The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, June 27, 1942, Image 6
PAGE SIX inimmillimmiumiiimimmillimutimiiiiimillimun Between The Lions With DON DAVIS Sports Editor Real Determination Ted Husing, noted sports com mentator, recently related what he termed the funniest incident he had ever heard in the world of sports. And this incident was about two Penn State trackmen on their way to a meet last spring. It seems that Joe Bakura - and Red• Moffatt; pole-vaulters, were en route to Randall's Island via subway. In a weak moment at their hotel they .had • brergged of being able to carry their poles with them on' the three subway trains which, they had to 'take to reach their destination. And so the two boys from the Nittany Hills under took a task that , a ruAtive New Yorker would have never attempt.. ed,• that of driving •their way in and out of the cars with these long bamboo poles in 'tow. Screamed at 'by every guard and conductor they passed, the two Lion stalwarts turned deaf ears and plowed on amid the teeming masses of weary commuters. On reaching Randall's Island these two boys had accom plished a feat unheralded in the sports columns but unparalleled for sheer determination. Three Thoughts If this rain stops the Lion court men will face across the nets to morrow the first service squad to meet the Lions for many years. Even if it is only a match with the ensigns stationed on campus it is probably the beginning of a series of athletic events with service squads. And from this corner, the more such matches the better. Word has come to us that mush ballers'have been using the com munity baseball, diamond for their games. Those in charge of the dia mond have requested that mush ball playing be restricted to the outfield since playing on the in field necessitates the moving of bases, etc. GET PRELIMINARY BE ISTRATION BLANK AT STY Tourneys In 19 Sports On Summer Rec Program Mllshball Standings Last night's rain caused .a tern porary armistice. . in the intramural mushball warfare. However, .play, if weather permits, will:be resum 'ed.this afternoon, according to co managers John Silan and Ed Gales. GAMES TODAY p. m. Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Alpha Chi Sigma Sigma Phi Alpha vs. Phi Kappa Psi Beta Sigma Rho vs. Delta Upsi lon Penn State Club vs. Irvin Hall If postponed by rain, these games will be played at 2:30 Sun day. MONDAY 7 p. m. Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Beaver House Phi Delta Theta vs. Sigma Nu Electric Diner vs. Watts Hall Linksmen Meet Centre Hills CC When the 40 players tee off this afternoon in the match between Penn State and the Centre Hills Country Club, •golf is in for some mass action. Following the first threeifour somes who are the actual contest ants, will be fourteen pairs of as sorted Country Club and Penn, State •players. Most of the men out for the varsity and some fresh man candidates will take on the Centre Hills linksmen. Playing for Penn State this af ternoon will be Co-captains Dick Stephens and Bill "Ducky" Swan, Bill Smiley an•d Ed Fairchild, and Jim McCormick and Charlie Mc- Clay. Stephens lost his first match of the season last weekend to one of the Colgate players. The golf course will be closed tomorrow afternoon while the matches are in progress. The first nine will be in use from 1:30 to about 4:30 and the second nine. from 3:30 until approximately 6:30. Caddies for the matches this af ternoon are needed. Any students interested in the job may obtain more information at the caddy house. This is the second of the six Summer meets scheduled for the Nittany golfers, all of them on a home and home basis. !Next en counter for the linksmen will be with the Country Club at Centre Hills on July 11. Art Honorary Pledges 3 Profs, 5 Students Pi Gamma Alpha, local art hon orary, pledged eight persons yes terday, according to Mildred B. Schmidt '43, president. Ceremonies were held in Main Engineering art gallery. • Those who will be initiated Sunday are Mary J. Spear '43, and Sophomores Helen D. McKee, Mona L. Wieland, E. Stanford Roth, James P. Storm; Miss Amy G. Gardner, associate professor of art education; Miss Katherine M. Norman, instructor in art educa tion; and Mrs. Eleanor G. Willis, instructor in fine arts. Thiel Makes Laciosse Call Freshmen interested in trying out for the lacrosse team are urged by Coach Thiel to report to his of fice in Rec Hall anytime during the day. No previous experience is 'needed. The freshman game . schedule is still indefinite. BRING MATRIC CARDS TO EGISTRATION THE - DAILY - COLLEGIAN Men, Women, Miked Groups To Take Tart Play in 19 sports tournaments, softball, basketball and volley ball leagues• for•. Summer Session stu dents will begin July 9, 'according to Miss Marie Haidt aad• Earl Ed- wards, co-chairmen of•the Session recreation program. Seven women's tourneys in ten nis singles, bowling, badminton singles, table tennis, archery, golf and softball will be conducted if enough. entries- for the respective tournaments are turned in at Stu dent Union before 5 p. m. July 6. Men's tournaments will include tennis singles