The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 04, 1941, Image 4
PAGE FOUR New independent Grou Refines To Join 'Phikites Aim fo °Rome All independenf Coeds Coeds forming the new Inde•- pendent Women's Association last ))ight, stated their refusal to join with Philotes, local independent NVOITI2II's group, Sylvia P. ,Schmidle '42, tempor•- ary chairman of the new group, declared that: her group regrets that they can not accept the Phi lotes invitation because they feel That their goals are different. Mary Ellen. Diehl '42, Philotes president:, said that her society had aslced the other grbup to co operate with them,. Organized six :years ago, Philotes had a member ship of 3ti out of approximately 1,100 independents and is repre sented on All-College Cabinet, Speaking for Hazel E. Gassman '43, Joanne M. Palmer '43, and herself, originators of the IWA, Miss Schmidle said, "We •regret that we must decline the invita tion of Philotes to join with them because we feel that such an ac tion would -not be in accordance with our goal, namely, organiza tion of all independent coeds. Much as we respect Philotes, we do not fee/. that they have the same objectives which our asso ciation will have." Miss Gassman explained that they desire a setllp similar to the Independent Men's Associa tion, with representatives from various sections meeting in a cen•- firal council. To find if independ ents are interested, the TWA pro ponents plan a survey. To become officially recognized, the TWA must secure approval froth, the dean of women's office, the Stud en t-Faculty Relations Committee, and the Student-Fa culty Welfare Committee. Philotes decided to continue their present policies and activi ties which include cooperation in WSGA and dormitory functions and sponsoring social events with independent men's organizations. Kenneth Hutchinson IF it IButrgess Sponsered by Citizens' Com. nalitee for Better Local Governs tent r.:f47, OF C Gur se, MI Want To Look • • Your Best itf • FOR 11110111SEPARTY • . • I I H* S POWDE? <ll , O PUFF Call 2201 For Appointments Thespians Present C ; 2 f ? '! S t „ . INMIRIES SOS:: • Now she can understand the play "The Male Animai;" her boy friend has been -beastly: Fut & Sat Schwab 10%1 & 8 1 p.m. Auditorium • BMOC's To Vie for King Dogpatch Title Voting for King Dogpatch who will be crowned Daisy Mae's ideal at the Spinster Skip in White Hall, November 15 starts at Student Un ion and the Corner. Room at noon today. Dance tickets priced at $l.lO are now available from members of Mortar Board, senior women's hon orary. They are Jean Babcock, H. Helen Gordon, Janet M. Hartz, Elizabeth Kinsloe, Alice M. Mur ray, Sarah P. Searle, Marion E. Sperling, Jeanne C. Stiles, Mildred M. Taylor, and Betty L. Zeigler. We, The Women Coed Groups Pace Nation's Actions Minute action by women's or ganizations has paced rapid na tional developments this year. Far away as .we seem from. civiliza tion, still national events have their effect. • Quick to recognize the part wo men play in national defense, WSGA Senate proposed courses to educate women in phases of de fense. Cooperation with local groups will be their part this se mester. Next semester, definite courses will be offered. Continued nutritional exhibits sponsored by the department of Home economics have been instru mental toward 'educating coeds in one of their important roles. Independent women have again asserted their desire to organize a group which will give them defi nite representation and to which they may acknowledge member ship. • Enrollment has been affected by both the draft and better working conditions. Increased board was asked from women students to keep in step with higher prices. And coeds have- had to request Dads for additional funds to pay taxes on their necessities. It hasn't taken long for the situation to permeate the College. So far, the students . have met it successfully, We know they will keep it up. THE DAILY. COLLEGIAN Senators Name Tea Committees Four committees for the Big- Little Sister Tea to be held in Women's Building from 3 to 5 p.-m. Sunday, November 16, have been announced by E. Miriam Jones '43, town senator, and Patricia Diener '45, freshman senator. Two more groups for property and decora tions and clean-up will be announc ed at WSGA Senate meeting'today. Freshman women named to com mittees include hostesses--JEliza beth Cresslwell, chairman, Ann Briser, Carolyn Emerick, Christine Fox, Margaret Good, Martha Gosz tonyi, Margaret Gregory, Flora(bel Hain, Elizabeth Lyman, Mary Grace Longenecker, Virginia Man ley, Mary Pickering, Mary Sheaf fer, Claire Weaver, and Marion Zang. Foods—Jane Bollinger, chair man, Margaret Coe, Martha Els ton, Ruth Ernst, Mary L. Hanson, Alma Kehler, Katherine Metzger, Isabel Milligan, Florine Olson, Kathleen Osgood, Miriam Ramsey, and Nora Thompson; invitations— Margaret Consley, chairman, Joyce Ash, Elizabeth Fischler, and Molly Gilbert; music—Mary J. McChes ney, chairman, Ruth , Clyde, Ruth Davies, and Jean Miller. Special invitations will be ex-. tended to Mrs. Ralph D. Hetzel, Dean of Women Charlotte E. Ray, Misses Nina Bentley, Ruth H. Zang, Elizabeth C. Bell, Mary J. Steven son, assistants to the dean of wom en; Dr. Anna M. Stevens, College physician; Miss Agnes H. High smith, associate PSCA seeretary; MisS•Latira W. briuninond, .direc 7 tcir'of home economics; Mrs. Eliza beth W. Dye, associate profesSor of home economics; Betty L. Zeigler '42, WIRA president; Jean Babcock '42, WSGA president; and Sarah P.. Searle '42, co-president of PSCA. Other bids will go to all dormitory and soroity hostesses and WSGA Senate members. Miss Jones urged all freshman women to invite their big sisters. CLASSIFIED SECTION BEDROOM and study. Also Single room for instructors or graduate students. Residential section. Shower. No cooking. Call 2133. 