The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 09, 1942, Image 4

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9 Coeds To Teach Honor Women To Shine
Johnstown Pupils At Q asg jy Exercises
Jb or 5-Week Period ,
, T . . , . ... Stiles Will Present
Nine women students will prac
tice teach in Johnstown schools Historical Mirror
from May 11 to June 12, announc
ed Dr. James H. Moyer, assistant Following a tradition 'begun in
professor o£ education. 1926, Jeanne C., Stiles ’42, former
Because of the late opening of w o^ ll s editor of The Daily Col-
Johnstown schools due to the in- l e 6' an and WSGA Judicial chair
fantile paralysis scare, they will man ’ will present the mirror, dedi
remain open five, weeks longer ca^ *° women of Penn State, to
than usual. These nine women are n ® x i senior class at Class Day
the last students to go practice exercises in front of Old Main at
teaching until Fall semester, Dr. m ' today.
Moyer added. As Mirror Girl Miss Stiles will
, • c • give her oration reflecting the last
Teaching at Johnstown Senior r & ._
High School will be Education Ma- £,'L y °L ■ h
jors Hazel I. Shull ’42, Marjorie L. S l ate - Slnce 19 f the mirror each
McNoldy ’43, and Doris R. Philips °" l ° ” eXt
’43 Those who will instruct at by Ross B. Lehman
Garfield Junior High Schooi are MO , r J „ TT i
t\/t * ™ iv/r master of ceremonies, R. Helen
Education Majors Mrs. Emma M. , mo m t-\ n i* 4.
A .. J .. ~ . Gordon ’42, Class Donor, will list
Ames, mathematics Sara M. Bai- M , ’ r ’ .
•» M ’ o . iv/r a r-, ~ the honors of the other honor ,
ley ’43,.science; M. Agnes Peebles . , , ~ , !
mo -i * , n i • ~ women, introduce them, and give
43, social studies and Physical A ’ , , ’ . £ \
* . ~ them symbolic awards. Miss Gor-
Education Majors Pauline Cross- , . _ , L ,
man ’43 and M. Paulme Rugh ’43, itQr Qf The Dail Collegian and REFLECTS “ Jeanne C. Stiles ’42,
physical education and English. f m-esident of Pi Lambda Mirror Girl in Class Day exercises A gir i s - schoo l in New York
Physical Education Major I. t™ today, will give reflections on the * n . ■.. ,
... , . - . Theta, women s education honor- , , ’ • „ . _ state has a pistol range. Wonder
Stringer 42 will teach her major last four years of women at Penn . *
at Cochran Junior High School. 1 Jean Babcock ’42 as Bow Girl State * n traditional program R conrtes under the head of
wju have addiUonal duty th . s In .front of Old Main at 4:30 p. m. domestic science?
/f^ 1 /4c! r T year. Never before has a Bow Girl -
ijUCUb AU Ajlve given the valedictory address; in Butcher, Baker, Degree Maker —
On Campus US Needs ’Em All On-Home Front
With a rianraaca in tho nnari an. to bave tbis honor - Besides being By SALLY L. HIRSHBERG '44 Government agencies are re- are prepared for are large scale
rollment over m-evious semesters retb ' ing WSGA president, she is commended to have recreational food preparation, cafeteria work,
all Summer semester coeds ex- Beta Kappa and was Players’ (Editor's Note: This is the staffs, and recreational programs nutrition education, and possible,
cept those living in co-op houses" „ MO fifth in a series of"articles based are being investigated by labor disaster relief,
will room in campus dormitories l -' lass Poet Alice M. Murray 42, on reports from the national and industry. Need for commun- Once again, you as an indivi
according to Miss Nina M Bent- : *' ormel ' P res * d ® n t of Mortar Board, government, discussing avail- ity organizers, technical leaders, dual are" needed to serve your
sssictant tn tiip rfean nf mmn. senior women’s honorary, and for- able positions for women.) and recreational therapists has in- country. To obtain further in
en ’ • mer women’s feature editor of The creased enormously. Those in- formation to receive Civil Serv-
Vacancies in dormitories willbe >ad - v Collegian, will give the class Butchers, bakers, and candle- terested in social positions may do ice instruction, or to gain entry in
filled by Summer school students poem ' . , ~ . _ stick makers; sociologists, busi- well to remember .that rehabilita- to fields of your major study,
and town dormitories previously Reßy Ziegler 42, Slipper Girl ness women, and home economists tion work will expand, greatly contact post offices and your local
used for freshman and transfer. anne^M™ 6 rill —the nation needs them all! Here after the war is over - . branch of the United States Em
women, willbe turned over to ad- wc -p a r nr vpa .. s and * S your cbancc > graduating sen- As far as business is concerned, Payment Service
ditional Summer school women, t th p h i ] Frh iol-s > to actually use that forth- stenography and typing are magic
Miss Bentley stated. I, ° Sehoel council win abo rt- coming degree to serve your coun ‘ passwords to all sorts of jobs.
