The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 20, 1942, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
Established 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian
established 1904, anti the' Free 'Lahce, established 1087:
published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College. Entered as.secOnd-Class matter Jthy 0;1934
at the Post-office at. State College, Pa., under the act 'ot
Match 0; lop.
Editor pus. and Adv. Mgr.
)Ross Lehrtian '42 41 , ter.. James Ivite i tingbay .!42
Editorial and Business Office Vowntown Office
'313 pld'Alrain'Aidg.' 119- 2p Soutft Er'triter ,St
• 'Pltorte'7ll'' '• ' • " PhSne 4372
Women's Editor—Jeanne C. Stiles '42; Managing Editor—
John'. A. ..Baer. '42; Sports Editor—A. Pat Nagelbetg'''42.
Feature Editor-a William J. Mbifnight '42; News. Editor—
Stanley .7:l 3 blCempnbr '42; Woltnen , §Teature Editor—Alice
M. Murray '42; Women's Sports Editor—B. Hetan'Orortfon
Credit Manager—Paul M. Goldberg '42; Circulation Mdn.
'aget , —Thbinhs' W. Alliabn '42;•WOmen!la Business Manager
.—‘Margaret gmbury '42.; Office' Sectetary—Ntrgifila
Orden '42; 4i ssistatirOffie'e Sddretary.---EaY p.eesel2.
Managing Editor This Issue Ronald W. pavis, Jr.
ASSiStOnt Wiatittingo"Edittie This issue itichfird . . .Stnyse r
e*.4 'Editor igatte' ' "'. ' • R
Graduate pounsetor
77-sP4Y , JAT`Tu.434IT 24, 1942
A Medical Pir9blem
A student might have lost an arin last weelcend
[because of a nniunderstanding of 'College l"-lealth
Service rules: This may be the fault of the
T-fealth Service, the College, the student involved.
!or The pally c.'-ollegian for not clarifying the
aalles before.
No matter whose fault it was, steps must be
!taken to make sure that such a cage dOes not
,arise again. The student concerned severely cut
ll * is arm and liis companions called
kl~e. Infirmary and aaiedt4opight nurse to send.
4.40,0 gr•
Under College regulations, the sending of
doctor to a dormitory, fraternity, or privnte house
is prohibited. It is prohibited, the'College says,
tbecaue a doctor cannot spend the entire ,night
froin one dormitory to another answering
the summons o 4• a sick
However, if the patient is brought to the In
firmary, the night nurse on duty can summon
the doctor who is on call duty for iinmecliate
service. The College takes the attitude that if
tie student is an emergency; case, he should not
ibbcome an Infirmary patient, but . a hospital case.
Another misapprehension is the, attitude of
students on campus who believe that a town
doctor cannot lie asked to treat eMer4enc3 cases.
Town doctors may t,e cau.p4 in oh any tyro,e of
case at any time.
When a student is taken to the Infirmary, he
).as a right to demand the attention of a dOgtor
this demand should : - not be refnsed. Qn the
Other hand,'lt abiurd to require that the dol
-IgP send a doctor to treat individual fraternities,
dcitnitories, or homes. Efe would spend tine
aright chasing chronic stomach aches.
This may be the wrong procedure. We believe
that it is: We believie that the College Health
eiervice should be extended to the point where a
doCtor rriay be called to emergencies, hot have
;theemergency cases go to the doctor. We main
f,tain that stndents who meet with emergency
eases do not know College rules and regulations,
land thus waste valuable time attempting to find
out whether they will be compelled to call a town
doctor or can traUsport the accident victim to the
Whether this will call for more iexpenditures
for the Oollege Health Service budget Or whether
it can be inCluded in the presept budget, we do
twt care. The important thing is that the saving
of an arm, leg, or life will reßay for any addl-;
tional costs. Money does not matter when min
utes - count in saving a life. And debate on Col
lege rules and regulations and the handling of
accident case: is an added invedintelit, to
quickneis :and efficiency in iniderstanciing and
wherelicnowin and WilAt to do wail tie patient.
'or the present, we suggest this to those who
'ay need medipal. attention:
1. if you are ill or meet with an accident and
can be treated here, have someone take you to r ma r y and calf the College physician.
2. If the accident or illness is too serious, call
o College or town physician and he will call the
State College ambulance to transport you to, the
Bellefonte hospital. This hospital is getter equip
f),e.d to handle your case than' the Infirmary.
