WEIR apA.y, DECEMBER 19.40. Nittol - y Ccgirto) en 79, Face 0,49n$ A. ( Lewisburg Toni ht 11111MI1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119 Between 'The' Lions . Lions :.••• • WITH DICK PETERS :.:::Inst,:because the name is Buck :rrell, doesn't mean the Lion cagers will have a firemen's . convention -at;•Lewisburg tonight . . . It'll be • rmich the same Bison five which embarrassed the Nittany aggrega tion last winter . . . As for the locals, now that the sophomore :_nucleus has had its first taste of varsity hoop-slinging, and the vet erans have gotten the old feel of , thehardwoods, you can look for a more polished performance by 'John Lawther's boys . . . Captain Johnny Barr will hit his stride', Miss" Moffatt will be -ready, and most-promising-sopho ••rnore-pro'SPect Berk Baltimore may click . . . So if you'll pardon the saying, 'the 'Lions should win to night. :After reading the letter Gates - dijeCki got 'Andy Kerr' the :-other day concerning the 'Ea"st • West game, this corner is convinc ed the Lion 'captain is 'in for a very, very :pleasant trip to the 'West CoaSt : Gate's will pull' - - anchor Moriday, rencirting week from - today in Chicago, from which paint 'the .assembled' Rag" squad will trek to the Coast .. The tang All-AmeriCan will travel by train, illexpenses paid both ways, staying' at th'e -- Palace "Hotel in Berkeley-::'."' Whilezcin.:the subject of football and Gajecki, t 'the tifon leader was' far dolickddii the'list'df centers leased yesterday 'bY the Intercol legiate SOrtS - 'Writeri'Asiociatibn . Wasliirigtc7hVis 'the -first string Frick .Cif Penh bri:Vie..deci)nd team : Fol lowing - .the':Hu:Sky 'pivot r star, the next 'eight- center post§' vide ex- M===IMIEMI 4 1 .:" feeling that follows. AVSE THAT REFRESHES Bottled under authority of The Coca• Cola Co. by COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOONA FOR PROMPT SERVICE IN STATE COLLEGE-CALL 3919 qajccki, Vggo, Patrick On All-State Grid Team Penn State gridders completely dominated,- the All-State football team as Leon Gajecki, Tom Vargo and Johnny Patrick were included on an eleVen compiled by Inter national News Service_after a sur vey of every college coach in the state. The first team follows: ends, Len Warner, Penn, and Vargo, Penn State; tackles, Bill' Collins, Lafayette,' and Alex SchibanDff, Franklin-Marshall; 'guards, Char les Drulis, Temple, and Ralph Fife, Pitt; center, Gajecki, Penn State; backs: Patrick, Penn State; Frank Reagan, Pent; Andy Tom asic, Temple; and Walter Zirinsky, Lafayette. ' ' Zimmerman To Captain Rosh Gym Squad Hal Zimmerman was elected captain ,otthe freshman gym team* at a' nieeling• recently. . ' ' As an athlete at Warren High School,• Ziininerman Kwon Penn sylvania 'lnterscholastic ''Athletic Association, competition in tumbl ing in 1939 and 1940 and parallel bars in 1940.' tremely close, Gajecki winding up . on ninth team .'''Besides Mucha and'F . rfek,'Gladchuli, Bds ton' College; Hianienz,"'Northwest ern; Tinneran, 'Cornell; . Snavely, Columbia; 'Nelson, Baylor; and Apdlskis, Marquette b . dat out the Nittany 'center . . : - Which proves again'the - "Value" of All-teanis. Ddc • Speidel• up Rec .- Hall way is holdinehis'Yearly wailing sessions on ilia' lack' of heavyweight wrestl ers : ; Alrrioit 'three 'deep iri - the lightweight • divisicini, • Dec* . expects little or no trouble until he' has to name someone - for the 'heavy sections', 175 and unlimited., " There is something delight ful about the clean, exhilarating taste of ice-cold Coca-Cola. The m i nute it passes your lips you know it for what it is,— pure, wholesome, delicious. And you welcome the'refreshed THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Same Starting Five Retained By Lawth , er The same five players who start ed against Wash-Jeff, Saturday, were named by Coach John Law ther last night as the starting line up for the 'basketball fracas in Davis Gymnasium at Bucknell to night. "However, they'll have to play better ball than they did against W&J to win," Lawther said. "The Bisons have ten veterans back plus a star freshman team from last year." Starting for the Nittany quintet will •be Captain Johnny Barr and Johnny 'Silan on the front line, Herk Baltimore at center, and Dick Grimes and Elmer Gross at the back line positions. Other players making the trip will be Scotty 'Moffatt, Bob Ramin, Bob Crowell and John Linde. Bucknell already has one tri umph to its credit—a 42-27 shel lacking of Elizabethtown. Add to this the fact' that the Lewisburg team outscored State by 44-37 last year and it's easily seen that-the contest will be no pushover for the Lion