The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 18, 1942, Image 4
PAGE FOUR I Coed Elections (Continued from Page One) man .ied trom e1t.1.L.,..... .__ _ By "STOOGENT EDITOR" when he sang, "My Buddy." care running and her hair straight twese.ntation of bracelets to eight shamrocks and Killarney greens CARNEGIE HALL RATHOLE, A testimonial meeting was held. ening, he testified. coeds who have done outstanding for another year in hopes that March 18 More than fifty men A freshman journalist testified, However, at press time, a near work on WSGA. committees this next March 17 "there'll still be an riot was averted. The sound of from the staff of The Daily • Col- "I'm tired of getting my fraternity year. Ireland." It sob sisters" crying and pleading ' • legian crept into this Shangri La pin back. She's rotating crops • Those who will receive brace- ATHERTON HALL Coeds as a band of "sob sisters" turned again." Another reporter broke outside the refuge, drove the men lets are E. Louise Hack '42, WSGA were seen "pulling themselves to- the offices into a feminine mad- down. He said, "My gal is a phys- into panic. Wiser members of the senior board forcibly quelled the dance; Beatrice J. Winn '42, jun- gether" in preparation for the house. edder. She knocks me across •ior-senior reception; Sara M. Bail- coming girdle shortage.younger reporters. A few men When baited with a piece of White Hall when she meets me, .cy '43, Hazel E. Gassman '43, and GRAHAM'S—LocaI "hang-outs"died in the struggle. cheese, the men howled to a man, then walks me to Lewisburg for a Nancy J. Zartman '43, dining room were kept busy last night with "Migod," the tortured men cried, "It is better to have lived without bottle of Budweiser. •committee; Lila A. Whoolery '43, an extra surge of male Collegian them than to live with them," and "Women," said a hardboiled sen- "we can't stand it." •WSGA elections; Priscilla C. Mac- "assistants" who lacked anything buried deeperßrave men halted the riot when into their haven. ior, "are the damndest things. 9,211 an '44, Christmas dinner; and else to do. . The close quarters did not dampen They cry on your shoulder, pick they shouted, "Either' learn to stand ..A., Jane Minnich '44, Mother's Day their spirits as thby sang such in- your pockets, and kiss you with the "sob sisters' weeps" now :weekend. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS spiring songs as, "How Firm A their eyes open." Another fresh- or later." They decided to learn now. NEW .\.l !.LEANS 1-1--- HERE WE COME I lere's A Salute To John Lawther And All His Boys For Making Penn State's Basketball Team One Of The in The Country This Year. We Hope The Farther South You Go The "Hotter" You Get— So \ew • rleans : eware Of The Red-Hot Nittany Lions Opposite- OW State- Cottege Marshall Electric Co. College tut Rate Shoemaker lros. Late News ELMER GROSS CO-CAPTAIN THIS P AGE r-1 romm s Glennland Building .106 W. -College Hauling (Continued horn Yage One) MERU THE DAILY COLLEGIAN We, 51te Vermin JOHN LAWTHER COACH CIINTRIBUTEt BY Graham and Son • Where the Athletes Meet Entland Grill Next to Murphy's Music Room Records Radios "Jack" Frost Insurance Foundation, Yield Not to Tempta- man replied that his clinging vine tion, and Stout-Hearted Men." One refused to go on a date when it died from external injuries rained. She was afraid of her mas- H. E. Norris, Cabinet. Shop Hartman Electric Co. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1942 DICK GRIMES CO-CAPTAIN , 4 j "S it • CRA Dial 2803 Glennland Building King Motor Co. 938 W. College