The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 25, 1942, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Lion Gridders Face Duquesne Eleven Today; Syracuse Stops State Lacrosse learn _ _ . . In a game that proved how Special to the Collegian , QtfCUS Act evenly the teams were matched SYRACUSE, April 24 Penn . for today’s High School Day bat- State’s baseball streak ol four With intercollegiate champions, Penn state , g Gnd DuqU esne’s Special to the Collegian wins was stopped cold here - to- and near -champions, in more football teams battled to a SYRACUSE, New York, April n i g ht, as the Syracuse nine nailed sports than it is convenient to 12 _ 12 draw in the sweltering heat 24—Rejuvenated by last week’s ,p a ul Lazar for 16 hits in swamp- mention, with captains and stars Qf Ngw Beavel . Fie ‘ ld yesterday, victory over Cornell, Penn State’s i n g the Lion squad, 10-1. Coach galore to pick from. The Daily sparked by the brilliant play lacrosse team arrived here today j o e Bcdenk and his boys meet Collegium sports writers are faced of su b s tit u te tailback Bud Davis if or the game with the Syracuse Colgate tomorrow afternoon on with 'a very difficult task of se- , Nittanvrn p ‘ from.behind ten which is to be played tomor- the Hamilton, N. Y. diamond. lecting the “outstanding athlete of . . , h ]f ft ri , ,ow afternoon at 2 p. m. state’s lone tally was scored in the year." lory sta. t and outplayed the Red Hoping to beat the Change team the sixth inning by Tom Sidlei, The award, to be made at the and B t ue gridders in both offense of which he was once an AU-Am- sophomore centerfielder after £inale ot lhe All-College Circus and defense departments of the oricaii member, Coach Nick flu el Sidler hit safely, went to third tonight , will u,, based upon the „ igskin spo rt. brought a squad of 20 men to Syr- on Bill Debler’s single, and scored individual achievement ot the The Dukes started the scoring ™ *«honie town in an all-out when John Eborsole was put out. £Jthlete from the standpoint of when Wolejk scored 0 n a reverse cUoit to pull a victoij out of the Ten Blue and White batsmen what £ hat athlete has done for from the four after the Smoky 1J o?the°Lionfl e - T? t b £ Penn State, the fame that goes outm imd hammmdng With the hopes ot the Lions de- mens hurler, the best the Lions h djn hand with lh at achieve- at the Blue and White’s end zone ■j.ending upon whether the defense Lave faced so far. Another big , . , „ :11 +h • rt - r , r , clicks, the team from the Nittany factor was the Penn State defense J- th „ athlete IIH . m ° st ol the fllst Quarter. Hills is given an even chance for which bogged down. mansh,p 01 the athl ? te - u . A 50-yard return of a punt by <i victory. In a pre-game predic- “Fireman" Warren Pyer was termer years the choice was Mayo Donelli, starting right half tiou Coach Thiel expressed his be- called to duty in the eighth frame the vo )- e °f, the various for the Dukes, set up the initial lief that his lacrossemen would when Lazar got into trouble with coaches, but this year the School scoie of the game sifter the Hig •win if they played the brand of only one out. Three runs came Physical Education and Ath- gins men had kicked, out from lacrosse thev are capable of play- across before Pver got the last two letics turned over this task of behind their goal. Davis had j n g, ' men 0U ( ‘ selection to the locsll sports writ- knifed through three blockers to Following -the game with the Debler collected two of the ers. stop the flashy Dukeman on the Orangemen, Coach Thiel plans to Lion’s five singles, a minor of- Former Penn State,, athletic six. visit with his .parents who live in fense compared to the 16 Orange greats who were awarded the title Previous to the score the Nit- Syracuse. The Nittany team will hits, including four doubles and a include Steve Hamas ’29, Marty tany forward wall had held the return to State College late Sun- home run. McAndrews ’3O, Frank Diedrich Donelli-coached team in two goal day evening. ’3l, Jesse Brewster ’33, Thomas line stands. The tackling of Leo Meets Syracuse IN Soccer Play Continues; lirack, Field Entries Due Action in the intramural soccer tournament continued yesterday and plans were formulated for the intramural track and field meet, next Wednesday and Thursday. Delta Upsilon defeated Alpha Chi Sigma No. 2, 1-0, and Alpha Chi Sigma No. 1 defeated Phi Kappa Sigma, 2-0 in yesterday’s only soccer games.! Both