courtmen. Included among the experienced campaigners on the Bison squad are -a couple of fast forwards, Nolan and Fahringer, who ac counted for 26 points in the 1939 State-Bucknell game. Another player who will need plenty of watching is Glass, a guard, who rang up seven field goals in the .Bucknell opener, Wednesday. Snyder, another starter, was also the opening lineup last year. The game tonight will be the first since 1912 which the Lion' basketball club has played at Lew isburg. • • • ' • Probable starting lineups:* Pos. Penn State Buckitell F - -Barr -- Nolan F Silan Fahringer -• Baltimore ' Arrrior • . Grinies" Snyder G Gross Baserman Majmelt, .p.e#4 1111, For Terrapin TO With Charlie Speidel's matmen scheduled to grapple with Mary land January 11, almost immedi ately after Christmas vacation, the Nittany Lion coacn is hurrying training in,order to be ready for the Terrapin invasion. The four class trials for posi tions in each of the eight weight groups will begin today with in terclass finals slated either Janu ary 6 or 7. After losing such varsity grap plers as Captain Ernie Bortz, 175- pound intercollegiate champ, War ren Elliott, heavyweight, Midge King, 121-pound scrapper, and 128-pound Dave Waite, the heav ier.weights will be harder hit and are left open with no varsity men available. Captain Frank Gleason, 1939 in tercollegiate 136-pound champion who was unexpectedly dethroned by Penn's Bill Levering, will lead the varsity parade. Because eith er the 145 or 155-pound spot will be open to comparatively green wrestlers, Speidel is planning to use the dApendable Joe Scalzo in either weight, depending upon the showing of his reserve material. Clair Hess, 128-pound, Chuck Rohrer, last year's steady 175- pound grappler, and Glenn Alex ander, reserve 155-pounder, com plete the experienced personnel. Only Rohrer, Gleason, and Scal zo seem entitled to hold their posi tions, which" leaves most of this year's mat success falling upbn the newcomers, 'according to Spei del. Ski Trials Corrected Places in the doWnhill ski trials were incorrectly reported in yes terday's Daily Collegian. The cor rect order: fourth place, Thurs -32.3; sixth place, Goldman, 34.6. ton. 30.3; fifth place, Mendenhall, 13 Lively Bouts In 4th Intramural Boxing Card Marked By 3 TKO'S With the finals only six days away—next Tuesday=yesterday's intramural boxing bouts were among the liveliest displayed in four days of boxing in Rec Hall as 13 fights ended in three TKO's and 10 decisions. One bout was forfeited.' The summaries: Fraternity Division 120-pound class: Mowry Goetz, Alpha Chi Sig, decisioned Arnie McGill, SPE. 127-pound: Jack McCloskey won by forfeit from George Page, Kap pa Sig. 135-pound: Chuck Beatty, Phi Kappa Tau, decisioned, Bob Herr man, Sigma Nu. 145-pound: Taylor, Sigma Nu, TKOed "Goodwin, DU; Anthony Decillis, Alpha Phi Delt, decision ed Bill Faller; Theta Kappa Phi; Z.ii5:;3:71553Z5A=1:!g. MM:ll55= 'SIt:S3%*?4";Z;ZiE3rSX=i=Y•.:SZSA);;;X==i7 138 E. COLLEGE AVE: STATE COLLEGE. PA. • V irACVS:43%.E=I;:(EZEUTEZEMSEAKVSZC4IMMETACYZOMMMEZIMAtrEtf Get Mote Fun Out of Your Sports, 'Work, Social the Chew Delicious DOVILEMINT GUM Alert college men and women everywhere enjoy the refreshing, real-mint flavor .. . the velvety smoothness .. of healthful, delicious .!;•rt•'•••4.k.i DOUBLEMINT GUM. - •-••••••••• • Just see for yourself how enjoying this refresh ing treat .:(1 , :3$ fuia to everything you do: Chew- -04.. bag DOUBLEMINT GUM daily helps relieve your 44.' pent-up 3:i'erv' ous tension . :helps svieet,en your breath and keep your teeth attractive. isicl.s your Atia algetion, too. • • • - • 0*,.• l'.•::1;g4IV: • Pop - ular DOUBLEMINT GUM is ih,expens ve; kL wholesome satisfymg. , •,4 several packages of DIABLEMItIT GUM today tv U-146 Frank Horpel, KDR, decisioned John Pittenger, PiKA; Garth Deit rick, Phi Delt, decisioned Charles Flock, TKE. 155-pound: Pat Conlon, Theta Kappa Phi, decisioned Dick Kell er, Sigma Nu; Sullivan, Theta Kappa Phi, TKOed Pennington. Phi Kappa; McCormick, KDR. TKOed Zumbro, Sigma Pi; John Henry, Phi Delt, decisioned Bob Akins, Delta Chi. 165-pound: George Howard. Delta Chi, decisioned Bob Gram ley, DU; Ray Fox, Theta Kappa Phi, decisioned Bill Calvert, KDR. 165-pound: John Hussey deci sioned Ben Leaman. Judges were Major Francis Heraty and Bob Grieves; referees: Danny DeMarino, Red Stanko. Hear Ye ! Hear Ye ! GIFT CENTRE, PA. Gifts for all! China, picture fram e s, stationery, knick knacks, Christmas cards, scrap bookS: 'Something for everyone at a reasonable price. REASURE MOUS PAGE THREE Independent Division Zl=M Daily =EI
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