The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 24, 1942, Image 4
PAGE FOUR. PSCA. Dinner To Close Year To herald a new year and to climax a successful one, the PSCA annual dinner meeting will be lield in the Sandwich Shop at 5:45 p. m. Monday, accoi-ding to Jean E. Hershberger ’42, PSCA president. Dr. Louis H. Evans, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, .Hollywood, Calif., and Dr. Clar ence Shedd, professor of Religion in. Higher Education, Yale Uni versity, will be guest speakers at the dinner. Tickets will be sold for 50 cents at Student Union and the PSCA office. Deadline for sales ..and re servations is noon today. Executive committee members are Dorothy L. Shaw '42, general chairman; Phyllis R. Watkins ’44, program; Lois C. Lohrke '45, pub licity; Robert S. MacNabb ’45, table arrangements; J. Howard Mendenhall '42 and Clifford M. Painter ’44, tickets. Walter N. Shambt(ch '42 will act as toastmaster and John W. Dague ’42 will lead community .singing. As an aid to freshman orienta tion, the PSCA will hold a Fresh man ' Women's Camp at the Col lege cabins June 6 and 7. Gen eral chairman of the camp com mittee is Margaret K. Ramaley Committees and members are vecveation, Ann Drivas '43, D. J. Jennings '44, Joan V. Somers '44, A- Jene Bollinger '45, and lone H. ; Trovaioli ’45; program, Nancy E. Gosser ’43, Lucille D. Moyer ’43, •Phyllis R. Watkins ’44, Mary E. :Werts ’44, Florinne E. Olson ’45, ■Barbara C. Painter ’45, Doris E. 'Payton ’45, Barbara R. Wells ’45, and Miriam L. Zartman ’45; in vitations, Freshmen Grace Gray, Lois C. Lohrke and Claire L. Wea ver; other an-angements, Mabel E. Satterthwaite ’43, Ruth Hanni jan ’44, M. Virginia Krauss ’44, and Catherine L. Miller ’45. Today. The lusly. brawling saga of Alaska . . . where men take what they want . . . gold or women! 1-Pete Smith Specialty—" How rt to Hold Your Husband Back" £* ■ I COiIEGE Free Delivery WE aiRY A COMPLETE LINE OF: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LITTLE AMERICA FROSTED FOODS MORNINGSTAR BAKERY PRODUCTS MEATS AND CHIC K ENS DAIRY PRODUCTS College Food 202 W. College Ave. We,Ohe Women Service Board Is A ‘Big Girl’ Now Since WSGA Junior Service Board, the “baby" of WSGA, was established as an experiment three years ago, it has developed from a precocious infant into an energetic adolescent. Started primarily to provide an activity for coeds possessing latent ability, the Board is now generally recognized as one of the most worthwhile campus groups. Junior Service Board members are the ones who do all the little duties so vital to the smooth functioning of WSGA. They are the ones who compile activities points; they are the coeds who remember to visit transfers in downtown dorms; they are the only women who bother to give a party for coeds who commute. In other words, they do all the things which others always intended to do but never found‘time for. Contrary to popular opinion, WSGA Junior Service Board is not an honorary. It has no national affiliations as do Owens and Mor tar Board. Because of its accom plishments, because of its prestige, to be named a member is undoubt edly an honor. It is an honor because it indi cates that the retiring Board arid WSGA Senate believe the new members to possess dependability, thoughfulness, and willingness to work hard. Our hope is that this group will grow and expand until it becomes as definitely a part of this campus as the cow barns and Old Main towpr. Philotes, independent women’s organization, will hold its annual formal banquet at the (Hotel State College at 6 p. m. .Monday.. Mr. Paul R. Beall, instructor in public speaking, will speak. I \ v; A '■ t. }• fc’Jl O s THKA i A V buy defense stamps Sat. - Mon. A Color Cartoon "Bears and Beavers" Market Food Phone 4955. Market State College THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Coeds Reclaim Sports Titles Jimmie Irwin, for eight years undefeated amateur tennis play er, and Marty Duffman, badmin ton champion for three consecu tive years, were declared All-Col lege champions in their respective sports yesterday. Jimmie captured the tennis title when she defeated Marty Haver stick, 6-4, 6-0. Representing WRA she attended the Mary K. Brown tennis clinic at Lake Erie College for Won l ® ll > n Ohio last Summer. ■ For several years Jimmie was captain of the Junior Tennis team at the Germantown Cricket Club. She was active in tennis at Phila delphia Gii-ls’ High School, Tay lor Business School in Philadel phia, and West Chester State Teacher’s College. Marty upheld her 'badminton title lor . the third consecutive year as she defeated Polly Rugh, 11-4, 14-10. Announcement of new plunge hours for the White Hall pool