The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 11, 1940, Image 1
SuCcessor to the Free Lance, Established 1887 VOL. 37—No. 57 Dispensary Shows Increase In Calls Under Nevi Plan Showing rl - otal of 4,242 calls during November, the Dispensary iepoitted an increase of 602 cases over - November, 1939. In con trast, Infirmary cases dropped TiOtn. 65 to 56 for the same period. Offering an explanation for the unusual change, Dr. Joseph P.. Ritenour, director of the College Health. Service, said that the dif ference may be traced to the new hospitalization 'Sian which pro vides free treatment. Students now realize that the service has no direct cost, Dr. Ritenour pointed out, and are not as likely to hesitate• seeking treat ment. In this way_more ailments are discovered• before complica tions set in, a fact which probably explains the drop in the number of patients at the Infirmary, he said. Of the 4,242 Dispensary. calls,, 3,765 were for medical and surgi cal treatment, while the next larg est_ total was comprised of requests for 227 sports permits. During November, the Dispen sary also issued 827 class excuses. This was an increase of 94 over November, 1939, when only 733 excuses were given out. With the number of Infirmary patients during November, nine under the total for the'same period last year, the number of bed days likewise dropped from 167 to 155. lii contrast, Infirmary - treatment Of outside cases more than dou bled with 1,018 calls reported compared with 491 in November last. year. The largest increase was in Medical cases, 496 against- 69. Blood analyses, physiotherapy and basal metabolism cases also show ed marked differences. 61Iege Barrows Win Ind Contest After winning the sweepstakes award, the College's pen of 10 bar rows went on to capture first place in the carcass contest at the Inter national Livestock Exposition at Chicago. This is the second time that Col lege hogs have made this achieve ment, Mark A. McCarty, professor Of animal husbandry, pointed out last ,night. The other set of dual prize winners was shown in 1936, he said. The champion lamb carcasses of the show brought $1.50 per. pound, the reserve champion went for a bid of 75 cents a pound, and the third place winner sold for 50 cents• a pound. All three carcasses were exhibited by the College. At the International, College swine earned $245 and sheep won $223. - • 'The Balloon Goes Up' In Harrisburg Tonight Fresh from a performance of "The Balloon Goes Up" in Al toona's Roosevelt Junior High School Monday night, the Thes pianiivill leave this afternodn for itanlsliurg where they will pre sent in John Harris High School tonight and , tomorrow night. . The Thespian r6ad show is - the seine as the one which was held in Schwab -Auditorium last , month With .:the exception of a- rew minor changes and the addition of Fred Waring's new song, "The Hills of Old Penn State." Weather— tut .1111 *a n Colder,snowFlurries. Journalism Get-Together Scheduled January 9 A student-faculty mixer for jun ior and senior members and pro fessorg of the journalism depart ment will be held at Phi Gamma Delta from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, January _9, Gerald F. Doherty '42, chairman, announced yesterday. Sponsored •by the Liberal Arts Student Council, it will be the -first of 2 a series of departmental parties to promote student-faculty rela tions in the Liberal Arts School. Committee members Arita L. Hefferan '4-1 and Jeanne C. Stiles '42 are planning entertainment and refreshments for approximately 90 students and professors. Old Melodrama Picked By Players In their third play of the season the Players will present a revival of -an old-fashioned melodrama, "The Streets of New York," it was announced yesterday by Lawrence E. Tucker, instructor in dramatics, who will direct the production. The play will be given on Friday and Saturday, February 21 and 22. AlthoUgh the-cast will be chosen the first' of next week, Mr. Tucker said that rehearsals will not start until after Christmas vacation. Students desiring to try out for the. play may sign up at Student Union. Open tryouts will be held in Room 418 Old Main, at 7:30 p.m - . tomorrow and in Room 405, Old Main, at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Specialty acts, mainly singing, will be held between the scenes of "The Streets of New York." Students desiring to participate in these= may sign up at the same time, Mr. "Tif r akeliaiil: The •play was written by Dion Boucicault and was originally pro, duced in 1857. It will be produced as nearly as possible in the.manuer of that period. Santa Claus To Appear At Drydock Yule Party With Santa Claus and the Three Stooges on