The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 21, 1942, Image 7

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942
Egli Stars As Lions Lose Opener In National Cage Tournament
(ourimunfrWill Face
Illinois Tonight
the winning stride that had car
ried them through the best season
in- Penn State’s basketball history.
After Egli’s two-pointer, Herk
Baltimore followed through with
a -foul toss and Gross layed up a
one-hand shot: Sophomore Dave
liofnstein ' came through with a
foul throw; Gross added another
field goal, and- Baltimore tipped
■ inf\a perfect double-decker from
under the hoop.
.During this ■ brief rally, the >
Lions played their, best ball of .the •>
evening and managed to even the
count., at -26-26 before big Jim Ol
sen-; Dartmouth center, took mat
ters , into his hands. Playing su
perbly, the pivot ace personally
led the Big Green back into a
scoring stride that enabled Dart
mouth to annex a comfortable lead
during the remainder of the game.
Five minutes before the final
gun, Penn State again staged a
short rally and pulled up to 42-37;
but as before, the losers failed to
make their fqllow shots.
'The summaries
Penn State—39
Baltimore, c
Grimes g ..
Gent, f
Gross, f
Egli, f,
Hornstein, g
Ramin, g
Munroe; ; .f .';. 1
FG. F. Tls.
>.s fc .4 1 . 9.
3: ’ 0 6
■'< Olsen, 7 ; c • v.;. ..'.B; .3. .19
• Brarsoh.'g. . 3
j-Skaug, g . : . i...'-2 3;l '.-. .7
. v:o b .0
Bafmeri g o' . ;0' • ' 0
Tpikis;i 1 -.;,. 18-.. ; 8:. 44
.V Of ’ Adams,Depau;
• andV-Berb Pailet; New; Orlenas. ■ “V
Trackmen Train
For Spring Meets
•'. With the first meet, the Penn
Belays, only six weeks away Penn
State’s IC4-A championship track
team continue to work out on the
New Beaver Field board track
with / hopes of shifting in the near
future to the cinder oval.
" Two away dual meets on the
schedule will take the Lion ti a ck
sters to. East Lansing and Pitts
burgh' for meets with Michigan
State and Pitt," while the cinder,
burners will perform in the Nit
tany valley against Temple and
'' Peculiarities of the.schedule will
require three meets within a week
for the Blue and White squad.
Michigan State," Temple, and Pitt
will be. met in that order in the
first week of May, while a training
table system will be utilized for
the-week vacation before the Syr
acuse meet on May 16. .
Big event of the year for the Nit
tany contingent will be held on
May 29 and 30 when they attempt
to gain 'their second XG4-A crown
•in three months. The 67th run
ning of the; IC4-A championships
will be-held at Randall’s Island in
New York,
At The Movies
“The Courtship of Andy Hardy”
“Rings on Her Fingers”
NITTANX: r , ~.
“Riders' of -the. Purple Sage"
LION BIG GUN—Alter showing
up well, in practice during the last
two weeks, forward John Egli re
tained his scoring ability as he
led Penn State’s offensive attack
against Dartmouth by tallying 12
FG. F. Tls.
4 1 9
0 0 0
10 2
3 3 9
5 2 12
13 5
0 2 2
14 11 39
Fencers Take Surprise Second
In Ist Day's EIFA Competition
. / . . ; . Special to the • Collegian,
NEW YORK, ; N; Y.,' !March .20—Penn State’s • unpredictable fenc
ing .team., fpuiid itself‘a-,close second to New York University’s vetefari
swordsmen competition in.epee, 14-1514. The
Lions-staged' surprise*showing in the first day’s .dueling of the; 49th;
annual-:Eastern Intercollegiate Fencing Association tourney as they
outpointed the other-II Association members.
. Bob , Swope . and Captain Bob
Harder": with points in- the epee
and foil respectively, led the Nit
tany contingent in scoring. Swope
topped the field in the epee, win
ning 6 out of 7 bouts while Harder
compiled a record of 5Vz out of
7 in the epee E.,nd 6 out of 7 in the
Tomorrow’s, action is expected
to see a drop in Nittany stock as
the teams continue with the epee
and foil and take up the saber.
The Lions this season showed
weakness in saber competition.
The team’s close second to NYU
is significant in !view of last Sat
urday’s dual meet defeat by the
Violets,. 18VS-81A.
Penn State has tree entries in
each event. Besides Harder, Wal
ly Riley and Tim Reed are en
tered in the foils with Johnny Du-
Bois the other epee entry., Saber
contestants are George Gimber,
Bernie Hainkin, and Jim Mont
gomery. Gimber is expected to
be the outstanding Lion saber
. Substitutes in the lineup include
Gimber in the foil, Bill Burleigh
in saber and John McCreary in
This year marks Penn State’s
first entry in the tourney. When
Yale earlier in the season stated
that they would not enter a team,
the association invited the Blue
and White to make the 12th entry,
the customary number of teams.
However, last minute entries by
the Elis made a total of 13 teams.
Plenty of .fencing is in store for
the contestants. Last y the
tournament continued until 1 a. m.
