The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 13, 1941, Image 1

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    ''lye,: IPree Lance,
jiitaiThshed 1887
VOL.. 38—No. 39
Poll Discloses
Faculty Willing
To Share Hobbies
"Faeulty members are interest
ed in numerous hobbies and are
willing to
,share them with stud
enti- despite the fact that many
people believe instructors are too
busy: to be concerned with under
graduates," Mrs. Harriet • D. Nes
bitt; co=chairman of the Student-
Faculty Relations Committee, de
clared... after - a meeting of that
group last night.
These facts were disclosed in 'a
survey conducted by the commit
tee -to determine common interests
for the promotion of student-fa
culty understanding.
Voluntary reports in the hobby
poll were.received from 4Q per
cent of the , Mineral Industries
School. Instructors in the Liber
al 'Arts and Eduction' Schools as
Well. as the military department
have given:returns. Statistics for
other schools are incomplete.
Lobbies _listed by faculty mem
belt include -photography, chess,
shopWqrlc, archery, book-birlding i
cookingi..philately, falconry, magic,
ail:a others.
M-embers Of the committee 'ap
pointed ItO-stUtly student hobby in
terests so they may be correlated
with faculty- hobbies are 'Clarence
E. Kinf'r, '42, chairman, Max S.
Peters '42, and Warren H. Wil
liams '42. .-
An, effort will be made to de
eatirdat opinion on' the
present advisory system. The stud
ent councils of each school will
be asked •to cooperate with a
committee composed of Thomas E.
Wilcox '44, chairman, Thomas C.
Young '42, - Helen L..' Mazur , '42,
Walter. • N.- Shambrach '42 7 —and
Robert B: Jeffrey '42.
Pruclnre of Civilian
Defense Program
'.:.' :,'::,tlarjfied _
As.,-voltinteers attempt to break
dcry.mtbe„wall of student apathy
sin : 4: . mir-a.11,..-put. drive for campus .defens r nu:Aerous questions have
arisep concerning the purpose and
_of the College divi
aionj,-,for.:;leiVilian defense. Few
peopfe,realizo.its place in the, na
tional.. program.
Tho ; 7 : ientire civilian defense
thetne; :i begaxt ;
~ early in the year
When President Roosevelt estab
lished. the.. national Council of
Defense with New:York's
mai/et ; -:„Fiorella La ,Guardia, as
chagnia.p,• ; ,
Since..;theni every - the
union _ has..tArganized state . coun
cilto-•prortiote• the national ,pun-'
Pose... ; Legislative ..statutes 'have
been;. employed in 24 states and
Pennsylvania law prescribes the
nature .0 the, organization.
• • •
-,Governor. ~ Arthur H. James
seves, •as.„ chairman of the State.,
Council while Dr. A. C. Marts
acts as executive director. Under
the state •law the members of
county councils are appointed by
county . commissioners. Over 550
city, and borough councils have
been formed.
IVlambcr;; er the local councils
are appointed by mayors and bur-
Ossel%: There are 2.866 such units
throughytt the nation. Dr. James
-Tinigley is chairman of the
State C6llege Borough Council.
I. l....playette College, Easton, was
therst .college in the state to
orgdnize a' civilian defense unit
f 116 wing a request by. Dr. Marts
for college divisions to be formed
so' that "ample protection" would
'be, available in .event of emer
Collegian Investigates • .Frosh May DaleMusi . c Conference Begins
Delivery Difficulties • . _
Prompted by complaints from For Spinster Skip With Registration Today
downtown rooming houses con
cerning .faulty Collegian delivery,' "All freshmen going to Mortar
a complete going over of the Col- Board's Spinster Skip are allowed
legion's delivery system was con- to drop' dress and dating customs
ducted. ! at 8:30 p. m. on Saturday," Ray-
Results of this investigation
show that in many of the cases of
reported • mis-delivery, papers are
being picked up by non-subscrib
ers and passersby.
Inasmuch as delivery is made
at 6 a. m. daily, subscribers should
get their papers as early as pos
sible in order to 'avoid this in
College Rolls Cul
By Defense Jobs
With • a -four •to - thirty-six per part of.Lil'..Abner in a..Sadie•Haw- this evening. Dr. Levi Gilbert,
cent - drop in attendance this year, k-in2g- Day skit to be presented at president . of the PSEA and super-
Pennsylvania's colleges and ' -
. • half-time of the West Virginia CONFAB HOST Ddan Richard intendent - of schools in Altoona,
versities .are feeling' the reaction game' W. Grant,. department ,of music, will address the delegates on "The
of defense jobs 'and compulsory .
