The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 09, 1942, Image 3

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    ,9, 1042
Wolverine Wrestlers Pit
4 Veterans Against Lions
Michigan Squad Eagsr iiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiimmiifiKfiiniiiiiiitmtiiiitdmifiiiti. Two Ski Bus Trips Fac© Am©rican U.
•To Avenege Last Defeat Spring Sports On Weekend Schedule Tomorrow Night
- With determination to avenge With the announcement that the Two weekend ski bus trips are What effect the long layoff over
last season’s defeat of 14-12, second semester will toe,cut short on the schedule for this weekend, the holiday season has had on
Michigan Coach Cliff Keen will one full month, the status of our Kay iM. Conger announced yester- Penn State’s varsity basketball
send, four Wolverine lettermen on : spring sport schedule is now being; day. Leaving from the comer of team will be determined when
the mats in an effort to best the weighed by the authorities. We College avenue and. Pugh street, Coach John Lawther’s proteges
. wrestlers at Ann Arbor, don’t know for sure just what, will “one trip is slated for 2p. m. Satur- meet American University in
JMich., tomorrow. be decided, but, we believe. it’s ; a day, returning, at 4:45 p. m. Washington, D. C., tomorrow
* Captain Jim Galles, 175-pounds sa£e & uess *° sa y that the spring The other, will get under way at night.
of Michigan aggressiveness, will' schedule will either be dropped 2:45 p. m. Sunday, coming back at The Lion passers have been
use his speed and grappling know-. completely or. at least be greatly 5:30 p. m. All hikers and skiers idle for over three weeks as far
ledgd againsi Lion sophomore Bob; curtailed. are invited. ■ Round trip, costs 20 as actual collegiate competition
Morgan. Galles , last -year ran; Most of the action by the spring cents. is concerned.’However, the Eagles
away, with the Big Ten, 175 title, teams takes place in May and with With the .flooded, tennis courts of American U. are not considered
at Coluihbus, Ohio. ,' the College semester ending May 9 rink now in shape,, students may to-be a strong threat on.the hard
er Joi* his-weight,'BiU Courtright.j it can easily be seen how this dras- skate during the following periods, wood, and may not cause the
-163-pounds,\ is one of the strong-; tic change in the academic year all hi the afternoon and evening. Nittanymen too much trouble,
est men on the squad. A mediuih-. cuts jnto athletics.. Some of the, Friday, 7 to .10;. Saturday, 2 t 0.5,.5,- Although the starting lineup is
;hei^it,, bull-hecked grappler, he,; major colleges have, already found, 7 1° 10; Sunday, 2to 5. Fifteen still somewhat indefinite, Coach.
Kas gafflied a good working ltnow-; it expedient to cancel their April, cents is the admission. Lawrther will probably, lead off
ledge ,of the. grunt-and-groan ; and May athletic competition be-. with, the, so-called “veteran out-,
s’dienbe although in past matches'; cause of this and it’s hard to see ,f Jf* r AII „j f M ___ J| fit”-that.took ; ,the flopr-iat the open--,
strength has been . one of where Penn State'will find,it pos- ; flj I fillrl \QI|gQ ing tipoff in the first five games'
, his 'mahi assets. sible to follow any other course. " '•■> •••< ' early this season.
. 'Courtright last year defeated ' There’ll be an important meet-I■■ - h m II This lineup, calls for Co-captain
Valla, 14-1, and.Galles beatJKerns, ing of the physical education lead- IA rSrfi I AVIIAII Elmer Gross and. John Egli-at the.
10-JL ers next week when the subject ■" ■ llwll forward slots, Herk Baltimore at
..r.’jyith;-a life-long background of will toe discussed along.with other The freshmen court squad will Go-captam Dick Grimes
wrestling,, wiry Ray Deane .will BLOCKER FOR .UNCLE SAM— ._ important items, .including the offer the, lone..attraction for Nit-. and Bob Ramin at the guard posi
probably, meet Clair Hess of the, Paul “Manny.”-Weaver,. only first. vel 9P.te en t of a wider physical ac- tany sports’ lovers over the coming . .
