The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 18, 1941, Image 4

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    ) ’ AGE FOOT?.
Eigfit Attendants Named
■For May Day Exercises
i Committee Choses Two
‘ -Heralds, Two Jesters
Eight, attendants to May Queen
Josephine E- Condrin ’4l, two
.■heralds, and two jesters for the
May Day ceremonies Saturday,
M.ay 10 on the front campus,
have been announced by Mar
-711 ret R. Roberts '42 and Patricia
Mac Kinney '43, co-chairmen.
Helen B. Cramer and Eleanor
3/. Fagans will be senior attend
ants; Joyce L. Brayton and Eli
nor M. Derr, junior: Nancy E.
Gosser and Polly Lee Insley,
sophomore; and Betty H. Christ
man and Jane C. Taylor, fresh
man Maid of honor will be An
. Celine Tristani ’44, who was se
lected at women’s elections.
Heralding the royal party will
be Patricia McKinney ’43 and
Mildred B. Schmidt '43, while
Lila A. Whooley ’43 and Shirley
J. Tetley ’44 will be jesters.
In the queen’s retinue will be
-new Mortar Board members,
honor-arch women including
Mortar Boards and four senior
■women chosen by them, a hem
lock chain of senior women, class
attendants, maid of honor, her
alds jesters, May Pole dancers,
flower girls, and train bearers.
Newly-tapped Cwens and Blue
Key members will usher.
Mosphorous ExftiiS
-iim Shram 209/HE Today
•Phosphorous in various foods
will be shown in a public nutri
tion exhibit in 'Room 209 Home
Economics this morning.
Foods with one-tenth of the j. >1 * y
daily dietary requirements of the Alii lidl! L 01166 (IOUIT
clement will toe displayed in one _ ..
exhibit, and in the other, each "° ur Col ege Wihat Do \ou
quantity of food that contains Know of It? will toe the topic for
■file same amount of phosphorous discussion led toy Russell E.
as one glass of milk will toe pre- Clark - bursar in the second of a
series of fireside-sessions ana cof-
Gamma Phi’s Elect
Gamma Phi Beta officers for
»ext year are Mary R. Craft ’42,
president; Betty Jo Patton ’42,
vice-president; M. Jean Seanor
M 2, treasurer; Helen M. Quaken
>>ush ’42, recording secretary;
arid Dorothy C. Ellis ’43, rushing
IPhi Celts I® Entertain
Phi Delta Thetas will entertain
the Delta Gammas at dinner
Wednesday night.
Eigen® 1. ILedereir
114 E. Beaver Ave.
State College DIAL. 40(56
We, The Women
And Kiity Foyle'
White collar factories are head
ed toward boom days if the
"thousands of women" whom
Frances Perkins promises jobs
due to the defense program get
them. And Christopher Morley’s
“Kitty Foyle” becomes an unin
tentional forecast that this year's
graduates will take their places
behind typewriters, in cosmetic
salons, and 011 swivel seats in the
corner drugstores.
Now, just as Kitty Foyle shook
up a snow storm in her crystal
ball, so the defense program is
shaking up plans of the Class of
1941. Present seniors seem con
fident of jobs in June and absent
from the campus this year are
pessimistic comments on occu
pational opportunities.
Madame Perkins assures us
that next year there is no doubt
that we shall awaken to an alarm
at 7 o'clock, six days in the week,
work until noon, gulp a sandwich
and milkshake, work until 5
o'clock, and be too tired to do
anything tout sleep.
Lovely existance!
4t *
Nole io FBI—A fifth columnist
is- lurking in Ath Hall shadows.
After carrying out the St. Pat
rick's Day green theme, a mem
ber of an un-American activity
group put oranges in tire middle
of the salad.
Clark I® Lead Discussion
fee hours/TnThe southeast lounge
of Atherton at 6:30 pan. today.
The committee, announced by
Elsie L. Rooth ’43, social chair
man of the southeast unit, is
Esther M. Ha'll ’43, chairman,
Mary Anastas ’43, Edith Bane ’43,
Ruth V. Billington ’43, Rane A.
Durkee ’43, Margery E. Gorman
'43, Mary L. Lenker ’43, Mary G.
Sallada ’43, June M. -Steinfurth
'43, Ruth K. Turner '43, and Hilda
K. Weng ’44.
Coed Debaters Active
In Pittsburgh Area
Hilma R. Eisen ’42 and Ruth L.