3tpd J. B. LOST—Log Vector Slide rule, leather ease, bearing name, Charles Clemson. Finder please return to Student Union. ltc C. SIZE 36 3-piece tuxedo, like new. 3tchS.Nov.6. WANTED—Student with few or no, eight o'clock classes fo de liver Collegians. Call at Collegian Office today. Comp. M. WANTED—Car to rent over all STATE: or part of Houseparty weekend. "It Started With Eve" Call Charlie Tanguy or Pete Ru- NITTANY: tan, 2171.- 2tpd 4-5 J. O. "Underground" LOST—Malex gold and brown braided leather strap, Saturday Rides Wanted evening between W. Fairmount R.W. (2)—Pittsburgh for Pitt avenue and Mac gall, Finder re- game. C. 3rd floor north, Mac - Hall, turn to Student Union. ltch4 M. Babs Brill. Varsity Women Prepare' for Debate Season In the second practice debate, to be held in 103 Home Economics at 7 p. in. Thursday, Lois E. Noto vitz '42 and Margaret K. Rama lay '44 will present the affirmative and R. Helen Gordon '42 and Sara C.. Bailey '43, the negative. The qliestion is "Resolved: That the federal government should regulate by law all labor unions in the United States." Edith S. Cahen '43 was named to the varsity team announced Miss Bailey, manager. Last year the women's squad met 19 teams including Sivarth more, University of West Virgin ia, Cornell, Juniata, University of Maryland, Randolph Macon, Wil liam and-Mary, American Univer sity, Bucknell, University of Pitts burgh, Gettysburg, and Princeton. '45 forum To Sponsor 'Campfire Carnival' "Campfire Carnival" will be the Welch, home economics instructor, theme of the PSCA freshman for- 5 beet tops, instead of beets as stated urn meeting in .the Hugh Beaver in Saturday's Collegian, are a rich- Room at 7 o'clock tonight. Grouped er source of -iron than spinach. before the fireplace, each commit- Foods containing phosphorus and tee • will present original songs, iron are on display in 209 Home cheers, and skits showing their Economics from Ba. m. to noon to .purpose and plans for the year. day. - In charge of arrangements are Margaret K. Ramaley and Harriet AOPI" - To Entertain AGit G. Van Riper, sophomore advisors. FOritm committee chairmen .include Alpha Omicron pi: will .enter- Freshmen J,„ Dane Cromis and taip, Alpha Gamma Rho'. at • a cot- Claire L. Weaver,. worship; Joan K. fee hour from 7:30 '.until 9 Miller, projects;- Vivian J. Pribe, tomorrow. , . music; Winifred F. Singer, -pub- VlOlet K. Siegle; social activ- ' ities; and Miriam L. Zartinan; tiro- 4-H Club Plans Weekend Party Al PHA Cabin Plans for -a party at the PSCIA Cabin this weekend were discussed at the 44-1 Club meeting last night. Those interested will meet on the front steps of Old Main at 5 p. an. Saturday. Fifty cents will cov er, the cost and the group will re turn Sunday afternoon. ClaaunZey 'P. Lang, associate professor in ag griculture - extension, will super vise. The committee includes Anna B. Wetzel '43, 'lrvin K. Curry '43, Louise E. Carter '42,' Donis A. An ders '42, A. Kermit Birth '42, and Marian A. Whitcomb '44. Miss Rosalind M. Jewett, assistant pro fessor in home economics exten sion, showed movies of Alaska at the meeting. AT THE MOVIES CATHAUM: "The Feminine Touch" t'MDAY; 'XlOit'Ei(AtiMt=74;llo4i Chem Hohorary Plans Open House . . Exhibits in chemistry and allied. ,fields will be displayed at'the op'en house sponsored by lota Sigma PI, national honorary, in the Grange playroom at 7 . :30 p. m. Thursday'_, Exhibits announced - by De. HUT riet M. Herry,, president of the - eal chapter, are petibleum ref'- ing and . crude oils by Dr. Dorotty Quiggle, associate professor f chemical engineering, and plaftt hormones by Martha Sayre,` grad uate students: Movies on .state chernistry.V . l.ll be shown by Jeanne 'E. Ruess '43; bilogolical chemistry and : foodstuff coloring by Rhoda F. Samuel '42; tektile weaves and fiber constkuc tion by Helen M. Borton, gradnate student; and nursery sch6,6l:,,.Clis plays by Catherine Logo; l 'grglu.- ale assistant in home ecorioinies. Beet Tops Better According to Mrs. Emma G. DOROTHY GRAY SPECIAL DRY-SION LOTION Tvgace time osiddi LIMITED;. 1111 TIME POWDER BASE plus EMOLLIENT! Smoothing for parched, flakikl!! !. Helps powder cling evenly,. lightlY.y. Non-sticky, but softening. A soothe, Ing body-rub, a becoming overnight. cream. Buy now to save! REA & DERICK Allen St., Next to Bank Clock' ;1 otf,t7t-Mt•':