hand to keep the ball of gaiety rolling, patrons of the Drydock Club are assured a merry evening Saturday, when the night spot will hold its annual Christmas party 11 days in advance. A decorated Christmas tree, the singing of carols and novelty col lege songs, the antics of the Stooges, and Santa's distribution of presents to every girl attending —these features should make the candle-lighted night club resound with appropriate Yuletide spirit. Reservations may be obtained at Student 'Union at 50 cents a couple. Henkel Elected Head Of Newman Club Approximately 125 students at tended a meeting of the Newman Club, a newly-formed club for Catholic students, held in Room 405; Old Main, recently. The following officers were elected: Robert A. Henkel '4l, president; David J. McAleer '43, vice-president; Paul , J. Leahey '43, treasurer; Josephine H. Beljan '42, secretary; and Helen L. IVlazur '42, corresponding secretary. Cul fine List Held Up Imposing of fuies upon students who-cut classes within the 48-hour period, before and after the• Thanksgiving vacation will be de ferred for a• few days until the complete list of violaters has been reviewed. by the Senate Commit tee on Vacation Absences, accord ing to A. R. Warnock, dean of men. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA Freshman Election Campaign Swings Into Full . Stride After Mass Meeting Cabinet Okays Appropriation For Electric Scoreboard In Rec Hall Blanket appropriations for an electric score board and an intra mural record board in Recreation Hall were approved by All-College Cabinet at its weekly session last night. The boards, expected to cost,ooo, will be paid for from a Varsity "S" fund of $3,000 which has no use now that varsity letters and numerals are paid directly from interclass funds. They are expected to be installed for use during the current winter season. Discussion on adding the re mainder of the Varsity "S" fund over to the mountain lodge fund of $5,300 given by the Class of 1939 was tabled until Cabinet can discuss the plan with Ray M. Con ger of the Physical Education fac ulty. Appropriations to the Physical Education Student Council amount ing to $5O were approved as rec -01111111110111111111111111111101011111111111111111111011111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Cairo Communiques fr o m Egypt last night told of the cap turing of 4000 Italian soldiers by the British near the Sidi Barrani area late yesterday. The English continued their drive thro u g h Northern Africa with a "blitz krieg"- offensive using air power and mechanized forces in their victory that carried them 75 miles through the Italian lines. The sur prise attack on the Graziani forces came at the_stragetic time when the Italian high command changed the leaders "in their campaign. Prime Minister Churchill, in Eng land, announced to the House of Commons that "the preliminary stage has been successful." He did not disclose any future plans of attack in northeastern Egypt, area. Berlin—Hitler made his sched uled speech to the German people yesterday, and told them that he would take over all the world be fore he gave in to the democracies. He continued by denouncing the democracies and the United States. The German radio warned the people of France, after his speech, to unite with the German com mand and not to attempt any rev olutionary movements. freshman Political Platt Campus 1. Advocate the continuation of a traditional Freshman Day similar to the one being inaug urated this Saturday. 2. Campaign for the building of a macadam path behind the Armory to Pollock Road. 3. Initiate a collegian cam paign to make Penn State theft conscious and stress the ap pointment of a committed to in vestigate and obtain quicker ac tion on campus thefts. 4. Advocate better plumbing facilities for girls dormitories. 5. Propose girl cheerleaders for better Penn State spirit. 6. Better relations between fraternity and non-fraternity men by establishment of a mu tual relations board. 7. Campaign for freshman representative on Student Tri bunal.' Late News Bulletins rms Released Last Nighf Independent 1. Conduct a concentrated drive for a College library file of blue books in order that stu dent§ may better prepare for final examinations. 2. Establish a freshman re presentative on Student Tribun al since this group deals not only with freshmen but other student violations. 3. Strive for the renewal of the Freshman Class Dance. 4. Support an y College movement toward a better fra ternity and non-fraternity rela tionship. 5. Continue the support of a college radio station as a better medium for student entertain ment and practice work. 6. Set up a dating bureau for freshmen. 