PAGE FOUR A.AUW Names We, She Women Committees AAUW committee members for if- Greeks Curtail Present Expenses The joint WSGA-AAUW festival . for defense and. charity, to be held Limiting expenditures during Since houses would issue fewer either late this month or early in.. women's intensive rushing season invitations, there would, there- February, were announced las't seems a necessary move during fore, be less expense involved for 'light by Mrs. J. E. Kennedy, the. present emergency. As the each party. Following' each par member of. the. central. planning-schedule now• stands, women's ty, rushees could be reiluired to . , committee.: Student . repre.senta- fraternities will spend, aggregate- testate their preferences; 'byes will be named. by WSGA IY, almost $BOO. Much wear and tear on both ,Senate tomorrow , night. ' While eliminating all formal Greeks andrushees could be , say . 'Committees include •Mrs.. J. Ben rushing seems unwise, certainly ed if informal daytime contacts 'aril; publicitz. Miss Alice , T: Tom- reducing %the • cost 'would• be a • step were entirely on this basis (luting eliminated. Since rushing 'Janson, chairman, Miss Catherine _ welcomed by Greeks and• the ad- Was'e Dwyre,,Miss. Vera• Karel, Mrs.. H. ministration. It • would indicate first semester, it would 'seem that D:, Kauffman, Mrs-Marsh. White, 'willingness on the part of Pan- both rushees' and fraternity have •and Miss Mary Willard ; tickets. - hellenic Association to save mon- 'lead ample opportunity to .meet , Mrs: A. W: Cowellr chairman, ey , in a. period• •when unnecessary each other this way. ' Mrs., M. A. Farrell; and.. Mrs. F. 'expense is not in order. • . If daytime association were I': Mavis, rooster , and .window dish .'•To - make 'this' - pOßgible, Pan- eliminated, budgets' could be, cut play; Mrs, Fred. Lininger,•- chair- hellente Ass - ciation would have accordingly so that houies 'would #lflan r Mrs.-Glenn Herbolsheimer, - tii .. ti ake 'Certain changes in • the not spend the entire alloted Mrs.. Hubert Koch.,•:.Mrs.-Conrad -rtikiing schedule. Primary con- 'amounts on their four informal .Link, and Mrs,. G.•• B. .Newman, .sideration'would - have to be given parties and two formal dinners. decorations .and' concessions. • . •to cutting downthe cost of parties If 'it were deemed wise, per . .Mrs. J. B. O'Brien, chairman, . 'haps one or two of the'informals giVen by' each house. ,Mrs. E. A. Betts, and Mrs. H. W. • ' • • - could •be , done away with and Rankin,. chance , games;_ Mrs. V.. Preferential ballots could be each house could - -be limited 'to R: Haber, chairman,. .Mrs. R: A. ' distributed to rushees ' before one formal •party. This would ?butcher , Mrs.• Hummel ' Fishburn, .February 4 on which they could . enable saving additional money and Mrs. L. R. Parkf; prizes; Miss list the first three or four houses • and still give the Greeks. and Janette Burns, C. j ... .. itowlaAd,• in: order of their preference. By . rushees time to know each other :Consulting thii list, houses would -better. Carl P.'Schotti and W.. K. 'Ulerich ,= know which women were interest advisory committee; ' Cutting rushing down to its es ed in 'them and concentrate their senceld wou save expenditures at efforts on these women. a time when saving is necessary Rushees• would also begin ser- for future emergencies. More ions thinking about the houses andmore, fraternities will be call 'they would. consider, and they ed upon to limit their expendi would be saved from refusing in-' tures. By planning for that time, vitations that would not interest houses will help insure their fu them. tures. Government Needs ome ]Ec Grads-, Employment lists of home econ omists; trained in every field to fill. positions, paying from $2,600 to $5,600: a . y4ear, will be set up during• the year by the U. S. Civil Service Commission. • . • Anticipating requests from Gov ernment agencies, no written tests will be given, but applicants will be rated- on education and ex perience I Positions will be filled -for work 4n. nutrition, clothing, household equipment, family or rural econ omics, home economics informa tion, home 'extension, and school Lunches. Nutrition experts are especially-needed. Applicants must have completed a four-year college - .coursie, in cluding.