The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, June 06, 1942, Image 1

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    Successor To The Free Lance, Established 1887
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VQL. 39—No. 9
Airforce Reserve Frosh Camp Replaces •C' , • • ,
Traditional Ist Week urosh Start Activity Tomorrow;
, . _
Enlists 13 More; With 3-Day Program C
Replacing traditional Freshmen ustorns To Begin Wednesday
Total Reaches 90 Week whioh has been dropped be
cause of the accelerated program, Name Cards Required r
The Aviation Cadet Examining the PSCA-sponsored Freshman
Beginning Tuesday Newcorr
Board added 13 students to the
Camp got under way for its three
number of Penn State men enlist- t free With the usualcustom-free 'session when 70 frosh arrived Cro'
edin the Air Force Enlisted Re
at Diamond Valley yesterday Freshman Week abolished under
serve yesterday, bringing the total
morning. the College's accelerated program,
for this enlistment period to 26 members of the Class of '46 will
Under the leadership of Gerald members
and the grand total to approxi- be required to observe all fresh
mately 90 since the start of the B. M. Stein '44 and a staff of 11
men customs beginning Wednes
drive, Prof. Robert E. Galbraith, counselors, the freshmen will hear
day at noon, atcording to an an
-25 campus leaders and faculty
board coordinator, announced. nouncement last night by Charles
members discuss problems of ad-
Students who passed - air crew H. Ridenour '43, head of Student
justment that may arise in bridg
examinations yesterday were Wiling the gap between high school Tribunal.
bur S. Creelman '45, Julian I. and college. As a get-acquainted measure,
Lewis '43, Dondld E. McKee '44,"Since many of the class of '46 name cards will be required be-
Marshall B. Morgan '44, Weldonhaven't even received their high ginning Tuesday at 8 a. m., Ride-
W. Ragsdale '44, Robert D. Rath nour stated.
school diplomas yet, the Camp
W. Riley '43, and Donald G. Steva makin may serve a '
valuable purpose in \
same as in other years except for
g the frosh fell at home on
'44.,the elimination of black bbw, ties,
the - campus," Stein said. "It is re
- Ground crew enlistees whose grettable that more of the 600 en- require all freshman men to wear
applications were passed by the tering yearlings could not take ad- green dinks, name cards, and
local- examining board and sub- vantage of this opportunity,". he white sox. Matches and the
mitted to Washington for final added. freshman "bible" are to be carried
consideration are Karl J. Israel all times.
Not all the time will be devoted
'43, Robert A. Kulp '44, Russellln addition to dress customs,
to the serious side, however. With
E. Schlorft '43, and Arthur G . freshmen are not allowed to
an active program sprinkled with
,Wright Jr.abundarit recreation, songfests and smoke on campus except unvar
These -.students will be- sworn campfires, the frosh will get ac- nished corncob pipes or they must
in and fully enlisted Tuesday. qainted with the campus BMOC's not walk on campus grass and
Ground crew men, must have on informal ground. must enter Sparks Building and
their papers okayed by the local ~ Old ' Main by the front middle
, - door onl, No dinks are to be
board before they are examined y.
by national boards. The board Hicks Heads Campus 9 44 worn in Old Main. A complete - schedule, and English placement
list of frosh customs is listed inth
decides on their acceptance or' re- J. Robert Hicks was named to u tests nde s a i
g t
e 6 e :
t 3 e o d
the Handbook. . -
jection and place 'them according succeed Jack R. Grey as chair- " wings - Into High P c . lass . Pres-,w A il t l. B hgar rn.
Freshman men eligible . for cur- • ident Ralph D. Hetzel at the con
to the ground crew . branch which man of the :Campus '44 clique at
... _ tom exemption may 'present their_ -vocation meeting Schwab d
' inSc b au di.
they are„ most fitted to enter. - Sas- a • -recent .:meeting,, of . the
is for -.this latter- is:College -credits Grey. served ".as . ,temporary Chair,' _cases at a hearing before Tribunal , Fraternity 'rushing rolls into
next week. The time and place high. gear this - weekend as Penn
Additional counsel meetings will
and . proficiencY in - certain . fields man following the- resignation of State's 47 social houses extend
. of the 'meeting will be announced be held after the mass meeting.
of. work. -. . • - .J. Keinp Noble last semester: -- their selective - membership drive •
Narrie cards be worn
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~,;„: ~, , - ~ • in-,The-.Datly..Collegin;= Tue.sKlay . ....-t- 0 .-
.: --.• ~ .
