PAGE FO[Te Zeta Rey Les Entertain Zeta Tau Alpha pledges will en tertiin actives at a buffet supper at the home of Margee J. Hindman 'l3 at 5:30 Sunday. Lambda Chi Alpha Host Lambda Chi Alpha will enter tained the Alpha Chi Omega sor ority at dinner Wednesday night. Sigma Alpha Epsilon entertain ed Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa E.appa Gamma at a Christmas dinner Wednesday night. 1151 il h ,"' :-:.'` ::'.*: -.. z . ,-.. sf':.-27 -- -:•-::::: 7 ,<‘'.. : ,,,:::—......::•1';:..-: i . ~...;,- '' j ',..,!;"' - : `.. • . , V 7 A R . N.?. I _ :' ; 7IH 4. i... Th.:. Slows At 1:30. .:1:00. 6:30, 8:30 I TODAY ONLY PLEASE NOTE: There will be It complete show for your pleas ure after the basketball game. Gene Autry with SMILEY BURNETTE JUNE STOREY MARY LEE • AND THE PEACEMAKERS in xitiide Tenderfoot Ride" MONDAY - TUESDAY I ~y.... 5 .611 %le oa t°4 74147111 with r ::6i: JOHN HOWARD , , 1.1A1V.'..,:::, ELLEN DREW it-- ;It.:::;f : I, ' ARM TAMIROFF • • • ri Ft Nt. R r .1•E 'r • Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 TODAY ONLY ',PLEASE NOTE: There will be a corn • plete show for your pleasure after th. ; basketball game. :Rich In Human Interest! ar In m Understanding "GALLANT SONS" :The Season's Most Unusual Dramatic and Romantic Mystery —Starrin g — GAIL PATRICK lAN HUNTER Bonita Granville, June Preisser Jackie Cooper, MON. - TUES. - WED. I The Season's Most Unusual Presenting The Pre-Release Showing of the Following Pro duction . . 7 44 Coeds Bid For Class Secretary Post Betty Rose Broderick, Campus, and Phyllis R. Watkins, Inde pendent, pictured from right to left, are expected to stage a close battle for secretary of the freshmtn class in '4 , l' elections -in Old Main, Monday. 11111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IM Ellen H. Richards Club To Sell Fruit Cakes Today Fruitcakes in one and one half pound Christmas packages will be sold by the Ellen H. Richards Club, home economics honorary, in the Home Econom ics Building this morning. Under the supervision of Margaret M: Diener '42, the club memberS made 125 pounds of cake. . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111 Slump Experts Receive $2.50 $2.50 is yours for the trying! Place a question, which you think could puzzle a board of experts, on any "3" bluebook and submit it with the answer to Student Union now. If the board cannot answer the question, the money is your. The second annual Information Please Quiz sponsored by Alpha Lambda Delta, women's freshman scholastic honorary, to be held in 121 Liberal Arts on January 12, will match your knowledge against a five-man board. Robert E. Galbraith, associate professor of English composition, will again assume the role of ques tioner and fire your questions at experts Warren B. Mack, professor of horticulture, Joseph J. Rubin, assistant professor of English com position, Kingsley R. Smith, assist ant. professor of psychology, Char les S. Wyand, assistant professor of economics, and Hummel Fish burn, associate professor of music education. The Gainsborough portrait of Lord Jeffrey Amherst has recently been presented to Amherst College. nommin•••=mmmimr A ll'/.lftali TAE DAILY COLLEGIAN WSGA Drive Hits $l5O In Fifth Day Contributions to WSGA's annual Christmas Drive totaled $150.03 at 5 p.m. yesterday, according to Betty M. Martin '42, WSGA vice president. With 25 cents from each coed— the goal WSGA House of Repre sentatives has set—total contribu tions from the 1,350 coeds should total $337.50. The drive which began last Mori day, will continue until 5 p. m. Tuesday when it officially closes The doll to be awarded to a Penn State coed by WSGA Jun ior Service Board is now on dis play in the main lobby Of Ath erton Hall, Roberta J. Kelly '42, Junior Service Board• chairman, has announced. Next week, the doll will- be, displayed in Miss Ruth Zang's office in Mac Allister Hall. Tic kets may be obtained from any board member. with WSGA House of Representa tives' meeting. Members of WSGA Junior Service Board; WSGA Freshman Council; and the House will contact all coeds. Total receipts from the drive. will be distributed among Ameri can Women's Hospitals, Mifflin County Children's Aid Society, and Mrs. Hetzel's Fund. Fletcher Report lists Women In Agriculture Fifty-four women registered in the 'School of Agriculture this semester, according to a recent report .from Dean Stevenson W. Fletcher, of the School of Agri culture. Nineteen women in agriculture and biological chemistry make up the largest enrollment while others are: bacteriology 16; horticulture 4, landscape architecture 3, zoo logy and entomology 2, agronomy 1, animal husbandry 1, botany 1, and special graduate student 1. Leon Rabinowitz Selected As MC For Talent Night Leon "Shaft in the Draft" Rab inowitz, star of the latest Thespian show, has been selected as master of ceremonies at the Penn State Club All-College talent night. The program will be held in Schwab Auditorium