Lions in'the 135-pound.division., string, junior in the Lion eleven P r °g rarn - for all male mem- weekend when they face theyearl- Last season the ..Lions turned.
His specialty is a punishing head backfield last Fall;. announced he bers o£ the shident body. ing outfit from. Cornell this Satur- -v 16 U- courtrnen
scissors. ‘He is now recovering' is leaving school to join the Unit-,- Strange what a difference one day at .2 p. m. in their first regu- *° °f That victory
from:'a severe cold and it is not ed States Marine-Corps. A block- month can make. The very men- larly scheduled., intercollegiate over the Eagles enabled last year’s
certain- that he will wrestle to- ing back formerly expected to on o£ dropping baseball,. track, game. Nittany passers to break even dur
morrow.', ' carry the brunt' of pigskin duties l acrosse > e^c -> a short while ago The afternoon basketball game their short visit m the capital
;A- transfer from Oklahoma next season, Weaver is the fourth wou ld have brought about heated will be the inaugural event for Clt y. Lawther s five lo?t an extra
where' he : was state high school Penn, State grldder who has left ar S um ent by all sport fans, but the ’45 squad against outside op- battle ■ Georgetown
champ, Herb Barnett is expected school to join the armed forces things are different now. Sports ponents, but, they have already up- "0-24, after the Hoyas rallied and
to handle : the 145-pound assign- since Monday. .. - have to*.take a back seat and if it’s set the j. V.-squad in two out of the count in the last quarter
ment. He - knows his “wrestling .- * important that several hundred three contests and defeated the Al- game. •• .
thoroughly and last year worked m _ _ _ engineers and infantrymen get out toona undergraduate center toy a _, e encou nter wl£b American
in both "the 135 and 145-pourid \UflltllllAVff K9ft IA o£ colle S e a month sooner, well, one-sided score of 50 to 20. u - last year was the first on re
slots. • JWlmmeil- Ddllie . that’s all right with all of us, we’re ■ T he Nittanymen .will have to toe “ Penn State^ and the
0 wal 1% T more important, the re- with.the Big Red youngsters ? g g £ n 'telm win get a chate te
PeAnTomorrow g- *•.«*** «»*•*»-
Froiir a -big.. squad, of sopho- - by athletes who are in. good shape their traditionally strong teams is , scheduled for this cam- ,
mores, the Wolverines will. send, - Facing their, first, intercollegiate a U' th f tir i e ’ ****** will beavgil, , « N i ck » Thiel, team coach, has-
l2B-pounds, to battle -test of the. l’942vpampaign, (Penn able ior the general student body announced.a starting five to face w ui wioAf nniv rmoo ’mA ndt ««
Sam.,Harry. • - ■ -State’s varsity swimmers win move ifabroaderrecreational program' the \New York team. Those com-
1 Mary Becker or. Mike, into. Philadelphia tomorrow after- is developed. posing the team are Red Zelich and
Hurwitz, . willwork in the .155- noon to encounter the highly- _ - - . '" 1 Jim LawthVterwards, Bob Beck
mSen 0f OHIO Slate DtlSl Meet ; T nd k J^ .at guards,, and e ir cage Sirs until next week
and it is doubtful whether he will' t ' Trimilnln il-' Trarlr end when they face a tough card
wrestle In P re ®a ratl °n - for the meet, sCh6(lUl6(lr Tr3Ck M6n lanky Will Parkhill at the center 0 n two away courts. Friday night
i Victor Wurtheimer will face 1 p £ ob lG . all,r a.ith sent his pro- . » post. - Other 45ers, who. are ex- the,,.West Virginia Mountaineers
pound -class and Johnny Greene,. The tentative indoor..track- meet ,^ e ber and George Jones ' Lion?
unlimited, will start for the first was ttws.,44o with Ohio State, in- the Buckeye J Wb> d George . Jones - will move .into Pittsburgh where
time., as varsity against- Mike state field house, on February- 21 - Tnrlou the Panthers will play host.