• or.. supplemented at least•eight semester hours in home economics, -or • a closely • related science, and must have had ap propriate experience. Announcements. of . examination requirements. and instructions for filing .application forms may be Obtained, from Commission repre sentatives, at first and- second- class post offices. or from .the • central. Office. in Washington-, D. G. Red Cross-:Asks Help- in. Sewing: SALE- 7 Special seven-foot Coeds, faculty- w - omen.• wives of. F. 1 9 1 g. . ' graduate students,' Sear's yed and inner-spring and:. women .. mattress,: perfect perfect conditioi2, must connected - in• any other way • the College are requested- to sup- • -*P. before January 20. Call . port- the Red Cross- sewing - and:-Dick, • 4619 itch 9-12-13 'M. knitting project in ••the• Red Cross- Losfr_G, old' wrist watch. Valued work room, 117 Home- Econoznics.„ a.S gift: If fourid,..please return . The rT4om will _remain open _from Student Union. Reward: 6:45 to 8:45 p. m. every Tueiday. - 3tch 9, 13, 14 S. arid Thursday, Miss-N. A.normak-; -• • - lee Martin, chairman-. of the cam-- , EOR-.. SALE—Polyphase• -Duplex pus - clothing- defense committee, -Slide- Rule. - Excellent condi 'announced yesterday. - tion- • Used one year. :Unmarked , Volunteers are. asked to I)ring .case. Will sell at • reasonable 'needles .and thread.. Other mate- price. H. Hough, 118 rials furnished: by. the. Red Watts .. Hall. . 2tpd 18, . 1 . 4 M. Cross: Those who. -can't sew 'or. LOST-Larendal Scotty, post 'clip knit may presser turn hems. Horne. • ped Answers to -name of Tote. ~economics faculty and-•••• • • • • ReNkEird: for his return. Call 2063 sistants will.offer instructiOn. • or return to Dean Whitmore's of fice. Cont. M. 'Pianist To Speak FOR SALE—.22-calibre Winchest- Mrs. Duarte RiArusPyt. . Pianist er rifle. Excellent condition. , and authority on European- A;a11 Ann Lambrecht, Ist floor,. music,. will- • speak before the Grange Dorm, 5051. ltpd 13 M. Louise • Homer Club, music , hon.-- • • orary, in• the• southeast .lounge• of FOR RENT—Double room with. . Atherton Hall at 7 o'clock tonight• • running water, $3.50 . weekly. . Mrs, Ramsey will lead- the group Innerspring mattresses. Bath ad in- singing folk songs at the close. Jacent. Call Room 20, 4850. of the mdeting. 4tpd 13, 14, 15, 16 S. TYPING of all kinds: disserta- Comma ters' Party . tions, theses, and term reports. WSGA Junior Service Board .Phone 3133. 3tch 13, 14, 15 0. will be host to 16 commuting. co- •• eds at a party in Granee Play- VIOLIN LESSONS offered by room at 4:30 p. m. tomorrow. Miss student with long experience at Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, reasonable rates. Call 4138 and will be present at the get-together. ask for Peter. itch 13, 14, 15 M. Post-Duration Days Will Be- 11 rightez Defense Group (Continued from Page One) and all. cress streets between Fos ter and Nittany; Wednesday p. m. —Nittany ave. and all cross streets between Nittany and Fairmount. Thursday a. m.—Fairmount ave. and all cross streets between Fair mount and Prospect; Thursday p. m..—Prospect ave., Hamilton . ave., and all cross streets between. Campus dormitory collections will be made through the College janitor service, it was .announced fby Harold.W. Loman; College pur chasing agent . and. vice-chairman of the entire committee. • CLASSIFIED SECTION HEUP WARTED Gaiety•' and laughter to .set the jolly. Boa's burg Tavern even more aglow with fun• and. frolic.- Our priceSiare ata new low• and the civality. of 'our food is at 'a new. high: SAIIESMAN WANTED• -- Sally Sandwich Service. 