The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 04, 1941, Image 8

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Visitors From All
Gamma Omega
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity was
founded at Jefferson College, Can
onsburg, Pa., April 22, 1848. The
Gamma Phi chapter at Penn State
was established January 7, 1888
and was the first fraternity on the
Penn State Campus. There are at
present 73 chapters located
throughout the United States and
At present there are 42 active
members of Phi Gamma Delta at
Penn State with William J. Dor
worth ’4l, at the wheel. Since the
installation of the Penn State
chapter, over 500 members have
been initiated with many ‘greats’
listed among them. From the
Gamma Phi chapter and other
chapters have come such men as,
C. W. Heppenstal, Alf Lanaon,
William Seabrook, Newton D.
Baker, and Calvin Coolidge.
IF weekend will be cause for the annual celebration between Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Kappa Psi. The two fraternities were
united in purpose when they were in the early stages of formation at Jefferson College, now known as Washington and Jefferson.
From this college the name of the Jefferson Duo was taken and has held in the long history of both fraternities. The Jefferson Duo
is similar to the Miami Triad, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi. These organizations were formed when the fraterni
ties were in infancy and have become a-'definite tradition in the histories of the various national fraternities..
An informal dance will be held Saturday evening at the Phi Kappa Psf in celebration of the event. It will be open to all invited
guests. No formal invitations will be sent out. Music will be furnished by the Campus Owls notably of Penn State and the usual
bevy of beautiful imports will be present. Names are not included because of the fear of the well-known Penn State Wolves. Upon
special request, perhaps one or two names will be given. '
Sections Here For I.F. Ball
A record breaking crowd is ex
pected to arrive in State College
this weekend for the annual In
terfraternity Ball.
Collegian has compiled a di
rectory of the guests arriving at
the fraternities and. sororities.
They are: ■
Jean Armstrong, Paulsboro,
N. J.; Betty Gruan, Phila., Pa.;
Lillian Hoachlander, Greencastle,
Pa.; Virginia Johnson, Harris
burg, Pa.; Dolores McCann—
Harrisburg, Pa.; Vera Joquist,
Cape May, N. J.; Dorothy Sloan,
Phila., Pa.; Charlotte Stopford,
Harrisburg. Pa.; Dorothy Young,
Phila., Pa.; Charles C. Dugan,
Harrisburg, Pa.; Betty Beatty,
Bowlling Green, Pa.; Ann Miller.
Philadelphia; Edith White, Bos
ton. Mass. '
Alpha Chi Rho
Ruth Dunbach, Columbia, Pa.;
Ellen Kerdnachan, New York
City; Barta Sauvan, Newark, N.
J.: Jean Sholienberger, Merion,
Pa.; William H. Stevens, Tipton,
Alpha Chi Sigma
Louise Sprou, Chicora, Pa.;
Ruth L. Holmstrup, Somerville,
N. J.; Dorothy I. Kalb, Lancaster:
Betty Bogar, Harrisburg; Jane
Nichols, Latrobe, Pa.; Belt}'
Brockway. Ithaca, N. Y.: Doris
Lasher, State College; Betty
Miller, .Huntingdon, Pa.; Ber
thella IVI. Kleckner, Pittsburgh;
Sara Freman, Oberlin, O.; Jean
Halloway. Aldan, Pa.; Pauline
Baum, Middleton, Pa.; Herbert.
Clarke, Latrobe, Pa.
Alpha Gamma Rho
Fred Snyder, Troy; Martin
Rockwell, Cornell Univ.; Bill
Clark, Bolivar; John Shellen
berger, Selinsgrove; Neil Witmer,
Dalmatia; Carl Witmer, Dalma
tia; Carl Whitebread, Nuangola
Lake; Paul Fruit, Pittsburgh; Roy
Baughman, York; Ella Delts, In
diana College; Mae Gangerin, U.
of P.: Russell Esterline, Wiscon
isco; Roger Evans, Phila.
Alpha Kappa Pi
Virginia Barger, Philadelphia;
Miss Mary Gardner, Harrisburg;
Mavie Kase, Ridgway, Pa.; Helen
Lotz, Pottsville, Pa.; Dorothy
Mattise, Jermyn, Pa.; Miss Vera
Mattise, Jermyn, Pa. Arthur J.
Hicks, Philadelphia, Pa.
