The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 20, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor lo
the Free Lance. ; . 41 •5'149.4.
Established 1887
VOL. 37-No. 64
Student Hunters
Ask Exemption
From Cut Fines
The first opposition to the cut
fine rule was brought last night
by a group of student deer-hunt
ers who voted to present a peti
tion to the Senate Rules Commit
tee asking for the recall of fines
imposed on, hunters who cut class
es the first day of deer season,
December 2.
December 2 was the first day
of 'classes after Thanksgiving va
cation and included within the
48-hour cut fine period.,
Robert A. Wasser '42, who
heads the group, said that the
Senate Committee on Vacation
Absences has already considered
the case but the members had dis
agreed and for that reason
been referred to the Committee on
Wasser said they would seek
the backing of All-College Cabi
net and A. R. Warnock, Dean of
Men, and added that they • felt
"reasonably sure" that such back
ing could be obtained.
All hunters expected to sign
the petition, he said, can present
proof that they were in State Col
lege on December 1, the day be
fore classes started.
"We were under the impression
that we would be excused from
classes," Wasser said. "It has been
a tradition for .20 years that for
esters, at least, are not required
to attend classes the first day "of
hunting season."
In addition to Wasser,,members
of the -committee in charge are
Roy R. Beck '4l, Glenn L. Bow
ers '43, Paul E. Rumbaugh '42,
and Benjamin 0. Wilmer '42.
Late News
Madrid Sir Samuel, British\
ambassador to Spain, told Gener
al Franco yesterday that England
would give Gibraltar back to
Spain at the end of the war. The
attempt of the British to get the
good favor of the Spanish people
might have been aimed toward
their objections to the submarine
• bases at Spanish owned Tangiers.
An unbelievable large force of
German planes occupied all the
landing fields in Spain yesterday.
The reason for the sudden heavy
arming of that country was un
known but the Spanish counsel of
fered several plausible ideas. They
believe that the Germans are get
ting ready for a knockout blow to
England and that their country is
the safest place to store planes;
that the occupation of planes, on
Spanish soil would take the Nazi
forces nearer to the shipping lines;
and a very logical one, that they
wish to take Gibraltor.
Berlin A Soviet ambassador
was given an audience before Hit
ler yesterday after waiting six
weeks. This move shows that Hit
ler is evidently not too anxious to
talk• with the Rxissian embassy.
The meeting was thought to cover
the Russian-German trade agree-
Rome --- ‘'_to . be
Jaunching heavy -air attacks• on the
;Greeks. Getman :Junket.' planes
::..are.` said . tO ferrYkir-the Ital
- • ; troops- across- L.the:ffAdriatic
Washington = The -first - 'Amer
ican defense Members •haVe occu
;pied.: one of the. Wards , • tiff the
Newfoundland coast, 'which the
United °States secured from Great
:ritain in their recent trade.
Annual 'Talent. Night' Program
To Be Held In Auditorium Tonight
To Star In Show
Thespian Members
The Penn State Chib will hold
its annual "Talent Night" in
Schwab Auditorium at 7:30 p. m.
tonight according to the co-chair
men of the program, Gerald F.
Doherty '42 and William B. Loe
ber '43.
Leon Rabinowitz '43, star of the
latest Thespian production "The
Balloon Goes Up," will be master
of ceremonies.
The Three • Stooges, winners of
last year's "Talent Night," are
ineligible to compete again as a
group so the program now lists
D. Ned Startzel '4l, teamed with
Martha I. Stringer '42, while Roy
P. Rodgers '4l will have a separ
ate act.
The judges will be Elizabeth C.
Bell, assistant Dean of Women;
Eugene Wettstone, gym coach and
All-College circus director;_ and
Joseph J. Rubin of the English
composition department. They
will judge the winners by ap
The program will include: the
Meyers Brothers, from Major
Bowes program; Jeanne - I. With
erow, special; and William S.
Kirkpatrick '4l, adagio dance; An
drew P. Szekely '43, pianist;; the
Swingerettes, girls trio from the
Thespians; Alvira L. Konopka '4l,
soprano; Ji Fi Jam Band; Three
Beats and a Pickup, with Jacque
line M. Reese '43, from Jimmy
Leyden's Orchestra; Adrian L.
Nolfi "42, tenor; Phylis H. Dalton
'44, specialty dancer•and Jimmy
McAdams, leader of the 'Campus
Freshmen Enter Younger
Freshmen entering 4he College
are getting younger ...every year,
according .to William S. Hoffman,,
registrar.. In 1928, he: found 55.3
per cent of - the freshmen .were 18
or younger. Of the freshmen now
enrolled, 68.4 per cent are in this
A Star from Above
Exam Schedule Out;
Conflicts Due Jan. 8
Conflict records on the exam
ination schedule published on
pages four and five of today's
Collegian must be turned in and
recorded at the Registrar's Of
fice by 5 p. m., January 8, three
days after the holiday vacation
Students who do not report
on time will have to work out
their own conflict schedules
with their professors. Professors
are not obligated. to make these
arrangements and can give any
student not taking an exam at
a scheduled time a grade of
Senior Gill Suggestions
Asked By Chairman
W. Lewis Corbin, chairman of
the "senior class gift committee,
asked last night for more sugges
tions for the class gift. He said
that all ideas should be turned in
at Student Union before the end
of the first semester.
