The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 12, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
Fd,tsblished 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian,
established 1994, and the. Free Lance, established 1887.
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College, Entered as second-class matter July 5, 1934.
at the 1)00t-o__ce at State College, Pa., under the act of
*larch 3, 1819.
Editor Business Manager
, iii4dam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor
4--Hobert H. Lane '4l; Sports liMitdr—Richard C. Peters
'4l; News •Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor
•.—zEdward .I'. If. MeLorie '4l; Assistant 'Managing Editdr—
Itlayard gloom. '4l; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
- '4l; Women's Promotion Mattagen , LEtlythe 11.
-nickel '4l.
Advertisinz Manager—iolm H. ThOmas '4l; CircultitiOn
Untlager-11.013ert G. HoliinsOn '4l• Senior Secretary—Huth
Coldstein '4l; SeniOr Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l.
Junior Editorial Hoard—John A. Baer '42. R. Helen
Cordon '42, Ross B. Lehinap '42, William J. McKnight '42,
Alice M. Murray '42, Pat 'gage!berg '42, Stanley J. PoKemp
.•tier '42, Jeanne C. Stiles '42.
Junior Filminess Hoard—Thomas W. Allison '42. Paul
Goldberg '42, Jara.ti E. McCaughey '42, Margaret L. Em
%bury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees '42.
Graduate Counselor ---_-_____________ C. Russell Eck
0171,orial and 13usiness Office
.313 Old Main DIU'.
Dial 711
'Managing Editor This issue ______Stanley J. PoKeniptner
WICWB Editor This Issue Coy '42.
Women's issue M. Murray 42
Goinhornofe Assistant __David Samuels '42
Thursday Morning, December 12, 1940
Indicting The Faculty For Poor
Student Relations
Pertinent to the problem of student -faculty re
lations, Dr. Henry L. Yeagley, who is associate
,iprofessor of physics and not of the sociology de
..43artment (as might be. expected) . told the All-Col
, *ege Cabinet some very thought-provoking things
. 0,, Tuesday night.
_ Of course he said what everybody has known
fcir, a long time but not done anything about: that
ancient-faculty relationS are_ not so hot, in fact
. they .are /lousy,
In presetting his case lOr improvement he
.turluointe.d out what -a lot of students have never
— ,, s4lrealized or at least overlooked most of the time:
"Education-is more than, preparation for life, it
--Ss life itself,"
A couple of minutes spent on that are worth the
Effort. Education is both preparation for life and
life itself. For both the student and his teacher it
__jis both., What better—case-can. any committee to
improve student-faculty relations present?
Dr. Yeagley placed a lot of the blame for poor
.student-faculty relations with the faculty. There
is where it belongs. 'Most faculty members have
sailed to take the initiative, either because they do
mot want to or because they are not sure of them
"In order for a student to learn he must believe
tie is of the same clay as the one from whom he is
',earning," Dr. Yeagley said.
The natural student viewpoint is that the pro
fessor is something of a superior officer. It is out
of place for a student to take the initiative. Once
Ile knows he will be well received he is ready to
go ahead but, until then, out of misunderstanding,
espect, fear, or awe he is silent.
If, of course, the professor does not want to re , .
ceive or to meet his students on some common
ground outside the classroom, failure to give en
couragement is the right policy.
Collegian, however, has been led to believe that
there are at least some faculty men who would
welcome an opportunity to get on better with stu
dents if only they knew how.
A student seeking bits of knowledge and hoping
to find an idea or two will succeed by attending
class but a less formal contact is more likely to
appraise him of the ways these bits of knowledge
and ideas fit into life itself.
Collegian knows professors who have succeeded
very well in the business of meeting and knowing
- their students. It knows 'others who are doing
badly. It does not know any who have tried very
lard to get on with students 'and failed.
Dr. Yeagley has another contribution on this
' point. He says, "College teachers, like doctors,
kiwyers, and other highly trained men, as a result
of their learning feel insufficient because they
know how little they know. They try to compen
sate by acquiring a dignified or high and mighty ,
attitude. Students, on the other hand, not know
ing their professor's human side, draw into their
shells, develop an apple-polish complex, and stu
.dent-faculty relations suffer. I am convinced a
-large •percentage of iipth of these groups desire a
change in this situation."