was made yesterday by Miss Helen J. Swenson, instructor . in physical education. All coeds are urged to use the pool Monday, 4-5 p. m. and 7:30-9 p. m.; Tuesday, 4-5 p. m.; Wednesday, 4-5 p. m. tjnd 7:30-9 p. m.; Thursday, 7:30 p. m. (open to the Swimming Club); Friday, 4-5 p. iri. and 7:30-9 p. m.; or Saturday, 2-3 p. m. and 7:30-9 p. m. Panhel Will Install At Coffee Hour In an effort to eliminate unne cessary expenses, Panbellenic Council will install-new officers at a coffee hour in the southeast lounge, Atherton Hall, from 6:45 to 7:45 p. m. Wednesday, Ruth V. Billingston ’43, committee chair man, announced yesterday. The Council will elect four offi cers and an alumnae advisor at the regular meeting at the Phi Mu house at 7 p. m. Tuesday. All present and newly delegated mem bers are urged to attend by Frances E. Haley ’43, Council president. Re port of the rushing code committee will be offered for Panhellenic’s approval. Coffee hour committee members aiding Miss Billington are Juniors Dorothy C. Ellis and Emily L. Funk. Pi Kappa Alpha will entertain Zeta Tau Alpha at a picnic at Whipple’s Dam Sunday. Rides Wanted RW—Philadelphia; leave Friday afternoon, 4p. m. Return Sun day afternoon. Call Brown, 3422. 2tpd 23,24 W RW—Pittsburgh or Tarentum; leave Friday noon. Call Schadel, 2316. 2tpd 23,24 D PW To Phila. L. Fri. afternoon. Ret. Sun. Call Marty, 439. RW—To Phila. L. Fri afternoon. C. 2461. Sederholm. RW—Phila., Easton or N.Y.C, Thursday or Friday, April 30 and May 1. Call 212 Women’s Build ing. 2tch 27 B PW—Phila., leave today 4 p. m. Return Sunday afternoon. Call Brown. 3422. 2tpd-248 PW—Yoi'k and vicinity. L. Sat. at 12. Call Harry, 3287. CLASSIFIED SECTION PERSON who took typewriter from Grange, Sunday, January 25 is known. No charges if return ed to Student by April 29. | FURNISHED, student, modern i apartment; four rooms and bath, i Electric stove and refrigeration. 1 Entire second floor. Call 4042. J 3tpd 23,24,25JM | PERSON who took typewriter 1 from Grange, January 25 is | known. Call 211 Grange by April i 29, or vour name will be disclosed. .1 3tch 23,24,?55R Powell, Cooper Named Organization Heads Following a party given by re tiring members of WSGA Junior Service Board yesterday, new members elected Mary Jo Pow ell ’44 as chairman and Barbara J. Cooper ’44, secretary, for the coming year. Miss'Nina M. Bentley,'faculty advisor, and R. Helen Gordon ’42, senior advisor, were presented with gifts from the Board. In the past year the WSGA ser vice organization has gathered material on defense projects of all women’s organizations, assum ed regulation and enforcement of the point system, and sponsored social service projects. Transfer orientation, teas for transfers and second semester freshman coeds, and WSGA committee "work.have also been a part of their program. Plans for the coming year in clude transfer orientation, contin uation of the point system, and additional social service projects for the College. Established in 1939 by WSGA Senate to aid in WSGA projects, M. Jane Dalton ’4l was its first chairman, followed by Roberta J. Kelly ’42 who left school and was succeeded by E. Louise Hack ’42. Naftalig A. ,'Siebert ’43 has. been chairman for the past year, and Gladys E. Fitting ’43 was chosen FIRST CALL form shirts FOR JUNIOR PROM HE PENN STATE LAUNDRY 320 W. Beaver Dial 3261 Easy to Follow —this Arthur Murray Step I FULL OZ. JAR—ONLY 39* (plirt tm) ends perspiration JFOkf GIVES YOU MORE fOR YOUR MONEY FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1942 Co-ops Set Dates For House Parties Dates have been set and parties are being planned by Nittany and Allen Street Co-ops for house en tertainment. , Nittany Co-op will honor its graduating seniors at, a semi-for mal vie dance at the co-op at 6:30 tonight; announced" Harold P. Marsh ’44 and R. Jane Bell ’45, co-chairmen. Guests of honor include Seniors- Fenwick P. Brown, Wanda M. Churchill, Melba E. Dixon, Jay R. Duppstadt, Carlyle S. Herrick, Betty A. Mickey, Joseph D. Spin elli, Benjamin H. Stahl, Ernest B. Thompson, Harold V. Walton, and Sallie L. Witter. ... , ’ 1 Allien Street Co-op will hold a dinner tonight .in honor or graduating seniors. f Committee in charge of refresh ments and entertainment includes Roberta B. 'Nicholls. ’45, chairman, Doris J. Hartung '42, and Willard T. McAllister '42. . i Ray H. Wilson '43 and Doris" F. Porter ’44, co-presidents, announ ced yesterday-that there is a num ber of vacancies for men and wo men students for both Sununer and Fall semesters. to replace her when Miss Siebert went practice teaching. to Daintiness! to, guard :Barmthe dancers Cream, -gritty, to use— perspira ;o 3 days!. Arthur mtiness— im today! ->lus tax).