next Friday at 7:30 p.m. Co-chairmen William B. Loeber '42 and Gerald F. Doherty '42 also announced that the judges will be Miss Elizabeth C. Bell, assistant dean of women; Prof. Joseph J. Rubin, English department; and Eugene Wettstone, coach of the gym team. In a departure from other years, there will be a 10 cent admission charge so that the best campus tal ent can be secured. The complete program will appear soon in The i:y' Collegian. . Santa Thrills 76 Kids At WRA Yuletide Party We, The Women Love Always Wins 12,000 Prove IF AFTER the past week of bluebooks you feel disillusioned or utterly worn out, here's a pickup thought. There is still love in the world even if the zip you got last week argues against it. The proof? Twelve thousand people turned out to welcome - the Windsors to Miami—to welcome a couple whose love affair rivals Anthony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet. It is comforting to think that those 12,000 persons went to greet a couple which every American envies for its democracy. The man who gave up his throne for "the woman I love" and the woman who faced English ostracism. for the former king. The . Duchess has been the envy of American women, since the day they glued their ears to the radio and heard an 'Empire renounced for Jove. She is the goal toward which many women strive in their search for poise and wardrobe perfection. She has achieved what millions of women dream about— a gallant prince to sweep them off their feet :in a whirlwind love af fair. We'lr add our admiration to the 12,000 who hailed the world's greatest lovers to the shoies where love is aided by democracy. Seniors Hear Whitmore Talk At AAUW Reception Two-hundred senior women at the AAUW reception in the Home Economics Auditorium Thursday night heard Dean Frank C. Whit more, of the School of Chemistry and Physics, explain what chemis try is doing to help abolish pov erty in the world today: "Human beings, need food, clothing, shelter and anything else they Can get in order to survive," the dean stated in his talk, "What Is Chemistry Doing To Us?" "Chemistry has helped to provide more than enough of these es sentials by converting unservice able goods into useful materials, but in spite of this some people do not have enough." CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR. SALE: 1931 Graham road ster, excellent shape. Good tires. Cheap, call Gummy Wat kins, Phi Kappa Tau, 701. ltpd 12-14SLS I.W.MF.. 5:4t AZ s:s3l:Ft, tgaZrt Mci 3125.M7r. a-II:S1515:50 • • SAVE ON I • • I GIFTS FROM FROMNR MEN'S SHIRTS w Regularly sold g at s2.oo—riow Li Regularly sold at—now 1913 FROMM'S E. College Ave. State :college SLVic :71-5; Iti k. 4 ItSS =:=X. Ptgi ,511 SATURDAY DECEMBER 14, 1940 Spats Clubs, Red Cross Sponsor Annual Program By R. HELEN GORDON Seventy-six thrilled youngsters. from the first and seggncLgrades of the Pine - Grove MillFSchOSl ceived Christmas giftS Charles "Santa Claus.§,atier, the mathematics departiirent, the main lobby of White hall terday afternoon The kids were all gattfqed al)* a decorated tree • after seeing Christmas movies and hearing Mrs. Lucetta Kennedy tell two deligla ful stories of "The Chibies Rang" and ,!"The-Pine Tree," when Santa popped in with gifts and .a merty greeting for everyone. With their new dollies, books, and harmonicas clutcited in tiler hands, • the little guests sang "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" for the good . gerit. Games in the gym, ice cream, and lollypops topped off the afteii noon's fun. • One freckled little chap declai ed between licks "80, Chrisltn . can't come too soon for me!'-'MI that just about summed up every one's feelings. WRA Sports Clubs sponsored this annual party in conjunction with the local Junior Red Crciss chapter. Miss Jane Nitsky, chair man of the chapter, provided for transportation, and Helen L:Ma zur activities board chairman, was in charge of arrangernents. Club .presidents and the part their groups played in the progran). were: Jeanne M. Chew '4l, variety —refreshments; Louise B. Clark '4l, swimming—entertainment.mnd program; Janet L. Fleming '42, golf refreshments; Mary. L. Lenker '43, archery checking; Vera J. Palmer '4l, dance—decor ations; Mary G. Procter '42, outing —gifts; Dorothy B. Reeves '4l, rifle—gifts; Betty C. Rose.'32,fenc ing—decorations; and Joseithine . Taggart '4l, tennis—.enteitainment and program. Members of the clubs donated 10 cents to the party... 150 Invited To Teas -- One hundred and fifty ffeshman women, home economics majors, will be invited today to teas spon sored by the sophomore meal serv ice classes next Wednesday, Thurs day, and Friday in the Home Bco nomics Building. - • Let Us Solve Your 'MILK PROBLEM ' ' With PURE, WHOLESOME MILK J. CAIEYER MILK . R. D. 1 Phone 4220 NECKWEAR Large selection of wools, .sitics4t. and other materials. Choice Of. ~'N colors.- 85c $1365 $2.00 - 1910 ."
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