The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 12, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free Lance,
Established 111 . 87 0 9 t/I l e tit tgtan
VOL: - 37—No. 58
Tripp To Reveal
Social, Economic
Slate Job Trends
improvements and con
temporary economic trends con
nected with unemployment in
Pennsylvania will be presented in
a speech given by Louis R: Tripp,
instructor of economics at Lehigh
University; in Room 10, Liberal
Arts at 7:30 p. m. today.
- Mr. Trippe, employed by the
Joint State Government Commis
sion of Pennsylvania, made a spe
cial study of the relationship of
unemployment compensation and
relief in the state to be used in
preparing new - unemployment
compensation legislation.
Unemployment causes, their di
versified nature, and various
problems that link unemployment
with" Pennsylvania-laws are .listed
to be discussed. Relation of un
employment to the industrial
character of the .state are to be
commented upon in Mr. Tripp's
The . place of unemployment
compensation in the entire pro
gram of social aid will also be pre
sented during the discussion. Var
ious employment_ problems not an
ticipated at the framing of state
laii7s will be mentioned by Mr.
Summation of the unemploy
ment problems in • Pennsylvania
and an estimation of the progress
and future possibilities of the de
velopment of social machinery to
ward solving uneniployment will
be- giVerf by Mr. Tripp.
Phi Eli - Sigma
Mates Eleven
Phi .Eta - Sigma, national fresh
man honor society, initiated 11
new members on Tuesday night.
Dean Edward Steidle, of the Min
eral Industries School, gave The
main talk of the evening on the
things a person must learn which
are not found in books.
Other members of the faculty
who gave short talks to the new
initiates were,. Adrian 0. Morse,
assistant to the president; Dr. Car
roll D. Champlin, Prof. Leonard A.
Doggett, Dr. Carl E. ••Marquardt,
and' Dr. Francii J. Tschan. .
The sophomores initiates are:
_Beck, Edsel J. Burbank,
Donald W. Davis Jr., Rodney S.
Dietrich, • Lewis W. Gibb Jr.,
James H. Keeler, William W.
Kinsley, Raymond J. Kowalesky,
Richard -F. Markel, Donald J.
Wardrop, and Malcolm S. Weir.
Noted Ag Economist
To Speak At 1 Tonight
• Dr: 0. E. Baker, senior econom
ist of the U. S. Department of Ag
riculture, will speak on "Oppor
tunities •for Youth in Agriculture,"
in the ampithea'tre of the New
Physics Building at 7 p.m. today.
Dr. Baker, a national,authority
on rural economic and social prob
lems, comes to the campus at the
request— of the Agriculture Stu
dent CoUncil.
- Three years ago Dr. Baker ad
dressed the student body on the
same topic.
Questionnaire Ready
A questionnaire will be available
in (Room 311, Old Main tomorrow
for all iourhalism seniors who de
sire retretentation in the place
' merit booklet which is being issued
-for the first time this year. The
:queAonnaire must be completely
filled out and returned by Decem
ber 20. ,
Rival '44 Politicians
JOHN. 13. CRAMP '44, Independent
PAUL 0. FREY '44, Campus
Pictured above •are the Inde
pendent and Campus candidates
for '44, class president, who will
=be elected-b.y - freshman .voter_s on
Monday. Balloting will be held
.from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Freshman Cliques
After opening their campaigns
at a pOlitical mass meeting Tues
day night, both '44 cliques are
Staging concentrated' canvasses of
the freshman class in order to
round up non-partisan votes be
fore election day on 'Monday.
Meanwhile the Freshman Elec
tions Committee is ,preparing for
the voting which will follow this
week's intensive campaigning.
Matriculation cards and AA books
must be shown at the polls, which
will be open from 9 a. m. to 8 p. in.
Freshman •Campus and Inde
pendent parties were warned last
night by H. Leonard Krouse '42;
chairman of the Freshman Elec
tions Committee, that no political
advertisements' by either party
will be permitted and no money
may be spent for political pur
Latin America Needs Trade, Says Reed
That the—United States must
make a greater effort to under
stand the Latin America philoso
phy of life and : that we must im
port more from our South Ameri.-
can neighbors were the principal
views expressed at the PSCA—
sponsored forum on 'Pan-Ameri
canism held in the' Home Eco
nomics auditorium last night.
