The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 10, 1940, Image 4

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Sorority Parties
- Reach Peak Today
Biggest open house of the year
s set for this afternoon from 4 to
5:30 p.m. when sororities put forth
their all to wind up 'this year's
series with a bang.
Freshmen and transfers are
urged by Panhellenic Council to
:make the most of their last op
portunity to meet the upperclass
women by attending the parties.
.New houses may be visited or re
turn calls'made, but the half-hour
limit for each house is still in
"Dutch treat" dating, room visit
ing, and contact at sports events
will be permitted until Christmas
recess, but from January 6, the
day after vacation, until noon of
the first day' of second semester,
there will be a silent period.
A silent period means that no
room visiting will be permitted
either by sorority women or fresh
men, and no dating-contact of any
kind will be allowed except greet
takonides Honors Jones
Wiith Tea On Sunday
Lakonides, women's physical
education honorary,. held a tea
in honor of Dr. Lloyd M. Jones,
new professor of physical educa
tion and his wife in White Hall
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday. All
physical edn.cagon faculty and
ahef guests. were present.
Betty L. Zeigler '42 was general
chairman assisted by the following
committees: refreshments, Nancy
E. Yearick '42: properties, Evelyn
3. Willey '42: checking, Betty
Schoch '4l; invitation. Helen L.
Woodock '42; receiving,. Jane B.
Hoskins '4l and Marjory A. Har
wick '4l.
I .r.YPEVRITERS--All rn akes ex-
,pertly repaired. Portable and
office machines for sale or rent.
Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W.
Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch
FOR RENT—Second floor room.
Twin beds for two quite gentile
boys. Reasonable rates. 625 IN.
A/len. 12-10,12-12,12-173tpdE
FOR RENT—Two large double
rooms for young men students.
Call 2782. - 2tchl2-1 OE
FOR RENT—Second floor room
front, twin beds. 128 S. Miles St.
Phone 2801. ltpdl2-10E
STOKER HEATED double ' and
triple rooms for rent. 320 S.
Pugh. 4034. itch 1212 E
Eugene H. Lederer
114 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4086
I'-'~.~"s..}~i?::~s`i3Tt~l`~S.~S.S.tSw`^,~:.:a~"'~. r"
Giffs Thal Would
_F. Please Any Man!
Here you may also find the
gift that lasts the year round
—the subscription to a mag
F=.7.., , :i•t•
We, The Women—
12 Days 'Til Christmas
-10 Days To Study
Only 12 more shopping days
until Christmas! • All of which
means that there ,pse -.only 10
more studying days- until Christ
mas vacation, 10 days in .which to
pack a myriad of bluebooks, re
ports, term papers, outside read
ing assignments, scrapbooks, and,
oh yes, back work.
Why worry now, you say. Fi
nals are too far away to cause any
wailing and gnashing of teeth just
yet, but a peek into the pessi
mistic future tells a different tale.
Between the end of Christmas
vacation, January 6, and the be
ginning of finals, January 20,
there is a scant two weeks, 14
short days.
. Remembering the depreciation
in learning which sets in over the
holidays, that is - hardly time to
drum a semester's work into our
noggin, much less unpack Christ
mas presents and hash over vaca
tion bits. In short, there won't
be a spare minute to clean up
back assignments. So now is flit.
time for all students to come to
the aid of their averages.
Professors, psychologists, and
advisers warn that a week's ef
fort won't make a "1" out of a
"-1", but thdre's nothing like a
darn good try. Strangely enough,
it has worked before. It may
work again, too, but with the
need for cramming in sight, all
those postponed odds and ends
had best be out of sight and out
of mind.
Let's wipe them out now while
they're seemingly insignificant
and go home exhausted lest we
come back exhausted to find them
(wens To Hold
Novelty Party
A come-as-you-were-when-in
vited party will be held by the
sophomore Cwens to commemor
ate their Founder's Day in the
southeast lounge of Atherton Hall
from 8:30 p. in. to 10 p. m. to
Marie Haidt, head of the wo
men's department of Physical
Education and Mrs. F. W. Haller
have been invited, in addition to
all alumnae Cwens on campus,
the dormitory hostesses, and
members on the staff of the Dean
of Women.
' Committees appointed are—in
vitation, Muriel R. Meiselman,
Joanne M. Palmer and Lila A.
Whoolery; entertainment—Mar
garet M. Lams, Betsy E. Munroe
and Marjorie L. Sykes; food—
Ruth L. Kiesling, Ruth J. Moore
and Margaret K. Sherman; place
—Louise M. Fuoss.
AAUW Plans Social
For Senior Women
The State College branch of
the American Association of
University Women has invited
all senior women to a meeting
and social in Room 110 Home
Economics Building at 8:15 p.m.
Dean Frank C. 'Whitmore of
the Chemistry and Physic s
School will speak on "What Is
Chemistry Doing to . Us?" and
music will be provided by the
varsity quartet and string trio. .
. Quartet members are Betty M.
Brown '4l, Edith A. Burrage '4l,
Grace M.' Hendershot '4l, and
Louise A. Paraska '4l. Playing in
the trio will be Rachel McMaster
'4l, Jean F. Fisher '42, and Ilse
M. Springer '42.
y Smok-
s Sup-
es ' make
s. Gift. .
Mrs. Edward M. Frear is
AAUW president and Mrs. J.
Ewing Kennedy. social chair
Reward for information lead
ing to return-of the Cocoa Cola
cooler stolen from the THE
house on or about November 8.
No questions asked. Write Box
AA. P. 0. Box 261. State Col
lege, Pa.
WRA Holds Clinic
On Basketball
Coed physical education ma
jors held a basketball clinic and
played an exhibition game, and
Mrs. Emily P. Mackinnon, Na
tional Chairman of the Women's
Basketball Rules and Interpre
tation Committee, spoke on rules
and umpiring before an audience
of high school coaches in - White
Hall at 11 p. m. Saturday.
Marie Haidt, head of - the wo
men's physical education depart
ment, and Centre County Repre
sentative of the Division of Penn
sylvania State Association for
Health, Physical Education, and
Recreation, called this annual
meeting of representatives to at
tend the forum as a counterpart
to the basketball program here
Saturday. '
Following an explanation and
demonstration of man-to-man de
fense, zone defense, and fouls, the
following coeds played a match:
Green team: Sara H. Faber '4l,
M. Elizabeth Succop '4l, and
Josephine H. Taggart '4l, guards;
Jane B. Hoskins '4l, Betty Schoch
'4l, and Josephine M. Werner '4l,
forwards; Red team: Ethel M.
Patton '42, V. Dorothy. Radcliffe
'42, and Evelyn J. Willey '42, for-
Wards; Ann T. Drivas '43, Bernice
M. Maurer '42, and Betty E. Wid
ger '4l, guards.
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Copyright 1 0 40. LucErr & Mxxis Tomucco Co
CA forum Will Install
Officers And Members
Installation of officers and
members of the CA Freshman
Forum is scheduled for the Hugh
Beaver Room, Old Main at 7 p. m.
Sarah P. Searle '42, vice-presi
dent of CA, will explain the mean
ing of the Forum and Jean E.
`L '
Give Your Photograph—You , g
. __. - ... _.
R•\ -- - - -4 ...- .; ,;.,, s
W Be Surprised At How Reasonable - ThOfe. -q,
:::i-- -- 7
i 5
V You Still Have Time To Arrange An Apikelmeitrg 4
~..,,... -
_---- g
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..:~~ ~"~
ester s
in the attractive Gift cartono jet .--$ O ,O
that says.Aor
Hershberger '43, sophomore advis
orvwill take charge of the instal
lation program. Both women
were formerly presidents of the
Steellients wilr be made by
these incoming officers: Harriet
G. Vanßiper '43, president; Dor
othy K. Brunner '43, vice-presi;
dent; Margaret - K. - hamaley '43,
secretary; and Dorothy Jane Jen
nings '43, treasurer.
A carton- of
Chesterfields with their
give your friends More
pleasure than anything
else you can b*"for
the money.
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