TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1942 Boxers Whip Noah Carolina, 6 1 2 To 11 ; Ewell Ties World's 60-Yard Record Gordon. Takes Second In 1000-Yard Event Barney Ewell not only added the Millrose 60-yard dash crown to his string .of- indoor sprint honors but tied the existing world's record• of 6.1 in the event as he started off his final indoor season with a vic-L tory in the Madison Square Garden opener Saturday night. • According to Chick Werner, varsity 'track mentor, Barney has taken the title in the past two years by a good margin but Was never awarded the decision .by the judges, while Saturday night he won by inches from Herb Thomp son, Jersey City speedster,' and Bill Carter, Pitt veteran, co-holders of the record . which the "Nittany Blitz" equalled. The highly-publicized Brazilian star Jose Bento de Assis, placed fourth in the dash event. This .same sprint field will probably run in both the Pennac Meet this Fri day and the Boston A. A. meet Saturday against the Lion veteran. Norm Gordon, captain-elect of the harrier squad, turned in,an ex ceptionally brilliant 2:14.6 per formance in the 1,000-yard event when he - finished' second to Lou Celled° . of the Ohrbach A. A. Don Dolbin, only other Nittany entrant in the running events, fail ed to qualify in his heat of the 60- yard. dash, • while J'oe Bakura, vaulting captain of this year's thin clad squad, just missed placing as a stirprie entrant with a vault 'of 13 feet Cornelius "Dutch" War rnerdam set a new indoor record in this pble vault : convention with a hoist of 15 feet, % inch. ,titifinen- Mangle .: Temple Owls, 33-3 • 'Penn State's wrestling Lions face week of intensive prepara tion for the West Virginia Moun taineers after badly mangling the ;Temple Owls, 33-3, in a one-sided meet at Philadelphia Saturday. The summaries: 121-pound class: Charlie Ride nour., PS, by default. 128-pound class: • Sam Harry, ps, by forfeit over Charles Coak ley, after 37 seconds of third per iod. 136-pound class: Clair Hess, PS, decisioned Joe Rugeriis, 10-4. 145-pound class: Allan Crabtree, PS, threw Iry Saltzman, half nel son and body chancery, in 5:31. 155-pound class: Captain Glen Alexander, PS, threw Joe Con cini, half nelson and body chan cery, in 3:35. • 165-pound class: Ralph Sayres, PS, threw Al Cramer, Japanese keylock, in 3:54. • 175-pound class: Joe Johnson, - Temple, decisioned Bob Morgan, 8-5. Heavyweight—Jack Kerns, PS, by default. Exhibition 121-pound class: Charlie Ride nour, PS, threw Clyde Wood, Temple freshman, double body scissors and bar arm, in 4:29. Heavyweight: Jack Kerns, .PS, threw Mike Jarmoluk, Temple freshman, in 3:27. BOY NOT COY after the Players' Show "Taming Of The Shrew" Feb. 13-14 - Schwab Aud. -55 c Semi-Annual Clearance Sale VARSITY SHOP Savings Up To 50% Continues For 10 Days "Outfitters For Smart Men" BLONDE BOMBSHELL—Homer Hoffman, 135-pound Lion boxer, racked up hios second technical knockout in two fights this season when he whipped Earle Bruton of North Carolina Saturday night after one minute of the second period. Hoffman :'also TKOed Frank Faughman - of Western. Maryland before the third round bell had sounded. • 6V.itiTeani., ; Claws Princeton 49-5 With sophomore Hal Zjmnier- Man keeping •this undefeated re cord unscathed •by capturing first place in tumbling and on the par allel bars,• the varsity gym team clawed a hapless Princeton Tiger Squad, 49-5, in Rec- Hall Saturday night. "The team is rapidly approach ing top form but several men fal tered• in their routine Saturday night which showed their inex perience," Coach Gene Wettstone stated yesterday. "Princeton . was mud" weaker than , expected." SUMMARIES Horizontal bar—Trybala, PS; Lebow, PS; pordq, PS. Rope climbSenft, PS, and Young, PS, tied for Ist; Page, P, second. Parallel bars—Zimmerman, PS; Small, PS;.Bordo, pst Side horse—Small, PS; Bush, PS; Bigelow, P. Tumbling Zimmerman, PS; Anderson, PS; Quigg, P. . Rings—Rudman, - PS; Small, PS, and Bigelow, PTlied for sec ond. Navy Ekes Out Victory Over fencers, 15%-111/2 After dropping a close match to Navy. 15 1 / 2 to 11 1 / 2 , in their sea son opener Saturday, the Lion fencers are pointing for victory in a triangular meet - with Cornell and Syracuse at Ithaca this week end. Sophomore Bernie` .Hankin was . alone in winning, all three of his matches in sabre against an out standing Navy" team. Penn State outpointed the Mkishipment 6-3- in sabre but lost in foils and epee, 3-6 and 3 1 / 2 -6 1 / 2 , respectively. