-1 PAGE TWO THE ID/AiILY COLUMN "For A Setter Penn State" liz'da`dished 1940. Successor to. the Penn State Caegian, established 1904. and the Free Lance. established 1837. Published daily ezcept Sunday and Monday during the - r•e„ular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania College. Entered as second-class matter July S. 1904. wit the tx•sto_ce at State College, Pa.. under the act of *arch 3, 1879. Editor . 04.dezn A.Zrtriser MMMEMIM;SSMiM '4l; News Editor—William E. Fo*ler "41: Feature Editor —Edward J. K. MeLorie '4l; Assistant 314rnagEng , Editor - .4layard Bloom '4l; Women's , Managing Editor—Ariti '1 efferan - '4l; Women's Promotion Manoger--=Edythe )I;ekel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. Thorruis ''4l; Circulation *Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secrets—Ruth "Goldstein "41; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l, .Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer R. He3en. Gordon '42. Ross B. Lehman '42, Wiliam J. McEmight.•"42. Alice :M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42. Stanley J. PolLemp ooer "42, Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42. Paul *Vt. 'Gs - killers; '42, James E. McCaughey '42. Mamraret L. Era- Cury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees "42. Grad•late 'Counselor Ertorial and 'Business Office -318 o , ld Main Bldg. Dial 711 ?t , lnnfring Editor This Issue _ 44ew. , Editor This Issue _ 'Women's Editor This Issue _-_ .11 1 oPhortore Assistants __ -- Tuesday Zdorning. Decernb.er 10, 1940 Higlier Education Moves Tow Mass Piodutfion An important .tendency that is reaching into American education just as it has already reached into business has been brought temporarily into the spot light. The President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Dr. Frederick P. Keppel, in his annual report has said this: "There are in the United States far more uni versities, colleges, and other operating institutions, °find far more worthy organizations for voluntary .4uurposes than the nation can possibly afford. -1.12 the year to come many of these are bound to dis appear, and one 'of the most difficult duties that 'face the foundation is that of so directing its :grants that its influence will be directed toward. the survival of the fittest." There is much more of importance that Dr. Eleppel said about . the conduct of the foundation but it is on these points that much future thinking • in regard to education will turn: That there are now more educational institu tions than. the nation can afford; and the conclu 11.on that, therefore, efforts must be directed to ward effecting the survival of the fittest. This long run tendency seems to be the neces i4ary result of free competition in industry that jlovernment has felt it necessary to intercede. It is the same tendency that in business has brought mass production, cheap production, and an Ameri can standard of living that is the highest in the world. for at which learning is concentrated not for the few but for the many are not undesirable. The falling off in the number of colleges and uni versities that Dr. Keppel forsees does not mean that fewer Americans are going to be educated. We have learned the. lesson of industry and bave long been concentrating our education with most .satisfactory results. Our 20 or so biggest univer ities can offer each student better facilities at less cost than any unendowed small college can Lope to do. The change is not painless. It hurts to trade the ivy tower for the skyscraper, and the class light lor a radio debate, but we are 'doing it already. Few are the campuses on which anyone can now onatch Teddy Roosevelt's proud boast That he 'knew every student at Harvard by his first name. Vot many of us give more than a passing tear for. the' loss. What we lose in personal contact and so-called zchool spirit we have more than made up. We 'have facilities only dreamed of in Teddy noose velfs day. Where once only a few students could meet the leading thinkers of the day, there are thousands in their place. The saving grace of all is That through the med ium of schools, departments, and divisions we 'have learned how to individualize the mass pro duction system te suit the needs of education. The College Cracks Down? It has been suggested that the College, _rather than fine all of the 500 or so violaters of the , cuit f;ne rule, should single out only a few and make examples of them. The Collegian canna under .;:Land this. It cannot understand why the Col- Jege, which apparently considers cuts before and :+fter vacations. 3 ruptunts in its program, b• 31 . 1:. , L=nf: )i - cin; it ha:s finally given teeth f Business Manager Lavrsen,ce S. Driever 'Aid --C. Thas:ce'll Eck Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier..ST Dial 11372 _ _.:Geo=e .Sehenkein "41 __Stanley J. PoKennpner '42 R. Helen Gordon '42 _To= M.l , Carthy. Stun Stnih 4111MIIWIIIIIIIMIIMMIIIIIIIffiffill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E LION 11114:l_; TAUS 1111111111MHIIIIIMIHR11111111111411111H111111111111111111111111Hiffiliiiiii11111111111illiffill Week-end Review Here we go again rehashing what most of you know already but just in case you were too en grossed in your date to look around, well go over the notes we took this week-end. -• Haivest Ball. • -Had to, go in the -back door to the Armory and climb ever a log or something to get in. There .were porn stalks all around and most of the costuxne's .smaCked "of hayseed& We were looking for Helen Cramer but learned that her date, Kim Grimm, phi sig, dropped a weight on his foot and couldn't dance. Saw Pat Behney, kappa, with Bill Charles, KDR; Peggy Colvin and George Borden, phi gain, (incidentally he gave her a sweet heart pin); Mary Lou Keith and Jim Ir win, phi gain, too; Winnie Bischoff, kappa, and Bill Christman, DTD; Kay Albert, DG, and Bud Smyser, phi 'sig; Whif•Crossman, alfachio, and Don Russell, sigma nu; Virginia Smith, chio, and Del Hughes; Ann Ruth Flory, also chio, and Al Boi leau, AZ; Johnnie johnion, alfachio, and Shorty Moore, lambda chi; Anna Mae Rockenstein, TPA, and Red Rumsey; and Louise Fuoss, alfachio, and Jay Ellenberger, phi tau. He pinned her Sunday night. Can't decide whether or not I liked the idea of a blackout before the queen was presented but it was certainly something different. Peggy Sher man, alfachio, regally arrayed in blue overalls, a white shirt and a straw hat made a fine farmers' queen. She came with Dick StebbinS, kappa sig. The PiKA's, not to be outdone by the boys on Ag Hill, had their own queen at their pledge dance Friday night. Patty Patton, chio, was presented with a little golden cup and named "Dream Girl of PiKA..- Wffil The Younger Generation Beanie Siebert and Bob Jeffreys, beta; Joan Ilerzer and Bill Clemens, phi kappa sig; Shirley Hayes and Andy Graham, phi .delt; Janie MinniCh and Dick Sweigert, SAE; Betty Lou Schaeffer and Larry Varies, sigma pi; Lois Dosch and Al corn; Joyce Strope and Dud Rutherford, sigma pi; Mary Jo Powell and Bob Eckenroth, delta sig; Jane Murphy and Tommy Wilcox; D. J. Jennings and Dave Diehl; and Mary Lee Ullom and Sam Flenner, sigma pi. Just to prove we're on . the job every minute. here are - a, few more couples we saw this week end. Russ SMith back in town to see Becky Rupp, kappa, and Jack Allen back dating Kay Schott, theta; Ann Borton, DG. and Bill Mayer, kappa sig; Jackie Schaeffer, chio. and Jim Balentyne, beta; and Ginn Kerkhouse, kappa, and Pinky Humphrey Hibbart, phi tau. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Seamans To Speak At PRA Meeting Harry Seamans, general secre tary of the PSCA, will discuss "Leadership" before the biweek ly meeting of the PSCA Freshman Council at 8:15 p. m. today in Room 304 Old Main. Included in the discussion will be the definition of a good leader, the qualities desired in A good leader, and the techniques CT inan aging groups. Herbert K. Gmybill '44 and Ger ald B. Stein '44, members of the executive committee of the coun cil, hare announced that items of business to be discussed include plans for the Chris : trims dance and means of helping the Christmas Carol Sing Committee. Talk On American Sdiools Miss Ruth Wanger, regional vice president of the American Federation of Teachers, will speak on "American Schools in the Present World Crisis" in Room 10, Liberal Arts, at 8:15 p. m. today • under the auspices of the State College Teachers Asso ciation. Kaulfuss Returns , Prof. Julius E. Kaulfuss of the department of civil enginering has returned from the annual meeting of the Highway Research Board of the National Research Council at Washington, D. C. last week. CATHAUM— "Ypu'II Find Out" STATE— "The Bank Dick" NITTANY— "The Great 'McGint:y" Delta Sigma Phi fraternity will entertain the Delta Gammas at an informal dinner at 6 p. m. tonight. ' . . . . _. ... . 11 ..... ... i s ..... ..... . I t down ...:--- • ... and SAVE! _ ~. . ...._ .... ... ..... . . . ........ Actually, it's just that easy ! A ComfOrtable chair, a few minutes of freedom . .. andAhe ad vertiSing pages ,of this . paper cam : Sate- you money every day in the week !. „... _. . .. ~ • At this season the stores are crowded with People. There's so much going • On.,,_that it'-‘s - . sometimes-hard to find the best_values and the right articles on their counters. ~. - -- - . But-right now the - papers are - crowded with: advertising, too. Stores and manufactureri . everywhere.are telling .you about more productii than at other time of the year. It's easy ti find the things ydii want ... at favorable pricesil • .....! ... in this newspaper. : ' • --- , - 7..4 ;.-: ._ ...- .. . . .-: 7 --, ;-.• :: .: .7. .:: So sit down with the paper, right now! You'lt . save your disposition and dollars, tomorrow. i] ; . : . . . z.; . - .., . _. ' • Al The Movies TUESDAY, DECEMBER-t 10171940 CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY.. Circulo Espanol, = m eet in g Grange playroom, 7 p.m-- Every one welcome.: _ . . • Students desiring special train rates for Christmas Sign up at Stu dent Union before tomorrow noon: All-College Cabinet, 385::' Old Main, 9 p. m. - Tribunal Meeting, 318 Old.plainy: 7 p. m. '43 Campus party, 46.01(1-Main, 7 p. m. Forty Forum, 304 Old,4lain, 7 p. m. PSCA Freshmen men, 304 Old Main, 8:15 p. • Alpha Phi .Omega,• 415-: Old'. Main, 7lp. m. • : _ House of Representatives; 305 Old Main, 5 p. in. " Candidates for• busineSs staff of Portfolio, 416 Old Main, 7:30 p. m. Freshman ice • hisckey,. Arniory, 8:30 p. m. i . 7: Talk "Ainerica7s School ;in• the . Present World crisis," 10 Liberal Arts,. 8:15 p. m. • • - Installation of . 'officers - agd members of the 'Christian Associ ation's Freshman -- Forum, • New Beaver Room, Old Main, 7 p. m. Alpha Phi • btriega - , 418 Old Main, 7 p. m. Guys and Gals HAVE YOU., TRIED ONE OF OUR, NEW FRENCH. STEAK SANDWICHES #lsc DELICIOUVIENDERI MAIS-OUT - I Try One During Your "Sandwich Hour" This Afternoon REA ISt - DEWS