Collegian, too, is convinced a large percentage
of both groups desire a change,,,meaning one for
the batter. It is further convinced that the only
seal problem is to have someone take the initia
tive, the faculty being the logical group. •
Downtown Office
119-121 Soiith FrAiidr St
Dial 4372
Tales From The Tropics
Last Friday night three gentlemen from a . cer
tain large stone fraternity, surfeited with colleg
iate existence, climbed aboard their vehicle for a
little trip, ostensibly to Harrisburg.
. Sunday night a telegram came to - this certain
_frat eltib from Florida. The three lads had ex
' tended their jaunts to the sunny state and needed
dough—bad. Would their fraternity brothers
please send some money? •
The chap who received said telegram did even
better. He raised some money, hopped in his car
—and set out for Florida to meet them.
(p.s. For names and further details, dial 2018
and ask for Maisie.)
Advice To. The Lovelorn
(The following letter was found crumpled in a
dense thicket along Beaver avenue. Any resemb
lance to actual 'persons, living or dissipated, is of
course purely coincidental.)
Dear Mr. Bayard Bloom:
I am deeply concerned about your letter and am
taking a deep personal interest in your case. Do
not despair! I feel sure that you are being overly
pessimistic when you declare ydurself a complete
social outcast. Surely a young man as handsome
as you say you are should have no tr9uble finding
feminine companionship. •
Are you dainty about, personal habits? ' I find
that to be a leading cause of social maladjustment.
I have already taken the liberty of writing to
the - Dean of Women about y6ur troubles, and I am
sure she will assist you in finding coed compan
ionship. If not, I can supply you with the name
of a young Greek widow with whom you may cor
Please let me hear from you.
_ .
Mother -McCrae
Snatches •
A sweetheart pin from Frink - Hoffman PiKA to
Vivian Keast Aopi, marking the annversary of
their first date last Monday ... Chuck Rollins dat
ing Babs Clark but still a bit burned about the
AKE from. Brown who came . to town a few weeks.
ago (she wears his pin in her purse) . .. Ann Hal
berstat in the cornerroom borrowing 25 cents for
a loaf of bread ..1 a truly remarkable lad turning
a wallet containing $4OO in to Registrar Hoff
man—his reward: Thanks! . . .
At last the girls who eat in the dorm have fig
ured out a way to tell what they are eating. We
quote, "When they put. mint jelly on the table, we
know that the stuff is lamb."
Aside To Freshinan.Politicos
Armed with your copy of Dale Carnegie's little
success story under one arm and a supply of year
cld cigars in the pocket of that new. sport jacket
that you bought just for this occasion, you are now
a bout to embark on the pains and heartaches that
are your first, bona-fide election as a Penn State
Work hard, little man, and success shall be
yours. No doubt, as a result of your untiring ef
forts and unfailing abilities as a winner of votes,
Phineas B. Snerd shall be elected Guardian of the
Lion Shrine.
And now that you're to be a success with the
male and an influencer of men, how are you doin'
with the girl back home? One sure way to win
that election with a Dictator's majority is to take
her one of those Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass gift
sets that they're featuring at McLanahan's. Con
sisting of Flower Mist and Dusting powder it's not
only daring, also scaring, but it's wonderful (with
apologies to the N. Y. Times). Price only three
dollars. And besides, Miss Arden personally guar
antees that it'll sweep all the votes in any election
Farewell To Hobnails:
Hobnail shoes, long-underwear, and mackinaw
coats will take their place in the closet beside the
legendary figure of Paul 'Bunyan, Friday night,
when the Lumbermen get out all their finery for
the annual Forestry Ball in Rec Hall. It'll be a
gala occasion, and there'll be lots of people present.
A tip to the gals who aren't planning to attend,
give the . man of the moment a new Kaywoodie
Pipe (of course, they're sold at McLanahans) price
$8.50 this Christmas and it's ten-to-one on the
.nose that you won't miss a bid to a dance for the
remainder of the year. Yup, you've got over 300
to choose from in all the different leading brands.
• Advt.
Letters to the Editor---
Collegian Questioned
On Dating Code
To the Editor:
I have been much interested in
the various news articles about
fraternities which have •been ap
pearing with considerable fre
quency in The Daily Collegian.