7.. Develop and continue the Student Book Exchange. ommended by the Interclass Fi nance Board. The Council will spend $4O for a school employment booklet and $lO for student-faculty meetings at professors homes. Dr. Henry L. Yeagley in a talk to the Cabinet on student-faculty relations recommended a -Campus Hour to be set aside once a week which would be devoted entirely to student and faculty contacts. No action was taken. "Education is•more than prepar ation for life, it is life itself," Dr. Yeagley said. "Therefore there should be no artificial barriers set up between the instructor and stu dent who are both simply living their lives together at a college or_ university." Refreshments were served to the Cabinet by Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, and women students who were hostesses to the group ' ,which met in the Women's Building at their invitation. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ulumumniiiminummuniumminimmumffimmin Washington Capitol Hill re ported last night the transaction of two important agreements with the Far Eastern powers yesterday afternoon. England loaned China -40 million dollars in an attempt to keep Japan busy in the orient. President Roosevelt strove for "economic diplomacy" yesterday as he made a movement to cut off all supplies of scrap iron from Latin America teJ hotanp s eea Latin America to the Japanese Empire. Delta Sigma Pi Initiates fifteen C & F Students Delta. Sigma Pi, professional commerce and finance fraternity, initiated 15 commerce and finance students recently. The initiates were Williard M. .Arnold '4l, Thomas Czubiak '4l, James K. Gilmore '4l, James E. Hartman '42, John H. Jenkins '4l, L. Arnold McGill, '4l, Clarence W. Moon '4l, Harry L. Oyler '4l, Stanley'D. Osman '4l, Robert F. Roelofs '4l, Harold C. Romberger '4l, G. Edward Spencer '4l, Ralph F. Taylor '4l, Richard R. von Ez dorf '4l, H. Edward Wagner '4l, PRICE THREE CENTS Krouse Urges Turnout Of All Eligible Voters See Editorial, Page Two "This is. your election, fresh men. Go to it!" H. Leonard Krouse '42, Freshman Elections Committee. chairman said in offi cially swinging the door open on a six-day election campaign ending Monday when he spoke in Schwab Auditorium last night before the freshman mass meeting. In urging the freshmen to vote, Krouse remarked that Penn State has one of the few college politi cal systems. "It is up to you," Krouse added, "to keep up the democratic way of governing yourselves." John B. Cramp (Independent) and Paul 0. Frey (Campus), presi dential candidates, spoke briefly before the political rally outlining their clique platforms and intro ducing their party slate. The candidates who were pre sented include: vice president, Paul M. Heberling (I) and Robert L. Walters (C); secretary, Betty Rose Broderick (C), and Phyllis R. Watkins (I); treasurer, Larry T. Chervenak (I), and David G. Keeney (C); and historian, Helen E. Dodd (I) and E. Clinte Stubbe (C). • Richard C. Peters '4l, chairman of the All-College Cabinet Elec tions Committee, warned the freshmen last night that "they must foster clean politics." With the coming intensity s of campaign vote-getting, Peters pointed out, freshman politics must be kept above the smirch of poli tical "knifings" and upperclass coaching. "Politics is a great game," he concluded, "if it is played fair." Four Frosh Guilty, Tribunal Decides Four violators of freshman cus toms were sentenced by Tribunal last night and all freshmen prev iously sentenced were released from their penalties. Leslie P. Fell was caught dat ing and as a result will wear a pillow on his head, carry a doll baby, in his hands and wear a sign saying "I was 'dolled' up for my date before Thanksgiving. Another violator, William E. Dupree Jr., will wear a barrel and a sign telling upperclassmen "r deserved both barrels but Tribun al only gave me one." As a penalty for a bad memory, John A. Svalina must carry two signs, one saying "Remember the frosh-soph tug-of-war" and the other "Remember Forestry Ball, Friday the 13th." Robert B. Keith will walk around asking other students by means of a sign on his back "Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving, let's have Christmas now." The case of Ellsworth A. Scholl was held over until the next meet ing of Tribunal so that his viola tion may be investigated. Spanish Club Views Puerto Rican Scenes The Circulo Espanol, student Spanish club, held a meeting in Grange 'playroom last night at which Clarence R. Carpenter, as sociate pr - Ofessor of psychology, showed 200 colored slides by Jorge Tristani '4l, a native of Puerto Rico. Later the, club, which in cludes many Latin Americans, dis cussed the slides.