The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, June 30, 1941, Image 5
MONDAY,' JUNE. 30, 1941 SUMMER . SCIIOOI. ORGANIZATIONS •' Don't delay having ogr am s,..Cata . logues, Bulletins,. etc., printed atyoui . •,. earliest convenience. Nillany Printing and Publishing Co. 119-21 S. Frazier SL . Welcome, Summer Teachers! Enjoy your evenings at the Col iseum Roller Rink 1 /, mile east of town. An excellent floor and good music. Skating every evening except Monday and Wednesday. From 8 to 11, D. S. T. • Coliseum Roller Pink MOST CONVENIENT OUTDOOR SWIMMING at the EVERGREENS State Inspected SPECIAL RATES TO SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS Just East, of Town on Route 45 ATHERTON STREET SERVICE STATION 215 South Atherton Street American DB Company Products Hjdro-Formed • AMOCO GAS Complete' iubrication Service Washing alyl Tire Repairing Will Call Ow and Deliver I - I. CLAY MUSSER, Pr'' • rietor DIAL 3869 Neff, Magician, Summer Session Here Wednesday Announcements William T. Neff, magician, will appear in Schwab Auditorium at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday as the first feature of a fully-rounded enter tainment program arranged for summer students. Mr. Neff has •been coming to the campus for several years and will be a familiar face to students who have attended previous summer sessions. He promises that this year he will have "new illusions and even more 'entrancing apparitions."' Also on the program are excur sions, fun nights, and subscription dances. Two excursions will be held this weekend, one on Friday and the other Saturday. On Tuesday, July 8, Dr. Allan Tarshish of the Jewish Chautau qua Society will lecture on "Facing and Avoiding World Crises." The Lesselli Marionettes will perform on this same date. COI. M. Thomas Tchou, fornierly private secretary to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and for three years director of the department of labor of the Chinese govern ment, will talk on China's fight for Civilization" on July 10. Another lecture scheduled for the near future will be by Dr. Henry J. Bruman, instructor in geography, who will talk on "The People of Mexico" in the Audi torium on July 15. Seventy-five students from 21 foreign countries have formed an organization at New York Uni versity. F .r iMWIT , I7IW;IIMMTC9 (Continued from Page One) WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 4 D. in. Tea for faculty and stud ents in home economics. Nursery school garden. 8:30 p. in. *Entertainment by William T. Neff, magician. Schwab Auditorium. THURSDAY, JULY. 3 2:30 p. m: Meeting of industrial education ladies at home of Mrs. F. T. Struck, 527 West Fairmount Avenue. Bp. m. Community celebration carnival.. COURSE AND ROOM CHANGES Bot. 419.13 has been dropped. Chem. 32.17 and Chem. 33.17 may be scheduled concurrently. The conflict in the time of meeting will be arranged. Ed. 1.25 has been moved to Room 106, New Physics. Ed. 233n.25 carries a fee of $5. Ed. 493.25 has been moved to Boom 306, New Physics. Ed. 590.25 has been moved to Room 106, New Physics. Engi. Lit. 510.33 has been moved to Room 203 Electrical Engineering. Engl. Lit. 545.33 has been moved to Room 203 Electrical Engineering. Fr. 3.36 has been added. It meets from June 30 to July 18, Ist and 4th periods in Room 207 Electrical Engineering under Professor Bur- Fr. 4.36 has been added. It meets from July 21 to August 8, Ist and 4th periods in Room 207 Electrical Engineering under Professor Bur- rage. Home Ec. 429.42 has been moved from Room 112 to Room Home Ec. 435.42 has been dropped. Home Ec. 510V.42 has been moved from Room 118 to Room 223; Ind. Ed. 407.50 has been moved to Room 101 Main Engineering. .I\lusic 467.67 has been changed in classification to Music 567.67. Phys. 433.75 has been dropped Phys. 435.75 has been dropped. Sp. 1.87 has been added, It meets from June 30 to July 18. Ist and sth periods in Room 316 Frear Lab oratory under Professor Arnold. Sp. 2.87 has been added. It meets from July 21 to August 8, Ist and sth periods in Room 316 ?rear Lab oratory under Profes . sor Arnold. Sp. 490.87 has been added. It meets daily, 4th period, Room 5 Liberal Arts Building, under Pro fessor Arnold. NOTICES Students must assume respons ibility for seeing that they are properly enrolled, and that their names are on the instructor's class roll. No students may transfer from one class or one section of a class to another, except by transfer. properly executed. No credit will be granted students who are not registered properly, although they may be attending classes regularly. There can be no exception to this regulation. No overnight parking on the campus will be permitted. N9tices to appear on this bulletin must be in the office of the Director of Summer Sessions not later than Monday noon of the week preced ing the event to be listed. An exhibition of prints from. the Mellon Collection and from the American Federation of Arts will be on display in the art gallery, Room 303 Main Engineering Build ing, beginning tomorrow. *Children under 16 years of age will be admitted only if accom panied by their parents. Architecture department at the University of Nebraska is replacing the standard German color chart with one using American pigments. Northwestern UniVersity's first five football teams were coached by their captains and the'first sal aried Wildcat coach was a player. /Extension Association ATM C A‘lnr . tw V.l s ~ i r y: -- :-.A. ;,z'f-, ,:i..... -0 Plans Meeting Here t :tt,. , . , \ • . , G , , -.:., 0 .,:,, , .4 4 . .•,-...- 4.,• . ~ ~ .., ~„, f._. 3 ,, . ~. • __L. giii , MI f --, il . i ;. \c.4--,. -i• •\ . P The National University Exten- Nothing like '.is at sion Association, made up of ex- ii -• - tension divisions of more than 50 C i k' N ( '•LO i I lAld large colleges and universities in ,* • 3123 W.NITTANYAVE. the country, will hold its annual StakSFANCOMARCSidgfIat: conference next year on the cam- .. - ' . ?" 4 "COiliviiNrs, eini k pus of The Pennsylvania State I P e /VW itliatet°, 4 F i r"" College, according to J. Orvis , . ..:, % fop eVCrY f ' NArAd Keller, assistant to President i ' . roornt 1 Ralph D. Hetzel in charge of ex- - tension. PHOENIX HOSIERY LINGERIE EGOLFS DRY GOODS and. NOTIONS Store of Quality and Service DRAPERIES LINENS YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC , , HEADQUARTERS!, Kodak Finishing PORTRAITS, FILMS ThepHENN C,TA TE OT° JFI O P 212 East College kvenuE Ileve FOR DRY CLEANIN6 AT IIS BEST During those hot summer days that tie ahead you'll find it harder than ever to keeu your clothes look ing nice. You'll have to send them to be cleaned more often. For this reason you'll want to choose your cleaner very carefully.. Balfurd's have been serving the students of Sum mer School satisfactorily for many seasons. Our customers come back year after year. We again look forward to the pleasure of serving Penn State's Summer Session Students. We are hoping to see all our old friends again and also to make many new ones. Drop into our shop today . Cali For and Delivery Service Ask About Our Same-Day Service Under the Corner Room Dry Cleaners and Taller PAGE FIVE Free Parking Space MO 3461