"The United States, must rid it
self of the false notion that we
must operate on a favorable bal
ance of trade with the Latin Am
erica nations," declared Arthur H.
Reed, assistant professor of
nomics, .who presented the eco
nomic difficulties of fostering trade
with South AmeriCa.
Professor Reed pointed out that
since the South American nations
Clues Unavailable
In Recent Thefts
No clues have been uncovered
in connection with the $387 rob
bery of Pi Kappa Alpha, Tau Kap
pa Epsilon, and Kappa Delta Rho
fraternities recently, Police Chief
John R. Juba has reported.
A wallet sent to Washington for
fingerprint examination was re
turned by the F.8.1. f but it bore
no strange prints.
Losses for the three fraternities
were itemized and showed a total
of $240 taken from Pi Kappa Al
pha, Tau Kappa Epsilon, $B5, and
Kappa Delta Rho, $62. Following
are the individual losses:
Pi Kappa Alpha: Charles M. Or
ris '44, $65; Ben R. Slocum '42,
$55; Oliver J. ,Peters, Jr. '42, $32;
Alvin E. Mauer, Jr. '43, $24; Ed
ward,J. Allee, Jr. '43, $l4; William
F. Emmons '44, $10; John Schein
er '42, $9; William H. Messerly '43,
$7; Frank J. Hoffman, Jr. '43, $5.
R. Alan Adamy '44, $5; Orville
E. Everitt '43, $4; Harold E. Mac
hamer '43, $3; Joseph V. Kasper
'43, $3; Charles R. Strathmeyer
'43, $2; and Robert E. Fitz '44, $l.
Tau Kappa Epsilon: Ralph W.
Gray, Jr. '43, $l4; Richard C. Pet
ers '4l, $12.50; Matt H. McKinney,
Jr. '44, $11; John M. Wentzler '4l,
$7.50; Thomas P. North '43, $6;
George W. Ferguson '42,, $5;
Charles F. Flock '43, $5; Henry J.
Dieterich '42, $5; John E. Shirey
'42, $4; Robert H. Miller '44, $3.80;
David E. Wagenseller, Jr. '4l, 13;
Homer N. Davis 'l4, $3; Andrew P.
Szekely '43, $3; . William A.
Schwem '43, $1; Williard - M. Ar
nold '4l, $.60; and Paul H. Mangus
'44, $.70.
Kappa_ Delta Rho: Frank J.
Marniibn, Jr. '42 $12;" Willi'ainr
Fuchs '4l, $10; Joseph A. McCor
mick '42, $10; Edward E. Smith
'43, $7; Ralph M. Yeager '42, $7;
Arthur S. Hand '43, $5; Robert L.
Siegel '4l, $5; Thomas H. Green
wood, Jr. '42, $3;; H. Bruce Gard
ner '43, $2; and Sten Johnson, Jr.
'43., $1.50.
Alumnus Promoted
John M. Spangler 'll has been
made a vice-president cif National
Carbon Co.-, Inc. it was announced
by Paul P. Huffard, president of
the company.
Today Last For Entries
In-Class Tug-Of-War
The deadline for entries in
Saturday's . freshman-sophomore
tug-of-war is 5 p. m. today,
Frank R. Flynn, sophomore
president, announced last night.
Entries in the tug-of-war are
still far below the number need
ed, he said.
lack enough money, to purchase
goods from the United States, we
must begin purchasing such goods
as rubber, manganese, and tung
sten from them instead o! im
porting these produCts from the
Far East.
"sßy building up bur import
trade with Latin America and
through understanding their prob
lems, we will safeguard our shores
from danger and promote better
friendship with our southern
neighbors," concluded Professor
Dr. William H. Gray, instructor
in Latin American history, reveal
ed that the South American na
tiorrs have always feared that the
United States was intent upon
Phi Kappa Sigma Members
Are Penalised In First Test
Of New 1K Dating Code
11111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1 11111111111
AAUP Petitions Congress
For Hatch Act Change
A petition to Congress that
will attempt to gain permission
for College employees to parti
cipate in borough government
was adopted at a meeting of
the American Association of
University Professors held in
the Sandwich Shop last night.