winners are now semi-finalists. Entries in the track and field meet must be presented at the intramural office in Bee Hall by noon today, according to Eugen C. Bischoff, director of intramural atheltics. Monday’s schedule matches Phi Delta Theta and Delta Upsilon in a semi-final game. Sigma Nu will play Phi Sigma Kappa No. 1 in the concluding ' quarter-final match. The winner here will face Alpha Chi Sigma No. 2 in the oth er game of the semi-finals. ■ 11 ' foursome will include Dick Ste- Lions in their battle with the _ . . a I \\ti* n I phens and Kramar. Swan and Dukes today since Dave Alston I VV IflS K&lclV Holden comprise the Penn State will be back in uniform to atm at sprint 'IVIKUI'ey 1 «am 7 men in-the fourth section. touchdown territory, g. r-.. A. f t f* ««, • Coach Rutherford is looking for Starting lineup for today’s gaifie In rsrsc /\l‘tSirnOOn S V.OITID€tItIOTI another win in this, his 21st sea- is as follows: nan ■»»»»• V - r son with the Nittany golfers, but DUQUESNE Special to the Collegian leg, 1:54,3; Dolbin, running the said that Bucknell has a strong lE Jansante PHILADELPHIA, April 24 220-yard leg, 21.2; and Schiff, the outfit and will probably put up L T Matisi Four near-record times turned in other 220 yard leg, 22.3. some stiff opposition. LG Keller by Barney Ewell, Norm Gordon, The Nittany team is looking Bucknell last played the Lion q Wukits Don Dolbin, and Marty Schif'f forward to the last half of the golfers in 1935, although two sue- HG Fay paced the Penn State sprint med- meet to be run off tomorrow af- ceeding matches had been sched- ley relay team to a win in the ternoon, the big feature of which uled but were cancelled because K j s [ day Penn Relay Carnival here this af- will be the special invitation 100- of unfavorable weather. Penn Qg Setcavage ternoon. yard dash in which the Nittany State defeated West Virginia last LR Donelu The 440-yard relay team won hopes rest on their speedy sprint Saturday on the home links by Kielbasa its heat in the qualifying rounds start, Barney Ewell. He placed the decisive score of 9to 0. pg Gottlieb in the afternoon’s show, but un- second in this event last year and fortunately dropped the baton on has been rated as a favorite to win a pass in the finals and so were the race in this year’s meet, not able to place in the event. Other events on tomorrow’s Xavier College won this event program are the 880-yard relay, with a time of 41.7 seconds. the four-mile relay, the freshman The Lions failed to place men mile relay, broad jump, hammer, in any of the other events run off. javelin, pole vault and high jump. The other events were shot-put. The Nittany team will miss the discus, 400-meter low hurdles, and services of Johnny Glenn in the 120-yard low hurdles. high jump department. Glenn, The winning sprint medley whose ankle was injured several team won its relay with a time of weeks ago will be out of competi -3:26.5. Individual times of the tion for at least two weeks Perm State runners were: Ewell, running the 440-yard leg, 48.2; _ Gordon, running the half-mile nCVi EV3IIS TO bpGaK Orangemen Collect 16 Hits From Lazar The box score Penn Slate Farris, 2b Poinlek, If Sidler. cf Debler, lb Ebersole, rf Brown, 3b Thomas, ss .. .. Xvtariella, c Lazar, p Nobile, Red Moore, and Ken Schoonover stood out in the de fensive effort. The Lions got their first break in the second quarter when John ny Wolovsky, substitute center, snagged a Donelli aerial and placed the ball in the home team’s possession on the Red and Blue’s 25-yard line. Cliff St. Clair and Davis moved the ball to the eight yard marker' from where Jack Banbury bulled his way through the center of the line for a T.D. Heading for their second win of Coming bark after the haif with Syracuse ab r h o a the season, Penn State’s golf team a powerhouse offense, the Lions Glacken, cf 5 1 4 2 0 w jR -meet Bucknell University on moved to their second touchdown Waft, 2b 4 2 2 1 2 the golf course at two o’clock to- with Jeff Durkota carrying the Sylvestre, ss 5 0 1 0 2 day. This is the second meeting ball on a shovel pass from McPhail, rf 5 2 1 2 0 0 f the two teams, the Lions having O’Karma, substitute for Davis, to HesiTlb 5 2 3 10 1 beaten the Bisons 9too in 1935. score standing up from the 19- Whilesell. If 4 2 3 0 0 Team positions for this week’s yard line. Weber, 3b 4 0 1 1 3 matches remain unchanged since A 50-yard pass from Goode to Slade, c 4 1 110 0 j; m Kramar and Dent Holden KielbcEa produced the Dukes’ Mallelle. p 4 0 0 1 1 held their own against Ed Fair- second touchdown and the final Totals 40 10 IS 27 9 child and Joe Brucher in the in- score of the game. xßalled for Pointek in 7th. ter-squad matches this week. Aldo Cenci, first-string block xxßalled for Pyer in 9th. Bob Wallace will lead off in ing back, was hurt in the first Penn State ... 