♦'■AGE FOUR £•-' Candidates, Activities WSGA President Jean Babcock '42 Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta, intramural .•-.ports, Secretary Penn State I’layers. Theta Alpha Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, Louise Homer Club, VVSGA Town Senator, Choir. Mildred M. Taylor Junior .Senator, Freshman Election Board, Pi Gamma Mu, Alpha ) .ambda Delta, Secretary Junior Class, Vice President Margaret K. Sherman ’43 .Senator (1,2). Cwens, Alpha Lam bda Delta, Home Ec Council. Mildred B. Schmidt ’43—Alpha ) nimhda Delta, Cwens, Freshman Council. May Day Committee. Treasurer Betty Rose Broderick ’44 Secretary Freshman Class, fresh man debate. Freshman Council. Mary Lou Keith ’44—Collegian business candidate.- WRA. clubs. Breshman hockey team manager. Priscilla C. MacLellan ’44 WR.A club. Betty W. Story ’44—Freshman Council. Senior Senator Anne M. Borton Freshman Council chairman, Cwens, Lak onides, Phys. Ed. School Council, WRA committees, Junior Service Board, Senate (1,2,3). Marion M. Eberts—Freshman Council, Cwens, Ellen H. Rich ards, Home.Ec Club, House of Representatives (2). Marion E. Sperling Alpha Lambda Delta, Cwens, House of Representatives. WRA club. Branch Club, Chairman camp •; councilor conference. Junior Senator Louise M. Fuoss—Cwens pres ident, .Alpha Lambda Delta, Col legian editorial candidate, For ensic Council, freshman debate. Nancy E. Gosser —Cwens sec retary, Co-chairman Christmas dinner. L \ fjf i i.ih \l fli 1,, '** 'f I '%*tfXj£'!& ».- \{ w l} '«"ias»‘*V *;• // U > r I hemes Duplicated I f jtoto Er&ken Pieces £ EXPERT REPAIR WORK ! Prompt Service ifr ★ ~k I ir,. Eva 18, f Hast ( i Qpp„ je Avenue*- srtQn Hall ! Sheer Blouses for i , l Formal or Informal 'i \ | Occasions! Pfl * “SwL Smart Sheer Blouses Tn White , .! and Pastels | 1F 82,98 and 83,98 | ( si.9B f Crepe and Silk Jersey Evening £ ' V V J Skirts in Black or White y-CTJ 88,98 ■ V V/vV -j£*v« •'* ir «. ** I ' SMART SHOP Sophomore Senator H. Anne Carruthers Fresh man Senator. Dorothy L. Jones—Freshman Council, WRA club. P.utK M. Storer—WßA clubs. Town Senator E. Miriam Jones—Freshman Eorum, choir. Kathryn M. Popp—Collegian editorial candidate. Alpha Lamb da Delta. WRA President Helen L. Mazur ’42—WRA club action chairman. Co-Edition bus iness staff, PSCA, May Day com- mittee. Bernice M. Mauer ’42—Cwens treasurer (2), Lakonides secre- tary, WRA vice president, intra mural and inter-class sports, dance production group. Betty L. Zeigler ’42—Treasurer WRA. Lakonides treasurer House of Representatives _ tai-v, associate member Players. Vice President Patricia Mac Kinney '43- Freshman Council, Home Ec Club Advisorv Council. Ag Student Council,’ Cwens, Co-chairman May Day, Co-chairman Elections Committee. A. Ruth Krimmei ’43—Choir, dance production group, WRA club, Chemistry and Physics School Council, Alpha Lambda Delta. Ruth V. Moore ’43 Cwens, WRA club. Treasurer Pauline Crossman '43 —Fresh- man Council, Phys Ed School Council, Lakonides, Cwens, WSGA treasurer, assistant intra mural manager (1). Mary V. Devling ’43—Lakon ides, WRA clubs, .intramural soorts. CLASSIFIED SECTIOM TYPEWRITERS —All makes ex pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch FOR RENT —Large room with sleeping porch. Two or three boys. Light cooking facilities. 124 So. Burrowes. Telephone 2635. LOST. STRAYED. STOLEN— Black Persian cat from Veter inary Hospital, Ag Hill. Senti mental value. Return to hospi tal- No questions asked. 3t chg 26D RIDES wa ;^r R. W. 2 rFdes. Easton or vic inity. Friday afternoon. C Sonnv, 3rd East Grange. B.W. to Pittsburgh or vicinity of Beaver Falls. L—l p.m. Fri. 28. C—Blackwood, 2181. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN - 175 BWOC's To Get Bids To Annual Matrix Table Aproximately 175 BWOC’s will receive invitations early this week to the annual formal Mat rix Banquet sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, women’s professional journalism honorary, at the Nit tany Lion Inn at'6:3o p.m. March 3. Miss S: M. R. O'Hara, secre tary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ’~will be guest speaker at the banquet which will center around “The Pants Press" and “Famous Femmes.” Three coeds will be honored as Cap Girl, most versatile senior, Matrix Girl, the senior who’ has contributed most to the College, and Quill Girl, the most popular coed. Voting for Quill Girl will be gin at Student Union Thursday and continue through Friday. % Charitides Petitions Charitieds, local sorority, has sent an informal petition of pledges and initiates to Kappa Delta, national sorority, for membership. AEPhi Elects Ofifcers Alpha Epsilon Phi has elected Hilma R. Eisen, dean: Beatrice J. Winn, subdean; Marion E. Sperling, treasurer; and Jane H. Firestein, scribe. 3t 2-26-41 L 'o' Copyright 19*1, t-lccirrr & Top Honors for Chesterfield COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING It’s called the SMOKER’S cigarette because Chesterfield is the one cigarette thafgives you a COMPLETELY SATISFYING smoke. You try a Chesterfield and find them COOL and PLEASANT. You light one after another and find the}' really TASTE BETTER. You buy pack after pack and find that Chesterfields are MILDER, SALLY YOUNG Top-ranking bjjcige player in National Contrail Tournaments £& ; :' y* At The Movies CATHAUM— “Virginia" STATE— “Andy Hardy’s ' Private Secretary” NITTANY— “Comrade X” Many elections have been won by one vote —use yours. FOR DULL DAYS- .; #iif Eastman Super XX FUm.Gets'Thdyx Picture Every Time " z PENN STATE PHOTO SHOpf 214 E. COLLEGE AVE. SHIRTS AND COLLARS Should Be Laundered For . - SENIOR BALL ; -^l§g PENN STATE LAUNDRY 1 320 W. BEAVER DIAL 3261 it’s the smoker’s cigarette You cant buy a better cigarette TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1941 A Kilteroo • FUN P • FIRES L • FLOODS A • FAMINE Y • FANTASY and E • FICTION IN R The S Streets ofJlew_~York; SCHWAB AUDIBSIARi^S; T ickets^iOc^r^- \ ' #: , -xy.*rateas» % 'V* --- v.sv \ k + -+*J,