The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 19, 1942, Image 1

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    Successor to
The Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOL. 38—No. 112
Independent Representation On Cabinet Changed
Cabinet Approves
New Constitution
Teams Arrive
For 7th Annual
New methods of choosing both
independent men’s and women’s
representatives to All-College Cab
inet were adopted last night by
Cabinet as by-laws to the newly
revised constitution. The entire
revised constitution was also pass
ed by Cabinet, but must await
final approval of President Rob
ert D. Baird who is out of town
and has requested delayed action
until his return.
If Baird approves the constitu- '
tion as it stands it will be printed
u . in Saturday’s Daily Collegian and
UIG Hards Jean Babcock ’42, who installed new WSGA officers presented to the students at All
last night, will continue to act as WSGA president until May 18 when College elections next week, Tues-
Margaret K. Sherman ’43, new head, returns from student teaching, day, Wednesday, and Thursday. If
Betty L. Zeigler ’42, WRA president, will return from student teach- he does not approve it, a special
ing next week to install new WRA officers and name recipients of Cab _ meeting will be called
three $5O scholarships. probably tomorrow night.
According to the first new by
-1 law, presented by Ross B. Lehman
■■■ II I I ’42, chairman of the committee on.
I U/A IC A»Hc by-laws, and accepted by Cabinet,
I YwV/ lIIWH6|«/I6IIWH&|.Hi V(V/V%19 the independent men’s representa-.
Penn State men will have their » «j» » ■■ » « ■ mi tive to Cabinet shall be elected,by
final opportunity to apply for the \ X 2 I M f all independent men at All-College
Candidate Class of the Marine Re- W ||| V|g 111 trICCCIOIIS elections; the-two candidates being
serve Corps today, according to an _____________________ fh e president of IMA and the pres
arinouncement from Lieut. Robert Wjnnpi* Will SfifVfi . ident of the Penn State Club.
M. Port of Pittsburgh, recruiting ' Afo M&V Ddt(* ' In 01, der that this system may
officer. On All-fnllpnp fahinpf , , y / take effect at next week ’ s elec
■ Applications Will be received 9 Tribunal ReVLSeS Code iSA s 'and Pem
and physical examinations for pre- Two independent women will _ . ~, , . ~„ . quiring both the IMA ana Penn
vious atmlicants will be given in * • ’ aii oi, , .• Freshmen of the class of ’46 who sta te Club to have their presidents
toe CoUeHe tonrmary from lO a COmpete m All - College - Sections matriculate in- the special third. selec ted and their names -in the
m. to noon and 1:30 to sp. m. Port Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- semester this June will be allowed hands of .the Elections committee
is expecting to fill his quota for day to represent independent to date until 7p. m., according to by Monday.
Penn State which has been set at women on Ali-Coliege Cabinet, the revised customs code released The second by-law concerned .
25 seniors, 18’ juniors, 6 sopho.- and WSGA Senate, stated Jean by . Tribunal yesterday. with the independent women’s, re- :
mores and an unannounced num- Babcock - 42 acting WSGA presi . J 1 pa ™ pres ? ntative *? Cabinet states that
ber of freshmen. dent> foUowing senate meeting ir, mhted the ’45 ?rosh nominations shall be made for this.
Lieut. Port suggested that all in- i as t night. It was also decided that O P , th malor chan£? „ in the posltl ?f by tbe WSGA .nominating
terested students should obtain p a 'nhellenic president should sit ,- t x/L e . fro s h from committee. Any seniorindepend
copies of their birth certificates. In on -senate. llst €XC i' u ses , J “ ae f“h from ent woma n may be.nominated for.
all probability, he declared, stu- oMvindependent women mav T*™* the -traditional black bow this post. The nominees are then
Hpnts who enlist will be Dermitted ? n : y inde P enc,em women. l y* ay tie, an exception made in the voted on at general elections by all
i“Si° o?WS°gT« J"? CUStO ““ " ““ ( ~- “»
, ~ . ~ j weex ai a meeting oi waun sen heat. m-ng candidate will serve as ex-of-
Upon graduation, Port poin e i or elections committee with IWA statutes on the customs books ficio member of WSGA Senate as
out, applicants wi e given a and Philotes, independent worn- have been combined to reduce to well as representative to All-Col
three months training course, af- en > s organizations. 10 the origina i U st of 20, accord- -lege Cabinet.
erf Reserve Second Lieutenants at The elected coed will be an ex- in g to the seven-man board. These changes will eliminate
«?2?fmlntr During the tuning offlcl ° Senate membeF ’ r w ° rking The customs period-will be re- th e present IMA and Philotes
$ 12 5 a month. During the tiaming through WSGA rfouse 0 f Repre- duce d to six weeks during the representatives to Cabinet. As
period the pay will be $36 a sentatives and WSGA Fres h- summer period, but frosh orienta- J^SSedout by^Lehman these
, , niati Council, which hav© mdspon- tion will continuG throughout tho -two bodies do not represent com-
Lieut. Port may be remembered dent representation. Panhellenic fall term . (Snued on Page lour)
'by PenTl sta * e upperclassmen as a Pres i de nt Frances E. Haley ’43 . Thomqs E. Heidecker ’43 and
member of the University of Pitts- will represent sororities in sin ex- George R . Rumsey ’43 will be the
burgh s basketball team for three officio capacity . only remaining members of this -Jk| _ 11
years. He is a graduate of 1941. senate decided that Miss Bab- year - s j udicia i board to enforce N(t AA . KOOKS
' cock will continue to preside while new code. Heidecker will • ■ __ _ _ .
college Name s 3 - R „der Heads Theta xh, Needed To Vole
Arnnemir Richard C. Ruder *44 was chos- i n S during the next eight weeks. c o u e g e elections. With elimination of Atthletic
MLUUCffUL rci LULLS en new preaident of Theta xi This wilh relieve Dorothy K. : Books for voting in next week’s
Cnrinn *\nmme*r Fnll fraternity at the semi-annual Brunner 44, new vice- i > ni fir A rr | arc All-College elections, voters need
. spring, summer, TOLL election / other officers chosen president, of extra duties while JUIHOT KiaZeT UMerS preS ent <f nly Matriculation Cards,
To eliminate possible confusion, at the meeting were Thomas Dll6 5 P M TOHIOffOW Jeanne C. Stiles ’42, Elections
the Council of Administration has E. James ’44 vice-president; Wil- pl^™^e^ osser >43) senior sen . U “ C JYt ™ 't', UW . . committee chairman; -announced.
voted to name the three periods llam J - C °[ llns 44 ’ , b . ea f Jrer ’ Q -t or and Miss Brunner were ap- Junlol c. lass bla f el ? s This action was itaken upon the
into which the College Academic Larry T. Chervenak 44, house ’ represent WSGA at the cbsp ay T at ff th f.„ AtbletlC suggestion of political leadei-s to
year is divided as follows: the manager; and Robert E. Kaval’44, P°mted to store, Philip D Jaffe, ’43, blazer induce molJfi people to vot€ .
. , „ . „ corresponding secretary. (Coniinuea on roun committee co-chairman, announ- , , , , . .
current term, “Spring Semester , P C ed yesterday. Deadline for ord- Second-semester students not
tbe 15^ eek Perlo^ e f - mg n nd 1 “ “ ~ . I ers has been set for tomorrow at ‘ sted m u the fudent Direotory,
May, Summer Semester , and f 1/ f g those whose class standing has
the 15-week period beginning in IQ I\LCLS Blazers costing $5.50 are royal been changedand those whohave
September, Fall Stemestei. f tUyC/ J ,XLUJ blue gabardine twill, a material iostmatricuiation cards must pre-
Al.though a semester, according p re miering the season’s first signed by Mrs. Dorothy B. Scott chosen for summer service. The sent a statement Ciom the deans
to definition, is six months, it was mystery be Players’ perform- and Stanley Danowski, department jacket has white piping and the of their respec ive scioos giving
pointed out that m America a an - of „ Mr and Mrs North .. be - , dram£jtics College seal. class status ‘
semester is the name given to fQr€ more than SQO high school 01 aldmcJUl -s. Placards will be available to all
half an academic year. chiHpntq nf State Collese and vi- be ® u ‘^ y f' n Ser waves over mjj al a .i,. clique chairmen _When they meet
Mid- semester below grades are cinity in Schwab Auditorium to- seyen heads and f . lve , 1F01 ? abbl ® o*|®p-Ada OhCCKS Ready with the E i ect i ons Committee in