Kerns. - by bas become a definite .meet FaCUliy MCetS TOday . :
: Ed ClSs : 'who has made com Penn State!s thin ' clad varsity There W m be an opening of the At The Movies
Jui W - nas made com schedule, it was announced last local chapter of .the American A-s: CATHAUM* '
Nino RaYAVC Caolt 'Wsron a im^ab g irto comprteln night ' by Chick Werner ’ Nittany aocia£ion f University Professors “Tarzan’s Secret Treasure”
nine DOaGIJ jeCK rhebattTe-wito to track coach - Tuesday January 13, at 7:30 p.m. ST AT E :.
|| .. n 6 ?t¥^tH W d?n[ jectwm a to n e^atters o pertain e ingto WS LaUghing ”
Varsity. Positions ss ss say g - in the present national
Only nine boxers, three varsity In •addition'-to Miller and Clams , ern scbo °i s available for a possi- —:
md s .x yearling,, hive reported Z „,Sr “"o“ S *"ad S “tT”*" ° n ' I
Coach Leo Houck this season as will maket-tbs-tfip are Elmer Webb, T . ‘ . Q . , . ,- 71 •
the .first meet with Western Mary- T om Reisman,Wilson Knight, Dick hp T { hp f
land January 17 draws closer. Urquardt, Mickey-Nocket, Dick Er- ?vf p
- Homer Hoffman, Bill . Richards w j n Ted Tavlor :Ken Cook Sam £be season > but the tracksters will
and Harry Masters are working phase, Jo'e Bogatin, and probably
-hard.for varsity berths along with Bo b Nathan-an'dSob'Goodman. f* games
Charles Kaveney, Bob Halpin, We bb and Bogatin, who will JJSj? thp J S™int nf
Bernard Feldman, and Bill Knauff graduate at the end of first semes-
SfyS* 5 - “ 41,8 fcam W “r d ,Mr " Ueg ‘' !,: SWlm partldponr'h.™ a'™ exoop!
Houok.bota forward to a very „ tionat conditioning "Chick contin
unsettled season as the draft may r A ... i* , Hl.l-LI, _ an . p £
call , several of his boxers at any jOOSG WGIQtI Mac Smith, and Ed Miller keep on
time. Captain Bob Baird, now I Ala !- Ill'll n_ ABI improving in the distances they
working out in Altoona where he LOUIS Will MOei wiU be pushing Gordon, Stone, and
is practice teaching, may be forced Billy Soose, former Penn State B °a I ‘if®”®; r , llp . -.
to leave school and Bill Stanley, boxer and recent middleweight lift! v^n
who made a game bid in the na- titleholder in professional circles, p ”f ’ J
tional intercollegiates last year, ,has begun his campaign to enter ® a ”Jf y P^ p l ] ”\ y +p ” d + p Q ®
might be called into service before the heavyweight division. capable shuttle hurdle team to as
he can enter school for the second Through the use of a special vit- sls . t distance men to compile
semester. amin dietSoos’l' has added 23 WhlCh
•One consoling factor for the mit- pounds to his weight:and now tips r d
men is the wealth of intramural the scales at closed the 190 mark.
boxing teurney contestants who In his attempt .to break into the varsity vaulters,
have reported to the ring. “heavy”.division, Soose will fight thJ harf
Four of the aspirants, Joe Me- several bouts'with prominent light-
Cormick, Jack Grey, Ernie George, heavyweights, -s* Hanin, husky weight man, but are
and Jess Fardella .won . first place Tonight will again de- ? x P acted to make a good showing
medals. Several others who made fend bis heavyweight title, when in the eames '
a L good showing in the pugilistic he encounters--2§p*pound Buddy _ _ .
tournament have reported to Baer in Madison Square Garden. CIUD BliyS BOlltiS
Houck. Outstanding of these are This will be the fK-st time on rec- The executive committee of the
Tom Walsh, Charles Flock, Mort ord that'"a heavyWSight titlist will Penn State Club voted last night
Blaustein, (Milt Dickson, Irv Jon- defend his c£QWh‘. without
tow, Carl Mater', Lewis Rockey, Funds from tonight’s bout will be club’s sinking 'fund to buy s£oo'
and Glenn Hawthorne. forwarded to Naval relief. worth of defense bonds.
niiiiiiiimtirfiliiiiiiiimiHitmininiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniT fSI
Between Lourtmen Kesume Play
Th ™L™ After Three-Week Layoff
Sports Editor