This action was brought
about by an apparent discrim
ination in the present Hatch
Act which restricts employees
of State-appropriated schools
from being active in local gov
ernment. It has been estimat
ed that about 70 per cent of
State College voters are Col
lege employees.
Andrew-W. Case, assistant pro
fessor of fine arts ; was elected
CAA Students
Eligible In Draft
- CAA students cannot be granted
deferment in the draft, Clarence
A. Dykstra, national selective
service director, said yesterday be
cause the act prohibits deferment
octupatioriar - grotrps: -----4---- • --
However, Dykstra said that local
boards can grant deferment if, in
their opinion, students are pre
paring for an occupation necessary
to "national health, safety and in
Students taking CAA instruction
can have their flying instructors
submit information to the local
-board which may result in defer
ment, he suggested. Dykstra em
phasized that no aviation school
can guarantee postponement for
service for its students.
Institutions, training pilots or
mechanics, can help local boards
by submitting information on men
enrolled, he said.
Froth Christmas Issue
Out Soon, Is Rumor
Being whispered about campus
is, the rumor that the Christmas
issue of Froth may make its ap
pearance soon.
Don West '4l, the mag's optimis
tic editor, hints that the issue may
even come out before school closes
for the holidays. He hopes!
changing their customs and man
ner of living, and that the natives
of Latin America resented this
very much.
"We can not hope to become
friends•with the natives, of South
America if we treat them as in
feriors," de cla r e d Dr. Gray.
"They must be regarded as equals
to attain any political or economic
successes with them."
"President Roosevelt is well
liked. in South America," stated
Dr. Gray. "With South Am
erica cut off from Europe as the
result of the war, we must re
double our efforts to straighten out
our difficulties with the Latin Am
erican nations and come to a real
understanding with them."
Colder, Possible
Snow Flurries
President Will Enforce
Penalty Within House
Penalties to members of the Phi
Kappa Sigma social fraternity
who participated in a mixed
drinking party there last Saturday
night were meted out by John C.
Good '4l, president of the house,
last night at the request of Inter
fraternity Council Judiciary
The case was the first which
had been brought up under the re
vised dating code which IFC
pledged itself to enforce when it
was adopted last October.
(In accord with a pledge made
to Phi Kappa Sigma the name of
the fraternity was not divulged by
the three-man Judiciary Board.
However, the name was given to
Collegian by one of the "Four In
terested Students" who had re
ported the violation in an anony
mous letter.)
The penalty, it is understood,
will apply to the seven or eight
members of the fraternity who
participated in the party. They
will lose all social privileges until
Christmas. •
The following report on the
violation was issued by the IFC
Judiciary Board:
"The Faculty Judiciary Com
mittee has investigated a com
plaint concerning the violation of
the dating code and the fraternity
has agreed to discipline those in-
, orvecriir •cr
pension of social privileges for a
specified period.
"Sin'ce this is the first offense
with which the committee has
dealt, and since there are mitigat
ing circumstances, the name of the
fraternity concerned is being
withheld as are the names of the
"However, if the incident does
not act as a deterrent in the ac
tions of the group concerned or on
other groups, full publicity • con
cerning dating violations will be
made in the future."
Two Student Groups
Hear Lectures Tonight
P. J. Reeve, assistant sales man
ager of Timken Roller Bearing
Co., will speak on "Design and
Fabrication of the Tapered Roller
Bearing," in Room 121, Liberal
Arts, at 7:30 p. m. today. The talk
is sponsored by the local chapter
of the A. S. M. E.
In another meeting, W. L. Cook,
personnel director of Carnegie-
Illinois Steel Co., will speak to the
student chapter of the American
Association of/ Metallurgists in
Room 405, Old Main, at 7:15 p. m.
He - is on the campus to interview
senior metallurgy students.
Bunyan Will Feel At Home
Af forestryiall Tomorrow
Forestry Ball, to be held in Rec
Hall from 9 p.m. to midnight to
morrow will celebrate the annual
return of Paul Bunyan to the Penn
State campus.
To make Bunyan feel at home,
the dance committee has planned
extensive decorations to represent
what the foresters know, as a
birch, maple, hemlock, pine, and
brush type of forest.
The Campus Owls have been en
gaged for the return-date celebra
tion: Dress will be informal, and
the admission price is set at $1
per couple.