2373 3tch 9, 10, 13 DS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN,, Coeds To Take Swimming Exams Coeds interested in interclass and intramural swimming meets, - to be held later this month, must be present at 'a physical examina tion -by Dr. Anna O. Stephens, College Health Service physiCian, in White Hail at 4:30 p; m. Wed nesday, according to Mary V. Dev ling '43, Swimming Club presi dent. After approval in the examin ation; . coeds must have . three swimming practices of 40 minutes each prior to the meets.. • • Kappa Delta topped Alpha Chi Omega in- yesterday's bowling, 519-472, with • Lenore Fullington '42 , scoring- 146 for Kappa- Delta and Elinor. Herrman .'42 chalking up 108 for Alpha Chi• Omega. - In tabbe tennis Delta- Gamma batted• out a 3-0 victory - over Kappa- Kappa - . Gamma. Delta Gamma players were Ginny. Coo: - per •'42 and Sheets Knecht '42, while• Marilyn Kindl '44 and Bet ty Schaeffer '44 'teamed for• Kappa Kappa Gamma. • Stwkdh REB CM=ll ? 4 13 rod' • TUESDAY, `Foreign Brigade'. Includes 163 Coeds Walking along the Mall or ram bling through Hort Woods are 163 women who do not call Pennsyl vania "home." They bail from 17 points—north, south, east,'and west of State Col lege: From Asia and South 'Am erica, to 'Rhode laland - and Illi nois, coeds have deserted familiar soil to come to the College. Freshman-women lead the "for eign". 'brigade' with an • enrolled total of 51, travelling mainly from New York and New Jersey. Soph omores drop. 2 coeds behind.* in second place, and seniors, with 34, stand five higher than junior wo men in representation.' . Although eastern . states ;claim more than 82 per cent of .the , put of-staters,- the middle. west: south together contribute 10 per cent. Three come from Asia and .South Am'erica. States from which these 163 wo men. are .delegates include ,Carial Zone, Delaware, Districted :.Illinois, lowa, Maryland, ,Massachusetts, Michigan,. .. New Jersey, New York,• Ohio, North Carolina, Rhode Island,. Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia; . . PSCA To Show Movies Five motion pictiires Will *be shoWn by a PSCA. group in 110 Home Economics at 8 p. m. Thurs day. Movies are "Army in Over alls," "Power for Defensei" ."Alu minum," "London Night," and "ROyal Night." W A 11 F GS 1' Ii F. Th E . pws at 1:30,. 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 . .NEW IDEA?. • •• • • ..YOU BETCHAL • . • . A .!lted-Time" Matinee : RE HERE ... • FRIDAY . 14116 H T. S4ow •Starts•ll:ls. p. PSCA Forum Outlines Plans Announcement of seeiSlid,semes ter plans] for PSCA '45 Forum will; be Inade by Miriam L. Zartman, , program. committee chalrman, the Forum candle light,‘ installa tion services • in HKlgh Beatier Room• at .7 o'clock tonight.- Scliedtiled for February 3 is panel discussion .by State College women on "Our place in defender '—'--what is it?"- • Forum - and Fresh- ; • man Men's '•Couhcil•.will sponsor' a Valeritine party , February. 10.•:1 • "Adventures ' in tinderstindin.O.: Other Races: and Other Countries,l a 'diaries of five •*meetings.' will . 7be4i :gin." *February • 17 iv,,ith "NegrO. Spirituals and 'Poetry.' • , Other pr,ograms e• series chide "A•Night in Chine," Febtui ary 24; "i'Pan•Aniericat, Hohr,l March '3;.' ."EuropeanStudents,' Now," IVlarch ,. .lo; arid `,`Our Coiii-t mon Heritage, l l in cooperation with.. Hillel Foundation i .. March 17. ' Before • uniting. with theA . Men's Cohncil • in: April; FOrarrii. omen will make plans fOr the. clk*.f '46 • .1 . • s e&te - cl Bwilithir4t.4 t • TODAV: , , s—, WQXR . _ brOadeastsymplum Ball at Bp. m. 22.1;7' Raymond. Gram -:.:SWing, new analyst, speaks at 10 p. m. oven WOR. WOR features kswing;niugd;:svitil Johnny -Messner, Howard •Barnes and Eddy Duchin TODAY -INEDSFDrt us - = & THURSDq.. -, " C4T. A , Twins! -- WheA, PP"; 9 1 ds this beautiful woman -inhis arms . . the Offiler.ihiiiis to her love!. • . . Alexander Dumas' Inniortal; cir le • - • BROTRORS star* 11011GLAS: , ,FAIRBASP,Jr_ withituth.Warrick-TainixiiitE( 11144 t: E=o ktfig=Til =llaM2 IMITI r ; ;; : ,
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