WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,. 1942 Bonham, Kratzke, Ventresco Enter United States Military Others Will Follow Soon, Higgins Says Football players make good soldiers.' At least that was Uncle Sam’s opifiion as he asked JinA Bonham; Ted Krafzke, and Ralph Ventresco to join his side and play the kind of game the armed forces do. Coach Bob Higgins mentioned I yesterday that this was not the first b}ow struck at Witt any foot ball .fortunes. Several players (entered the service last fall. He said that he expects to hear of more draft calls among his play- , i ers. L Selective service laws caught tup with Kratzke during the vaca tion and Bonham,..and Ventresco expect !t6 be catted for service , within foe month. ' Kratzke Was inducted on Mon day mid did not return to Col lege ir6m his Vacation. With him &oes .no smali share. of the strength of the Nittany Lion line. The scrappy sophomore guard and a transfer from Pitt, develop ed fdst' during the season and 1 was probably slated for a first string; berth next'year. Borfham, another sophomore guardt will take his Second physi cal examination today. He has indicated that he •wilb try to enter the ..Army Air Corps. Bonham saW much :service’'during the past grid Season and was elected hon „.oraryj; captain of the- Lion _ ders in his freshman year. ~ ...If he -passed the second physi-. cal examination yesterday, Ven 'trescdj. Will .be . inducted imme- Hamipered by “ injuries through the past season, Ventres co wfis to have been one of the main sparkplugs .next .season ,at his - - Coach Marty McAndrews, men- tor freshman squad, said I that friris only drafted player .so far Wsjs Clarence Smith, giant yearling tackle,. Who was inducted late in' November. Four Contests On Weekend Card •Penn. State’s winter sports card will riiake its 1942 debut Saturday. when four teams—varsity basket ■fcalh.frosh basketball, wrestling, Kind swimming—vie for victory- on L both home and foi'feign soil. [ Three- of the four outfits will Hake to ‘the road,:while billy one, ■ the .'freshman cagers, will play "here. The frosh courtmen are ■ carded to battle the Cornell yearl ings in Eec Hall