Successor To The 'Frei, LOIN.), Established 1867 VOL. 38—No. 86 • Reruits Wanted Dry Dock Will Open 10 To Be Named Thespian Units Given $3OO • • Again This Month F For Marine- Corps Because the Engineers Ball has A s 41 Honor Men • • been postponed, Dry Dock will be opened again on February 21 in . eto . - A committee made up of all From Iy Profits Officers ' School • stead of waiting until March 7as school council presidents and an '- was previously planned, according additional member from each Sophomore, junior, and senior to the Dry Dock committee head- . Cabinet Donates $ll6 men students are to be recruited ed by William H. Cissel '43 and council will meet tomorrow night Heidecker Elected for the Candidates' Class for Corn- Thomas R. Heidecker '43. in 305 Old Main at 7 p. m. to nom- For Loans, Red Cross mission in the Marine Corps, it The committee in charge has mate ten senior men as candidates New Tribunal Head Final apportionment of the was announced yesterday by Lieut. made an attempt to avoid con- for the five senior class honor po-Thomas R. 5477.71 Victory Ball proceeds was Robert M. Port, who visited the flicts with other dances on the Heidecker : '43 was sitions, it was announced last elected chairman of Tribunal for made last night when All-College campus to make arrangements to _campus, but since Engineer's Ball • cabinet put aside a fund of $3OO to n . ight by H. Leonard Krouse, sen- the coming year at elections held interview applicants. has been postponed, the Dry Dock be drawn on by the Thespian Mo- The plan, as outlined by Lieu- will fill in with regular Saturday for class president and chairman of by the present Tribunal board at bile Units, and donated $88.85 to a meeting in Old Main last night. tenant Port, is similar to the pro- night entertainment. • the nominating committee.Heidecker, co-chairman of Dry both Mrs. Hetzel's Loan Fund and gram of 'the Naval Reserve. Stu- Several new entertainers will A new system for selecting these Dock, will be assisted with his the local Red Cross. dents who enlist while still in appear on the program Saturday, honor men has been announced by judicial duties by George N. Rum- As explained to Cabinet . by college would probably not be cal- the committee heads said. Al- • i • • James McAdam, president of Thes- Krouse. The ten nominations. will sey 43, newly-elected vice-presi- . led to active duty until after grad- though the' Dry Dock will open plans, the first defense show was uation. a week from Saturday, the corn- 'be sent to each senior man on a re- dent of the seven-man board. put on Monday night at New Cum . The five remaining members of . Applications will be received by mittee promised that following turn post card. All that will be Berland reception center, and there the Tribunal will be chosen by the Lieutenant Port• in Room 311, Old entertainments are scheduled for necessary in voting will be to select are "almost unlimited possibilities" All-College president following Main, 'from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 7 and 14 as originally five candidates in order of prefer- for this type of defense entertain- Thursday,the elections this Spring and will February 19. Physical planned. ence and return the pre-paid post .meritthroughout the State. th • examinations will be given some- -Card. , • go into office whenthe new se- The following committee of sen rnester starts on May 18, accord- fors was appointed by All-College time in March by a medical office r ' , In this way Krouse hopes to get who will come here for that pur- Former German • a much largerand better represen- ing to Raymond F. Leffler, retir ing head of the judicial body. President Robert D. Baird to in vestigate graft in any student ac pose, teflon of the class than was pos- Three of the members will be tivities: Gerald F. Doherty, James Lieutenant - Port said that the a sible under the old system of hold-quota set for .trainees from the m Diplomat To Talk • g a class meeting for the voting. chosen from the present junior W. Ritter, Robert B. Jeffrey, and College is 5 seniors, 18 juniors, class; while the remaining two Thomas J. Henson and Baird, ex and . • "As few as 50 seniors have come 6 sophomores. Graduate stu-. . - out for such meetings in the past," will be 'members of the class of officio members. No constructive peace 'can -- '44. One of these sophomores A - recommendation was made 'by dents are also eligible. Men who • • • • " • be Krouse pointed out. negotiated with Hitlerism is one will then be elected chairman of Frank R. Flynn '43, that All-Col . complete the course will be com-The five honor Positions—spoon of D • \ of the contentions 1. Ernestmeteoutlege Cabinet take over the respon the board to punish- . . . rnissioned as second lieutenants man, barrel man, cane man, pipe - Wilhelm Meyer, forrner First Sec- ments to the wayward freshmen sibility and operation of the stu . - •in the Marine Corps Reserve. man, and class donor, will not be •cretary of the German Embassyof