Eggert will be chased .by num- will preside at the opening, meet- Function of PSMA as the Music
military service.
• erous Daisy Maes, also dressed by ing of the Pennsylvania School Division of the PSEA in 1941."
the judicial board. ,The female Music Association in Schwab Included in tonight's session
A recent survey revealed that characters in the cast will be play-''Auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight,
-22 .of 34• universities and colleges will be a lecture and
ed 'by ClSrde Shultz, Morton Peck, The convention will end Saturday. tion of band ..and orchestra per
reporte dsmaller enrollments than and William Sachaion. •
last year. Schools with declining
The wedding - rites will be pro- c
attendance, it was noted, . were . s land of New York City. The
. nouneed by. Walter Fabian, dressed abinel Considers State College .Junior Drum and
located near important defense m- ,
as Slarryin' Sam," while "Lone
dustries. . _ Bugle:. : Corps will give a drum
some Polecate," i. e. Kieth Schaef- . , . ming exhibition.
The-highest drop 'in enrollments er, will watch the:•proceedings,... •- . -. 1 -----... ' l ' .
=36 • per cent—was. reported ,by , the center of the field. - • rost five - Feature of tomorrow's . confer-
Bloomsburg . State- Teachers
.;Col- These characters will wear iden- .
. ' ' once program will be the •compli
- ' mentary concert of the College
lege, - located 'near a . tank. manu- tifying signs, both for the ' actual Working .in conjunction with
facturing: company at Beiwich. race and the wedding ceremonies, the annual Red Cross roll call for . Choir and Penn State Glee Club,
• Shippensburg - and - East Strouds- to keep the audience . from getting ft/nag Which :began Tuesday, an assisted by • Charles: - - Wakefield
htirg• recorded- a-decrease --of -18_ confused - during 'the skit. - - - AllIdollege• 'Cabinet • committee Cadnian,. famous composer, in
and 13 per cent respectively. - ~, . appointed by Robert D. Baird-'42, Schwab Auditorium tomorrow .
evening at 8:15 o'clock. Although
Hardest ,hit outside of Teachers' _ president, will begin immediate • - .
. all the student and faculty tickets
colleges was-St. Vincent College at Prenta Will Speak . . . plans for conducting .a campus
have been distributed, convention
• • • • delegates may still secure seats.
The three largest schools in the Al Meeting Tomorrow The , committee 'appointed -by Richard W. Grant, director- of
state, :Universities .of , Pittsburgh Baird includes Clarence E. Kunz College music, will 'preside at to
and - Pennsylvania, ,and the Col- H.
.W. Prentis Jr., recently ap- . '42, A. John Currier '42, Howard night's .meeting. ' Registration for
lege, all have .smaller enrollments pointed trustee of the College, E. Pellet - '42, and Richard , B. Mc- - the conference will continue to
this year. A - drop of . five per will - speak •at a convocation in Naul '44, The 'Daily Collegian re- morrow morning from 9 - a. m. un
cent each were reported by the Schwab Auditorium at 4:10 p. m presentative. Baird revealed that til noon in Schwab Auditorium.
Universities of Pittsburgh and tomorrow, according to Harry P. the roll call will continue until'
Pennsylvania, while the College Hammond, dean of the School of -Thanksgiving.
reported a drop of seven and one- Engineering. Cabinet has also recommended
half per cent: Prentis, president of the Arm- that the Student-Faculty Rela-
Attractive defense jobs rather strong Cork Co. of LancaSter, and tions • committee ask the president
than conscription were. attributed former president of the National of each student council to appoint
as leading causes for - the general . Association of Manufacturers, a member to serve on the commit
drop. - - • - - - will speak on "Education for . tee. ThiS action was taken after
Colleges showing an increase in Democracy." Cabinet - heard a report . by Frank
Flynn '43r - co-chairman of the
the .number of students were. Alle- Sponsored by the Engineering R.
ghenY, Drexel Tech,. Gettysburg, student council with Charles J.
Student-Faculty Relations corn
Pennsylvanian Military, MoraVian; Smith '42, presiding, the convoca- •
Albright, St. 'Joseph's and Chey- tion is open to. students, faculty, . .
ney Training School for Teachers; and townspeople, and will serve 'as Army To Credit CAA Work .