Kiesling ’43, debated in favor of
the proposition, “Resolved, that
the nations of the western hemi
sphere should enter into a perm
anent union” against Mt. Mercy
last night, and, will meet three
more teams away this week.
The coeds will oppose Pitts
burgh University tonight, Wash
ington and Jefferson tomorrow
night, and Carnegie Tech Thurs
day night. George P. Rice, in
structor in public speaking, is
accompanying the debaters.
Phi Mu Initiates
Phi Mu initiated Blanche V.
Mauk ’4l, Dorothy J. Frank '43,
and Hilda A. Lukins ’42 Sunday
Don’t forget the WSGA dance
—it’s free!
pertly repaired. Portable and
office machines for sale or rent.
Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W.
Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch
DlflPf Wanted aid
IMI/O offered
R.W. <2> Wilkes-Barre. L— Fri
.’fternoon C—3322', Karuopky
WSGA Dance Set
For Friday Night
To the tunes of the Nittany
Lions, coeds and their dates will
dance at the annual WSGA dance
scheduled for Rec Hall from 9
p.m. until midnight Friday.
Dress for the affair will be in
formal and admission by matric
ulation cards. Novelty numbers
will toe included by the orchestra
with Betty Platt as vocalist and
Oiin Butt, leader, as clarinetist.
Chaperons announced for the
dance by Mary W. Houghton ’42,
chairman, are Charlotte E. Ray,
dean of women; Matilda A. Bent
ley, Mary Jane Stevenson, and
Ruth H. Zang, assistants to the
•dean; Marie Haidt, assistant pro
fessor of women's physical edu
cation; Mrs. Grace L. Hall, Mrs.
Neva M. Morris, Miss Jeanette
Oswald, and Mrs. Anne B. Searle,
dormitory hostesses; Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Pope, and Alice R.
Plank, secretary to dean of
Thetas Entertain AKPi’s
Kappa Alpha Thetas entertain
ed Alpha Kappa Pi at a coffee
hour Monday night.
Find your matric card and ask
a man to the WSGA dance.
\ V
4 Ns
Rushing Revision Group
To Formulate Changes
Three-man rushing coed re
vision committee of Panhellenic
Council will hold its second meet
ing today to formulate plans and
arrange suggestions for present
ation and discussion at the coun
cil session tomorrow night.
Because of last week’s decision
by sororities against the proposed
between-semester rushing plan,
entirely new changes and correc
tions will have to be decided
Headed 'by Jean A. Krauser ’42,
committee members are Margaret
M. Diener ’42 and Mina A. Smith
Eunice King Will Speak
To Freshman Forum
Miss Eunice King, traveling
representative for New England
region of the Student Christian
Movement, will speak to the
Forty-Four Forum in the Hugh
Beaver Hoorn at 7 p.m. today.
Ann Sheffield ’44, Harriet G.
Vanßiper ’44, and Phyllis R. Wat
kins ’44, representatives to the
Forum Poconos Conference, will
report on the conference. •
Ask your man to the WSGA
dance—he’ll want to go.
Chesterfields... and so do millions of other
# smokers like yourself. You’ll find that
Chesterfields are MILD, the way you want a
cigarette... not flat, not strong. They SMOKE
COOLER ... with a decidedly BETTER TASTEf
"tfm Ctywieftc 7
Signalman GIIAY
is host to
Hollywood (ravorif:*
"Yes, the Fleet smokes a lot of
Jane Cowell 33 Speaks
Ai Annual Delia Gamma
Founder's Day Banquet
Jane Cowell ’33, DeltalGamma
alumna, spoke on • Alpha;Ghi, As.
I’ve Known Her,”
Gamma Founder’s Day~--35aheue£
held at the Nittany Lron'-lntCSag
urday night. - . €:
Janet M. Hartz ,-’42r~Anxtar.difc
Knecht ’42,
and A. Ruth Krimmel : jgSjgSffw**
sorority quartet, gavgs—SabbrS?
vocal selections, •.whtlErraas
pledges presented skitsgrnhxgCES
:heir .si
sonation of
years hence.
AI The Movr
“Rage-In Heaven
added “Mat Meri’’~— :
Lehigh Univ. wrestling-:
“A Girl. A Guy and A GnESr
“They Knew What They W-anlSjg
Fred Waring,". Mon.-Fri, ”
7:00 PJM.—NBC :
Glenn Miller; Tues.; Wed.
Thurs.—lo:oo P.M.—GBS
Professor Quiz. -Tues.
9:30 P.M.—CBS