PAGE FOUR 1 A T Emanon will entertain Phi Sig- UiOOCIS Attend ma Delta at a coffee hour in the Conventions Two WSGA Senate members •will leave today for a WSGA con vention at Ohio State University, Columbus, 0., and four WRA re presentatives will leave tomorrow io attend a national WRA confer ence at Wellesley College, Welles ley, Mass. Nancy E. Gosser ’43, senior sen ator, selected by Senate to replace Margaret K. Sherman ’43, WSGA president, who is practice teach ing, and Dorothy K. Brunner ’44, WSGA vice-president, will parti cipate in the Eastern Regional WSGA Convention which starts to morrow morning and ends Friday noon. All schools east of the Mississip pi, with WSGA organizations, have been invited to send two represen tatives. Discussions will consist of problems pertinent to college life and women’s student governments. Accompanied by Miss Mildred A. I.ucey, instructor in physical edu cation, Ann .Drivas ’43, WRA head, Betty L. Zeigler ’42, past WBA president and Grace L. Judge ’44, WRA treasurer, will attend the - - national meeting of the Athletic Federation of College Women Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The triennial convention con sisting of representatives from over 200 colleges, was held last at the University of Southern Cali fornia. Meetings and discussion groups-will formulate WRA and WAA policies for the next thitee yeais. No athletic awards and no intercollegiate sports are among the standards set by previous con ventions. DU Elects Officers Edward Fairchild ’43 was elect ed president of the Delta Upsilon fraternity this-week. Jack Kems '43 was elected vice-president: Charles Hannan ’43, treasurer: Ferd Sheakley ’43, seci-etary, and Wallace Murfit ’43, house man ager. We, Z)L Women (Continued from Page Two) •inemories'of sour harmonies as the press began to roll, of linotypers that humored us through our blun ders, of the press collapsing at the deadline and the speedy change to another machine. It would not 'be complete with out the memory of the first days of the daily—how we sweated to switch from the leisurely twice weekly publication to the all-out daily. Greatest wonder of all is how, as we acquired the journalistic slang, we managed to write a reasonable facsimile of English. But this “swan song” will never be completed—there’s too much that we don’t want to write an end ing to—too much we wanted to do that we never accomplished. But it’s too late now—our last deadline must be made. Then we can go home with those dirt smudged faces and elbows, victor ious but sad with our last issue of the “rag” tucked safely ’neath our arms. ——3o— BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST—GoId Hamilton pocket watch between Presbyterian Church and Atherton Hall Sunday night. Call Morgan, 831. 3tpd 31, 2, 4 M. LOST Gold onyx bracelet, ■Northeastern College seal, Wed nesday night between Old Main and Armory. Please return to Student Union. ltpd 7 M. Rides Wanted >~lW—New York City. Leave Fri day, 11 a. m. Call Hep Gordon, CIST your eyes on this EQUIPMENT Delicately balanced, resi lient rods priced as low as $4.51 - SEN Water-proofed Fishing Jackets $5.51 ATHLETIC STORE COLLEGE km ALIEN STREEIS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN northwest lounge o£ Atherton Hall at 7 o’clock tomorrow night. We have brilliant-hued flies to lure the most coquettish trout. We have glistening spinners to make a salmon leap to your challenge. We share with you the thrill of your sport—and that’s one reason we’re so - com pletely stocked with every kind of available merchan dise. Fish for fun—and fish to keep fit! BUY DEFENSE STAMPS 15th Fresh water. Salt water. Lake and stream. Eadh has its fishing enthusiasts. To all of you, we say—now's the time to get out your waders and creel; to polish up rod and reel. Fishing season's begun! *r mi i < We call your special attention to our lot of reels—many one of a kind models no longer being manufactured. Make your selection for the season for $f lo $7.50 AND BONDS Open*. 25c TUESDAY, APRIL 7, l! Theta Chi will entertain All Chi Omega at dinner Wednesi APRIL 15 FISHING LICENSES FOR SALE Durably woven creel, with aniline dyed leather pocket. $1 to $5 Hand net in various sizes of meshing. Strap-handle. . 85c to $3.50 STATE COLLEGE « -s * >