I am even more interested in the
Collegian's statement of policy as
set forth in the Friday, October 25,
As a loyal fraternity alumnus
and one who thoroughly belidves
in fraternities, I heartily approve
of The Daily Collegian's policy. I
do think, however, that the policy
is incomplete.
'l. Just how concrete and com
plete will you •be in the treat
ment of situations involving
_residents of College dormitor
ies? Just how far an you go?
2. How will you handle cases af
fecting individuals who are
members of a recognized IMA
3. What action will you take with
respect to' members of the
Penn State Club?
4. Who will you associate with
or hold responsible for infrac
tions of good-conduct by resi
dents of non-organized board
ing and rooming clubs or of
private homes?
Perhaps the point of this letter
is now becoming clear. It seems
to me that if you hold each fra
ternity, responsible for the conduct
of its members and if you hold thd
Interfraternity Council responsible
for the conduct of all fraternity
men, then the same situation
should exist for all other organiza
tions, groups, and individuals of
the student body. Otherwise, fra
ternities are subject to most unfair
I trust that the Collegian edi
torial office will state its stand on
the questions I have raised. Fin
ally, if I 'can be of service in any
matter dealing with fraternity
problems I would be most happy
to have you call upon me.
Sincerely yours, •
E. W. Callenbach,
Secretary-Treasurer of Alpha
Gamma Rho Alumni Association
Reader Calls Justice
'Too Swell A Guy'
Te the' Editor:
Corbin is too swell a guy to say
anything about the Setlow job.
Bill Batten '42
"A Night At Earl Carroll's"
Plus . . . New March of Time
"Arms And The Man—U.S.A."
"World In Flames"
Al The Movies
"Boom Town"
Student Union dance in Armory
at 4 p.m.
PSCA Seminar in.fßoomao4,":old
Main at 7 p.m.
Actors' tryouts for_
Rooth 418, Old Main, fris.4???3oito
10 p.m. Sign up - itStudentirnicin.
P. J. Reeves, assistant manager"
of the Timken Roller Bearing-Co.,
will speak to the A.S.M.E. in• Room
121, Liberal Art5,..7:30 p.m. - ••••••
W. L. Cook, personnel director
of Carnegie-Illinois Steel
speak to the A.S.M. in Room •-405,
Old Main, 7:15 p.m.. ' • •
Christmas party for Le Cercie
Francais, Grange.. playroom,
Lewis Reed TrAPP, - -..0f Lehigh
University, will speak on "Unem
ployment in Pennsylvania" in
Room 10, Liberal Arts, at 7:30
0.. E. Baker, of. the : U. S,-Depart
ment of Agricultureovill speak on.
"Opportunities For .Youth In Ag
riculture" i the. ampitheater of
New Physics at. 7
PSCA Cabinet meeting in Room.
304 Old Main, at 8:15 . n t rn. •
Interclass wrestling eliminations
begin in Ree H 11, 4 12:m.. .. -
• PSCA Freshman ; Co veil Enter
tainment Committee :meets, in.
Room 304, Old Main, at - 7 . :30 p.m..
International Ikel.tions
meeting, Room 100, Liberal Art - . 5,
p.m. .
Campus '44 meg . ts R00m . 318, 010.
Main, 7 p.m.
' • ..- :
Block. and Bridle - Club open
meeting, Boom ZO6
7:30. pin.. Illustrated
Association of Fr,ateliniti. Coup
selors, Alpha Gamma_Fth . O,
to discuss new IFC constitution.'
TOMORROW: •• • "
Ski Club meets Room ••318 'Old
dokslosr,•3lsiiepotisorr -- .
- SHOP • •
ti There Are Actually 'Thou
sands of Gifts To. Choose .
From At FROMM'S„
W . 1500 Shirts All Patterns'
and Sizes—from-$1.65.
1000 Ties--From :
WGlove and Scarf
From $1:50: .... . . 21
JEWELRY, BELTS.:.. 3N 1 , 1
- -
ro LII: .111.1 r..
Opposite Old Main - Slate College
ro m- j
agt4M4'.4ZI*KEtS'MKTAIIM - . 4 !•'.... , MM5M1