_,, . A 'rule requiring ireihinen to the - - Whole ,- -. ;: ;of the --incoming— —--- - • - ,-. will.. ,—.— -- • starting
freshman- class. Tuesday - morning when classes be
/ lift ld . their dinks as they pass tile gin, and other customs will start
Pis.Cluk -To: Hold ittlitollege - Dante o willow tree standing beside ties Although most of the fraterni-
'Wednesday noon. Psychology tests
. have already begun entertain- will probably be given in two-hour
- • , the water fountain 'on the Mall
. . ~. . '•ing the early-arrivals among the evening periods later in the week.
. ■is being 'considered by the Board.
In liPtooled:Rec 'Hall -Tonight • • , Ridenour, D. Norman Lomond
43, Samuel G. Fredman Class of '46, Interfraternity Coun continued its two-week pre- Nearly half of the freshman
class, 48 per cent, rank in the up
'43, J. paratory Program designed to fa- per fifth of their high school
Robert Hicks
'44, and Joseph Ho-
. ,
. • cilitate rushing' for all houses.' classes, according to William S.
- din '44, Tribunal members, ex- • Latest aid' - to the rushing pro-
Hoffman, registrar, and only 7 per
Perin State Men Get plained that the purpose of the gram, announced last night by cent were classified in the lower
committee -is not to haze freshmen Arthur E. Denman '43, Interfra- two-fifths. 'Many of the class will
'Chance 01 Lde• but to serve in' a disciplinary ca- ternity Council rushing chairman, not have received high school di
pacity and to help freshmen ad- ;s the hiring of a special IFC sec- - plomas before entering;
Never before in the history of. just themselves- to their new en
the College has such. a chance retary who will 'be stationed at A - SPecial 11,-page issue of The
vironment. Student Union desk from noon Daily Collegian, written to aid
presented itself to the men -of. The Board, while hoping for a
Penn State, and it will probably minimum of violators, will deal today until the close of rushing freshmen, and the Student
not happen again.' - ' What. .is. it? severely with offenders. In past week. The secretary's duty will book, sponsored by - the PSCA,
A chance to spend the night in be to answer any questions (rater- were mailed to newcomers ac-
Ath Hall while the coeds are still years violators have been made nity men might have cohcerning , cepted by the registrar before last
to carry large signs, wear dresses,
on deck. rushing procedure. Tuesday. Copies of the pamphlet
or even walk on barrel staves, ac- The official rushing directory, "Penn State Fraternities” were al-
Here's how you get in. First t
cording : " to their offense. an up-to-the-minute list of ma- so distributed. '
you, take - a walk-. Not just any
walk,- nor just anywhere. You . triculating freshmen, will be is -
walk up and down the road beside •
Penn State ADS Places sued by IFC Sunday evening. The •
Ath Hall. Preferably you
,should directory will include the names, Late News. _:
.start walking along about dusk. Among First Three In addresses, courses of study, and
Just keep walking and wait. -- religious preference of all incom- MIDWAY ISLAND A major
When the signal is given, it's National Ad Contest ing freshman men, according to sea battle is believed to be raging
everyone for himself; but if you'reDenman.
Penn State's chapter of Alphain the Pacific waters around here.
smart, you'll have your babe hold- . Pledging of freshmen is prohib- U. S. battleships and cruisers are
Delta Sigma, national honorary ited until Tuesday at 5 p. m. Of
ing down a great big chair-in the 'fighting Japanese naval and air
advertising 'fraternity, placed ficial rushing season closes June
forces with Midway Island as their
lounge. Of course, if you poke
among the first three in an adver- 13 . prize objective.
(Continued on Page Three) Using campaign contest sponsored
by the national ADS.