To date only five suggestions
have been received. They include
murals, scholarships and a library
Chairmen Set January 11
for Snowrßall' Dance Dale
First campus post-Christmas
dance , will be the. Penn State .Club
Snow-Ball scheduled for - Satur
day night, January 11.
Co-chairmen Robert A. Henkel
'4l and William B. Loeber '4l an
nounced yesterday that Re x
Rockwell's Orchestra has been
chosen to play for the affair. Ad
mission price, is $l.OO per couple.
Associated College Press Cartoon
Collegian Ends Publication
Until Monday, January 1
This issue 'of The Daily Col
legian will be the last until the
Christmas vacation, C. Russell
Ec k, graduate counselor, a re
nounced yesterday. The first issue
after the holidays will be on
Tuesday morning, January 7.
The College vacation period
starts at noon tomorrow and ex
tends until 8 a. m. Monday, Jan
uary 6. The deadline for cut fine
exemptions is one week later. ,
Tratiue To Talk Al
Science Meeting
Dean Marion R. Trabue of the
education school will address the
annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science, which will be held in
Philadelphia December 30, on the
subject, "Educational Research
and the Defense of Democracy."
Dr. R. G. Bernreuter, professor
of psychology, will attend the
meeting as the chairman of one
of the program meetings •of the
psychology section.
Dean Trabue will also attend
•the Pennsylvania State Education
Association convention at Harris
burg on December 26, 27, and 28.
Accompanying Dean Trabue will
be nine other members of the ed
ucation and psychology depart
.c. .
These will be Dr. B. V. Moore,
head of the department of educa
cation and psychology; Dr. C. D.
Champlin, professor of education;
Dr. F. A. Butler, associate profes
sor of education; Miss Mabel E.
Kirk, associate professor of educa
J. H. Moyer, assistant professor
of education; Dr. E. B. Van Or
mer, assistant professor of psy
chology; Dr. P. C. Weaver, asso
ciate professor of education; Dr.
C 0. Williams, associate profes
sor of education; Miss Mary Jane
Wyland, associate professor of
Portfolio On Sale; Penn
State Farmer Reduced
Portfolio's Christmas issue is
now on sale at Student Union,
Jean C.. Craighead '4l, co-editor
of the literary publication an
nounced last night.
Featured in the current issue
is an article by James Laughlin,
editor of the literary magazine
New Directions.
Another publication, The Penn
State Farmer, largest agricultural
college magazine published last
year, has reduced its subscription
rate to 30 cents - for the remain
ing six issues, editor Alfred H.
Austin '4l, announced yesterday.
Subscriptions may be bought at
the agricultural mailing room or
from a member of the magazine's
Freshmen Debating Team
In Hon-Decission Meet
Four representatives from the
Penh State freshman debating
team, discussed a public' speaking
question with the freshman - team
at Bilcknell Tuesday.
The affirmative and negative
sides . of the question, "The United
States should form. a .perManent
union with .the British common
wealth • of unions immediately,"
were argued in thp non-decision
Representing Penn State on the
freshman team were: Frederick
Dunlap and Roger C. Heppell, af
firmative; and Edward Lapos and
Morton Rosenfeld, negative. •:
LA Counselors
Ready To Mari
Guidance Plan
Plans for the vocational guid
ance program in the School of
Liberal Arts are progressing rap
idly, it was revealed yesterday
by Miss Julia G. Brill and Prof.
Henry B. Young, both of the Eng
lish composition department.
Professor Young and Miss Brill
were appointed vocational coun
sellors for men' and women stu
dents in the School at last week's
faculty meeting. These appoint
ments, it was explained by Dean
Charles W. Stoddart, are not of
ficial positions and will be held in
addition to regular teaching duties.
Vocational proDiems of women
students have been handled by
Miss Brill for several years in the
Liberal Arts 12 course. She in
vited all women students in the
School of Liberal Arts to make
use of the facilities of her office.
Guidance pamphlets and other
materials are available, she said.
"Feelers" are being sent out by
Professor Young to various busi
ness concerns in order to deter
mine the job prospects of men
students. By this method he in
tends to show how courses in Lib
eral Arts can meet the needs of
modern business and industry.
Using broadcasting as an example
he said that radio announcers
with a speech and musical appre
ciation background have better
job prospects than radio engin
eers. •
Although the facilities of his
office are. still in the process of
development, Professor Young
expressed the desire that men.
students in the School of Liberal
Arts make use of materials on.
hand at the present time.
Lutz Returns Home
Sherm Lutz, College CAA flying
instructor, who was injured in a
plane crash last August, - has re
turned to his home. He was re
leased from the Centre County
Hospital at Bellefonte Wednesday
morning and is now at the State
College Hotel.
-To Our Advertisers,
Subscribers, Faculty,
Students and Friends.
We cherish the thoughts of the
fine associations thee have been
ours ... and take this means of
expreuing our. heartfelt apprecia
',••••• •-•-• :.••••• •;,-