• . . this week's senior Engineering All "CAA students who 'enter
• lecture. ' _ the Army Air Corps will receive
.credit for' flight training received
• . from CAA courses, the War De-
Baer Attends Convention
_ partment has announced. This
john A. Baer '42, president of change will lighten the burden
the local chapter of Sigma Delta - on instructors and airplanes. The
Chi, professional journalism fra- flying time allowance for previous
ternity, is attending this week the experience will be based - on the
annual national convention .of individual proficiency of the stud-
Sigma Delta Chi at New Orleans, ent,. as determined by the - super-
La. . ' visor.
Labor Question Argued
Varsity debaters conducted, their
second inter-squad debate last
night 'when:eight members of the
team argued the question, "Re-.
solved, that the federal govern
ment shotild .regulate by law all
labor -unions in the • United States,
constitutionality- Conceded." •
Students Oppose Lion Shrine Site
. Ninety-one . per .cent.-of the. stu- Henry Varnum Poor, painter of the persons who , drive cam answered
dents and faculty are opposed to Land Grant Mural, procured Heinz with the retort that parking space
the placing of the Lion Shrine on Warneke - to do the carving. is inadequate already and any cut,
the plot of ground in front of the Many students and faculty mem- ting down would make the parking
water tower between Rec Hall and hers gave the reason that the site situation on campus worse.
New Beaver Field, a poll of over adjacent to the water tower is too The mall, running from the Cen
-2,100 students, professors and in- far removed from the center of tral Library to Allen street, was
structors conducted by The Daily campus activities. "The only time the favorite substitute for the site
Collegian revealed. I ever get up to that section is that was proposed by the commit-
The poll was conducted among When there's a dance at Rec Hall tee.
the groups separately and the per- or the Nittany Lion Inn" one so- - "The spot in front of the Library
centages of those opposed are as• cially minded student remarked. is bare and needs something to ex
follows: Others were more serious in tend the natural woodsy setting of
the campus to that part of the
Fraternities 98% opposed pointing out that a large number
mall," was expressed by one stu-
Sororities 92% opposed of students, visitors and faculty
Independent men .. 94% oposed rarely average more than four trips Others mentioned the fact that
Independent a year to that part of the campus. More students, faculty, visitors,
women - 89% opposed The Lion Shrine committee ex- and townspeople walk on the mall
• (Faculty - 84% opposed . pressed hope that the parking space . 'than any other part of the campus,
.The . a .gift of the class in front of the site of the. Shrine therefore it. is the most logical sit
of. -1940... which with :the aid . at' would .be done Euway.with... Those- uation.for the symbol of our school.
mond F. Leffler '42,
chairman, said last night
The seven-man -board also de
cided to require freshmen to wear
"Beat Pitt" signs, beginning at
noon Monday, in an all-out effort
for a campus "V" campaign.
"The signs will .be available at
the Athletic Store Monday morning
and there will be no excuse for not
obtaining them," Leffler added.
Tribunal carried out its promise
to give Mortar Board some free
publicity by punishing wayward
frosh with costumes of characteis
in the Lil' Abner comic strip:
:One of the huskiest of the viola
tors; Paul Eggert, is to play the
Clearing and
..L , UWI . ...Aji . ld
Grant Will Preside
Over Evening Session
Registration in Schwab Audi
torium from 4 to 9 p, m. today
will open the first Annual Music
Conference of the Pennsylvania
School Music Association which
will have "American Unity
Through Music" as its theme. The
convention, held with the cooper
ation of the Pennsylvania State
Education Association, will con
tinue. through tomorrow and Sat
Conference member:: will be
greeted by Dean Marion Trabue
of the School of Education in
Schwab Auditorium at 8 o'clock
Student Directories
Expected Next Week
Student directories will not- go
on sale until next Tuesday at the
very earliest, according •to Reg
istrar William S. Hoffman. .
The directories are now being
bound and will not be shiped be-;
fore Monday. The postponing of
the opening of College for a week
is the reason for the late publica
tion. The directories will go on
sale at the Registrar's office.
Late News
BANGKOK, Siam Hundreds•
of thousands of - JaPanese troops
were 'reported massing in Indo
China yesterday in what is regard
ed as preparation for an attempt to
cut off .the •Burma Road.
• -HELSINKI Official Finnish
government spokesmen declined to
submit to Secretary Hull's demand
for a negotiated RusSian peace yes
This answer was regarded by of
ficial German quarters as a slap in
the face to American diplomacy.
MOSCOW—Russian dive-bonib
ers smashed a ten mile Nazi tank
column and destroyed 2,000 caval
ry troops in an unusually large
aerial offensive yesterday, accord
ing to Moscow radio reports.
LONDON . — Rudolph Hess has
stated that the Nazis expect to ruin
England by blockade instead of in
vasion, Churchill announced at the
opening of Parliament yesterday.