The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 17, 1940, Image 2
PAGE TWO THE GAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" • n.1.1.71ii:;:i3•1 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian. established 1904, and the Fres Lance, established 1887. Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the trt.l , 2lar College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College, Enterel secvmd-class matter July 5. 1934. at Me post-o__ce at Stat..? College, Pa, under the act of March 3, 1879. Editor Adam A Smyser Women';; Ed itor —Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor —Robert H. -'Lane '4l Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters '4l ; NC:W.3 .Ed itor —William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor 'Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing • Editor--Arita Befferan '4l ; Women'; Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. somas '4l ; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. Junior Editorial Board-John A. Baer '42, R. Helen Gordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42, William J. McKnight '42, Alice M. Murray '42, Pat Na.gelherg '42, Stanley S. PoKemp .ner '42, Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior Business Board—Thornas W. Allison '42. Paul— t. Goldlierg '42, James E McCaughey '42, , ,Margaret L. Em bury '42. Virginia Ogd,m '42, Fay E Rees '42. Graduate (3.3un3e10r. .I.2itorial and Businem Offile 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 4lanagine: Editor Tnis Issue ._____Stanley J. PoKempuer '42 News Editor This; . _ Herbert. J. Zukauskas '43 Assist-silt Managing Editor 'rails Issue __Robert W. Cooper '43 Women's . Editor This Issue Helen. Gordon '42 Tuesday Morning, December 17. 194 Dr. Hetet! And Penn Stale "President Ralph D. Hetzel has 'made good' in file few short weeks since he took over the execu tive duties at the Pennsylvania State College. . "This, at least, is the opinion gathered by mem bers of the faculty and student body, administra twe staff, trustees and the more intimate friends of 'the institution who keeps close tabs on the af fairs of Penn State. "Conservative enough in his policies to satisfy the most particular members of the faculty, and 4)rogressive enough to appease the most exacting of students, the former University of New Hamp shire chief has appeared to fit in exactly with the aims and purposes of the Land Grant College of the Keystone State." That news story went out from State College on February 27, 1927. If, in the first sentence the :word "weeks" were changed to "years" the story might be used over tomorrow. • Dr. Eetzel, who has been a college president ever since he was 34 years old, rounded out 14 years at Penn State on Sunday and moved into his 15th. An article appearing in "Review of Reviews" just after he had left New Hampshire, closed with this ward about the man who was going to the state of Pinchot and Vare: "It will be interesting to watch his progress in Pennsylvania. He has a way of disarming even Soes with a frank faith and courage, and of find ing friends in all sorts of camps. I would venture to predict that, if they could spend a day together in his office, even Pinchot and. Vare would find some common bond." Pinchot later spent many days with Hetzel, just as since then other governors, Fisher, Earle, and James have done. Together they found their com *non bond, all of them, in working together for rerinsylvania and. Penn State. Together those governors and the president of the College studied and understood an important -philosophy that Dr. Hetzel had brought with him from his early studies and. teaching in Oregon and Wisconsin—the importance of a state or "people's" college in a modern democracy. For a century the old endowed college of New England had been lokoed up to as the only insti tutions worthy of the name. Full to capacity, they did not offer opportunities for enough young people without a pocketbook, believed Dr. Hetzel. He taught Pennsylvania what he had taught New liampshire, that the middle and lower classes had awakened to the value of a college education and it was his judgment that the state should encour age their hopes. That he is winning his battle was demonstrated dramatically yesterday afternoon. He stood on the steps of an Old Main built wider his admin istration, on a campus to which this work has twought $16,000,000 in new buildings, and faced a student body that he has seen grown from 3,570 to 7,260. The Graduate School has grown, research has been encouraged, and Pennsylvania has been served. The student body president who gave-him a - scroll in appreciation •ot all these things has liwOriged ins way through college. Snail wonde;• his 7.260 students wanted to thank him this year instead of waiting for his 15th anniversary as though gratitude were a mathe matical entity produced only in whole multiplica , tions involving the number five. Business Manager Lawrence S. Driever '4l -O. Russell Eck Downtown Office 1.19-12.1 South Frazier St Dial 4372 11111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111W11111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111110 LION (lpt. - TALES giummilinimmumimulliniiiimmimmilmumummummumumiumumm First This Year Seems as though love' is still in bloom at State. Florence May Worthley, sophomore gamma phi, and Johnny Shirey, ,junior from •the TKE house eloped. They weren't superstitious either, for they set out for Winchester, Virginia on Friday the 