The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 19, 1941, Image 4

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"45 Coeds Dine
In Mac Hall
[Ninety-three freshman women
from downtown dormitories will
be present at the PSGA-WSGA
Freshman Banquet in McAllister
Hall tonight, Ruth H. Zang, advis
or to PSCA Forum executive com
mittee,, stated last night.
'‘AH upperclass women who
have not been assigned tb dine at
freshman downtown dormitories
will be allowed to eat in the din
ing commons," Miss Zang said.
Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of
women, will greet freshmen and
open the program which will be
presided over by Miriam L. Zart
:man ’45, committee chairman, and
Patricia Diener, WSGA freshman
A talk on “Students Around the
World” by Jack MoMichael, for
mer president of the National In
tercollegiate Christian Council,
will climax the program.
■Flags of many countries will
decorate walls and hostesses in
native costumes of various nations
will he stationed at each table.
• Fromms
Heiurlt i %msm
If you are going lo buy a new
suit or topcoat -before Christ
mas; don't ; miss ' seeing these
One Group Men's and
Young Men's
» Worth Twice the Price
« Reduced to Sell Now!
One Group Men's and
Young Men's
•A Come in. brouse around
It costs nothing to try
them on! You'll save /
State College. Pa.
For Your Thanksgiving Vacation
Take Horn% A Fine Box Of Our Choice
Chocolate Candies
'4W§sM\ 60SS ®B5O'SOlAT£$
7s* per ik
89c and 51.09 per box
pacA; the pieces you choose to eat'’
State Theatre Bldg. W. College Ave.
Dean Ray Honors
Mrs. Arisman
Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of
women, will give a tea in the
lounges of Women’s Building
from 3 to 5 o’clock today in honor
of Mrs. George Arisman of Lan
caster, formerly Miss Matilda A.
Bentley, assistant dean of women.
Serving as hostess with Miss
Ray is Mrs. William D. Phillips
of Washington, Pa., first woman
trustee of the College. Another
tea was given in Mrs. Arisman’s
honor yesterday.
Sophs Continue
Winning Streak
■ Catching the juniors off-guard,
sophomore soccer players scored
the lone goal in the opening min
utes of yesterday’s game. After
a surprise drive, Ellen Esther
Sherk made a long kick which
won the game.
Undefeated sophs rate first in
the series. Juniors have won
one and lost two while frosh are
ready to start over with one de
feat and one victory.
Alunmae Plan Tea
Town alumnae of Kappa Alpha
Theta will hold a tea for, active
members at the home of Mrs.
Hummel Fishbum from 3 to 5
p. m. today. •
Rides Wanted
R.W.—Easton for Thanksgiving.
L. Wednesday noon. R. Sunday
afternoon. Call 'Bob, 2577.
3tpd 18, 19, 20 M.
R.W.—New York City or vicin
ity for Thanksgiving. L. Wed
nesday noon.- R. Sunday. Call
Thelma Kahnowitz, 316 Mac.
3tpd 18, 19, 20 M.
R.W. (2 or 3)—Philadelphia,
Trenton vicinity. L. after 9 a. m.
Wednesday, November 26. Call
M. Pickering, 3449.
3tpd 18. 19, 20 JO
P.W.—Pittsburgh. Room ' for
five. L. Friday. R. Saturday.
Call Smith, 2063. •
P.W.—Route 322 north to Clar
ion, Tionesta, Thanksgiving vaca
tion. L. Wednesday noon. R.
Sunday. Cali Zeigler, 2289. _
P.W.—Pittsburgh. L. Friday
p. m. R. Sunday. Call Yocum.
R.W. (2)—Philadelphia. Thanks
giving vacation. L. Wednesday a.-
m. R. Sunday. Call 127 Ath.
R.W. (3)—Harrisburg. L. Fri
day. R. Sunday. Call Mervin
Qurtner, 4927.
R.W.—Englewood or vicinity.
Thanksgiving vacation. L. Wed
nesday. R. Sunday. Call SaUz
man, 3i'd floor Irwin Hall.
R.W.—Wilkes-Barre or Hazle
ton. L. Wednesday; R. Sunday.
Call Bernadette Kohter, 2324.
R.W .—Philadelphia for Thanks
giving. L. Wednesday. R. Sunday.
Call 711, A 1 Miller, 318 Jordan
Hall, or Manny Schwartz, 303
Jordan Hall.
R.W.—Pittsburgh. L. Thursday
noon. R.-Sunday. Call Dick, 4679.
R.W.—Pittsburgh. L. Friday
noon. Phone 2863 after 7 p. m.
Ask for John.
P;W. (2 or 3)—Pittsburgh. L.
Friday, 2 p. m. Pi. Sunday. Call
Hal, 4631.
P. W.—(Pittsburgh. L. Friday at
2 p. m. K. Sunday call 711 Watts
Hall. Ask for Room 206.
Mail From 37
States. Szvamps
Miriam Rhein
Holding her own in the “Hour
of Charm" contest, Miriam' L.
[Rhein ’43 has been swamped from
top to toe with fan mail from 37
different states, placing her high
er than any other contestant in
state representation.
■Mail has floated in from mid
pacific islands, and photographs
of Miriam from town newspapers
have been sent to her from Chi
cago, Florida, and Washington
Poet laureate at Long Island,
Miss Harriet Fowler sent an auto
graphed copy of her own song, “To
an Oriole,” which‘she said re
minded her of Miriam.
In numerous letters from army
camps, men have tried to strike up
acquaintances, and Miriam- says
they were “very polite" about it.
From Kentucky came a
ing of the program in which Mir
iam sang, while Richard Kurka,
of Mount Vernon, N. Y., has been
sending copies ‘of his own news
paper, “The Daily News.” An
swering his request for comments
about it, Miriam told him it was
“quite breezy.”
It 's Chests
lass around the Chesterfields and
it’s pleasure time for everybody . . . smoking
pleasure that only the right combination of
the world’s best cigarette-tobaccos can give you.
Chesterfields make good friends'... they’re
milder, definitely better-tasting and cooler-smok
ing. Everybody who smokes them likes them.
Gopyrighr iydl, Ucam' 6c M*sju.lfciuca> Co.
* Brookman To Be
Banquet Speaker
Miss Laura Lou Brookman, as
sociate editor of Ladies Home
Journal, will be guest speaker at
the Matrix Banquet, .Jeanne C.
Stiles ’42, Theta Sigma Phi- presi
dent, announced last night. The
.dinner will be held at the Nittany
Lion Inn, Monday, December 8.,
Miss Brookman is a graduate
of the University o"f Missouri and
a member of Theta Sigma Phi.
She has written 14 books, the lat
est of which is “This Is Wallis
Warfield.” ■
.Jt Die Wovte*
“The Chocolate Soldier’
“Wild Geese Calling”
NOTICE—WiII person who took
wrong gray covert topcoat, size
38, by mistake, please exchange
for his own. Call Harold Berger,
4702. . ltpd 19 M. C.
LOST or STOLEN—BIack Scottie
dog.' Reward for information.
Dial 2252. , 2tch 19, 20 R. B,
-,.-r iv.
Maroon. hjßS^Jbe&i.adopted-as.a
“cheerfull ,^.eijipii ; . i Tpr; new conva
lescent suits and rdßps at Anpy
-hospitals, the WarDep&irtment hjje
announced.., .
jp Hot Fudge
• Fountain and Table -Settee
• A Sandwich or a lvffeal'?^t
• The perfect plpce
your date * -
Frozen Fudge
Sundae, 15c
124 S. Allen Phone' 3411