The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 19, 1941, Image 3

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    7 WEDNESDAY,, NOVEMBER 19, 1041 -
f(m?mtiMiiiMUn!imiiiiiimtim!iiiiiii(ii(iHiniiiHMiiii!iiiuint!iimiiiHHm(i(u>mimunmuiMMHiHmimummm (foSS-CoUftfry COSCH
Between The Lions Pleased With Showing
Of Harriers in IC4A r s
HIIIHH1ll!imillllllllllHIIHIIllllll!lllllllllllll!limilllimimiHHlimillllHimillllHIIIIHlimillllHHiMlll l i;r.ii!tliHI"lll '
~ • t r- 4 . i o n Reverberations trom the .53rd
7'© ©OOd Enough Smaiu' 1 wlmn'Yhe '"chips'' are'down. annual IC4-A cross-country meet
There re only 37 days left till 'j'hey’re real “money” players and at Van Cortland! Park, New
Christmas but the State eleven tougher the going, the more York, on Mondav were just about
dopes to do most of its shopping e(Teclivc they aro . They proved reaching hei . e yesterday afler
jn Pittsbuigh on Satuiday. their worth lor the nth time Sat
"No thing much has been said urday when the duo combined Cor noon
about' the West Virginia game but Qne of theh . copyr i g Vit pass com- There is a bit of dissention in
with aircraft and infantry units pi e ti ons , tiie ranks as to whether Penn
getting ready for extra heavy We won ’t forget ICrousc's mira- state’s fourth place was to- be
duly against the usual tough PittSr cldous ca tch when diving over the ~o ns; d ered c ood or had Coach
burg regiment, the less said the end zone between two Mountain- LonMdoiefl » oocl 01 bad ’ LOc ° h
better. State won, and while the eel , de f endc rs for a long time. In Cnick Werner took a stand on the
7to O score isn’t very impressive, ite ol - thp stress the opposition affirmative, while several dis
it’s good enough for us. hrß placed'on pass defense, no &«mtled observers seem to think
Coming as it did sandwiched team has effectively devised a the Nittany Lions could have done
in between Syracuse ancl Pitt, method of stopping the Smaltz to hotter.
everyone expected the Lions to be Krouse combination. And while It is argued that a comparison
down- for the Mountaineer tilt. on the subject, how did you like of the times of the IC4-A’s and
That’s just whait happened but the the leg work of the burly fullback those of the NYU meet on almost
Blue and White- had enough left when he caught McElwee on his the same course October 31 will
on the ball to squeeze through to 78-yard jaunt? . , show a mighty sad drop in one or
victory. What more can anyone two cases. And the NYU marks
ask, unless it’s a reversal to the S were considered poor at the time.
Syracuse form against the Panth- HOfSGSIIOGS nHSIS However, an equally surprising.
' ers? : '’ ■ , _ . showing was marked up on the
Against West Virginia, the Lion \g| g-gy jjgjj QI’fIOOITS bright side of the ledger in two
brickfield performed brilliantly but _ „ „ . _ other cases. While Norm Gordon
the' forward wall, with, few ex- Alpha Zeta No. 2 won its way anc [ captain Alex Bourgerie fell
ceptions, was outscored and out- into the finals of the intramural on their times,- Herm Goff
played.. The exceptions were horseshoes tournament yesterday' berg an{ j curt Stone did a lot
Johnny Potsklan, sophomore end as they defeated Sigma Chi No. bet ter than expected, according
who bids fair to attain great 2, two games to one at the Rec to Berner.
Heights, and Jack Jaffurs, another Hall pits. .
first-year man on the varsity. and This afternoon at 4:15 . p. m. the 1
~a standout in the guard spot the Alpha Zeta team composed of
last two games. John W. Shaffer ’44 and William
.laftffUrc: Lunden ’45 meets last year’s
POlSKiany daiiurs Championship team, Richard
The two make as sweet a pan- .pi lompson >43 and Norman L. Cal
of linemen as we ve set eyes on hoQn , 42 of sigma C hi No. 1; who
all' year. In 'addition to saving are aUemp ting to win the tourna
the cause by smashing tackles mont £ Ol . tbe seco nd consecutive
when shoved back against then'
own goal, they held together the ■
line which was obviously having,
an off day. This is no reflection
on the splendid play of West Vir
gihia’s huskies.
.Good football players come and
go but lor our money, we’ll take
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Entry Oeafe© Set
For 3 iU Sports
. Entry deadline for the first
three intramural winter sports
was set yesterday for noon, Wed
nesday, November 26, by E. C.
Bischoff, director of Intramural
Both fraternity and independ
ents wishing to enter men for
teams in boxing, volleyball, and
single and doubles in hand ball
must comply with the next Wed
nesday deadline.
'Entry fees, the same as last
year, one dollar a team for
volley ball, and 25 cents per per
son in boxing and hand ball.
Read The Collegian Classifieds
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Lions Overhaul
Defense For Pill
Knowing that they must stop
the newly-found offensive power
of the Pitt Panthers in Pittsburgh
Saturday, the Nittany Lion grid
dors were sent through their first
heavy spot scrimmage this week
in yesterday’s practice.
Defense received the attention
of Coach Bob Higgins. Pitt’s pass
ing and running plays were an
alyzed in an effort to bottle up
Edgar “Special Delivery" Jones
who has wrecked the opposition
in the last two games with. For
dham r«'nd Nebraska. Jones has
developed into a strong, shifty
runner, having carried most of the
Panther offensive hopes all sea-
Thc Panther slump, five losses
in a row in the company of Big
Ten grid machines, is the worst
slump ever recorded by a Pitt
team. With two games left,
against Penn State and Carnegie
Tech, the Panthers will be out to
claw the Nittany Lions and doctor
up their record.
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