The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 21, 1941, Image 3
FRIDAY,' MARCH 21, 1941 uiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHHHiiiiiHirmnniiiiHiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiii Inframurals 'llllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll BASKETBALL Individual league champions in both fraternity and independent intramural basketball loops were announced last night-by “Red” Yoho ’42, and Walter C. Parsons _’42, co-managers. i ~ Independent Champions League No. 1 . .Watts Hall Blues League No. 2~ ... . Colohial Hotel League No. 3 .-. .Homan Hillmen League No. 4 . ;Rocky Ramblers League No. 5 ... ...8.R.8. No. 2 League No. 6 Fraternity Champions League No. 1 ... Sigma'Alpha Epsilon League No. 2 .... Sigma Pi No. 1 League No. 3 ..,. .-Delta Upsilon League No. 4 . .Delta Tau Delta League No. s':. \. Delta Chi League No. 6.. .Delta Sigma Phi League No. 7 Delta Theta Sigma League No. 8 Pi Kappa Phi League No: 9 - -.Sigma Nu League No; 10 Phi Sigma Kappa League No. il Beta Theta Pi The first round of final games begins. Tuesday night. Coiohial Hotel meets Homan Hillmen and. 8.R.8. No. 2 engages Irvin Hall. Watts Hall Blues’- and Rocky Ramblers ' In the fraternity classification only three games will be played Tuesdays—Delta--Tau Delta vs. Delta Chi, Delta Sigma' Phi vs. Delta Theta -Sigma, and Pi Kap- BBtamom' Improve-Your HAT-I-TUDEt HrEwith a New LEE Water-Bloc* .'■r£r..THE UNIVERSITY-GAB If hats could.ialk, The University- Gab ‘Tutakes-,thrcer »J " -i - times as~bmg:_t.Q make “me—l’m a * \ Lee'Watexrßloc and I have a gab- y\ ,, ardine band, a ndb inding to match - i I M —aliern—'all'for five bucks!” - %£&aTso makes: j i JimT „# * |jp Aetna, “d'her.lnsured Hat,” $3.50. 5 | f, Lookups the iee Hat signs g lyip'l LEE HATS 358 Fifth Avenue, New York v f;f*(tearu.s. patent opp. | _ THE UNIVERSITY-GAB 1 by LEE Ilk The College Man's Favorite Hat APPAREL 146 S. Allen St. ...if she takes you out Friday night you take her out Saturday night... ROLLER SKATING only 20c per session Or To Liven Up A Dull Saturday Afternoon try ROLLER SKATING SESSIONS: Saturday Afternoon 2-5 Saturday Night 9-11 Places ARMORY Syracuse Boxers Stick To Studies, Decide Not To inter National Meet The 1940 Eastern Intercolleg iate championship boxing team will not be represented in the seventh annual NCAA tourna ment, to be held in Rec Hall starting next Thursday,-Syracuse University officials announced yesterday. A telegram to Ridge Riley, College sports publicity director, stated that the EIBA champion ship team, which includes five individual titleholders, had de cided to forego national mit hon ors in favor of scholastic achieve ments. This reduces the entry list to 21 colleges. Irvin Hall .pa Phi vs. Sigma Nu. Byes for the first round were drawn by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Pi No. 1, Delta Upsilon, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Beta Theta Pi. Elimination games will be played next Thursday and the following Tuesday with cham pionship finals scheduled for April 3. Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Al pha Zeta yesterday, 15-5, 15-8. In the only other game played, Beta Theta Pi downed Kappa Sigma, 15-11, 15-10. VOLLEYBALL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ' llllllllllllllllimilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill Between The Lions WITH DICK PETERS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuinim Last Chance Today- and -tomorrow is “quit tin" time" for Captain Frank Gleason, Joe Scalzo, and Chuck Rohrer, three Lion wrestlers who wind up their intercollegiate grappling careers for keeps as they enter the National tourney at Lehigh. In tournament competition, bad luck has weighted down the tights of both Gleason and Scalzo, ■who have been seeking titles for three years. To be sure, the Nit tany 136 pounder did capture the Eastern championship in 1939, ■but although Captain Frankie has improved in his muscle-grind ing ability, for some reason he has never been able to recapture the elusive Eastern or National crowns. Scalzo, who