Dick Hast-
pound rainbow trout, was taken.
ed his opponent, 3 and 2, and the McCormick duel. •
Lion players won best ball 2 and 1. This is the fourth straight for
Charles Maclay and Jim Mc- the Lions this Summer. Three
' easily turned down their more games are on the schedule,
rivals, 3 and 2, with the terrific two with Colgate and one with
score of 9 and .8 popping up in the Cornell', all at home.
2tpd 21, 22 B
IM IVlnshball
WRA Clubs Sponsor
Co-Rec Tournaments
In Archery, Bridge
A co-rec archery tournament to
be held in front of White Hall is
being planned for 2 p. m. Satur
day,-Adele J. Levin '44, WRA ac
tivities chairman, stated after a
meeting of club presidents yes
Those who do not wish to enter
competition may shoot for plea
sure. Miss Levin added. All per
sons interested should sign up at
Student Union.
A co-rec bike supper hike to
WRA Cabin is scheduled for Sun
day night, according to Miss Lev
in. Students who wish to parti
cipate should leave their names at
Student Union.
Another co-rec attraction is be
ing planned by the Bridge Club
in the form of a tournament out
side White Hall Tuesday, July 28.
A round robin • singles tourna
ment will climax a two weeks in
struction and practice period of
the Badminton Club. Outdoor
courts will be used. The club
meets at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday
and newcomers will be welcome,
said Miss Levin.
L. Pct.
0 1.000
1 .500
1 .500
1 .000
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 .000
0 .000
1 .000
Latin Fiesta Includes
Costumed Musicians.
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 .000
0 .000
1 .000
(Continued from Page * One)
of this unique program for all
ages,"• Miss Ilaidt said yesterday.
A program wide in its scope, the
fiesta is being patterned by a com
mittee of eight different College
department members and will
provide an example for similar
festivals in smaller sections. •
Football Managers •
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 .000
0 .000
1 .000
L. Pct.
0 1.000
0 1.000
0 1.000
1 _.OOO
1 .000
2 .000
Freshman candidates for second
assistant football managers should
sign up anytime this week - at the
AA office in Old Main, according
to an announcement by Al MoSes
'43, football manager.
is the highest in the nine-year
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1942
Maryland Tops
Lion Lacrossemen
Ending the lacrosse season in a
blaze, that is, a heat wave, the
Lion stickmen dropped both .deci
sions in the matches played over
the weekend with Johns Hopkins
and the University of Maryland.
South of the Mason-Dixon line,
the temperature on Saturday
ranged around the 95 degree mark
—this, coupled with a lack of sub
stitutes, accounts for a great deal
of the hard fight Nick Thiel's
stickmen had on their hands.
Charlie Henderson, Howie
Hausner, Bill Piper, Bill Briner,
Larry Faries, George Pittenger,
Captain Jim Gotwals, Tom- Mit
chell, Sam Flenner, and Bob Koch
started the game, while Stu Suss
man, Stan Cohen, Dick Hemp
hill, Rocky 'Kern, Dick Rross, Ai
Sessler, Dick Schthidt, and Charlie
Hautli saw action when the re
serves were shoved into the
Show off your
lovely legs with
A SLEEK FINISH-for your legs...ft
Battering In shade as the sheerest
hose you've ever worn( Dorothy
Gray Leg Show smooths on eve*
Iftclous, -dusky tan GOtOra
Mb:ens of applications big
10-oe. bottle, $l. Plus Taos.
In State College
Only At
Complete Stock Of
Other Leg Make-Ups
—Sponges and
Allen St.—Nett To
Bank Clock