the incoming class next Decem- dent book exchange because of the filled bystudentsof aparticular .. Lieutenant Port said that ap- and now professor of political plicants "need not have - corn- science at Bucknell, who is sched- ' type of rctivity, as in past years. dependent political party in spon pleted any particular course" ex- uled tO - speak in Room 10 Sparks - Instead the ten nominations will . coring • this program. A complete cept that it must be one which at 8 p. m. tomorrow night. be made on the basis of the senior's ii N investigation of. .the possibility of leads to: a 'Bachelor of Arts, Bach- contributions that have been 'most Recreation Night Cabinet's taking over this project Born in 1892 in German Sile • sia, worthy and important in the life of . elor of Science;: or. an engineering . . . Dr. Meyer studied law and eco- Penn State. The importance of the • • will be made by a committee of • degree. He emphasized that it is which William 0. Myers '42 _is • nomics at:the universities of •Bres- five positions will be in order as s :_ . _not.- .neceSsary. .that-.. applicants_ l et For Old. Main,,. _ chairman. au and Strassburg, and received listed above; the man having been have taken mathematic courses. • • _ • Baird appointed Jerome H. the degree of Doctor of Law and most prominent as spoon man and ' , Traineers will be given instruc- A new Penn State recreational Blakeslee '42, head of the Student Economics in .1914. He fought so on down the' list. tions for six months at Quantico, . through the World War for Ger- program will be introduced when Housing Board which will work in Va. Starting .on May 1, a new ln addition to the five honor many on both eastern and western eight campus organizations and* the interests of better housing con class will be enrolled on the first positions, three nominations will . fronts. After prar'icing law for a departments of visual education ditions• for students. Jack R. Grey of each month. permanentclass sec -be made for a short time after th war, Dr. Mey- and physical education cooperate '44 was named head of the Student The Marine Corps reserves the retary. These names will also be . er began his long career in the Ger- to sponsor an Old Main Open Health Board which will act as a right, Lieutenant Port . said, 'to listed on the post cards for the sen man diplomatic service. House program at 7:30 p.m. Feb- go between in connection, with the call enlisted undergraduates be- ior class - to vote on. ruary 20. health department and the student • - fore they have been graduated, The Bucknell professor served as The committee meeting tomor- • • • body. Both chairmen are to pick though, in that case, at least six German Legation Counsellor in row night to make the nominations Hostesses will be stationed in their own committee members. • months' notice must be given. Athens and Belgrade, and traveled . is made up of the following sen- each of the recreation rooms, in- Recommendation was made by Applicants must be under 25 throughout Central Europe, Tur- fors: Krouse, chairman, Robert B. eluding the new game room on Cabinet .that Senior Ball be a no years of age at. the time they re- key, Egypt and the Near East as a Jeffrey, Max S. Peters, William 0. . the fourth floor of Old Main, corsage dance and in place of buy representative of the Foreign Of- F.Wilson, L Myers, Robert • Clair L. . will o en which markits formalp • ing flowers that the dance pro • Second lieutenants in the Mar- flee of Germany. Recalled to Ber- Hess, Orvis C: Krug, Clarence E. ing the same evening. Dancing gram, which will be in the form of ine Corps Reserve' -regeive a .base, En, he spent the years from 1926 Kunz' Howard E. Pellett, Michael will be sponsored in the Sandwich ti e a defense. stamp book, be filled pay of •.$1.25. per -,month,. $lB .per .. 7 . • • • to• 1931 in the Foreign Office there. ' . Shop, with :proceeds' - from i . L. Monack, Clarence L. Smith, . with defense stamps. Cabinet alSo :.• month 'dor !•Slibsistance, - .arid: .PrOb- .- In :1.931,--the diplomat made his Charles L. Van Inwagen, Richard nominal 'admission - going to the ' ' • ' recommended to the Senior Ball ' first - trio - .to America,and until Red Cross. ably . $4O ' a .rnontli• .allowance.. - for - • . N. Stevenson, and Albert A. Zim- - • - . . committee that the Profits from the - the- cost or quarters:. . ' .. .. ~:: - '. 1137;'When. .he' voluntarily resign- men. Square dancing will 'be con dance be divided among worthy • • .- t- .-- —• - ed; was First Secretary of the Ger- - ducted .in Room 405; . - Penn State . . . .......... . .defense agencies. - [man .. .Embassy in Washington, D. C. Club room will provide: lounging . . The adoption of a system similar space and recordings; old-time . ~ •• . . . Di... Meyer said he could not agree Grade Reports Ready (Continued on •Page Two) • - • • ThespLan..Show .. . ' with foreign or domestic' policies of movies will be shown-in the Little .. .. :• with Third Reich. • • Grade, reports will be available Theater and-all types of games will fluallaammamanallinimmuumilillinaliniiiim ' '" . . Pe e k; -'' ; .Hide n• --.