Previous to the building of At : h- ce [ V g awar( j s try and gakl i nva l ual 'to exper- Civil service maintains a sten
erton Hall in 1938, most freshman Honor wome n were elected by ie " ce \ , . . °S r£; P hic and secretarial pool in
and sophomore coeds were housed senior class coeds c hosen for out- Soclal science maj t S siiould be Washington which swallows up
in town dormitories, with McAl- standin „ contributions to the cam- ready to j° in the * reat army ol ' women as fast, as they pass exams,
lister Hall, Grange Dormitory, and S Civil Service, workers and be pro- The Association of American Rail-
Women’s Building open to upper- , ’ paired to take on the responsibil- roads and public relations offices
class women. ity of important government jobs. , are literally giving away jobs. In
As yet no definite statistics are f\ i j <T7/ Ojj J There is a grave sho .tage of ado- 1940, 47,000 women were employ
available on the number of upper- We, Women quately trained public social e d, 45 per cent as office workers,
class women returning for the workers according to latesl guv- with opportunities to work up to
Summer semester because of last i\o LrOOfl - byes ernment reports, exemplified by a positions of chief clerk station
minute changes in women’s plans. y -A r ' , turnover of 20,000, one-fourth in agent etc
However, 84 women have been ac- 30 boll o supervisory and executive posi- Accountant agencies are -skinff
cepted and made down payments We don>t believe in goo d-byes. tions. for women They pracUcaTly
a A„ adsn”»>r 6 "B h,“; 1W *» , 111 ««• ««.»»0.0»0 h WB- W* SmZmZjSZ
teen *dm”s, on ThlS 11>e» connote a tot things wWoh tor public etc ot the blrnd, » S cd, became knowledge gained ot
makes a tentative total of 213 we hate to recognize ' Saymg and depande f nts ' Tbere , ls great a particular business. The. same
freshman women expected good-bye infers that relationships opportunity for worker* m hous- is true for statistics, advertising,
riesnman w men xpeciea. are completely ended, that the past ing management, guidance, social , mH j nsllr , anpf ,
must be uncompromisingly dis- case studies, and personnel - meth-
Over 100 Alumnae carded. ods.
Return For First Day W f e know f tbat we may never _n: -
J meet some of the women who are A CCTli'Tl7ri PUT'I UN
Penn State’s annual homecom- leaving tomorrow. We know that, LLAjjir ILjU 3LL 11UB
ing weekend started yesterday twenty years from now, they may . C4TV -, Q ,0 -
when over 100 alumna registered be little more than the name of a ~ 88 * ol £. „ pa 3
, . . recently reconditioned; Six good =
in Old Mams first floor lounge, person whom we once knew in .. „ „ oon n , , 0 n 3
Majority of guests are expected to College. tires. Call 2882. 2tch 8,9 MJW g
arrive today. Recognizing all that, we still be- LOST Knee length cloth coat, ==
Besides registration, yesterday’s i; eve that graduation does not tan, green check, zipper, belt; j|
program consisted of trustee dele- nieall the end of relationships. Al- Old Chem-Physic; Tues. 2:00 p. m. 3
gate election, Players show “Mr. though graduating coeds may be Call Osgood 2518. ltpd LEB 1
and Mrs. North,” and a dinner for struggling to keep house in an _ —-— =
trustees and the class of 1892 at army post> or working on assembly FOR R ™ T ~ Tw ,° doub e ro ° ms - 1
toe Nittany Lion Inn. lines, or teaching school, or writ- , third semester. Twin 3
ing defense propaganda, in one 2nd floor. Board U desired. |
BUY AND BONDS AMPS se " se ’ th6y Wid SdU be here - Catl 2887- |
■■—r—-r ———■ They’ll be here because every LOST White raincoat Monday =
————————————————————— student who ever went to classes, in Eng.-D. or EE. Aetna coat.
