The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 04, 1941, Image 3
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1941 Ewell Fails At Seton Hall - liiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiii Between The Lions With DICK PETERS :: -^itiifiniiiiiiii!imiiiimHHtiiHUtt!iiiitiU!iiiiiiimiii!ii r.Th.e little guy says; “How about „,s telling; some about the b;:;W?uter Sports Carnival we’re -- whipping, up?” ... So we said, Okay,.Ed, you teil us and we’ll tell the people.” ... Ed McLorie, the little guy of sentence onej is in:, charge of plans for Pacfll. .State’s first Winter Cami . .. .val,; .relayed these pertinent facts .—about the Carnival: ,: r „: The date is this Saturday ,;; ; ,Vyhieh will make it the first big -••event,of the second semester _ The. committee in charge jropes that, the Carnival will be such a ..success that it’ll become an an nual affair here at State . . . It’ll -- -give all. out-door-minded enthu siasts a good chance to. test their —ability- on the ski trail and the icg rink. ' ; One of the- biggest projects of ii the Carnival committee is inter ;• esting the fraternity and living ; groups in ice sculpture . . . “We j don’t expect anything of the proportions, because it's something new in this sec tion,” Ed'urges , . . But they do think_lhat exhibits of simple de sign by . every group on campus will create a clot of interest in the affair and lead, to its continuation in the -future. - There’ll be-plenty of skiing, :■ that is if there’s snow . . . Ski j' manager Henry Beers is in charge of the competition, which . will include downhill, slalom, :! -j and cross-country races, all on :! the Ski Trial . . . The competi •; tion will be of the intramural ;i variety, with medals awarded :l ; the winners . , . Intercollegiate ‘j ;; and intramural hockey will add •> ice interest to the day’s program 5 At present a varsity skirmish ? ;; is pending, and plans to bring to •• ; gether four fraternity teams in ■j " intramural competition, with the ~ finals being run off between :: . halves of the varsity battle, are t • being made . . . Ice-skating will :: i be in sway following the puck tussles with all spectators partici- pating. There’s a possibility that • sex in the form of a girls’ figure :! . skating Club may add the variety —-to the-program. ThaTs the story as we heard it ... though the Cam ~ I‘val might'be more than aPpipe :: dream after all ... A good start :: this year would mean continua :: tion next winter, and so on, and ;• so oh. :: Boxers Start Semester l With 7A. M. Session :: The varsity and freshman box ::. ing. teams started the new sem -3 ester with a7a. m. practice ses ;| sion yesterday. The 7 o’clock tj “class" is reputed to be the first :: athletic practice ever scheduled :i in Rec Hall at that hour. ;• Occasioned .by registration in ~ . Rec Hall, . yesterday’s early ~ morning work-out will be re :r placed by a 5 o’clock today. Practically all the varsity and - freshman boxers Reported for the s unusual session and none seem :: ed-tb-mind the early hour. Only ;; q§jecd6rs. were assistant man :: -a-gersr- less accustomed to such s rigorous 5 -here’s {he: answer to- that, a-f pi'oblexp r bf finding a. clean,. a. "cmrifrnrtabte. room at a rea 5. sonabte rate. IT’S— "* I THE -COLONIAL running Water t; IN EVERY ROOM , # i| 123 W. Nillany Dial 4850 <ti Incomplete returns from the Seton Hall games held in Jer sey City- last night revealed that Barney Ewell, Nittany Lion speedster, failed to place in the 60-yard dash, which was cap tured by Hewitt of NYU. Eulace Peacock, former Tem ple dash man, led the field in the 50-yard distance in 5:6 seconds which is far behind Barney Ewell’s record smashing time of 5:1 which he established last year. Coming to the Seton Hall clas sic from his Millrose-track vic tory in the 300-yard distance, Ewell was conceded favorite to take both events, but according to a report from New York late last night, the Nittany Lion flash was far behind the flying heels of Pea Cock and Hewitt. Read The Collegian Classifieds TEXT BOOKS STATIONERY Plain —50c, (sc, $l.OO Die Stamped—6sc, 85c FOUNTAIN PENS Sheaffer-Parker-Waferman TYPEWRITERS Corona, Remington, Underwood (Rentals) VALENTINES sc, 10c, 15c, 25c to $l.OO LAUNDRY CASES $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.00 DICTIONARIES ATHLETIC STORE. Inc. * Dial 2158 Opposite Main Gate Open Evenings Malmen Tackle Tigers Tonight Riding the crest of a two-match victory streak, Coach Charlie Speidel’s Nittany Lions will he stalking Tiger meat when they seek their third straight win against the strong Princeton grapplers in an away tilt tonight. Clair Hess, Lion 121-pounder will clash with Van Bruer, while 128-pound Charlie Ridenour meets Captain Bob Ebberle in the feature bout. A brilliant soph omore grappler, Ridenour locks arms with the Tiger captain who has dominated the Intercollegiate crown for two years. Nittany Captain Frank Gleason will have tough going against Gene Taylor, Tiger 136-pounder. In the 145-pound tilt, Glenn Alexander will attempt to out muscle the Tiger’s Neil Corroth- New and Used Webster THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ers, and Joe Scalzo stacks up EX'Grid Sf3F 111 Ami' against strong, rugged Bob Linz sey. Chuck Rohrer encounters Art Yett’37, a varsity footl Dick Bowen, 165-pounder. letterman ’ has reported-to I For the final two bouts, Joe Benning, Ga„ for active d Valla tackles 175-pound Budge with the Army. He is a first li Blake, and Jack Kerns hopes for * enant iat Reserve ° fflCl his third fall against Princeton’s TrammgCorps. Bart Robbins in the heavyweight class. LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS 39c, 49c, 85c, 5t.25, $2 and $3.75 (Fillers to fit all sizes) TYPING PAPERS “YOU CAN GET IT AT PENN STATE (lASS RINGS BALFOUR BRANCH OFFICE At Charles ’ Fellow Shop 109 S. Allen St. DRAWING MATERIALS Dielzgen, Keuffel and Esser Sets—, $21.75, $25 ARTIST MATERIALS Water-Oil Tempera Colors (All grades of arlisl papers) SLIDE RULES K. & E., Log Log, Polyphase Hammermill Bond 500 Sheets—sl.oo 250 Sheets—6oc (20 lbs. sub) Read The Collegian Classiii METZGERS” PAGE thr: