The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 11, 1940, Image 2
PAGE TWO TINE IDAIIILY COLLEGIAN., .„- "For . ./A. Better Penn State" F....t.a:ilished 1940. • Suocedsor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance. established 1887. Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the reg - olar College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College, Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934. et the post-o__ce at .State. College, .Pa., under the act•Aaf March 3, 1879. Editor Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vers. L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor —Robert H. Lane '4l ' • Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters '4l; News :Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor .—Edward J. K. ,McLorie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor-, ilayard Bloom '41•; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L. Heiremn '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. .Rickel '4l. .Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. • Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer •'42; R. Helen Gordon .'42. Ross. B. Lehman '42. William J. McKnight '42. Alice M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42. Stanley J. PoKemp mer '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior. Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42. Paul M. Goldberg •'42. James E. McCaughey '42. Margaret L. Em ipiry. '42.. Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees '42. . . • REPREOENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISIING BY National Advertising Service, he Colrege Priblithc4u Rebresintative 420 MADISON 'AYE: NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO • SOTTO , . • 105 ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO Graduate Counselor ETilorial and 'Business Office 513.014 Main 81.474 Dial 711 Managing Editor This Issue News Editor. Women's ' , Editor This Issue ___ Jeanne C. Stiles '42 Sophoir.ore Assistants ____Sam Stroh. Bob 'SehooleY Wednesday Morning. December 11, 1940 introducing The Freshman Class To Campus Politics The freshman class is being dipped—very sud denly—into. the ar s e of student self government. F'ion'). the 'tirrie of its 'eleCticins mass meeting 'f6a - night until the polls are closed next Monday night the' freshmen will learn a lOt about the implica iYons of democratic goirerriment. Their learning, whiCh is already well begun in the political . cliiiues,'is:.under the guiding' leadei ship of seasoned upperclassmen, politicians of the first water. They will be taught the . importance of smiles, contacts and 'promises. They will learn a bit about'ihe EpOill'i§iteni but riot nearly as much as they will know by 'Vie dine they are tipperdlasS °nen. ) • Tneir election is being taken very seriously by the' iiAperclassinen. 'ThiS is' not strange. In itself if 'is too - important. Ifs Officers will not be - called. oil to' make niOmentous decisions between now and the time they are ushered out of offic . e . in May and they will not receive much compensation. What the upperclassmen consider impOrtant 'is the •bitorneter aspect' of the freshman election. More 'Often than net the results of the freshman elections have shown the direction of the general spring' leections. 'The uppercLass cliques have used the freshman elections as a means of setting their own strength in somewhat the same way the combatants in the European War first tested themselves in Spain. The analogy is not as bad as it sounds. Through the system of which elections marked by politics are necessarily. a part, Penn State has built up one of the • strotigest student „self-govern xnents in the country. It has used as its model the national government and . has 'copied its technique even down to the caablishment of open and active political division, the same sort of division that has made for robust national government. bn Some hands this sort of division has been deplored. It has been felt that campus elections Should be conducted on 'a higher plane, that they should be removed from politics, and that they should be taught the .ideal rather ,than the real System. As lOng as human nature remains the way it is, Collegian is inclined to believe that the College do the state a bettei : service if it turns out leaders who Under Stand log-rolling, trading, ,'sjioils system, and the like. The alternative is a bunch of naive boys in tor a great' disillusioning. "Unless we are willing to claim or admit that the population of this country is as a whole of an inferior'type 'or that its leadership is poor, we are larced to conclude that we need not weep over the fact 'that the lowly classes are contribUtink much . to . the population. In fact, if it were not for them the .professional and other so-called upperciasses vvould become a constantly diminishing segment of the population." Dr. Constantine Panunzio, assi:ztant prlfes-rw of *Fociolngy at the University of Colif):. - ni:), p that the poor —.C. Russell Eck Downtown Office 11.9-121. South Frazier St_ Dial 4372 . - -John A. Baer '42 __._______Nicholas W. Vozzy '43 11111111111111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111i1111114 111 1 1 11111111111111111111M11 1 . t: ,••., . ". A LEAN .AND HUNGRY kit - ~ A • - LOOK 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Last week's sale of tickets for the Artist's Course greatly strengthened our long-held con viction that many of this noble institution's extra curricular functions are directed ' a chaste, slim, ivory tower swaying gently in a mist of con fusion. One is tempted to question what manner of dreamy philosophy evolved the scheme where - - by several hundred persons were obliged to wait for hours for the privilege of spending their money for seats in the acoustical monstrousity that is Schwab Auditorium. Why, may we inquire, was only one ticket window used when two% were available? (We will not be satisfied with the an swer that too much confusion would have thus re sulted. Non sequitur—more confusion would have been impossible.) Why was there so little time in which to buy tickets; would Old Main have set tled beneath the earth if all the seats had not been .old within the three day limit? ,After: 'all, 'it is the student body which actually pays for the Artises Course,_although too often the impression is left that the whole business is the creation and phil anthropy of a few wise and benevolent gods. In deed we were recently given to understand that . . . the gods were "pleased 'with the attitude of the Studdrits." They had . damn' well better be pleased. Such Olympian chit-ch6t . does nothing to alter the filet that the ticket sales for their little excursion into the realms of culture was inefficient, con fused, and entirely unsatisfactory. So 'much for the commercial angle. Let us con sider the aesthetic . This past Monday evening we had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Paul Robeson's magnificent singing. Nothing we...might write could possibly do justice to that gentleman's voice; his rendition of JOhn LaTotiche'p "Ballade for Americans" was brilliant. But to us the most impregsive number he sang was one which he termed a modern folk song, written by a prisoner in a German concen tration camp. 'We have rarely been so stirred or as gratified as we were when Mr. Robeson, having sung thefii.stseveral stanzas in English, sang the . last v lines German, and thereby gave the'iong all the power and beauty it possessed. We cerely hope that Mr. Robeson realiieS just hOw much he Was appreciated by his audience. 'And if you don't do any - ling else this week-end, yod really ought t 6 stop in at the FOresters' Ball. There, the word flies . 'round, the foresters them selves may be viewed as gentlemen. This would seem to indieate a serious inferiority complex on the part of the lumbernien. We have a mental picture of a little nian in a black cloak muttering into a forester's ear . . . "Why aren't you smooth like those fellOws in Commerce and Finance? Wise UP, friend." - Cassius. A - • • • : . • ... • .. The College Book Store - • announces the addition of a Record Department You are cordially invited to visit - our` Lounge, where you may listed in undis- • turbed Comfort 'to your fav orite symphony, vocalist, band orioliat have you? • • Latest Pop and Classical,_BeCOrdS ncrot DECCA, COLUMBIA •f' The. College Book Store • , • • 129 West Beaver THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ekters to the qditor-- A Freshman's Answer The letter written by Mr. Set low was . obviously written in a moment 'of" =revolt; and ' (knowing Mr. SetloW as' I do) a *moment of reminiscence. No true' State man; even a transfer student, • gives vent to his ' feelings 'in • such a childish and ineffective way. If SetloW fears that' we freshmen are taking too Much, let hiM per sonally relieve the tension and pressure and proVide 'us 'with the much needed respite by, letting its tan his hide publicly in front of Old Main. Mr. • Setlow's attitude does not conform to the intangible, 'yet im pOrtant, Penn State' spirit "Which we hear so much about. -Per haps Mr. Setlow would appreci ate - our - spirit more had he attend ed Penn State 'as a freshman. Mr. Setlow should realize that his 7 letter 'did - the Freshmen 'no good nor did it do Mr. Corbin and his slimy 'stooges (hatinen) any harm. We appreciate his well-meant efforts to play big brother to us frosh, but most of us have manag ed to take care of ourselves' and escape the Corbin Killers so far. I had a long talk with Bernie concerning this matter and' he swore that' he' would never beat a freshman; but that is no reason for the rest of the - upperclassmen being deprived 'of' their oppor.l tunitY for pleasing, if - 'sarcastic, relaxation. " " • . ' ' Our "over-stuffed but moronic faculty" undoubtedly 'have been freshmen theinSebies and' they sincerely' belieVe * that hazing 'is a's good a prbeess 'Of •elirniriation Of the' weak in '`chara - cter as "any other system deviled. ". ' . wouldn't attempt to offlr any ;suggestions, 'bui it might ' be '' a ,good idea to have Ml. Siitlov;7 and ; "takeii''care' T sk,"'''a : s l underininini 'the dikii?line 'that 'the Upperclassmen have' at tempted to instill in = us,' beiides feaiing 'down freshmen 'elass''Spirl it' and giving ifie'impresk'en flat 'the cites§ of '44 would 'eVen''thlnk of revolting. - P. S. - We wouldn't win anyhow. ' Mort Resenfeld '44 Forever New TjuAfee Chosen The addition of Richard Maize, Secretary of Mines, to the Col lege Board of Trustees was an nounced yesterday by Wilmer E. Kenworthy, executive secretary in the ' President's office. Mr. Maize fills the vacancy created by the death of John Ira Thomas, former Secretary of Mines. Girdwood Elected Prexy Oliver L. Girdwood '42 was elected president of the Phi Kappa Alpha fraternity Monday night. Hollywood's "one hundred most beautiful girls" against a back ground of lavish settings feature "A Night At Earl Carroll's," the musical comedy film scheduled for the Cathaum theatre today and to morrow. Ken 'Murray and Rose Hobart supply the comedy and romantic interest, J. Carroll NaiSh fills in as the ' villain, Brenda and Cobina, of radio fame, run wild in their search for men, and Earl Carroll himself contributes to the plot: • The plot involves an attempt by Rackets-Czar Naish to break Up a party at Earl Carroll's Hollywood' night club. Ken Murray and Rose Hobart 'carry:. on with the show while Brenda and CObin . a, newly rich as a . 'result' of struck bn their property: add to the confu sion with"their hilarious man-cha.- ing* antics. LEGAL PAPERS ACKNOWLEDGED Eugene H. Lederer 114 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 ' WEDNESDAY, DECEMI3 - PR - 11, 1940 CINEMANIA 4-H Club Holds :informal Discussion on Leidersho 'Taking their therne : :::from the Thirteenth =National 4-H Club Camp el Washingtal f. .llC., held during June 15-21;_i939Fahe Col lege 4-11 Club discusied the sub ject of leadership at a recent meet ing. • _ The informal discifsroff was led by Dorothy M. Boring '44 with Annabelle Wetzel '43, Margaret A. Cole '42; Louige . E. Carter and Elwood B. Standt '42 - acting as round table participants. After' the discussion' Prof: Ailed L..:Baker, agricultural extension :division, spoke On the Correlation •betireen CH . club activities and leader.shiP. RSA krum Tonight The second in a series of PSCA forums will be presented• in the Home Economics Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. tonight. The subject, "Is Pan-Americanism Practical?", will be , discussed by Arthur. ILLlteede, assistant professor of economics and William Gray, instructor in Latin-American history. .." • Alpha; tis To Dine . Lambda Chi Alpha is entertain ing Alpha Chi OMega- at dinner to night. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111U1111H11111111111111111111111110 CAMPUS CALENDAR unuuuuuunuuouuuuunnuunuuuuuumuuuuuui .r.l h•r.;s+:: . •is+i~,~ .. ,fir.,. TODAY: . - 161 'boxing, Rec Hall, 4 p.m. LA - faailty meeting,'-Room 121, Arti, 4:10 ' ' ' AAUP Ineeting','Sandwich Shop, 7 p.m. . . . Druid meeting, -R0.9111 412, Old • .•. . , • Mdin; 730 ii iiiiiii • - •• - liristriias Carol... Sing committee, Oldlnirf; '3 patr. ii • •: Coiniiiunity"S'erVite -Committee, Roonl'304;:•Old IVlain.B p.m. "PC PSCA" Cabinet :'meeting; Room 304, Old Main, B:lsp:ni.` ''Agricultu're'' 'atisdent__Council, Room 418, Old Maiii; - 7:30 "P.M. • Freshman lndenensient. Party, Roiim 318, Old-Main, 7:30 p.m. - " Reservations for' Drydock Christ mas party, Student UniOn,"so - cents per couple. -.. Wednesday Library Reading, Room 402, Libratyi4:ls p.m. PSCA Forum; iHOme Economics Auditoriuin, 7:30 pan: TOMORROW: P, L. Reeves, assistant manager of Timken Roller Bearing Co., will speak to the A.S.M.E. in Room. 121, Liberal Arts;._ p.m. W. L. Cook, peraiiiiiel director of Carnegie-Illinois Sfe - er Co., will speak to the A.S.:M. in Room 405, Old Main, 7:15 - Christmas party for .Le Cercle Francais, Grange playroom 8 p.m. THURSDAY: AAUW meeting and social for all senior women in Room 110, Home Economics, 8:15 p.m. Dean_ Whitmore will speak. Let Us Solve Your MILK PROBLEM With PURE, WHOLESOME MILK C. MEYER 111111 R. D. 1 ' Phoriel422o Did You Know That 72 Former Penn State Students - -W. ere Killed In A ction - During Wor i.. .4::War •• • - . _ r o 111 s Oppoite Old - State College