Alpha Phi Delta
Muriel Rock, Wilkes-Barre;
Helen Farari, Shingletown Gap;
Sylvia Giacobine, Neville Is
lands; Eleanor Lester, Neville
Island; Terisa Donedelli, Rosetta;
Florence Brenken, Mt. Lebanon;
Frances Kline, Alaquipa.
Alpha Sigma Phi
Emily Allison, York, Pa.; Mrs.
Malcomb Beard, Williamsburg,
Pa.; Mary Louise Bucher, Scran-
ton, Pa.; Eleanor Derr, Carlysle,
Pa.; Mary Dunnel, Pittsburgh,
Pa.; Ruby Edwards, New Ken
sington, Pa.; Nell Ellenburger,
Kittanning, Pa.; Betty Ferguson,
Chillicothe, Pa.; Betty Minnich,
Myerstown, Pa.; Marilee Mc-
Lachlin, Millheim, Pa.; Jeanne
Peck, Kittanning, Pa.; Helen
Staplekamp, York, Pa.; Dorothy
Zimmerman, Reading, Pa.; Mal
comb Beard, 'Williamsburg. Pa.;
William H. Cooper, New Ken
sington, Pa.; Richard Derr, Car
lysle, Pa.; Robert Gillan, Phila
delphia, Pa.; Robert Graham,
Narbeth, Pa.; Fred Kindig, York,
Pa..: John R. Miller, Millheim,
Pa.; Walter Sclager, Scranton,
Pa.; David A.. Scrom, York, Pa.
A. T. O.
Peggy C. Brinton, Spangler,
Pa.; Jeanne K. Madill, Spangler,
Pa.; Claire J. Day, Drexel Hill,
Pa.; Margaret M. McWilliams,
Philadelphia, Pa..; Betty L.
Hecht, Philadelphia,. Pa.; Flor
ence G. There, Philadelphia. Pa.;
Sylvia E. Durham, New York,
N. Y.; Diane T. Marberry, New
York, N. Y.; Joanne H. De Haas,
Union town, .Pff.; Nancy L. Ben
dig, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ellen G.
Springer, Scudertown; Anne L.
Hess, Philadelphia; Helen A.
Hart, Lancaster; Virginia J. Wat
son, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ray M. Kroll, Philadelphia,
Pa.; William J. Smith, Pitts
burgh,-Pa.; Ray J. Hunter, Pitts
burgh, Pa.; Harold M. Davis,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Harry F. Tufton,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; John C. Abbott,
Philadelphia, Pa.; "Frederick O.
Anlid, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph
P. Finney, Philadelphia, a.; Don
K. Nakes, Johnstown, a,
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lotz, Phil
adelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Lee, New York, N. Y.; Mr. .Ken
neth P. Kyos, Pittsburgh, Pa.;
Mr. and Mrs. York J. Reese,
Scranton, Pa.
Beta Theta Pi
Jeanne Brent, Harrisburg;
Eilleen McCanley, Glen Ridge, N.
J.; Jane White, W. Va.; Jane
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was
founded at Jefferson College, lo
cated at Canonsburg, Pennsylvan
ia, February 19, 1852. Growth and
expansion produced a leading na
tional social fraternity, and today
Phi Kappa Psi has fifty-one chap
ters located in' leading colleges
throughout the country.
The Penn State chapter of Phi
Kappa Psi was instituted October
12, 1912. Since its installation in
1912, Phi Psi has initiated almost
500 members and today is one of
the strongest national fraternities
at Penn State.
Noted Phi Psis include the late
Woodrow Wilson, the late Justice
Pierce Butler, James Thurber, El
liott Nugent, Frank Morgan, Bud
dy Rogers, Edward Everett Hor
ton, “Wild Bill” Donovan, the late
W. C. Sproul.
Contino, Oil City, Pa.; -Jane
Smith; Jeane Snyder, Union
town; Betty White, Morgantown,
W. Va.; Mary Millington, Potts
ville, Pa.; Marian Flink, Pleas
antville, N. Y.; Mildred Darling
ton, West Chester, Pa.; Martice
Ann Thomas, Toledo, Ohio; May
Strauser, Blopmsburg, Pa.; Grace
Cutler, Pittsburgh.
