The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, June 27, 1942, Image 8

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26 Students Enroll
For Ship Drafting
Twenty-six students halve en
rolled for Ship Construction and
Hull Drafting, an ESMDT course,
which takes in six hours a week
for 25 weeks in addition to their
regular school schedules, Royal M.
Gerhardt, associate professor of
o rchitectural engineering, an
nounced l; Est night.
Prerequisites for the course are
Math. 4, Drawing 1 and termina
tion of College work on Decem
her 18 by graduation or with
drawal, at which time those who
have passed the course must ac
cept positions in defense indus
tries or enter the armed forces.
Those enrolled for the course are
Melvin I. Anderson '42, Wesley R.
Burns '43, Charles E. Handschuh
'43, William A. Lockett '43, Ben
jamin G. Bouma '43, Robert L.
Hunsicker '43, Paul R. Knight '43,
Clem J. Obidzinski '43, Virginia
Reil'y '43, William D. Rumber
ger '43.
Thomas F. Ford '43, James B.
Kistler '43, Harold V. Walton '43,
David N. Back '44, S'nford W.
Kalin '44, Hervey L. Bates '43,
peter Gaidula. Jr. '43. Lee H. Mor
row, Jack E. Paulhamus '43, Del
bert R. Shank '43, Michael A. Tar
as '43.
Philip W. Eichhcltz '43, Louis J.
PalF,zzi '43, William S. Finch '43,
Joseph T. Weber '43, John D.
Wright '43, and Paul.A. Taylor.
Furnace Has Birthday
The oldest structure on College
property is having its 150th anni
versary at 2:30 p. in. today with a
ceremony by prominent members
of the community. It is the Cen
tre Iron Furnace, only remem
brance of a once flouris'hing in
dustry in State College.
• To Be In The "Groove"
• To Be "Her
• To Be Up On The "Jive"
he fully Collegian
(For A Better Penn State)
• Student Solicitors
• Collegian Office
• Student Union
Special $l.OO Subscription For
Simi er School Semester
Latin-America Chosen
Theme Of Lecture Series
tanks' Talk Selected
Ist Event On Program
Latin-America has been chosen
the theme of a new series of lec
tures, movies, znd special events
designed by the Committee on
Inter-American Cultural Relations
to foster better relations with the
Southern Continent.
Mr. Herbert C. Lanks and his
wil'e will start the program Thurs
day, July 2 with a fashion show
and exhibit of Latin-American
costumes modeled by five coeds in
Room 405 Old' Mr. Lanks
will give an illustrated color sound
lecture entitled "Our Neighbors
Down the Road" in Schwab Audi
torium at 8:30 that evening.
There will be an exhibit of water
color paintings by Elliot O'Hara,
July 6 to 18, in the Mineral Indus
tries gallery.
Lecture, July 9 and 10, Miss
(Continued from Page One)
Florence Hz al, consultant on Latin- full for the extra pervices given
American affairs,
by the faculty and staff. A careful
July 16, Miss MacCrimmon will study of the best estimates now
present an exhibit on Chile,
available of income and expense
July 20 to 27 Madam Labastille indicates thi,t unless conditions
will show an exhibit on Latin- change markedly, which they may
American music and related ::its. do, the College, with economical
The big feature of the series will operation, can go through the year
be a fiesta in true Latin-American to June 30, 1943, and pay those on
manner. There will be booths, na- a ten months' contract who are
tive costumes, displays, rhumba needed this summer at monthly
and conga music, find free dance rate for July and August of 70 per
cent of their monthly rate during
July 29, the twentieth annual the oast year. A budget carrying
Superintendents' Conference will this provision has just been sub
meet here. Dr. Brut - flan will super- miffed to the Board of Trustees
vise a round table discussion. and has been approved."
lecture by a Latin-American on
The series will conclude with a Dr. Hetzel, in, his letter, ex-
August 6. pressed his admiration for the
"promptness :Ind wholehearted
ness with 'which the College fac
ulty- and staff rcse to the war emer
gency and of the devotion with .
which they have been carrying
nnY-Navy Relief
July 31-Aug. 1
LA Student Council
To Add 12 Members
Liberal Arts Student Council
members will meet to elect 12 new
members in 305 Old Main at 4
p. m. Monday. Four sophomores
and eight juniors will be voted
upon by Council members at that
time from the 18 persons who have
filed petitions to date.
Deadline for the applications
has been extended to noon tad: y
by Council members, according to
Donald W. Davis Jr. '43, Council
President. petitions are to be hand
ed in at Student Union desk. Sig
natures of 25 classmates in the LA
School are required for nomina
Faculty Salaries Cul
Buses Limited.
(Continued from Page One)
in particular the bus corporations,
must have what is called a 40 per
cent road factor.
This means that no bus may
leave a starting point unless at
least 40 per cent capacity is guar
anteed for the - round trip from
starting point to destination, back
to starting point. However, if the
one-way passengers make up" at
least 75 or 80 percent capacity, the
bus may travel.
The road factor will prevent any
buses leaving State College that
cannot secure sufficient passengers
to comply with the regulations.
In addition to the curtailment in
bus and train service, transporta
tion has been' further hit by the
tire and gasoline rationing in the
East. This will- further hinder the
movement of the student body. •
Rides Wanted
RW—Erie or BUffalo or any place
on Lake Erie. July 4th week•
end. L. Friday afternoon. R. Sun
day. Call John King, 711, 3rd
iloor Jordan. 2tpd 2,3 C
Summer Activities
(Continued from Page One) •
Mixed groups , will participate Designlentest Winner
in tennis and archery meets. Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of
Bicycling trips, the first of which women, 'announced tod: y that
will start Wednesday, will be held Catherine G. S. Lewis '42, Won
every Wednesday at 7 p. m., leav- honorable mention in Vogue's_sev
ing from 112 Miles street. Club enth Prix de Paris contest. Win
riders pay 35 cents for two hours. ners were representatives of the
The number of bike-hikers is Ern- 'entire country, both in home ad
ited to the 30 bikes available. dress and . in college allegiance.
Horseback Riding Club organ
ization plans will be made at a
meeting in the College Stock Judg- CLASSIFIED SECT) ON
ing Pavilion at 7 p. m. Thursday, LOST Phi Sigma Delft.. frat pin,
July 1. initials J.H.G. Reward. Call
Joe 4939. • 3tcomp LB
Jeanne B. Irwin '43 will play"in FOR RENT Three room fur
the game between the varsity ten- . nished apartment with • bath;
nis team and the Naval Reserve cooking facilities, private en-
Officers group this afternoon on trance. Women graduate students
the College courts. She will play wanted to share with coed. Good
on the Ensigns' team. . location. Dia 2976.
Smith's Powder Puff
He Looked At Her .
He.Took'ffer lit His Arms .
He Ifissed , Her, .
And4!hen44Happened .
"She Fell Sound Asleep!"
• Two Dances
• Thespian-Glee Club Revue • Big Parade
Trim and Neat
to Appease
the. Heat
107 S. Allen Street
Phone 2201
Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 7:00, 9:00
Vogue Honors Alumna
• Athletic Events