-• . one -..• ' • .. •"After We Stop Hitler, What?" today in the registrar's office, Wil- be played in the first floor lounge "• . " 'is of • - the topics • which Dr. Ham S. Hoffman, registrar, an- and the Hugh 'Beaver room. News -. ' --G. „ : , organizations artici- Late - Meyer will discuss in his talk to- nounced yesterday. No plan will Campus p .14i . - 7 I' ' ' ets: Under ' wayy. ~ nighl - •He was scheduled to make be used in admitting students to the gating are . Student.. Union, WRA, F . .-,• an: ~appearance in December. but office to distribute the reports. Stu- . WSGA, Pan-Hel . .Coilneil, - Penn Flashes ... ' as Spring. will be arid aP2 •.' • • entertainirig 'as,the usual • TbeiPlan the va , sitwas postponed. ' dents may call anytime. - State CIub;'PSCA,-IFC, and IMA Shovi, "Hide -'n' Peek" Is the • 'new 7 ; . / eSt campub musical be' • • • ... - • • • one . , .. dreamed up by Thespian theatrical, • CLMIE Predicted S t art ' • SINGAPORE According to agents. . . .- high British military sources, Sing , • •. • The show, new from fanfare to ' • - • - apore is doomed. Authorities give finales, will be unveiled . March 27, . - ... Bir MILTON DOLINGER scended students spoke to him in which have carried thein over 100,- the city only a few hours—a day at InterfraternitY Ball weekend. J. -- Tall,._ lean, and brawny, Louis his native tongue. 'For a few min- 000 miles already. the most—against the estimated Ewing (Sock) Kennedy has been ''Adamic ' typifies -the naturalized 125,000 Japanese troops thrown at asked to supervise the show. utes the air was full of Yugoslav- When asked how he had predict- American at his best and exempli- • the y city last night from three di- The unusual title of the showian, and it turned out they were ed the outbreak of another major ties the foreign-born i mmigrant world conflict as far back as 1934, sections. was conceived by , Jacqueline M. discussing how their native coon has become an integral part of WASHINGTON Under-secre- Reese '43 who has . been starred in try was faring in the war. Adamic stated that all the events America. 'tary of State Sumner Welles in a several Thespian productions. , The 43-year-old immigrant, who were just ripe for it, and the rea- When interviewed in the back- conference yesterday with French son it had held off until 1939 was Thespian officials have announc- came to America when he was 14 Ambassador Gaston Henri-Haye stage dressing room of Schwab ed that they will be in the market Auditorium after delivering the years old, and received his citizen- just one of those things. demanded further explanation for for new songs and any types of or- fourth Liberal Arts Lecture on ship papers five years later, de- Asserting that the war will last the Vichy government's sending iginal music. Anyone who desires "Plymouth livered an inspiring speech on the for at least two more years, Adamic Rock and Ellis Island," supplies to the Axis forces in 'to submit new tunes for the showlast night Adamic declared that he effects of the war, immediate and claims that we should start to build Libya. is urged to do so within a weekfuture. He spoke English with the he bases for a lasting peace right is at present on a tour, delivering• CAIRO Military observers and a half. speeches cad gathering material faintest of accents creeping into it now. state that large British troop move for his forthcoming books, now and then—all this by a man Editor-in-chief of the magazine ments in North Africa suggest a In a hurry to be on his way to who taught himself the English "Common Ground," Adamic is the new and larger counter-offensive 'Fees Due By Friday Altoona to catch a train for Cleve- language. author of the current best-seller on the Libyan front. Second semester fees will be land and subsequently - New York, Stating that he is still engaged in "Two-Way . Passage," as well as NEW DELHI, INDIA British paid in 'the . Armory tomorrow and Adamic nevertheless answered the gathering material for his next "Froth Many Lands," "My Amer- sources revealed last night that Friday, Bursar Russel E. Clark an- many questions that were hurled series of books, the aim of which lea," "The Native's Return," "Cra- Chiang Kai-Shek conferred with flounced yesterday.' The Armory at him by an admiring, back-stage is to "end the psychological war" die of Life," and "Dynamite, The the Viceroy of India last night to will be opened from 9 a. m. to 5 crowd. Adamic's eyes lighted up in America, Adamic and his assist- Story of Class Violence In Amer- arrange for the transportation of p. ni. . • when several Yugoslavian-de- ants are continuing their surveys ica." war materials across India. Tilt :Daily 40: 7 1';\ ANI WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, STATE COLLEGE, PA OF THE PENNSYLV A STATE COLLEGE rgiatt WEATHER Continued Cold PRICE: THREE CENTS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110