Chi Phi
Ernest B. Porter, Easton; Les
ter K. Schultz, Citronelle, Ala;
Frank E. Whitman, Jr., Phila
delphia; James H. McGrew, Pitts
burgh; Joseph P. Bone, Easton;
Henry Hall Wagner, New Or
leans, La.; Chester W. Robinson,
Chica'go, 111.; oJhn C. Dunbar,
Cleveland, Ohio;
Jack Cochrane, Harrisburg;
Richard Voge'l, Lancaster; John
A. Berseth, Roy Mr
Frier, Pittsburgh; William J.
Helvig, Washington, D.C.; Robert
A. Tross, Johnstown; John A.
Palmer, Ridgewood, N. J.
Della Chi
Mary Dairs, Upper Darby: Lois
Lukens, Philadelphia; Marge Mc-
Gill,' Erie; Louise Pelley, Bethle
hem; Charlotte Turner, Philadel
phia; Rita Sennett, St. Mary’s;
Phyllis McCarraher, Philadel
phia: Nancy Shillinger, Syracuse;
Maude Dantzer, Penn Hall; Vir
ginia Fenton, Penn Hall; Jane
McClung, Sewickley;
Mary Wehler," St. Mary’s; Joan
Smith, Bradford; Kathryn Craw
lord, Philadelphia; Dorothy Ger
man, Sewickley; Nancy Houpt,
Glenside; Doris Miller, Philadel
phia; Miriam Shaffer, Harris
burg; Suzie Shearer, North
Wales; Ruth Wolverton, Easton.
Della Sigma Phi
Cara Dennis, Bradford; Marg
aret Dennis, Bradford; Jane M.
Faunte, Germantown; Gloria
Martin, Bradford; Pauline Moyer,
Litiz; Margurite Shaub, Litiz;
Jeannette Sickerman, Wilkes-
Barre; Phyllis Wright, Bradford:
James B. Denman, Bradford;
John R. Reitz, Lewisburg.
Delta Tau Della
Robert Ramsey, .Oil City; Rich
ard Woolridge, Clearfield; Mrs.
Joseph Navi, Butler; Barbara Mc-
Quillan, Clearfield; Elinor Fitch,
Oil City; Catherine Baer, Morg
antown, W. Va.; Margaret Nem
eth, Clearfield; Shirley Herman,
Florence Lupo, Washington, D.
C.; Shirley Morman, Pittsburgh;
Elaine Mones, Philadelphia; Mary
Marcus, Harrisburg; Anita C.
Perschuck, Adelphi College; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Pechter, Altoona;
Helen Polen, Philadelphia; Elea
nor Parish, Altoona; Pearl Rot
ner, N.Y.U.; Stanton Rubin, Vine
land, N. J.;
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rappaport,
Villas, N. J.; Sumner Roberts, •
M.1.T.; Mr. and Mrs. B. Stern,
Philadelphia; David Sykes, Will- 1
iamsport; Mr'and Mrs. L. Snyder,
Harrisburg; Florence Sidle, Pitts
burgh; Shirley Schwartz, Phila
delphia; Joy Turover, Washing
ton, D.C.; Doris Wasserman, Phil
adelphia; Marion C. Wolkins,
Philadelphia; Robert Abbott, N.-
Y. U.;
Edward Bergstein, Pittsburgh;
Eleanor Bloom, Philadelphia;
Harriett Broida, Pittsburghr Ev
elyn Clavan, West Chester State
Teachers College; Henrietta Co-,
hen, Altoona; Gilbert Cooker,
Philadelphia; Elynore Davis,
Allentown; Mrs. L. Corson, Phil
adelphia; Rose Eisenberg, Uni
versity of Pittsburgh; Claire Ed
ison, Philadelphia;
Robert Hertz, Harrisburg; Al
vin Heyman, Williamsport; Shir
ley Hornstein, Pittsburgh; Arthur
Handler, Northeastern Univer
sity; Lucille Israel, Brooklyn Col
lege; Shirley Hodern, Scranton;
Mr. arid Mrs. M. Imber, Philadel--
phia; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krav
itz, Philadelphia; Melvin. Katz
man, Philadelphia; Robert Kam
ofsky, Wilkes-Barre; Selma Kos
ser, Brooklyn College; Alan
Krieger, Philadelphia; Stanley
Kaufman, Philadelphia.
Delta Upsilon
Vic Sandham, Haverford;'Bert
(Continued on Page Nine) '