000 001 000— 1 number one position with Chuck quarter of the fray, but the -pic- Syracuse .... 013 020 13x—10 Seebold number two. The second ture may not be so for the Pyer, p xDonovan xxPerugini Totals Dr. Louis H. Evans, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, California, will speak during the chapel services in Schwab Auditorium at 11 a. m. His subject will be “The Faith of tire Collegian—History, Argument THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Baseball Streak, 10-1 Writers' Best Athlete High School Seniors To Be Announced To Witness Fray Slusser '34, Albert Mikelonis ’35, a Bill Miller ’36, J. Franklin Smith 2 ’37, Wendell Wear ’3B, Harry ® Harrison ’39, Nick Vukmanic ’4O, jj and John Barr ’4l. No selection ® was.made in 1932. 2 l Lion Golfers Play j Bucknell Today Living at The Colonial 123 W. Nittany Ave., State College For College Men who are not fraternity minded, our house of fers fellowship and opportunities for development found in few other Independent groups. Scholastically our rating is high as evidenced by representation on the roster of fifteen Honorary and 'Scholastic Societies and other murks of leadership in College activities. Our men take active interest and participate in extra curricular affairs, and intramural sports. Of mutual interest to all concerned is the strict adherence to house rules and study hours, so that all share equally in the things that make your stay here worth while. (ourlmen Meet Strong 'Big Red' ITHACA, N. Y.,. April 24 Penn State’s varsity tennis team arrived here late tonight tor their tilt tomorrow afternoon with Cor nell. The match is scheduled for 2 p. m. on the Big Red’s varsity courts. t Halted in their last] two times out, after their lineup tvas riddled with injuries earlier in'.the season, the Nittanymen will try to regain their winning stride with an upset over a dangerous Cornell- squad. STATE r.*ii FIRST YEAR CLASSES BEGIN • • Potsklan on June 15th and Sept. 28th, 1042 nnd Kerns February Ist, 1913 .. . Jaffurs With Summer work. Day Course may be Palazzi completed in two calendar years and eve ninsr course in two yenrs and—eight . . . . Nobile months Schoonover Van Lenten .... Ulinski .... Alston . . St. Clair . . 3anbury (Signed) JESSE V. FARDELLA ’43 Chairman of Activities Phone 4850 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1942 Special to the Collegian Cornell holds a decided advant age over the Lions in that they have just returned from a training tour through the southern states, and have severaf victories over major southern collegiate teams to their credit. Lion captain, Charlie Bowman, and Cy Hull, number one sopho more, are still question marks. Bowman was forced from, the lineup with sickness, and has been unable to regain his usual form since his return. Hull suffered a severe shin splint in the second match of the year, that has seriously handicap ped his game in subsequent matches. Both Bowman and Hull wdre handed decisive setbacks in the match with Bucknell last Wednesday. . Sophomore A 1 Hendler still fa vors an injured left shoulder, and may encounter trouble at the number three spot. Ace Parker will start at num ber two for the Lions, Lundelius' will probably fill number five, and Herb Kraybill, only member of the team to remain undefeated in singles this year, will handle the number six position. . Fire House Defends Mushball Title Again The Canal Street Fire • House took the mushball championship for the third consecutive time last night in a hotly contested game •with the Miller Club. : The Fire House pitcher, Art Bovsa, allowed only two hits throughout the game, enabling the Fire House boy’s to roll up a TO-4 score. Fordham University SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK CASE SYSTEM Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course CO-EDUCATIONAL Member Assn, of American Law Schools Completion of Two Years of Col lege Work with Good Grades Re quired for Entrance MORNING AND EVENING CLASSES For further information address Registrar Fordham Law School 233 Broadway, New York