Sunday morning. The schedule
for a total of 30 hours activ
ity in the two-day meet. -
With an unimpressive season’s
Lion's Spring Sports Card Will Go Unchanged As
College Schedules Games Through May 30
Varsity Baseball
Ll—Western Maryland, home
15— Dickinson, hpme
17— Gettysburg, home
18— Colgate, home
22—Muhlenberg, home
24 Syracuse, away
25 ColgEite, away
29 Navy, away
1— 'West Virginia, home
2 West Virginia, home
9—Syracuse, home
11—Bucknell, home
16— Pittsburgh, away
20—Temple, home '
•23—Army, away
30— Pittsburgh, home
Varsity Tennis
IS-’-Susquehanna, home
17— Lehigh,' away
18— Muhlenberg, away
22—Bucknell, home
25—Cornell, away
30—Gettysburg, home
2—Syracuse, home
6—Pennsylvania, home
9—Pittsburgh, away
13—Navy, away
19—F & M, home
Lion Nine To Play
Regular Schedule
Shortened semester, extra sem
ester, or holidays will have little
effefit on Coach Joe Bedenk’s base
ball Lions, as the team will con
tinue to the end of the present
schedule. Five games will lap
over into the Summer semester.
Only fray to be dropped'from
the roster is a till with Bucknell,
formerly slated for June 6. Thus
Memorial Day will wind up the
season as it now stands, with Pitt
listed as the last opponent. ■
There is a definite possibility
that the diamondmen will continue
through the Summer, like the golf
team. Some colleges which have
added an extra semester have al
ready moved to continue baseball.
The Blue and White batmen will
meet five opponents home, starting
with Western Maryland April 11,
before taking to the road April 22.
The start of May will mark an
other home stand of four games
before the Nittany squad takes on
Pitt away.
Temple ‘will invade May 20,
Army will be the foe at West
Point on the 23rd, and Pitt will
write finis to the regular season
record of three wins and four
losses, the Lions were not con
ceded much of ri chance to place
in the tourney, this making yes
terday’s performance even more
surprising. This is also Dr. H.
Arthur Meyers’ first term as
coach. He took over in mid-sea
son when Dr. Harry M. Knitter
accepted a position at the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology.
Varsity Track
24-25—Penn Relays, away
2—Michigan State, away
6—Temple, home
9—Pittsburgh, away
16—Syracuse, home
29-30—1C4-A, away
Varsity Lacrosse
11—Navy, away
25—Syracuse, away
29—Maryland, home
2—SwarthmOre, home
6—Lehigh, home
9—Hobart, away
16—Army, away
23—Drexel, home
Varsity Golf
18—West Virginia, home
25-—Bucknell, home
1— Cornell, away
2 Pittsburgh, away
8— Georgetown, away
9 Princeton, away
9—Pennsylvania, away
the loss of many key men Coach
Bob Higgins is putting his present
squad pf 45 players through inten
sive Spring drills on New Beaver
High School Gymnasts
To Compete In Rec Hall
Gym Coach Gene Wettstone and
his understudies will discontinue
their acrobatic activities when
they play host to 148 contestants
from 16 high schools in the State
PIAA championships at Rec Hall
at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
The high school gymnasts fought
through the district tournament
and .the regional meet to win the
chance to participate in the con
Warren, the home-town of Har
old Zimmerman, Lion tumbling
and parallel bar champion, cop
ped the tourney last year followed
by Bloomsburg in second place.
Both teahis are conceded an ex
cellent chance of gaining a repeat
IM Cage Finals Sunday
Irvin Hall and Irvin Hall Frosh
will vie for the independent intra
mural basketball crown, and Phi
Sigma Delta will meet Alpha Chi
Sigma for the fraternity champion
ship, 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon in
Rec Hall.
Fardelia Forfeits
NCAA Boxing Bid
Jess Fardelia, 127 pound mit
man forfeited his chances for a
•title shot in the NCAA tourna
ment to be held at Baton Rouge,
La. next weekend, Coach Leo
Houck announced yesterday. The
withdrawal will leave Captain
Boh Baird as the sole Lion conten
der to leave campus Monday in
quest of additional Penn State
boxing honors.
Fardelia, who fought in the 127-
pound class this year, is enrolled
in the Mechanical Engineering
school and believed that the addi
tional loss of time he would lose
by competing in the Nationals
might sorely affect his grades
The substituting of another Lion
puncher was considered by Houck
and Neil Fleming, graduate man
ager of athletics, but since Baird
and Fardelia were the only pugil
ists with commendable records this
season, along with EIBA titles, the
idea was discouraged. The na
tional boxing committee also had
a hand in the final selection of en
trants for the tourney which had
to be taken into consideration.
Baird will leave State College
Monday morning along with the
good doctor, Leo Houck. The Nit
tany captain will arrive at Baton
Rouge, La. Wednesday in time to
work out and await pairings and
weigh-ins which . are held on
Thursday afternoon.
Baird has racked up an impres
sive record this season, winning
four bouts and dropping but two.
One of these losses was at the'
hands of Loren Schoff when the
two 145-pounders clashed at Syr
acuse. Schoff won a close decision
but the tables were turned when
the punchers met in the EIBA
tourney and Baird turned the
Orange leader back and copped the
Warren Jollymore of Wisconsin
served up the other blemish on
Baird’s record when he barely out
pointed the Lion champion at Mad
ison last Monday.
Baird and Jollymore may tangle
in the National tourney if they are
paired in the 145 bracket. If
Baird’s repeat victory over Schoff
is any indication of his power
when he meets opponents for the
second time, Jollymore will be in
for a tough fight.
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