The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 21, 1942, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Women Prove Ru gk Taylor Will Vie in Elections Money Makers To Re P resent Independent Coeds Penn state coeds are smart p nl y N°n-Greek s Club To Sponsor operators, and there’s more than jyi a y Cast Ballots r 875,000 to prove it! All-College Hike I Miss Betty Bell, former assist- M. Pauline Rugh ’43 and Muriel D ant to the dean of women, com- S. Taylor ’43 were chosen as can- WRA Outing Club will sponsor piled a survey wnich showed that didates for representing independ- an All-College hike to Mt. Nittany coeds were rei',l money-makers ent women on All-College Cabinet this a ft ernoo n. The club invites last summer and that en masse by WSGA senior elections com- . -■ . „ ... ... all coeds and men to leave from they raked in $75,742. mittee last night. . The average coed pulled in $llO They will be voted upon in next back ol Old Main at 2p. m. The profit from waiting tables, gen- week’s All-College elections. A group will return at 5 o’clock, eral sales work, counseling, and list of independent coeds will be Future hikes will be planned punching a typewriter for three kept at the polls and names check- . f sufficient interest is sho wn, months. Only 13 per cent of the ed as women vote to insure voting „ potential career women had posi- only by independents. stated Margaret K. Ramaley 44, tions lucrative enough to make The nominating committee made president ovter $2OO. the choices with the permission Of the 96 per cent of women re- of IWA and Philotes, independent porting, 52 per cent worked for women’s organizations. No inde pay, while 15 per cent stayed to pendent women’s mass meeting catch up on extra credits at sum-.' for floor nominations wrs held mer school. A high number saw since election dates were too near, the world and spent the day The winner will work through swimming, and the nights dancing. WSGA House of Representatives Just to show that r. college edu- and Freshman Council since both cation does not cramp a house- have independent representation, wife’s style, 71 per cent, or 949 She will also serve on All-College women, helped out with house- Cabinet and as an ex-officio mem work at home during the summer, ber of WSGA Senate. Panhellen- Miss Bell’s report shows that ic President Frances E. Haley ’43 coeds began premature volunteer- will represent sororities on Sen ing for defense work with 6 per ate in an ex-officio capacity. cent pitching in to help Uncle 'Sam. Another 24 per cent assist- Phi Mu held its pledge dance ed in church and club functioning, at the Nittdny Lion Inn last night. Counseling and waitressing re- Music was provided by the Nit cruited 226 . women into their tany Nine, ranks, as high-pressure sales wo men and stenographers fell behind with 207 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:45, 8:45 The man with 28 lives . . . one woman loving him . . . and 100 Gestapo after him ... is for everybody who likes a good thriller! Leslie Howard *—as~* “MISTER V” —with— Mary Morris Francis Sullivan LAST TIMES TODAY 'The Courtship of Andy Hardy' • Today Thru Tues. • . . . She pulled every trick in the book . . . She hooked him . . Cheated him . . . Lied to him . . . Bui when he started playing rough with kisses . . . Heaven help a girl with a Knight like this! A tOlh CINTURY-fOX PICTUXI CbuV oifflisE Bonnsi r lilere , s satisfaction in knowing that the 6vV revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam And, when you buy Chesterfields, you have the satisfaction of knowing you are getting a superior blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This famous blend gives you a smoke that is definitely milder, far cooler and lots better-tasting. Make your next pack Chesterfields. You can’t buy a better cigarette. FIRST TO fa: *h<“ U. S. for n Mih ing smok- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Coeds To Discuss Nursing With Dean Graduating senior women, in terested in entering the nursing ed ucation field, 'may interview Mrs. Ruth Perkins Kuehn, dean of the School of Nursing at Pittsburgh University, in 3 White Hall from 1:10 to 3 p. m. Wednesday. Under federal- . subventions, grants-in-aid will be provided for study at Yale School of Nursing, Western Reserve School of Nurs ing, and University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. Coeds interested in this program may discuss it with Mrs. Kuehn. 1 SS . We tl/r '""^vV.v Ej rre f ay ]tf T I JZft-ooo*** W ( - l ‘ e *'erfeU s 1 §4 We, Dhe Women Here’s Yotir Chance — Don’t Miss It At long last independent women badminton have been given a representative ed last _ night .with final scores ofe voice in student government. For J 10 0 in eac ‘ years they have clamored for it Kappa team 3 trounced Alpha And for years they have permitted Chi team 2 with Elaine Merrill Philotes, with only 50 members, to and Helen Neubert playing for represent them The newer independent women’s and Ruth Kauffmann for Aipha group, IWA, has opened its arms to Chi. all independent coeds and has sue- Jimmy Irwin and Joan Hefzer, ceeded in having its constitution Theta team 2 players, beat-Kapp'a approved by All-College Cabinet. Deltas Skip Scrivanich and Esther But as yet its membership is not Lloyd. great enough to warrant Cabinet „ , . , „ . _ ... , 6 . .? Zeta te£*n 1, Connie Reddig and le Unt S i e i n iWA strengthens its mem- ’ Tune Conrad, won'from Phi' Mu bership, a coed will represent in- team 1, Mary Archer and. Bea dependent women on All-College whlte - Cabinet and'on WSGA Senate as Ruth Saylor and Jean Wissing an ex-officio member. She will er, Chi ,0 team 1, beat Florence be elected by independent women Rothman and Blanche Deger, "Ath' in All-College elections next week. East team 2 players. Lists of all independent women . ' ' - will be on hand at elections, and r~ „ T coeds’ names will be checked off CLASSIFIED SECTION . as they vote. Failure to vote on „ .■■ the part of independent women FQR rent Two furnished may indicate to student govern- rooms an d bath in Orlando ment organizations that indepen- tments T * o 0 r three per-/ dents .have no desire for vepresen- desired CaU . ask : for , t ... Lidiard. 2tpd 21, 24 S. This is an excellent opportunity / . for them to show interest in such .... - ... , representation, and it is our hope NOTICE Will student who ,?awr that they will not overlook such auto collision at Centre Hall, an opportunity by failing to appear February 17, please, contact Harry at the polls. —K.M.P. Cummings, Centre Hall R. D* 1. 1 ' '-300,000 GAR AMn „„... SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942 Four Teaihs Badminton, 3-0 Four games in the_ intramural' - the Kappas and Estelle Brown Copyright ijM3, Ucoctt & Mm* Tobacco C<fc