came to State highly-touted as a high school grappling ace, has never been able to overcome a jinx which has dogged him through every tourney he has entered. Twice he was halted by Lehigh’s bogey man Harold Masem in the East erns. This year with Masem de parted via the sheepskin route from the halls of the Engineers, Scalzo was upset in his first round match by Don (You Made Us) Blue of Navy. The squat Nittany wrestler had licked the Middie once before in a dual meet this season. At” 165 pounds, Chuck Rohrer will be entering his first National tourney, with no startling past history- to talk about. Just how these three Lion sen iors will fare is about as certain as tomorrow’s weather, but they can’t do worse than they did in the Easterns. Not So Good, Orange This corner feels that Syracuse, .by..’refusing to enter its Eastern championship boxing team in the Nationals here, has kicked them selves in the teeth. We think it’s the Orangemen's duty to repre sent the East, after takiifg the sectional title. As the saying goes, it's always better to die fighting, than ... Gridmen May Get First Outside Practice Today After spending the first three weeks of Spring football practice in the class room because of nas ty March weather, 60 gridmen will attempt to work out on the still snow-covered practice field today, Coach Bob Higgins has an nounced. “The boys will at least be able to stretch their legs a little, and at the same time help to melt the snow. We are two weeks late now,” Higgins said. Dean Schott To Speak Dr. Carl P. Schott', dean of the School of Physical Education, will be the main speaker at the Pittsburgh Downtown Y.M.C.A.’s annual Sports Dinner tonight. Chocolate Ice Cream Soda So you remember, when you were a “THE BEST child, how you enjoyed those choco- jm TOWN’" late Ice cream sodas? Well, Just to brine back old times, why not stop flh. In for a Rea & Derick old fashioned H| •hdtol&te Ice cream soda . . . made from Whitman’s chocolate with' a HB generous portion of our own Ice _ML cream. REA & DERICK Inc this year, but the Lion grappler is conceded an even break against Charley Zalonka of Temple, 111- (Continued from Page One) inois ' Sikish, and Yales Captain for tomorrow. Drawings for Larry Picket, EIWA champ, 'bracket ratings will be conducted Chuck Rohrer, i ittany d this morning. P ouncl representative, who de „ , . , , , , . feated Navy s George Weems. Gleason, undeieated m eWa titleholder. in a dual meet, lo dual bouts lor the last two wiU meet Crawford Grenard of years, will stage a comeback Colorado State. Dick Brenneman f ht , ‘ n h °Pf' ° f upsetting A 1 of Lehigh and Roberts of Wis- Whitehurst, 136-pound national cons j n champ from Oklahoma A & M. ■ ■ —’ Princeton’s Warren Taylor, wii ner of the EIWA crown, ani 'Wilson of Indiana, are the othi grapplers who threaten Whiti hurst's hold on the title. At 145 pounds, Joe Scalzo, whi rocketed to second place in tb 1939 nationals as a sophomor will meet an open field of toug] mat opponents. Oklahoma A & ] presents undefeated Bobb; Arndt, followed closely by F ! M’s A 1 Schachemann, EIW. champion Joe Quinn of Lehigl and Minnesota’s Janesko. ' Penn State’s only champ, Littj Charlie Ridenour, will seek overthrow last year’s 121-poum winner, 'Bob Antonucci of Indi ana. Boasting decisive victorii over all eastern competitors, Ric enour must overpower such wes' ern grapplers as Fredericks < •Purdue and Captain Calvin Mel- *blai horn of Oklahoma A & M. The heavyweight diadem will be guarded by Navy’s Johnny Harrell, former Oklahoma A & M national champ. Kerns was pin ned by Harrell in a dual meet For Here’s Our Story a VARIETY • VALUE Suits Topcoats $25.00 To SSG Everyone of our suits or topcoats is rich in color. Workmanship is superb. The tweeds are sturdy— the worsteds the best. All colors, sizes and models. We guarantee to fit you perfectly. It will pay you to see our mew Shirts Ties Shoes Hats and all the latest in Spring Wear for the well dressed. FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Try an “Old Fashioned” 121 SOUTH ALLEN STREET Wrestling Spring and Easter Fromm's PAGE THREE