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Tar Heel Coach Praises Fardella By DICK STEBBINS Leo Houck's varsity mittmen served notice on the University of Virginia that they are in for a tough battle this weekend by downing a stubborn North Caro lina team, 6 1 / 2 to 1 1 / 2 , in Rec Hall Saturday night. Captain Johnny Johnston was the' only thorn in the side of the Lion pugilists when he scored a close decision over Jess Fardella. The other half-point registered by the Tar Heels came through a draw in the Joe McCormick-Ly man Higdon scrap. "Fardella sure is a clever box er," • Mike Ronman stated after the fights Saturday night. The bout was very- close even though the 127-pound Carolina captain won every -round. The win was the fourth this season for John ston. McCormick and Higdon provid ed an action-packed battle in the 165 division with the Lion con tender showing much improve ment since his loss in the Western Maryland match. McCormick's powerful left swings tired his more experienced opponent. Homer Hoffman was barely warmed up before the referee stopped his bout with Earle Bru ton in one minute of the second round. A dynamite left hook and good - boxing were Hoffman's pow er of attack and his 135-pound ring foe never had a chance as the Lion pride chalked up his second straight win of the season. Aldo Cenci, Houck's "six-day wonder," swept 01 three rounds from his Dixie contender to score his first collegiate victory. Cenci's strong right hand punch was out standing. Jack Grey scored a TKO over Jack Kurtz in 1:05 minutes of the first round for his second colle A Common Expression In Town And On Campus "You Can Get It At Metzger's" VALENTINES GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Radio Amateurs Handbook, $lOO War Maps and World Atlases— To Enable You To Follow The Progress Of The War Winter Sports Equipments Cameras—Films—Photo Supplies Shop At METZGER'S Icemen Spend Iceless Weekend In N.Y. Slate The weather again caught up with the Lion hockey team. Sche duled to play a doubleheader over the weekend with Cornell and Colgate, the puckmen arrived in Ithaca, N. Y., rriday for the Cor nell\ game, only to find that a heavy rain storm had arrived be fore they did. Accustomed to such situations, Coach Art Davis' boys proceeded to Hamilton, N. Y., to fulfill the second half of the engagement against Colgate, only to find that the weather was first again. Since there were no indoor rinks avail able, both games were cancelled and the hockeymen, started for home. Lion Mermen Divide Weekend Double Bill Splitting even in their weekend doubleheader in Pittsburgh, Penn State's mermen dropped a close 41-33 verdict to the Pitt Panthers on Saturday, after ringing up a 39-36 victory over Carnegie Tech's Skibos on the preceding . night. Against Pitt, Coach Bob Gal braith's natators copped only two first places when Captain Tom Reisman was victorious in the breaststroke and John Miller swept the 440-yard free style. giate win. Kurtz was on the can vas when referee Brockman stop ped the bout. SUMMARIES Score by rounds . TKO Ist round Grey, PS Kurtz Johnston, NC Fardella Hoffman, PS .. Bruton Baird, PS Harris McCormick, PS Higdon Ranieri, PS ... White Cenci, PS Parker .... 10 10 10 .... 8 8 8 TKO 2nd routio Lions Whip Tech; Prepare To Face 'Suicide' Schedule After walloping a hapless Car negie Tech quintet, 56-26, in Pitts burgh Saturday night, Penn State's varsity basketeers will return home Wednesday night to play be fore a Rec Hall crowd for the first time in more than a month. By winding up their seven-game road trip with Six victories, Coach John Lawther's proteges will carry a commendable record into Wed nesday night's Temple fray, which is the opening battle of the forth coming "suicide" schedule. Despite the fact that they now own a five-game victory streak, the Lions will soon be called upon to face a schedule that might well cause Long Island U. or Bradley Tech to sit up and take notice. Colgate and Syracuse were or iginally scheduled for Friday and Saturday of this week, but the or der has been reversed and the Lions will play Syracuse on Fri day and Colgate on Saturday. Both contests are away. Next week, Penn State begins a fourgame home-stand, which completes the 1941-42 schedule. '45 Milers Beal Army As Yount Blazes 291 Although the West Point' plebe rifle team smashed their own all time record, it was not enough: to defeat the Nittany Lion cubs last Saturday. The Penn -Staters blazed a remarkable 1353 to the plebe's 1340 to capture their open ing postal match e the season. Led by Ken Yount, who fired an amaiing 292, the Lions dis played ; exceptional : form" for the opening match of the Sea Son. They fired only ten below their best score for last year. The plebes bettered their old record, set in 1940, by two -points, Won on forfeit 10 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 9 10 10 10 8 8 8 PAGE THREE