3. Keep your head when handling an accident;
call a doctor hninediately or take the patient to
. • .
;11e, InfiFrwyl and do this as quick - I.y' and effi
ciently as possible.
Question !
Chaplain Frizzell, what has happened to the
chap6l fund vote'? It was completed more than
a monil, but the result has not yet been an-
• *,"*.:
G-54 Reports:
Good old G-54—wlienever Campy, the rambling
reporter, fails •to get even one good ramble in
over the weekend, Our faithfUl sleuth manages to
turn something up. Here is Wlik I found on the
bak o'f' a - griniyC9-edition he slipped tinder the
door: jane MeCheSney and Jimniy Barter aile
"that, way" . . . Marsha 'Crichton • lockles.super in
her flannel nightgowns. (Bm, wonder hi* G-54
knows) . . . Frosh Estelle Brown is getting• more
like Soph Betty Christman every day . . . Hank
'Yeagley and Ruth Shane are 'definitely finis
ielen Craig wears Tucker Rark's Acacia pin ...
and 1/I.J. Winter is humming "Among My Sou
venirs" at iaSt. She • got Jack Hunter's jewelry
Over the weekend . . . Appropriate cinema titles
began and ended last year's Summer 'School. The
session opened with "Manhunt" and closed with
"Kiss The Boys Goodbye."
Someone called Mac the other day and got the
jump on the witty gals up there when a voice
said, "I want to talk - to * Sis Caylor, but she's no
angel" . . . Jack Weber, phi sig pledge and frosh
baSketball star, wishes he had a pin to give to
Mary Lou Hansen . . (Th. 'yes, and to those two
publicity women from Women's Building, I hope
this getS yOu some attention. Mim Ramsey and
Kay 'Wright—go get 'em boys . . • Ann
alpha chi pledge, will middle-aisle it sometime
in Agri} with a grad, as yet unidentified .. .
Note: *4y Rose sroc erick now has the diamond
p4Tcpr RgtJGE, .La Wad exej.ts its ugly in
fluence even unto scholastic ay.!erages of univer
sity students.• One of the reasons why grades
drop during times of conflict, Dr. E. K. Zingler,
Louisiana State . UniVersity professor of eCon-
OnliQS, says, is that students feel that an "A"
student is just as likely 'to be shot as a "C"
ent. Increasing occupational opportunities .and
reduced morale of a wartime World ..also enter into
the lowering of academic averages, he believes.
There's a hright side to the War picture for
wornen students, Dr. Zingler points
. out, since it
ireans the widening of thifeir vocational fields.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS—(ACP)—Here are the
. ,
ten biggest news stories of ipiL as selected by
journalism students at Texai ChriStian Univer
sity: America forced 'iritO War; Robsevelt-Chur
chill•Meeting in Atlantic; Russia routs dermany;
Hess' flight to England; Labor troubles in U. S.;
U. S. occupies Iceland; the war in Africa; "V"
for victory; hemispheric solidarity; and U. S. aid
to Allies,
25% eduction
On Topcoats
And Winter
Gloves Reduced 25%
0 9 1E4 P fftlitto
Open Evenings
Letters To 'The'EditOr—
Orchids Or Onions No
ASP On Krupa Dance??
To •The Editot
Congratulations on a very
timely bit of criticism.. J.A.B.'s
"It's Not Too Late" certainly has
attracted a good deal of atten
tion, 'and I, as are a good many
other studcrits,"am waiting to see
the' ASP reaction. Their deci
sion will either brand ASP as ex
tremely selfish or - a house which
has done more than its share in
'aiding the' government to attain
ultimate victory. .•
RoPing to read in the Colleg
ian that we may hear Gene I(ru
pa by donathig ittoriey,. giving a
Carton of eig.arettea, or aiding the
services ih some' other way; I ani.
An Interested Sophomore.
Students Plan
Oral Program
Twenty-two students from
classes in oral interpretation
(Speech 280) will present a pro
gram of short readings in 121
Sparks from 7:30 to 0 p. 'm. to
announced Mrs. Harriet
D. Nesbitt, instructor in public
speaking. Student's, faculty mem
bers, and townspeople are in-.
The program is as follows:
"The Nightingale and the Rose"
(Wil4e) by Mary Eliabeth Vin
son '42; "The Capp Against Wopi
pnr (ThPrber) by Donald P.
pOlbin '42; "May- . 4pp' , (..10fferp)
by - Sara M. tailey '43; "JOy-Sor
row" (Gibran) by Louise M.
