The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 24, 1941, Image 3
'IVEI)IIESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1941 Belween The Lions With PAT NAGELBERG 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i IRemember how worried we all were last spring as to how the draft Would effect Penn 'State athletic teams in the pear future? Well, now that we definitely know just -who is back and who was claimed on waivers by Uncle Sam, we can clean house and call the roll. . First of gall, the Lions as well as. other colleges throughout the coun try got a terrific break when the age limit for draftees remained at 'the original 21-year bracket in stead of -being lowered to 18 as was expected. If any single factor could . .give intercollegiate sports a knock . out punch, that Would be it. As It is, most' college athletes don't reach voting age until their -graduation on senior year. So while .the Selective Service Act will'claim -a few standout players here and there, .on the whole the great ma-. jority already in college are pretty safe bets .to see. varsity 'action for two years 'at least, unless Congress changes the rules of the game be foie the final whistle blows. Penn State is also forlunate in having a -large engineering school and a ROTC unit, one of the big . gest in the-East. Where Other in stitutions have lost key men, ours have been deferred because of ad -vanced ROTC 'or through their training Which is deemed indispen aible to our national defense. Through a stroke 'of luck athletes like ten Krouse, Dick Grimes, El mer GrOsg and many others are technologyy students, and as such are, subject to deferrment by - their local boards So where we expect . ed ,to find our casualty list heavy for .the coming fall and winter Ise Our - Pasy,-Convenient Lay-Away Pan FROMM'S END OF MONTH. SPECIALS SPECIAL PRICE! Colored- Patterns Newest Collar . Styles All. Were Ifigker Prieed --= Regrouped and Repriced for Quick Action 14 to 17 SWEATERS $ 50 Cotton Fleece Crew Neck Knit Collar and Sleeves Colors, Brown and Green Sizes 36 to 46 '— Opposite Old Main - State College PENN STATE VS. COLGATE OUR FIRST - GAME IBRING THE BLUE BAND TO THE COLGATE GAME SPONSORED BY THE BUFFALO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Untried _Nittany Line Remains Big Problem Brosky, Bonham And Jaffurs Improve Fast No players are trying harder to develop , into a fast and hard charging aggregation than the Nit tany forward wall. They seem to know their trade, hut only the heat of battle with strong opponents will give them the real test. AS October 4 draws nearer for the Lions' encounter with a fast and heavy Colgate eleven which boas 6 that "this is the year," for them, post assignments on the line are still uncertain . About the only player who has clinched a position on the starting team is Mike Kerns at tackle and he must train into better condition. Since Ken Schoonover was mov ed to a terminal post, Bernie .Bro- sky, 215-pound tackle, looms like a tower of strength. Brosky was slated for a reserve position but his rugged defensive play during schedule, we find only a handful of established athletes missing from the files. - - The two most serious losses were Mike Gatbinski and Bob Baird. Mike played plenty of guard in a senior line which' packed an im pregnable defense and a hole open ing offense from end to end, "This year with a bunch of green sopho mores sand untried upperclassmen to take 'their plate, his loss will be felt greatly. Baird, runnerup in the nationals, was one of the very few things from last year's 'boxing team Leo Houck could beam about. With their capale tapiain gone, the mit men will find a rough road 'ahead. MEN'S SHIRTS $139 MEN'S THE DAILY COLLEGIAN the past few days has improved quickly. Two sophomores, Jim Bonham and John Jalfurs, have shown rap id improvement at the guard posts and have been spending a lot of their time on the first team. With Bob Davis' consistent play at the other end post, pairing with Schoonover, the line looks like one 'capable of supporting the first string backfield of Captain Len Krouse, Paul Weaver, Bill Smaltz and Pepper Petrella. If these eleven players draw the starting assignments, the INittany Lions will field a shorter team than in the past few years. Only five of the team will be six feet tall--Brosky, Schoonover, Krouse, Smaltz, and Weaver. In yesterday's practice in pass defense, punting, and signal drill Sparky Brown looked' like his old shifty self as he returned a kick off for a touchdown and turned in other bits of nice running. Noticing Jack Banbury's speedy talent in the fullback slot, Coach - Bob Higgins said: "That boy is, a real runner and we expect big things of him this year." Oh . muditvir,?