Beaven Will Address Competition was based on a Faculty Members Named
campaign to sell defense bonds
Freshmen At Chapel and stamps, according to Prof * To War Savings Staff
Donald W. Davis, department of
Boosting Penn State's presiige
"A Creative Tomorrow" is the journalism, faculty adviser. John
topic of the address to be given at J. Long '42 was president of the still higher in the national defense
Chapel services in Schwab Audi - Penn State group. effort is the announcement by sec
torium tomorrow by Dr. Albert W.First place, won last year by retary of the treasury, Henry Mor-
Beaven, -president of the Colgate- Penn State, was taken -by New genthau Jr., of the appointment of
Rochester Divinity School. York University, runners-up to the three faculty members to the Cit-
During .his pastorate, Dr. Beaven izens' Committee of • the Pennsyl-
campus chapter in 1941. ;- WASHINGTON—Confusion and
has specialized on the relation of vania War Savings Staff.
religion to home and family life. • . New members of the Citizen's chaos caused by conflicting state-
The pastor, who is actively inter- Co li c ven Board Meets Committee are Dr. • Ralph Dorn ments regarding gasoline and rub
ested in interdenominational mat- A meeting of all the 'Collegian Hetzel, president of the College, ber rationing will be straightened
ters, was one of the' principal boards—editorial and business— Dr. Harold F. Alderfer, director out within the next week, accord
speaker's at the observance of the will
,be held tomorrow -night in of the Institute of Local Govern- ing to semi-official reports. The
25th anniversary of the Federal the News Room, Carnegie Hall, at ment at the College, and Dr. Stev- issue has been placed in the pres-
Council held recently in Constitu- 7:30 p. m. All members must at- enson W. Fletcher, dean of the ident's hands in an attempt to
tion Hall, Washington, D. C. tend. *School of Agriculture. . solve the problem conclusively.
Jitterbugs —and waltzers will
have their varied tastes satisfied
tonight when George Washko's
'Campus Owls supply the 'rhythms
for the Penn State Club's "All-
College Dance" to be held in Rec
Hall from 9 to 12 p. m.
Thomas E. Wilcox•'44 and Harry
C. Coleman '44, co-chairmen for
the function, stated last night,
"Despite the fact that the dance
is to be held inside on a hot Sum
mer evening, students ,need not
worry about feeling uncomfort
able, as all arrangethents have
been made go keep Rec Hall well
-"We expect a large. attendance
at our first affair for
. the current
School, year. With 'hot' trumpet
er Washko leading the Owls, the
hop is sure to be a success."
The only big social event sche
duled for the weekend, the dance
is the first big hop of the 1942-43
season and is open' to all who wish
to attend. Admission, is $l.lO per
Although the dance has no par
icular theme, informality :will
•eign throughout the evening.
Delivery •
If you fail to receive your
.:opy of The Daily Collegian,
:all 711 before 11 a. m., ask for
The Daily Collegian Office, and
report your .complaint. A news
)oy will be on hand to deliver
your paper before noon.
Keep Up With The : Campus—Subscribe Now To The Daily Collegian
Newcomers To Face Meetings, Registration,
Tests Pack Schedule
Crowded Schedule First big meetings of all fresh-
SUNDAY men entering Penn State's prece-
Mass meeting, Schwab auditor- dent-breaking Summer semester
ium, 7:30 p. m. will be held in Schwab Auditor-
Counsel meetings in scheduled ium at 7:30 p. m. Monday when
buildings, 9 p. m. more than 600 frosh are expected
MONDAY , to be organized for registration
Registration, first floor lounge and counsel meetings.
Old Main, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Adding an additional 250 stu-.
Classes for inter-session stu- dents to the enrollment will be
dents start, 12 noon. registrants for the inter-session.
Health" examinations, Dispen- which lasts until June 29. Both'
sary, according to schedule. groups will register in the first
Issuance of ROTC uniforms, floor lounge of Old Main from 8
Mac Allister Hall basement, ac- a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday Inter
cording to schedule. session classes begin Monday af-
English placement' tests, Schwab ternoon, while freshmen will start
auditorium, 6:30 p. m. at 8 a. m. Tuesday.
Convocation, address of wel- Immediately after the Sunday
come by President Ralph D. Het- evening mass meeting, the fresh
zel, Schwab auditorium, Bp. m. men will report to counsel meet-
Counsel meetings in scheduled ings where upperclassmen will ad
buildings, 9 n. in. vise their respective sections of the
TUESDAY wartime class about campus loca-
Classes begin, 8 a. m. Name tions, affairs, and freshman prob
cards to be worn. ' lems.
'Monday will be a busy one for
the new group, with registration
Rtithing Program a d n u d rin i c, ssu t a h n e ce
National League
Pittsburgh 6, Phillies 5
Brooklyn 6, Chicago 3
Cincinnati 3, Boston 2
New York-St. Louis (night)
American League
New York 6, Cleveland 3
Boston 4, Chicago 2
Detroit-Washington (night)
St. Louis-Athletics (night)