Pimps '43; "Vocation' and . "The
WlCiced 'PostMan" (Takore) by
Helen J. Nagel ''44.
"Elephants Are Different to
Different People" (SandbUrg) by
Henry. F. Simon '43; "Threes"
(Sanciburg) Stanley J. Silverman
'42; ."Bewarpl. of Mercy" (Cronin)
by L. Jeanne - kaiser '43; "The
Hollow Men" (Eliot) by David
1-f.. Goldsmith '43; "On Seeing
Two Broivn Boys in a Catholic
Church" . (Horne) by Grape M.
Nesbitt '43.
"Porridge on the Floor" (Dur
anty) by Normah A. Shamlehnan
'43; "Tree Trouble" (Pegler) by
Madbrie M. Lovejoy '43; "My
Friend" '(Coffin) by-Elizabeth .J.
Smith '44; "Moonlight!' (Weaver)
by Betty Ann Newcomer '43;
"Bill's Little Girl" (Gale) by
'Mary G. Procter '42; "Lincoln" FOR RENT—Double room with
(Fletcher) by Fleurette Margu- twin beds. Private home.
lies '44.
Phone 4847. ltpd 20 RS
"The Overcoat" (Benson) by •
Marjorie L. McNoldy '43; "Ca- EVERY MAN A PIRATE, every
boose , Thoughts" (Sandburg) by girl a sailors sweetheart -at
Katherine E. Schott '43; "The Penn State's fambus Dry Dock
Dream Fulfilled" (Aiken) by Night Club, Saturday, Jan. 24. If's
Marian E. Fogel '43; "House- nautical, but nice. Make reser
broken" (Morley) by Christine R. vations at Student Uiiion today.
Grant !43; and "Death Takes a 3t 20,21,22
Holiday!' * (Casella) by Donald R.
Taylor '42. ATTRACTIVE ROOM to let in
dormitories for second semes
• ter. Call Gallup 305, Irvin Hall
BUY DEFENSE STAMPS or hotie manager TKE, 756.
AND BONDS 3 tch-20-21,22M
Smart Shop
123 C. Allen Si
Filing Materials exhibit, Home
Economics lobby, 8 a. m. to 5 p.m.
• Sewing and knitting for Red
Cross, 117 Home Economics 6:45
to 8:45 p. m. •
Debate tryouts for sophomores,
juniors and seniors, 316 Sparks, 4
p. m.
Portfolio meeting, 8 p. m., 302
Old Main.
S9CietiPs Sell Stamps
. .
total of $,15.49 .
.worth of de
fense stampsmia§ sold at the hex
ing sand" . W'reAling - hot4s at .Aac
SatuTklay night by the three
.senior houoraries which are coOp
erating'in the sale of tie stamps-at
all Whiten sports' events. IVlernbers
of Mqtiar qoard, Skull and pone's,
and. t!armi I\tous 'ar'e servini• as
LOST—Ronson Cigarette Case,
Lighter and Compact. Senti
mental value. ReNVard. Return
to Bundick, 57 Atherton.
3tpd 16; 17, 20 C.
FOR RENT—Double room, twin
beds, one single roorn, Gentile
boys. Private house, 2720, 925 N.
Allen. 3tpd 15, 20, 22 S.
FOR BENT Double room. Twin
beds, imp single room. Gentile
boyS. P,iivate hquse. 2720. 625
Vorth Allen. 3tpd 15,20,22'PS
Collegian route. Call at office
313 Old Main today at 4 p. m.
FOR RENT Attractive double
room down town. Very clOse, to
campus at reasonable rates. Call
4715. ltPd Jan 20.
FOR RENT—One Half 1.1..rge dou
ble room in Watts I-Tall. Call
2481. • Sp9pmp'
Lp i S7—Two-tone brown sweat
er.. Zipper front. Possibly in
White Hall or Sparks Building.
Return fo•Student•Union. '
2 tpd 20,21 RS
tional, Blue and White . Club.
237 W. BeaVey, Pltone 2801. '
ltpd 20 RS
Want erighten
your Mph°le ?
Your appearance is al
ways your best asset.
Why not add color to
your clothes with a
new "Jane Irwill" pull
over? You can pur
chase. them in all the
colorful shades at the
I.tcpmp JM
State College