-i4l • - They all cheer Parker's frifffilßaffP Pen —a Third More Ink than average of three well-known sac-type pens— due to revolutionary One-Hand Saclees Filler The Pen with the smart Arrow Military Clip and the Oil-Smooth, Lubricated Point that won't wear scratchy in a lifetime ! No matter what pen you may happen to •be shown first, don't make the mis take of making a purchase until' you have seen and tried the Parker Vacu matic—there is nothing else like it. This is largely due to the Parker Laboratories, staffed by able scientists in physical metallurgy, chemistry, engi neering. No other pen-maker we know attempts the research and development that go on daily here. , To , _ 1 ter • 3130--TSTAC4I72ICAL7I77C :2 r:::. 4 Parker's Blue Diamond on the pen Is our Ufa Contract unconditionally Guaranteeing to service the.pen for the like of the owner except for loss and Intentional damage, subiect only to 0 35% charge for postage, 11111/6 mime d and handling, provided complete pen Is returned for service. CLEAN YOUR PEN AS IT WRITES BY US Sophomore Soccermen Pressing Veterans Hard For Starting Positions When seasoned holdovers from last year's Eastern intercollegiate soccer championship squad re turned to practice sessions this week, they learned that their starting positions are endangered by a number of clever, nimble footed sophomores. Although unwilling to venture even a guess, at this early stage, on the lineup wl - Uch will open the season against Coigate on October 11, the Lion coach said that goal tender Johnny Struck was the most likely of last year's DOOR PRIZE $20.00 • CHILD'S WELFARE BENEFIT DANCE sponsored by Women of the Moose, Bellefonte, Pa. HECLA . -PARK MUSIC BY CAMPUS OWLS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1941 ADMISSION 50c PER PERSON Tax Incltided Dancing from 9 to 1 gill" ' 'CRS 4„e-14V , .t 40".54...iil . . ...,,,,, '.•5- ,i. ...Ff . :' ' 44 . . . 1.:.... "•,-) ASN,i , -1 k. S .: , . :.- 7 , 1 1 4 4 h : ; ..1..1 ' . 0**1,. ,.„4, ,.,.. m. cf. ,: a./. , : . .i' 041, 1. ... r .- 1 ,7-, <. , • , ..=,...* rE,...',1;..,.......,,,,::,!..1.% Today, in the world of science, it •is known that Parker achievements mark the march in Pen progress. Known far and wide as THE JEWELS of PENDOM, Parker Pens and matched Pen and Pencil Sets are the choice of 50 million people. So remember, don't buy until you try Parker. Parker's Blue Diamondis a Life Guarantee Contract makes pens so marked costless than the poorest. The Parker Pen Co., New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Factories at Janesville, . Wisconsin and Toronto, Canada: NG PARKER QUINK, THE PEN-CLEANING INK, ISt AND 25 1--Parker's 14 IC Gold Point is utterly different, finer-tex tured andmiuch-less brittle fhari ordinaryl4)Lekdd. 2—=leis tipped With 011-smooth Onnkidiumidemlopechusder the direction , of pr. Robert Pickulittdef Pother metallur glstaortner Instruct= Of nut. alturgr at 3—Parker's ,One4Hand Sac. less Filler— stbaiicaltyletter PAGE THREE feated frosh eleven' to earn a reg ular berth. Speedy Sammy Schnure and Boyd Etters, a smooth kicker with either foot, will fight it out for the vacancy at left halfback, and Bill Prichard, a former forward may crash the varsity at the cen ter halfback spot. Sophomores Wayne Bechdel, Lloyd Black and Smiley Williams are also likely prospects. Eugene H. Lederer REAL ESTATE 114 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 State College Junior or Sub-Debi 1/i principle and the easiest of all to operate —makes room for aboutathkdmoreink than the average of three well-known sac-typepens,andsubstantially more than any one of them: 4—PaOker's ,patented Tele vision loarrellete you SEE when sistrzienmeeds refilling: s4 l .lfirier i ssawat /aminated styling---ftrearrditiedPearl and JetßlNGS—as shimmering as -velvet---is wholly exclusive. TELEVISION en. 4 Maxima, $lO Majcwr , (Illus.) or Debutante, $825 Itallne Penal to match, 13.75 to $3