and, doubles, basket. ball, softball, handball, horseshoes, golf, badminton, table tennis and volleyball with the same stipula tion., Mixed groups will compete in tennis doubles and archery tour naments, with preliminary and final competition in the latter. Leagues of four teams •or more will be formed in softball for men, softball for women, and men's bas ketball and volley ball if sufficient interest is shown. Games will be played at 4 and 7 p. m. daily. Summer Session students will also be asked to indicate interest in bike trips every Wednesday night, with breakfast trips July 12 and 26; hiking every Sunday after noon, and horseback riding club. Session Roundup (Continued from Page One) view of motion pictures available for use by campus organizations will be held in 6 Burrowes at 4 p. m. Tuesday. Rabbi Alexander Alan Stein bach, of the Jewish- Chautauqua Society, is scheduled to speak in 110 Sparks at 7:30 p. m. July 7. The Daily Collegian will carry complete coverage on Summer ses sion events. Special six-weeks sub scriptions will be sold during reg istration for $l. AMERICAN LEAGUE How They Stand W. L. Pct. New York ....45 19 703 Boston 37 26 587 Cleveland ... 38 30 .559 Detroit 39 34 .549 St. Louis .... 31' 37 .456 Chicago 27 36 .429 Philadelphia 28 45 .383 Washington .. 24 '42 .364 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pct. Brooklyn .... 46 17 .714 St. Louis .... 36 26 .581 Cincinnati ... 36 31 .530 New York 35 33 .514 Chicago 35 35 .500 Pittsburgh .. 30 34 .468 Boston 30 42 .416 Philadelphia . 18 48 .273 .6 I k. , • p , , . . „. R . 1 c HOTOGIt A P I _ ..,--. Et'4 f 1 A ,AD , 1 ARTERS Er PORTRAITURE , , . ii- Kodak Printing and Develo ing Daily Service • Kodak Kodacolor 0 .. ' ,0 Films Supplies PENN , TAT E 1 - TO silop S i „,.„ Tap; Smoker Tomorrow Night Blue Key, junior hat society, Wit 1111 will tap new members Monday • Condition 'of' the New Beaver night. First assistant managers field baseball diamond will deter for. the Spring sports, as well as mine whether Washington• and cheerleaders, are eligible for mem- Jefferson meets the Lions at 2:30 bership. o'clock this afternoon in the first A smoker for all prospective home game of the Sumrmer sche members will be conducted at the dule. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at 7p. m. tomorrow. Informal in- Clear skies today. could put-tlie itiation is scheduled to start early Penn - State field in-shape for.- the next- week, ending Tuesday; July battle; but wet. weather - woUld 7. - Formal initiation ' will take -make the ground-too sliPperyldr place Wednesday, July 8. The PlaY.' group is also plahning a dinner- Ideal weather during the: past dance for-the new -members some three weeks has giyen Coach,.Rie time next month: Bedenk's nine plenty, of time. to Rain: Mai Hat ~SpeciaUtlet Tilt For the first , time in nearly ra month, .Whitey Pyer will hurl in .a. home game • when he takes -the Inclement weather., 'may force-mound against- . the Presidents. postponement .of the tennis match . Last. New , Beaver field perform between the varsity. Lions and a ance by Pyer was -Memorial Day special service team,.comprised of when the Lions downed Pitt— • Naval Reserve lieutenants, sche- George McWilliams will catch duled to be played on the College behind: the plate; Jack Weber will courts-at 2 o'clock this afternoon. handle first base duties, shifting Although yesterday's steady Captain Bill Debler to• the outfield; downpour plus •showers last night Dale Bower' will , probably start at have turned the eburts into a field second Whitey Thomas is carded of mud, they should dry sufficient- for• the short stop post; and either ly for play by noon today unless Gene Sutherland or Don Sander more rain falls, in which event the cock will direct third base traffic. match would have to be postponed until a later date. Leading the ensigns will be Lt. I ,f*.,. .4. rt "Chuck" Reed, through whom ar- BA "1- • 4 ,k , tr\ i' -:,,A 0• rangements for the tilt were corn- ..,Itrv , 7 . , e. AO 4,wpi.., i :9, pleted. Lieutenants Freeman and c i • T : • / I • 4,v/11 )% i' ,'::.:•,. '.' 1 If I , A ' 1 • Miller are also expected to start ' IV ' . + . - ; IN -1 , for the service team.-- MOthillg like. his at u Coach Ted Roeiihke has not yet ,vCOLONIAL released a startinelineup for the.' - Lions, but will pr; , Obably -add sev- _,..` 1231MNITTANYAVE: eral sophomore -newcomers, in' the ,e a fr: s . Fth es tchthn es id emre double matches to' i give them some , ' .' -s•- •.'Y e. tortues.e , s , • - , 4 :fa varsity experience. Herb Kray- 4 . enn,..,,, t jaretv, " S 0 , bill will move up to the leadoff, , ,/,; .:,.., , thevexty: 1. ~vito spot to replace Cy Hull, who is ' '', . rogrne- .1: • , out of town for the weekend _ am • - . _ , . . SUMMER. PARTIES . ARE MADE - MORE ENJOYABLE-WITH Crystal.tvlear, Pure, Clean r A , E, Packed ready to, use in the Hospitality Pack • HI Ls ICE STORAGE CO., N. Pattersorr Dial 842 ' 1 .f - • ' 10% 16 17% 21% 22 12 13 1 / 2 141/2 16* 20 1 / 2 29 SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1942 Weafkr-Mar Hail practice, although a large, part "Of the squad" is" made up of sophh- mores t ft