due by Saturday noon at the of- n i e ht —dumfounded souls left holding Drop-add checks are available 34 g G j d Main at 4 o’clock today
fice of the dean of the School in Ituddedwith veteran troupers, thebag aFe be ™ldered Jerry and at the Bursar’s office now Stu- to draw for positions on the vot
whiC, the student >s en.-ohed. the tau.h-fllt.d nturder ,am L. 4 “atone was wtt-
Because the commencement Don Taylor and Sis Herrman as cut one ana one aione was wit
date has been changed this year the irresponsible Norths, and in- ness to the dastardly crimes, but - - „ D n «_i_
fi’om June 8 to May 10, the Grad- troduces a new comedy-sleuthing he wont talk, none of his nine DGGullllG EXtGHtIGd IF B&II BOOtllS Oil SSIG
uate School will not require team in Bob Herrman and Jimmy selves will. Deadline for ordering gradua- Booth reservations for Interfra
theses to be filed two weeks in Ambandos, as the detective and The Fuller Brush man threatens tion invitations and announce- ternity Ball may be obtained at
advance. The latest date for fil- his stooge. to squeal and sell his soul to sell ments has been extended to 5 p. Student Union until noon next
ing theses and'dissertations alt the A Greenwich apartment, if you a brush, but we can’t go on, we m. Friday, James W. Ritter, com- Wednesday, it was announced by
Library will be May 1, according ever saw one, will be the scene of mustn’t go on, the show will take mit-tee co-chairman, announced the dance committee. They are
to Dean Frank D. Kern. two grisly homicides. Set was de- care of itself. last night. priced at $5.
Debate Contab
With the registration in the first
floor lounge of Old Main, from 6
to 8 p. m. today, 125 representa
tives from 21 Pennsylvania col
legeg and universities will open
the seventh alnnual Pennsylvania
State Debaters Convention which
will continue tomorrow and Sat
Tomorrow’s program calls for
further registration, a general ses
sion of convention delegates,
meetings of the various commit
tees, luncheon in the Sandwich
Shop, committee meetings, dinner
in the Sandwich Shop, and an
other general assembly of repre
Separate phases of the central
itopic,..“What Is Youth’s Part In
the War?’’ 'Will be taken up by
each, committee and submitted ait
the conclave’s conclusion, Satur
John B. McCue ’43, varsity de
bate manager, will be convention
manager assisted by Carroll P.
Blackwood ’44, hospitality chair
man. Prof. Joseph F. O’Brien,
varsity debate coach, will be host
to the visiting coaches.
Prof. John H. Frizzell, head of
the public, speaking department,
will welcome delegates at-tomor
row... morning’s opening meeting.
James E. Rizzuto, Geneva College,
the convention president, will also
address the first session.
Other convtention officers are
secretary, Frank E. Zabkar ’44,
Penn 'State, and parliamentarian,
Harold P. Zelko, department of
public speaiking, Penn State.
Colleges and universities repre
sented at the convention include
Bucknell, Geneva, Misericordia,
Mt. Mercy, Pennsylvania College’
for Women, Pittsburgh, Scranton,
Seton Hall, Albright, Dickinson.
Lehigh, Shippensburg State
Teachers, Washington and Jeffer
son, Temple, Slippery Rock State
Teachers, Gettysburg, Lock rfav
en State Teachers, Westminster,
Susquehanna, Cedar Crest, and
Penn State.
Stiff iattg 0 (Ml
Ten Students Added
To LA Deans List
With the addition of ten more
students to the Dean’s List of the
Liberal Arts School, Charles W.
Stoddart, dean, has announced
that the amount of students hav
ing an average of 2.5 or better for
the last semester has now reached
a 1 total of 103.
All seniors, the students are:
William E. Harkins, 3.0; Irene M.
Paul, 3.0; Marjorie Watts, 3.0;
John F. Gillespie Jr.,-2.8; Jack
Lishan, - 2.8; Jane Firestein, 2.7;
Stanley Miller, 2.7; Mark Rich
ards, 2.7; John Lorenzini, 2.6; and
Alfred Rosenbloom, 2.5.
William E.- Harkins and Irene
M.'Paul, both with 3 averages, re
cently made Phi Beta Kappa, na
tional scholastic honorary.
Marine Reserves
Offer Commissions
Colder with
snow Hurries