D TrvTT'irr , T>CT r rv 01 cut the classes to cirink a coke, Reward.. Cali Bob Allen, 4850 be- f§~ fl HI?
UlvF DIMVLKM 1 1 or listened fin* Old Main to strike, fore Saturday. ltpd BMD 3 Hlj
SCHOOL OP NURSING- bas become a permanent part of §=
iCHUOL U 1 £U KOIXSUr campus/ fae WANTED Two double rooms, |
uurnam, «. long as there’s a Penn State, available 3rd semester, twin |
The Diploma of Graduate Nurse whether they contributed much or beds, 2nd floor. Board if desired.
j! a , U : al ' ded , alt ® l ' thre * .. yea ; S - " othill § t0 ‘ activities, whether LOS T - Tan reversible three- 1
toe rietree ot ? B S Vin Nursine , 'r I ’*, ‘‘ pal 'V; • gU ' IS 01 ' quarter length, in Rec Hall, 1
toe degiee ot b. S. in JNuising “gnnds, whether their averages e ... . * .. , n ... =
after an additional year of hos- W ere 2 9’s or lOs Sundaj, Apnl 19. Call Ashbaugh, 3
pital and university work. , ' “ , . 77L 3
The entrance requirements are r . hat f w ‘ ly we ra skippl ! sg the 1
intelligence, character, and one g°°d-b.\es, the apologies, _the ex- Wanted =
year of college work. platiations, the thanks, and simply __________________________ 3
The annual tuition of 3100.00 cov- sa ym§- “ So lon S. we’ll be seeing pw _ Lancaster and vicinity. I
cost of maintenance and >' ou . Lv> Sunday afternoon or Mon- |
Because of the urgent need for A little worry is a good thing day m ° l ' nmg ' Call H ® rr^ o49 ' 1
nurses, the next class will be ad- —provided it doesn’t cry at night. —Rochester, N. Y. or en- g
mittqd July 5 instead of Septem- * * * route. Lv. Sunday P. M. Call 3
ber 30, as previously announced. costs millions to crown the 4935, Jarrett. ltpd 9 MD 3
Catalogues, application forms, and Emperor of Japan in 1928. We’d R W—Wilkes-Barre or vicinity, 3
information about requirements g i a dly crown the whole empire Leave Saturday afternoon. Call 3 _
may be obtained from the Dean. Q o, !0 = , =
today 101 »»thing. i ora, J3b9. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l
* ♦ *
Spiders May Solve
Stocking Problem
Instead of running at the sight
of a spider, coeds will soon realize
that, the lowly arachnida may be a
solution to all those “runs” if
scientists succeed in attempts to
use spider webs for silk stocking
Wilton Ivie, Utah University re
search biologist, contends ihis to
be true. Spiders will aid in the
war by boosting civilian morale,
he stated.
According to Mr. Ivie, scientists
have been working for 100 years
to discover how to make the spider
increase his spinning to compete
with the silkworm. It takes one
worm one year to produce enough
material to cover the legs of one
Utah biologists have accumulat
ed a large collection of spiders for
experimentation; however, to date,
the lowly eight-leggers are con
tinuing web-production until
drafted for stocking-making.
Home economics students can
be used in food ! industries.
Among the many 'services they
Daily Collegian I
$2.25 By Mail
Froth Fame
Goes National
' iFroth, Penn State’s humor mag
azine and receiver as well as giver
of jokes, has at last made itself a
nationwide name. At least, one of
its former members will have his
work linger on bookshelves.
Announcement was made re
cently that Franklin P. .Adams,
columnist and participator on ra
dio’s “Information Please,” in a
forthcoming collection of his fav
orite poems will include a poem
by G. L. Hemminger ’l6, former
assistant editor of Froth.
Hemminger may not be a second
Shakespeare, -but Mr. Adams has
always liked the poem, according
to William L. Werner, professor of
English literature, who received
word of the publication.-
Subject of the poem is one ever
on the lips of college /students and
we reprint it here’.
> Tobacco is a dirty weed,
I like it.
It satisfies no normal need,
, I like it.
It makes ypu thin, ,it makes you
It takes the hair right off your
It’s the worst darn stuff I’ve ever
Attention.! *
. Summer Hgjp
For students whv are not
fraternity-minded but de
sire the comforts of home
like appointments.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Slitzer
— to —
— at —
(5 Issues Per Week)
I like it.
Moderate Rates