13th. . . • . • Not So Dumb • Bill Bogar, phi- tau prexy, home from practice teaching decided that one of the freshmen in the house who had received below grades needed a little pep talk. Calling the kid to his room he start ed "Fellow, only three fellows as stupid as you are will ever get past the first semester in Music Ed." The frosh immediately came back with "You and I and who else, Bogar?" Big bonnie Al Blair, theta xi, is coming back to school in February. Our special reporter quotes him as saying "It's just to give the girls a break." Oh you lucky coeds. Speaking of coeds, Bev (re member her southern accent) Wilson is leaving Sunny California and will be here second semes ter, too. Impatient, Rodney Sacks? At The Pledge Dances- We did our best to cover all the dances but if ycu aren't mentioned, don't blame us, hire a pub licity agent. At kappa sig we saw Bill Mayer and DG Ann Borton, they seem to be going strong again; Billy 'Lewis and Betty Long, Emil Axelson and Janet Twitchell, Bob Montz and Les Lewis, Mickey Har ris and Margie Strode <looks like a theta party); the Allison <they're not related) Jimmy and Edith Smith, chio; Mary, alfachio, with Bob Hildebrand, sigma pi; and Tommy, DU, with Alice Murray. Seen at the $1.65 house: Red Yoho and Betty Zeigler, chiB; Bob Fichenscher and Pat Behney, kappa; Blair Wallace and Marge Cousley, aopi; Bob Savin and Beth Paine, DG; Lloyd Parsons and Mildred Johnson; Frank Platt and Marty CaVen der; Dave Marvin and Peggy Miller; Bill Fox and Helen Craig. Saturday at the S.O.E house: Eggie McClintock and Gretchen Mertens; Jim Parrott and Doris Laderer, kappa; Peter Cramer and Jean Kelly; Freddo Baldwin and Marqueen Hartman; Craig White and Bdr (Sugah!) McKechnie, kappa; Bud Casselberry and Virginia Lee Jackson; Pete Rutan and Helen Grace Hall; and phi delt Paul Frey with Beanie Siebert. Those queer folk you saw Saturday night dress ed in the Gay Nineties costumes were refugees from the Sigma Nu Bowery Ball. It was quite an affair with a floor show featuring an old fashioned meller-drainer with Ten-Point Buck Banham as the villian, Sid• Long as the heroine and Al Taylor as the hero. CHRISTMAS VACATION Transportation Greyhound Lines Will Again Pro vide Buses with Seat Reservations 1. Buses will leave CENTRAL PARKING AREA on Campus back of Chemistry Building at 12:45 o'clock. SATURDAY. Dec. 21st bound for Greensburg . Wilkes-Barre Harrisburg Johnstown Scranton Sunbury New York Pittsburgh Philadelphia And Intermediate Points 2. In order to be guaranteed a seat on any of the special buses, it will be neces sary to purchase your ticket between 8 A.M. MONDAY, Dec. 16th and 8 P.M. Friday, Dec. 20th. Tickets may be pur chased at the Bus Depot, lobby of STATE COLLEGE HOTEL. 3. As the buses will go directly to their destinations, schedules will be substan tially shorter than the regularly sched uled runs. 4. Those holding Greyhound line tickets ritu&l obtain a reservation. All Studenti Who Plan To Leave On Grey hound Noon and Evening Deparintres Fri day; Dec. - 20th. Must' Purchase - Tidasts Be= fore 8:00 tP. M. Thursday. -Dec. 19th. To Se Assured•Of Space HOTEL STATE COLLEGE BUS 'DEPOT THE DAILY COLLEGIAN CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY: Grades for seniors who are to be graduated at mid-year commence ment must be in the Office of the Registrar not later than 5 p. m., Jan. 24. Student Union dance, Armory, 4 p. m. Student. Tribunal meeting, Room 318, Old Main, 7 p. m. PSCA Freshman Forum, Room 304, Old Main, 7 p. m. Grange meeting, Room 405, Old Main, 7 p. m. Portfolio staff meeting, Room 416, Old Main; 7 p. m. Campus '43 meeting, Room 418, Old Main, 7 p. m. Alpha - Phi Omega meeting, Room 318, Old Main, 7 p. m. All-College Cabinet meeting, Room 305, Old Main, 9 p. m. _ Navy Air Corps moving picture, "Wings of Gold," Room 10, Liberal Arts, 7 p. m. Intramural Boxing Champion ship Finals, Rec Hall, 7:30 p. m. Ppe-Med Society meeting and social, Irvin Hall Lounge, 7 p. m. PS C A Publicity Committee meeting, Room 304, Old Main, 4:15 p. m. German Club-sponsored movie, W Corner of Allen and Beaver 1 `t g t t: =v."-c-vaw=44?-t-zi WE PRINT DANCE PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS CIRCULARS NITTANY PRINTING AND . PUBLISHING COMPANY 119 SOUTH FRAZIER STREET --xvmax-v=mvx,==xv.w Christmas Is Only 8 Days Away Someone on your gift list will be need ing a new pair of shoes. We especially recommend Scotch leather for an out standing footwear gift. Bottorf Bros. has a variety of styles for your Christ mas selection. DROP IN AND SEE THEM BOTTORF BROS. TUESDAY, -DECEMBER 17, 1940 Daily Collegian To List Students In Infirmary Following a plan already adopt ed by many metropolitan news papers, The Daily . Collegian will introduce a bi-weekly feature en titled "Infirmary Cases," in which will appear the names; illness, and condition of students Who are con fined in the College Infirmary. One of the main purposes of the plan will be to inform students about the disease that is most pre valent on the campus• in order that added caution may be taken to guard against it. At present only two students are confined in the infirmary. Marian G. Magill '42 is shoWing improve ment following an acute upper respiratory infection, while Roland D. Bowman '42 is convalescing from an attack of pneumonia. "Toy and Glass Making," Room 121, Liberal Arts, 8 p. m. Liberal Arts Student Council meeting, Room 318, Old Main, 4 p.m. TOMORROW: '44 independent meeting, Room 318, Old Main, 7:30 p. m. -At 'f~ r~